Community > Posts By > Monique27

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Fri 10/27/06 07:02 PM
ahh...peachie... didnt think about that one... gud 1

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Fri 10/27/06 06:59 PM
ok ok everyone,

So i tuk all the comments into consideration and emailed him.

We were actually talkin for goin on 6 months but certain things about
him just started annoyin me. Well it was the same things that annoyed me
before, i just accepted it as him and thawt it'd be ok. But what you
hate one moment is not gonna just go away. When my mom passed he was not
there for me like I needed him to be; he constantly drank on the
weekends, which jus so happened to be the only time we cud be together
b/cuz he works and I go to work and school thru the week. But when he
drank he was loud or sluggish, or wanted to go out with the boys. So I
said cool, y get upset? I'd go out wit my girls but he didnt like that
b/cuz he said I'm too friendly. I love sex, and wanna do it at least for
longer than 30 mins and he'd fall asleep after his first cum-- i'm like
what the hell?! but I'm a faithful person, so I'd just hav to charge
another nite to the game. He jus turned 30 and for his b-day I got him
this jacket and laptop bag he's ben talkin so much about. But enuf was

I'm trying to grow, and improve myself, and I can accept cristiscm. So I
wrote him, and told him my reason for just stopping to call, I'll let
you know what he says, if anything (he's one of those I'm-hard type
dudes, so nothing phases him)

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Fri 10/27/06 06:50 PM
tequila = tart

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Fri 10/27/06 06:42 PM
An English professor wrote the words:

" A woman without her man is nothing"

On the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
" A woman, without her man, is nothing."

All of the females in the class wrote:
" A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Punctuation is powerful!

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Fri 10/27/06 06:33 PM
running = sweat

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Fri 10/27/06 06:27 PM
Morena, hope ur son feels better

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Fri 10/27/06 06:26 PM
I think it mite be ugly everywhere. Its been rainin all day in Atlanta,
it just stopped.
I'm upset cuz my darn car is actin up-- I'm ready to sell it but I don't
want a note! It's always somethin, aint it

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Thu 10/26/06 11:00 PM
Dammit! now i really do feel bad... for real, M? you'd feel that way?

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Thu 10/26/06 10:38 PM
beautiful Taino, thats real

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Thu 10/26/06 10:34 PM
honestly, I'd really like to know

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Thu 10/26/06 10:31 PM
kujo = granola

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Thu 10/26/06 10:28 PM
sin = menstruate

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Thu 10/26/06 10:27 PM
how does it make you feel when a girl just stops talking to u?

I'm terrible at breaking things off, or closure, whatever you wanna call
it, so I just let them fade away. Usually there's a good reason I'm not
feelin a guy anymore, and I voice it but I'm not gonna waste his time or
mine. So he might call me a while, couple days. wait. then call again,
but I just won't pick up. Eventually he gives up n goes away... How's
that make you feel? Should I call, or stop dodging and let him know? I
don't see the point if he'll stop eventually... I'm not one for arguing,
and I'm stubborn too so its hard to change my mind

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Thu 10/26/06 10:21 PM
alcohol = the DEVIL

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Thu 10/26/06 10:19 PM
I didnt know you that well,
But I wish I did--
They say I look just like you
But what do you look like now?
Your form has changed
I can't see you anymore,
And I can't hear your voice
I don't wanna look like you,
I wish I could be like you--
'Cause stayin here is killin me,
But not quickly enough.
I wanna run but they say "Ride it out"
I wanna cry but they say "Be strong"
Well I'm tired of being strong,
I wanna be like you now:

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Thu 10/26/06 10:10 PM
fun = party

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Thu 10/26/06 10:09 PM
yeah, lost me with that one Ontario

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Thu 10/26/06 10:08 PM
drunk = vulnerable

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Thu 10/26/06 10:00 PM
And you took the words from my mouth
You took the feeling from my legs
You took the fear from my heart
And you put my heart in your hand.

So now that I've revealed me
Now that I've shown you
I don't want to run from thee
But you hold so much power.

I vowed never to give in
I vowed never to bend, mend
I vowed to myself I'd protect
All that I own

You broke thru the walls I have
You broke thru the confusion I had
You broke thru the memory I past,
Now please don't break my heart.

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Thu 10/26/06 09:56 PM
color = blind

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