Community > Posts By > Delsoldamien

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:18 PM

The way I see it:

Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks?

You should get real for a change.

Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete..

Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast.

But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on?

Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well.
So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with?
Will you pay it out of your own pocket?
It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it?
And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it?

Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:31 AM
Would rather be sitting on a warm beach on a tropical island, soaking up the sun and meeting new people...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:17 AM

The way I see it:

Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks?

You should get real for a change.

Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:11 AM
Wouldn't it be nice if libs could just come out and call it like it is, a censorship issue...they can't beat the conservatives in talk shows, so this is there only way of trying to equal things out...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:06 AM
I am conservative before Repub..but most of the conservatives are gone out of the senate and house.. Smaller government is a thing of the past..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:03 AM

is the Desoldamien upset..

Get a load of this crook.

Naahhh, I never get upset..I am just saying that 3 out of all the house and senate is not a bi-partisan effort...just call it like it is, the libs big pork spending..and yes, the repubs did the same thing...but I didn't support them on it either.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:52 AM
So you think only republicans live high off the American tax payers feeding troughs huh??

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:49 AM
Well if Bush started it...which he didn't, then Obama is pushing it closer...and what happens if China stops backing loans to US??

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:47 AM

What, No comments from the Republican economists?

I don't think speechless is the word, after all it will be obama and his lib. buddies that will fall flat on their face with this new trillion dollar have to acknowledge this boondoggle if you acknowledge the one the dems and Bush passed earlier.. and he is just getting started..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:42 AM

at least he manned up and demanded the withdrawal....unlike bush II, who would have sweptt this under the carpet and brought him right in there w/the rest of his many ethics-challenged people.

I believe that Obama gave him the kiss of Death when the day before he came out and said that he fully backed him...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 09:19 AM
Yeah, I was surprised that he changed his tune so quickly...but then I guess he figured that people would lay down palm branches for him on his way to the White House and everyone would give him his way with everything...shows you how green he is...hahahaha

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:52 AM

Very Interesting article,,,,

GOP Opposes Pay Limits On Bailed-Out Bankers

Wall Street bankers, with their $18 billion in bonuses, private jets and gaudy conferences, are causing headaches for the GOP.

President Obama has proposed capping compensation for executives at banks that take taxpayer bailout money at $500,000. Republicans hate the idea -- a position puts them uncomfortably on the side of people currently about as popular as child-porn producers and subprime mortgage brokers.

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) blamed the "tone deaf" bankers for creating the political environment that allows Obama to call for a cap.

"Because of their excesses, very bad things begin to happen, like the United States government telling a company what it can pay its employees. That's not a good thing in America," Kyl told the Huffington Post.

"What executives have done is troubling, but it's equally troubling to have government telling shareholders how much they can pay the executives," said Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL).

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) said that he is "one of the chief defenders of Obama on the Republican side" for the president's efforts to reach across the aisle. But, said Inhofe, "as I was listening to him make those statements I thought, is this still America? Do we really tell people how to run [a business], and who to pay and how much to pay?"

Democrats argue that banks that take government money must accept any rules the government decides to send with it. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Barney Frank are both working on legislation that would complement Obama's attempt to get a handle on executive compensation.

It's not a novel concept, and it's one the GOP supports -- when applied to welfare recipients, at least. "We demand that welfare recipients do an honest day's work for their checks. And now, since President Obama laid down the law Wednesday, we demand that the guys who ran our banking system into the ground abide by our pay scales in return for our bailing them out," writes Harold Meyerson in a column Friday.

"After all, what's the moral distinction between welfare recipients and the wizards of Wall Street, other than that the welfare recipients aren't the ones responsible for tanking the global economy?"

Welfare reform that passed in the 1990s created the program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The government intervenes intimately into the lives of TANF recipients, requiring drug testing, time spent doing government approved activities and near-constant documentation of continuing compliance. The intervention is justified by reference to the payments being made.

One House Democratic aide quipped that bankers should be required to jump through some of the same hoops that welfare recipients are, beyond a simple salary cap. He suggested making bankers fulfill a strict work requirement and submit a time sheet, signed by a supervisor -- perhaps the Board of Directors -- in 15-minute intervals, proving that they worked 40 hours each week. Only certain activities would count, as is the case with TANF recipients.

