Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction | |
James Allen said,
“You don’t get what you want … you get what you ARE.” You have rich resources lying dormant within you. The development of what lies there inside you will cause the manifestation of prosperity in your material world … the creation of healthy, giving relationships … and successful endeavors in whatever you choose to DO. You simply must Decide what it is you want..... Ask, believing that you will receive it.... and then Open up and gratefully receive it. If it’s as simple as that, why aren’t more people wealthy, even gratified about the shape their lives are in? Well, most people don’t take personal responsibility for their present results. They honestly believe the cause of their current results lies outside of themselves, due to conditions or circumstances they have no control over. Most people are ignorant of one very important law of life – the Law of Attraction: You attract to you everything that is in harmonious vibration with you. ******************************************************** Why Do people say that you "attract" things to you? Because every where you go,...... THERE YOU ARE. Even though you may be drawn to a particular place or time or situation... you are still at the center of your universe. So from your perceptive, anything that comes into your experience seem to have been attracted to you. So whether you sit in one spot, or move around and are drawn to a certain place and time or situation, they call this "attracting" things "to" you. (Things don't really fly through the air and find you, where you hiding.) ********************************************************** |
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, The Law of Vibration.
The Law of Vibration states that EVERYTHING vibrates (everything moves). Everything ever created – from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper – is in a constant state of energetic motion. What looks solid is not. Even concrete, glass and steel is energy in constant motion. We live in an ocean of motion! Your body, then, is energy in a high speed of vibration, fed by thoughts and directives from your brain. Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein’s brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert’s “brain” famous. |
Edited by
Sun 04/26/09 05:58 PM
How to begin to employing the Law of Attraction in your favor:
Let’s take a good look at your results in your life. As you read these questions, mentally write the answer in your mind: What kind of relationships do you have? Are you in love? What are your friends like? How do you communicate with family members? What is your income? What is your business like? How about the health of your body? What do you THINK of your body? The thoughts you just thought . . . the answers that surfaced before you could stop them . . . are responsible for programming your current results! If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about. |
As soon as you CHOOSE certain thoughts, you brain cells are affected. These cells vibrate and send off electromagnetic waves. When you concentrate on those thoughts, you increase the amplitude of the vibration of those cells. Those vibrational “waves,” in turn, become much more potent.
It is YOU who is originating those electric waves, and it is YOU determining their density by your own free will and degree of concentration. Since YOU are originating these waves, your Mind and Body move into a particular vibration. In other words, the thoughts YOU think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the vibration you’re in. As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to this as how you’re “feeling.” Most people are not aware of the connection between their “feelings” … what they ATTRACT to themselves, and the RESULTS they get in their lives. This is usually where the disconnect occurs. That vibration (or “feeling”) you’re in leads to action. And that action creates the very results you are experiencing today! |
Momentum: Question:
Can a person Instantly Reverse their Creative Momentum? If you already have something going on in your life that from previous thoughts, and now you decide you want to suddenly change the direction of that creation, isn't there a momentum factor? Don't you have to first slow down what's already in the process of being created? Or can you instantly create in a different direction? Answer: There is a momentum factor caused by the law of Attraction. The law of attraction states: "That which is like unto itself is drawn." So whatever thought you have activated by your attention to it is getting bigger. But realize that the gathering of momentum is a gradual thing. And so, rather than trying to turn that thought around, consider focusing upon another thought. If you have been thinking about something that you don't want, for quite a while, you may have quite a momentum going. It may not be possible for you to begin thinking the opposite thought. In fact, from where you are standing, you would not even have access to those kinds of thoughts. ...but you could choose a thought that feels slightly better than the thoughts you have been thinking, and then another, and then another, until gradually you could change the direction of your thoughts. ************************************************* In reading tarot cards, sometimes the cards tell the story of an event and it is the momentum of the event headed towards the outcome card that is seen as "the future." Depending on the strength of the momentum, and the ability of the person being read to change or slow down the thinking that is creating the event, they may or may not be able to change the outcome of the event. Sometimes you just have to ride it out, and deal with it, other times you can change the outcome. |
Very interesting Jeannie
Thanks for the information.I been wondering about that stuff
You sound as if you are suggesting that our energy can exist out side of our body. Aren't essentially arguing for the existence the soul? Are you sure you don't subscribe to one of the Abrahamic religions?
Edited by
Sun 04/26/09 07:46 PM
You sound as if you are suggesting that our energy can exist out side of our body. Aren't essentially arguing for the existence the soul? Are you sure you don't subscribe to one of the Abrahamic religions? It is difficult to limit "locations" to inside and outside, up or down, in relation to self or the individual. You are at the center of YOUR reality. I am not sure where I may have implied that our energy is "outside" of our body. Can you point it out? (Some of the things posted above are not my writings.) I am not arguing for the existence of "the soul" in these postings. I am talking about the Law of Attraction and how we (self) create our reality. |
Edited by
Sun 04/26/09 08:13 PM
We generally let our outside world control our inside world.
