Community > Posts By > imsingle951
I'm excited
Well my brother and his girlfriend finally left for their cruise to the Caribbean. They were supposed to leave yesterday and spend two days at my cousins house but she got sick so they left today instead. But the biggest reason I'm excited is he going to propose to her. They've been together for 3 years and this will be his second wife. (He took his time and did it right this time around, lol.) What's funny is he planned the whole thing out. He got a loan to buy the ring, had the check sent to my house, put the money on my debit card so she wouldn't see the purchase, and then had the ring delivered to my house. But the number one thing he forgot to do? Checking the ring size. He based it on a ring in her jewelry box which he never verified the size but just went by looks. So now he's 99% sure the ring will be too small. Bless his heart, he's a nervous wreck about it all cause he's worried she's going to be brokenhearted about it not fitting. I told him not to worry that she's going to be excited just by the proposal alone! Now I just have to wait until they come back so I can hear all the details. I'm excited for the both of them! WOW!!!! Brought tears to my eyes reading this. I pray that every thing goes just perfectly. |
Years ago I took my exwife to a resturant by the name of The spigity( dont know how to spell it) Factory.It was one of those resturants that brought the check in one of those fancy folding thingy mig jigs. Well, anyway. The bill was something like $39.00. All I had on me at the time was 50s. So, I put a 50 in the folder and handed it to the waiter. My ex and I waited for about 20 min for him to return with our change. Finally we got tired of waiting, and went to look for the guy,When we found him, I asked about my change comming back to me. Well, to my surprise, he said that he considered my change as his tip. ![]() ![]() Dude! You are NOT serious right? ![]() ![]() I think in today's society you'd be in jail for that little manuever. ![]() |
my good deed
WOW!!!!! Good going
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Years ago I took my exwife to a resturant by the name of The spigity( dont know how to spell it) Factory.It was one of those resturants that brought the check in one of those fancy folding thingy mig jigs. Well, anyway. The bill was something like $39.00. All I had on me at the time was 50s. So, I put a 50 in the folder and handed it to the waiter. My ex and I waited for about 20 min for him to return with our change. Finally we got tired of waiting, and went to look for the guy,When we found him, I asked about my change comming back to me. Well, to my surprise, he said that he considered my change as his tip.
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Made changes
Made changes to my profile. Would like inputs.thxs
Walk up to a chick who is in the frozen foods section of the Wal Mart grocery section and say the following. You: "You know, you really shouldn't be next to the frozen food section." Her: "Why's that?" You: "Cause you can melt all this stuff." Chick will sigh into your arms, five minutes later the panties fall....mission accomplished. Now all you can be. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Welcome back. And enjoy
S: "I want to have a baby petting zoo." Me: "You mean like a small petting zoo?" S: "NO! I mean like a place where people can pet babies." Me: *laughing* "You're not putting them in cages?!" S:*completely serious* "Well, sophisticated cages." Me: ![]() ![]() ![]() *sigh* I love my friends. ![]() |
So what is that
Well first they starting telling the public that the cameras on the hiways were for safety. Then They told the public that putting tracking chips into cell phones is a way to track people. Chips in the car to track where the car is. chips in drivers licience and ids. And so forth and so forth. Think about it. That invisable object that cat is chasing just may be an object that ( Big Brother) has placed to keep track....
Why is it......
Dunno, I'm a mix of both and I never had a problem finding someone. Maybe you should become a switch? ![]() |
Why is it......
I have gone to those types of sites. First thing they ask for is your credit card number. And Im not all that well off.
Why is it......
That women are turned off to submissive men? Ive had a couple women contact me. And soon as I let them know that im submissive to women, I never hear back from them. Just wondering.
Hello gorgous, and welcome.
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Games people play...
STOP it! They've all been played before. 1.If you like someone, tell them! 2.If they don't like you the same way, move on! 3.Stop dreaming and start living! 4.Don't expect someone to walk through walls, open the door for them! 5.If no one is good enough for you, marry are sure to be happy cos you are so GREAT! 6.If all you want is sex, say so...someone out there just wants sex, too! 7.If you are 5' and 200lbs, be ok with that or lose weight! 8.Don't expect everyone to like you, you won't like everybody! 9. It is fine to drool over the really HOT pics on dating sites and dream...just know when it is time to come back down to Earth! 10. The most attractive people are those who really like themselves! [/quote1. If you like someone, tell them. The feelings may be mutual. And unspoken may be a chance of happiness gone forever. Never to return again.2.If they dont like you, move on. Why waiste your time and set your heart up for a break? There may be another just waiting to hear from you. Saving his/her heart for you to take. 3.Stop dreaming and start living.Dreaming will make you stay idol, going nowhere at all. Which in time will make you fall. 4.Dont expect people to walk through walls, open the door for them. They may be the quiet,shy, or reserved type that may need you to take that special moment to take the lead. 5.If no one is good enough for you, marry yourself. You are sure to be happy cos you are so great. You may have looks, money, big toys and houses. But God made every one equal. So get over your self. You cant walk on water, or make a mountian move. 6.If all you want is sex, say so....some one out ther wants sex too. The one you tell may be the one that is waiting for you to say those words, because him/her is too shy to let you know thier desire. So they go on yearning to quinch that fire. 7. If you are 5' and 200lbs, be ok with that or lose wieght. There may be that special some for you that wieghs the same as you. So build your self confendence and tell him/her whats on your mind. You may be surprised to learn that they may have been waiting for you to make the first move. 8. Dont expect everybody to like you. You wont like everybody. No matter how well you project yourself out to all, everybody in the world has been given by God thier own likes and dislikes. Not two differant people will ever agree on every single likes and dislikes.Fact. 9.It is ok to drool over all the hot pics on dating sites and dream... just know when its time to come back down to earth! Spending too much time looking for, and at all the hotties on a dating site, may make you miss a chance of meeting that special someone that may not have the looks of models, but they have a heart thats overstuffed with love to share, with no one to share it with. along with pure sincerity,devotion,and loyality. And passed up just because she was not born with the looks of a model. Wich, is not at all her fault. 10.The most attractive people are those who realy like themselves.And who poccess the beautie taht lies within. The caring,loving,compassionat,giving,forgiving,honest,loyal,sincere heart.One that is willing to lend a listening ear when needed. Give you a shoulder to cry on when you are troubled and need to release the tears of sorrow. Also a heart that will wonder and worry about your well being when you are apart. Longing for your return. |
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Daisy gets a new friend
,but I think she likes the old friend a whole lot better ![]() I thought she would like a new toy...she has had the one on left since she was a pup (6yrs)! He is filthy and matted and has half an ear ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Your favorite sandwich is...
Peanutbutter and jelly
Was confused with your profile. You said that you were a single mother. Then when asked if you had children you said no.
Well guess Im lucky. I dont ever have to worry about my mate cheating. One of the first things I tell them is,if you want to go to bed with someone else,go for it. Just tell me the juicy details. I never have to wonder about is she cheating on me. Less worry for me. And I get to hear some exciting things.
givin up
On for two years, and in all that time only post 36 times? Wow!!! Thats not very much. Hell. Try getting involved in more discussions. Try posting more. Give ppl the opertunaty to see you. Shoot dude, dont give up. Just start posting in the forums more. Then maybe you will be seen, and looked up. JMO