"That three hour jet ride to get to the meeting in Chicago doesn't count. Reading the Wall Street Journal is also not a countable activity. If they fail to do this once, you cut them off of TARP funds. If they fudge the time sheet, you charge them with TARP fraud and make them pay back any government money they've received," the aide joked. "I'm sensing a legislative opportunity."

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), though, said the underlying reasoning has merit. What applies to welfare recipients ought to also apply to corporate welfare recipients, he said.

"I think it does apply to that," he said. "People are livid about these big bonuses and if the groups want to take government money it seems they should be able to have some limits on these bonuses."

"If they don't need it, don't want it, fine. Don't take it," the Kansas Republican added.

Other Republicans disagreed. "It's still government running business," Inhofe said.

"It's a leap, because the executive at the bank is a free agent who can leave the bank and go to work someplace else," said Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT) of the welfare comparison. "You run the risk of having a brain drain at the bank of their top talent."

Bennett said, "Some of the things some of these bank executives have been doing demonstrates they have a tin ear. At the same time, I'm generally troubled by wage and price control, no matter how logical it may appear."

The objection to the government intervention in salaries is rooted in the Republican belief that government is inherently ineffective. "If Congress can run a financial institution, it belies everything I've seen in this body. Government does not do a good job running private institutions," said Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO).

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) agreed: "If we do such a good job of running the federal government, what business do we have telling them how to run the banks?"

The GOP is also concerned that setting compensation limits could put the country on the road to serfdom. "This is just a symptom of what happens when the government intervenes and we start controlling all aspects of the economy. This is just the first piece," said Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC). "If you accept the fact that the government should be setting pay scales in America, then it's hard not to go after these exorbitant salaries. But I think it's a sad day in America when the government starts setting pay, no matter how outlandish they are."

"What are we going to do next?" wondered Martinez. "Tell a company if they get TARP money where there offices should be? They should be renting maybe from an abandoned federal building?"

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) may have had the savviest responses to the tricky political question. McConnell didn't acknowledge that he'd been asked the query; he walked on to the Senate floor instead of answering. McCain declined to comment.

Opposition isn't uniform. Beyond Brownback, other Republican senators spoken to for this article, including Sens. Coburn, Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT), expressed some support for a government effort to control the salaries of executives of banks that take bailout money.

At least one Republican has thought about the plan and come around to it. "In theory, I don't like it. I just don't like the government telling private industry how to run their businesses," said Sen. John Thune (R-SD) when first asked about it.

About fifteen minutes later, Thune had changed his mind. "You know what? I think I'm for that," he said of Obama's plan. "I don't disagree with what he's doing."

If people are so upset about these fat cats being bailed out and living it up...why aren't they raising a fit about our politicians spending..Obama took Airforce one 145 miles to a dem gathering that cost big bucks to put on, but nobody raised any concerns about them living it up lavishly...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:48 AM

Well, it sounds like there will be enclosed smoking areas. So, just like non-smokers had the choice whether or not to go somewhere that allowed smoking, the smokers will now have the choice of going somewhere that doesn't allow smoking. Or going somewhere that allows smoking in an enclosed smoking area.

great.. put the smokers in a fishbowl.. that's really equal treatment under the law!


In Washington state, or in Seattle I should say, they are trying to ban smoking in public places, even outside, in the parks, everywhere...I am not a smoker but do not agree with the government banning smoking...I bet if the citizens demanded that booze be banned, no politician would go for that!!

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:42 AM

Once again Im glad to see so many economic geniuses on Mingle...

Maybe Barrack should call you for advice...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl oops

Definitely not, as he certainly not after good economics. Hmmm, come to think of it, are there any political (whore survival) specialists here?

I believe that Carl Marx stated that Democracy will leadt to Socialism..Now we know what he was talking about...

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:29 AM

No one is talking about banning conservative radio.

For those that are too young to remember it....this is not a new liberal concept.

When I was a kid if the local television station owner gave an editorial let's say in favor of the democratic candidate those who supported the republican candidate could have some time to present their point of view.

Much like the editorial page of a newspaper has a place where people can submit letters to the editor to present an alternative viewpoint to those of the editor.

So much, from both liberal and conservative sides I might add, of what passes for news is nothing but pundits spinning their views of the days events.

Not news!

Just spin...

