Community > Posts By > Monique27

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Wed 10/25/06 06:40 AM
And the truth shall set you free!

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Wed 10/25/06 06:36 AM
Thanks Marto and Michael... I love an affect. My work comes from the
heart... or the body... which ever is moved the most lol

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Wed 10/25/06 06:35 AM
Good morning everyone-- have a great Hump Day!

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Wed 10/25/06 06:34 AM
perfection = Eden

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Tue 10/24/06 09:45 PM
Hey Hazel

Some men jus dont accept rejection. And even tho he's got a new girl
doesnt mean he isnt still torn some kinda way by ya'll break up. Trust
me-- I liv in ATL, and even tho the ratio of women to men here is like
13:1 they still get affected and they cant cover up their mess up with
no new chick. That same costume shit's so petty. He's wrong 4 tryin 2
interfere w/a part of ur life ur obviously tryin 2 get rid of. SO wear
yo shit girl-- and luk GUD in it! Make im remember what he dont hav
anymor... oh, and u can bring some travel scissors just in case some
threads need to be a lil... ahem... trimmed

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Tue 10/24/06 09:38 PM
... or maybe I just have a wild imagination...


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Tue 10/24/06 09:33 PM
I wouldn't expect YOU to understand, sweetheart. Its on a much deeper
than your level of intelligence will let you venture to

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Tue 10/24/06 09:26 PM
Turn the lites off
I wanna feel you And I wanna hear you
I can feel you Even if I dont see you
But its a good thing... We can play Truth or Dare:
I dare you to talk to me BODY TALK
We can whisper, or we can yell
I can talk until you're ready
Or you just like hearin me?
I know you're listening To what I'm saying
And that you're loving what we're communicating
I've heard a picture tells a thousand words
So I want to paint you with my fingers
And hang your art in my memory.
You're so lovely. You're so special to me
You send a spark in me, only definition can ignite
And only letters could write
You piece upon my soul And unfold All my creases
Until it ceases to provide my vocabulary will grow
Read to me what you know I'll repeat to you what I've learned.
I'll let you know what I've heard.
Talk a little faster now, so I don't lose you
I don't wanna lose you, I think I'm getting to the point
That point where your voice lingers in my ear
In my inner... ear. I hear a different tune
It went from afternoon to the next moon
And by morning rise-- we're out of words

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Tue 10/24/06 09:11 PM
Amen to that! How the world he jus get the nerve to ask you for some
money?! That's bold-- but you know.. someone would be dumb enough to
fall for it, aka "Synpathy Trip"

Let im know you aren't dumb, or gullible... or maybe he'll just find
that out when he gets no reply!

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Tue 10/24/06 09:03 PM
K-- Love you too!


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Tue 10/24/06 09:01 PM
confusing = PHYSICS!!!

anyone get that crap? whats the point?

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Tue 10/24/06 08:59 PM
aw... you poor poor soul... was that supposed to hurt my feelings?

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Tue 10/24/06 08:53 PM
Whats gud Nubian (FYI: just ignore Ontario... he makes the stupidest,
most ign'ant comments as anyone who on here)
Welcome to the site

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Tue 10/24/06 08:48 PM
here we are.
Its been so long coming, I hate to see you going
As long as you come back.

So I wont forget you,
give me a piece of you...
Well, I wont ever forget you
I just want a piece of you
Since I cant take a piece of you

This, for me?
Its beautiful. Thankyou, I love it
Yes I love you.
Because, I just do.

Yes, Ill be here when you come back
Please try to relax
Ill love you to the max
And Ill especially hold on to you
Now that I have a piece of you.

Ok, see you later.
Kisses... Hugs n kisses... Hugs...
You take my love
And Ill take this little piece of you

I have you,
in my hand
so even when I cant
be with you... I have you
Call me when you land.

I walk away...
But I won't cry.
You know why?--
Cuz I have you, a lil piece of you
And I love you, no matter what
You are what gets me through but

Damn! I dropped it!

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Tue 10/24/06 08:38 PM
Hey Beauty

I believe that love is a risk, but I don't think I agree with the
results in your poem. In my opinion (not to knock ur poem, it definitely
makes you think-- gone girl!) I am against the notion people make when
they say "Love is Pain" and "Pain is Love". No person would constantly
seek or crave that which hurts or disturbs them. No one wants pain, but
everyone wants love, or seeks some form of love or adoration of self and
acceptance. Love is not pain. Love is that goodness, that fullness, that
fulfillment one wants to attain. People seek to rid themselves of pain-
hence the word painkiller. Its the absense of love or the dwindling,
disappearing, and fading of love which causes the pain... which leads to
the healing, the changing, and the risking to attain that trueness of

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Tue 10/24/06 08:29 PM
Deep Chubby.
That shit's real. I don't know what it feels like to die, and I hope I
have a long tiome to discover it-- but I hope its more peaceful than
painful, fa sho!

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Tue 10/24/06 09:16 AM
Believe it or not I actually met this guy online (not this site,
somewhere else). He's in the NAVY and I have such strong feelings for
him. I'm afraid to lose him and its weird cuz I never open up so easily
and fall so quickly. But he's like my match. I can't wait til he comes
home... til then TMOBILE better stay in business or I'mma act a fool!

But I'm glad you like the poem ya'll... its real

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Mon 10/23/06 11:41 AM
Exactly! Freedom is one of those words no one definition can really
define... it's like "LOVE".. not the feeling. The word.

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Mon 10/23/06 11:39 AM
Against all odds... you make me believe.
I still remember the first time I saw you
I met you
I touched you, it was beautiful.
Yet I'd die before I reveal to you
What you do to me. I don't want to be vunerable,
I'm not captureable. I'm not able
To love-- I thought... but you've swayed me against all odds
And made me believe.
It doesn't take much to annoy me
But it'll take a lot of work to love me
Many have said "I love you" to me,
But I've only returned the phrase once.
But this once, this twice, this three times I've repeated to you
I love you; and I know I do.
You have made me believe.
You be patient with me, and I'll give unto you
Whatever you ask of me I will to do.
Tell me what makes you smile, I want to make you proud
That I am your girl, and you be my cloud.
I want to float on you and rain our love
To pass on to others, through kisses and hugs
Our children and their children will sprout out of passion
And you give to me, I'll take what you're passin
I vow never to hurt you, you vow your faithfulness to me
Through it all, my dear love you have made me believe.

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Mon 10/23/06 11:30 AM
Johnson's your body's lukin mighty nice... is that really your pic or
someone's u posted? lol

I'd wait... if it was for u