Topic: my good deed
Queene123's photo
Sat 05/22/10 06:52 PM
i usually help others with foodboxes
and there is one lady that i have been talking to for months
and i have given her a few foodboxes
she is a old hippy from the 70s and she has a daughter. she helps other people that tend to hichhike around and make them a meal or 2 and give them some food they can carry. any how they just got back from weeds california from a big gathering they were only expecting approx 30 but over 100 showed up for this event..

any how i just gave her another foodbox. and some she will keep for herself
but she will also give to others that call and let her know they will be in town..

i just counted on how many foodboxes i have gave out this month
i have given out 13 and one will be picked up tomorow(sunday) so that will be 14 thats actually the most i have given out in a month
and the month isent even over yet, so maybe i might be able to give a few more out

imsingle951's photo
Sun 05/23/10 02:45 AM
WOW!!!!! Good goingflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou i also help people out out. And also I go to rest homes to play piano, and sit with them that dont have anybody to visit them. OOHHHHH what a joy.