Why would anyone be afraid of hearing alternative viewpoints?

THis is a way now of silencing the consevative voices that haunt them. No body is afraid of hearing alternative voices, but all the liberal talk shows on radio have failed, or are failing to compete with the consevative voices. If a radio station cannot sell advertisement to support the "liberal" point of view, why should the government censor them?? And yes it would do exactly that, ban the conservative radio because nobody wants to listen to the liberal points on radio,,the liberals control the TV stations, newspapers, this is one area that they have not been able to control..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:21 AM
Three moderate repubs voting for this massive increase in government spending...I would not call a bi-partisan agreement...This is the biggest movement towards Carl Marx that I have ever seen.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:57 PM

I had a situation where I was hiring for some positions I had open..a man came in and before I even introduced myself, he stated that he was gay and wanted to know if I had a problem with which I said that it didn't have anything to do with the job..he turned around and yelled that I was a gay basher and would sue me for I know that it was not a common practice, but these kind of things make it hard for me to see LGBT point of view with that kind of thing going on..

Doesn't seem to take much for you to have a problem with that point of view, period. And if you admit it's uncommon, then why would you then say it's hard for you to see that point of view with that sort of thing going on, unless you assume it goes one more often. Let's not pretend you are open to a change in point of view when you clearly are unlikely to.

It is difficult to bridge the gap of misunderstanding with common sense if you do not try...that is what discussion is all about, not to change one's perspective..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:51 PM

Yeah, he can do anything, how wonderful? He's just another empty-suited messiah saying empty words...two Guantanamo prisoners that were released already are on videos...

Wow a video, how scary.:tongue:

Obama has been in office for 11 days, give the man a chance.

No, kidding. Give the man a chance.

I'm sure you weren't saying the same thing when Bush took office..since the dems tried to steal the election in Florida they have been at his throat...and in eleven days time, he as embarrassed the American people, apoligizing to the Muslums, going against his promise to do things in Washington different then they have before and then hiring all the crooked people from the Clinton administration....Some change, then hires people that cheat on their taxes, when those same people would have gotten fire immediately by the organizations they control..and hired those demons...those lobbyists which he promised he would be free of....if we work now, maybe we can stop him before he turns us into another France or Soviet country..Trillions of debt...if Iraq was so expensive and a waste of money like they claim...Obama is pouring trillions of dollars down the drain and it will only hurt average Americans the most..your children and your childrens children...give him a chance??? I think not.

I did say the same when Bush was in office the first time and I didn't even vote for him. The second time he made it into office was a whole other story.

You are one of the few that did then...or at least the only one that has enough guts to buck the trend and admit it.. but like momentum, if left alone long enough it can destroy our country before we even know it..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:48 PM

Compare MY DAUGHTERS LIFES to a car. Where the he!! did you read that. I was stating that I would be putting my daughters live on the line putting her in a car that was manufactered by cheap labor. Maybe your ok with your daughter riding around in a car made by the lowest bidder. Personally I would think twice

No where did I say anything about unionizing and
hospital or nursing care.

You get what you pay for!!! Personaly I would pay alittle more for a better product.

so this jsut makes me wonder how much money I should spend on my daughters first vehicle.

and how do you feel about the price of brand new vehicles being so outrageous...that many people cant afford to drive around in a 'quality' car.

personally, i agree with you...and I would rather pay more and know the job is going to be done right. BUT affordability has become a factor. with automobiles and insurance....and healthcare.

and I guess we werent talking about a nurse's union..that was earlier in this thread.

unions remain a stumbling block in some of these hurdles..and well insurance companies remain a burden to ALL people having excellent health care.
HEALTHCARE is the biggest expenditure!

I think the quality of cars has increased in the last 10 years. Maybe jobs that pay more than $10-$14 an hour would help people afford better cars but that is where the majority of job growth has been in the last 10 years. A family of 4 with both parents working would be? Look at what you make and Im sure its not always easy.

Nationalized health care is not the answer...and all those union jobs would pay squat if they did nationalize it...that is for sure..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:46 PM

And BTW, we now have a president who knows it's 'new-clee-er', NOT 'nuke-you-ler'.

-Kerry O., "It's the little things that mean so much." really cut me...I hope Obama can change me into someone great like you...ooohhhh if it could only happen...sigh...

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