We have to switch that. Our thoughts dictate what we attract! We’ve got to let the inside world take charge of our outside world! Take a few moments each day to monitor what is going on in your mind ... what are you thinking about? How are you feeling? If you’re not feeling the way you want to feel, begin, instead, to visualize what you want rather than what you don’t want. Your vibration will instantly change. And when your vibration changes, your results follow that upward flow. ********************************* Now I have heard time and again that people are getting things that they say they did not "think" about, and they say that the law of attraction has no truth to it. They are the victim of circumstance. They are just unlucky. But they do not know all of the thoughts that are present in their subconscious mind and they may not be aware of their unconscious dormant belief systems that feed their conscious thoughts. If somehow you could become more aware of the negative thoughts that pass through your mind and record them to listen to later, you might be amazed at the negative things you are saying to yourself. Things like: "I can't, I don't have the time, I can't afford it, I'm tired, I don't feel good, there is a flu virus going around, I will probably catch it, nobody listens to me, There are no jobs here, I'm getting too old, the world is a horrible place, there are no good men(or women) left, I can't get a date, My life is over, I'll never find love, blah blah blah... That is not the kind of thinking that gives you positive feelings or creates vibrations that will attract to you the things that you want. And yet if you believe all that you say, you can not just say the opposite because if you do this is what will happen... "I can do it!" (Your inner voice will say: Bull! You are kidding yourself! You are an idiot. This positive thinking stuff is a bunch of crap!" "I can afford it, I have plenty of money. I have a million dollars!" (Your inner voice will not believe that. It will say, HA! That's a laugh, you're an idiot. It will never happen.") But if you say something you can believe that makes you feel better it will raise your vibration gradually. Say:"Well I am going to learn to do it, and I will make the time." Say: "I am increasing my energy and my income, bit by bit, everyday things are getting better." Say things to yourself that you can believe but that do make you feel better. |
Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein’s brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert’s “brain” famous. IMO this line makes it sound as if you arguing for the existence of the soul. As long as the brain is alive and receiving an energy source it thinking and that thinking as a result of or independent of any stimuli is who you are. That is the individual. There is no external force or being in charge. The individual both resides in the brain and is the brain. |
Edited by
Sun 04/26/09 08:23 PM
Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein’s brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert’s “brain” famous. IMO this line makes it sound as if you arguing for the existence of the soul. As long as the brain is alive and receiving an energy source it thinking and that thinking as a result of or independent of any stimuli is who you are. That is the individual. There is no external force or being in charge. The individual both resides in the brain and is the brain. That in my opinion is not true and cannot be verified. (You might read a book called "The Holographic Universe" that presents evidence that the brain is a holographic construction.) I am not "arguing" the existence of a "soul." I am asserting that I am NOT my brain (or body.) I am a spiritual being and thinking center that has manifested a body(and brain) into this outer holographic reality from the core of my being. If you do not believe that, it is certainly your choice. I am not arguing the point. |
I do believe that my true self incarnates into many different personalities and each one of those are part of me, and each one only lives one life. My true self, is a combination of all of these personalities. When this body dies, I will join my true self and meet my other selves.
Reincarnation is what they call it. |
Edited by
Sun 04/26/09 08:29 PM
That in my opinion is not true and cannot be verified. (You might read a book called "The Holographic Universe" that presents evidence that the brain is a holographic construction.) If you "the brain" mentioned above is meant to translate to these notions we call the mind, individualism, free will or some identification that we are more than the sum of our parts then I agree. I am not "arguing" the existence of a "soul." I am asserting that I am NOT my brain (or body.) I am a spiritual being and thinking center that has manifested a body(and brain) into this outer holographic reality from the core of my being. I don't know if you reference the dictionaries I do, but I would call this statement to be a pretty good definition of soul. |
I don't know if you reference the dictionaries I do, but I would call this statement to be pretty good definition of soul.
Very well then, if that is what you want to call me. I am soul. |
Hey we agree on something! That sounds like grounds for a celebration!
In the Book "The Law of Attraction" which is a channeled book, that channels a being or beings called "Abraham" he states:
"We come forth not to alter your beliefs, but to reacquaint you with the Eternal Law of the Universe so that you may intentionally be the creator that you have come forth to be, for there is not another who attracts into your experience that which you are getting --- you are doing it all. We come forth not to get you to believe anything, for there is nothing that you believe that we do not want you to believe. And as we are viewing this wondrous physical Earth plane, we see great diversity in that which you believe ---and in all of that diversity, there is perfect balance." |
Hey we agree on something! That sounds like grounds for a celebration! And of course you must be the famous spaghetti monster god I have been hearing about. |
That he is...
Pastafarian man!! |
That in my opinion is not true and cannot be verified.
That would depend upon what one holds as warrant for belief. Phineas Gage. The brain and mind and person all suffer simultaneous bodily injury... |