Community > Posts By > Monique27

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Thu 10/26/06 09:53 PM

on = off

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Thu 10/26/06 09:52 PM
wow ontario... I honestly never thawt about it like that. Thats bad

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Thu 10/26/06 09:51 PM
what? its like 12:50 in the morning where i am and my man's on a ship!
what u expect me to get from wood lol

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Thu 10/26/06 09:50 PM
I dream of being a personal column writer for a newspaper or a local
magazine where I get paid good, but I actually enjoy my job. I love to
write. I love to express myself, what better than to get paid doing it.
I love the water too. If I wasn't so afraid of mother nature I'd want a
beach house right near the water, over-looking a mountain or grassy
hill. I see a loving man, and two healthy children-- smart, or talented
(cuz they're goin to college!) I see my mother alive to see the birth of
her first grandchild, i miss her so much. I dream of a peaceful life. A
calm that I haven't felt in a long time. My family's on good terms, my
spiritual state is healthy, me and my husbands' minds are at rest, and
my credits A1!

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Thu 10/26/06 09:40 PM
wood = hard

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Thu 10/26/06 09:39 PM
so is it ok for males to?

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Thu 10/26/06 09:34 PM
the fish in his fish bowl = dead

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Thu 10/26/06 09:33 PM
ok... i got a pretty vivid imagination tho, i can pretty much spit on
anything... any requests?

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Thu 10/26/06 09:23 PM
...well I'm feeling him...I'm afraid to say love b/c I don't wanna jinx
it. I haven't loved since my first, I've put up a barrier since. I just
know I like the feeling, whatever it is.

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Thu 10/26/06 09:20 PM
TxsGal, so true! I used to date this pretty boy...n he was a pretty
boy...but he got on my LAST nerve. everygirl wanted to be wit em cuz he
luked so gud, but the funny thing: i didnt get jealous-- "Here! You can
HAVE him!"

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Thu 10/26/06 09:18 PM
so true. what the hell're we here for? its depressin as hell! go thru
the cycle, jus to bring someone else in the cycle n leave them behind
for our kids to go thru the same shit. sometimes i jus wish i wasnt
here...u luk up n its over

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Thu 10/26/06 09:16 PM
whats gud ontario

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Thu 10/26/06 09:15 PM
Wow. I'm speechless

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Thu 10/26/06 09:13 PM
My bad, beautiful EVERYONE. I'm feelin all that.
Lady42, I feel u completely. I know that feeling now, its such a
beautiful thing, such a great feeling. And when its mutual no bad day
can really get you down

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Thu 10/26/06 09:11 PM
That was beautiful JT. Thats what its all about
A love with trust, and support, and revelry: that's a beautiful thing
Gone boi!

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Thu 10/26/06 09:09 PM
You're the only one who makes me smile
You're the only thing that makes me smile
Life can get so thru sometimes,
But at least I've got you on my side.
It's been a long time coming and I
Know we're not done yet, but I
Pray for the day I can be the bride
And you my man, side by side.
I'd try not to hope to not spoil the ride
And pray that nothing weathers the tide
And since this ol' world wont subside
Youre my equation and my glide
I'd never subtract or from you divide
You give me the goodness I have inside
And even when to others I've lied
To you lies truth and e'er the mind
When always believe and worship my guide
If my heart guides me, please let me ride
I can see you, and I see us high
Moments we share mean more than time
Time's not my friend, but fate is my mine.
Come back to me as soon as you find
And you'll find me here, awaitin your arrive'

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Wed 10/25/06 09:14 PM
Just wanted to say gudnite. I cud stay on this thing all nite replyin n
readin n laughin-- this site's a trip-- but if I don't knock out this
term paper thats my ass!

(Ever notice how much cleaner the air feels when its cold. Its startin
to get cool outside now but the nite air smell's so gud)

I had a gud day so I'm jus tryin 2 pass it on

Yall stay safe, healthy, and happy

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Wed 10/25/06 09:05 PM
I agree completely!

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Wed 10/25/06 09:03 PM
december? ew... hav fun. i'm graduatin in summer and buyin my house in
the fall-- No Lookin Back!

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Wed 10/25/06 08:54 PM
me and my ex always had that conversation: can a man and woman be truly
just friends. and strangely enuf i wud say yes, i think they cud if the
boundaries r set. he said no, some1 eventually gets feelins, even if the
other doesnt. ironically tho, he always had female friends. his
justification of it was that they were friends b4 i was in the picture
so "That's different" he wud always say. there was always an exception
when it came to him, but bottom line for me. maybe b/c we started out
"just friends" while i was with someone but i broke the relatioship to
be with him. i wasnt insecure w/the females; i was uncomfortable w/the
past i didnt know. and when it came to it that he'd talk to THEM about
OUR problems, yeh that pissed me off! but thats not insecurity, thats
called disrespect and lack of privacy-- i dont care HOW far yall go back