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Topic: Weird dude
hellkitten54's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:54 AM
Ok, so I posted a week or so ago about a guy that recognized me from here at the store. well yesterday I went into wal-mart and was in the boys toy section. It was packed back their so I ended up turning around to leave and this guy said, can i help you. I say no and walked away. Turns out it was the SAME guy. There is mail from him in my inbox. He is really gettin on my nerves. I told him I wasn't interested last week.:angry: grumble frustrated I'm about to block him, but it bothers me that he lives in my town and there isn't anyway to block him here.

imsingle951's photo
Fri 12/19/08 07:26 AM
That would give me the ebie jibbies also. I would tell him in the email to leave me the fk alone

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 07:28 AM

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 07:30 AM
Yeah, that is kind of creepy, especially since you've told him you're not interested. I don't know, if it keeps up, you can try to get a restraining order.

Best advice I can give is if you run into him again, just pretend he doesn't exist. If he's a true stalker, they look for a reaction. Any reaction. They take any kind of attention as positive and proof that you want them.

jdcolvin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 07:50 AM
I tried to email you a solution but dont meet your criteria...I will tell you this in open forum..Restraining orders are a lot harder to get than everyone thinks..and sometimes involve having to embellish the truth which if challenged could result in charges of filing a false report..If he has done nothing more than you stated you are a long way from being able to do anything legally...Maby you know a cop who would drop by and make a suggestion to him

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:00 AM

I tried to email you a solution but dont meet your criteria...I will tell you this in open forum..Restraining orders are a lot harder to get than everyone thinks..and sometimes involve having to embellish the truth which if challenged could result in charges of filing a false report..If he has done nothing more than you stated you are a long way from being able to do anything legally...Maby you know a cop who would drop by and make a suggestion to him

At this point, yes, he has really done nothing. I suggested a restraining order if he were to keep it up. It can be construed as stalking and that is something the courts are becoming very concerned about.

Hopefully, though, if HK just ignores him should she run into him again, then things won't progress that far.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:12 AM
I'll send Vito your way.....he handles these kinds of problems.bigsmile laugh

jdcolvin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:07 AM
how did you know my name

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:11 AM
Dumb question: Does the guy work for Wal-mart & is that why he asked if he could help you?

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:14 AM
Some guy from this town recognized my pic from a website too when I was in a bar/restaurant. I never even spoke to him before. It was weird how he recognized me. Anyways he invited me to his table, I declined and b-lined out of the place.noway

Im sure he wasnt a creep but I was creeped out!!scared

carebear19622's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:17 AM
I said I was sorry Gypsysad

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:18 AM

I said I was sorry Gypsysad
laugh laugh laugh laugh

lilith401's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:26 AM
Kitten. Dear.

You are hot.

I'd do ya.

Can you blame the guy?


Love you.....

When are you going to WallyWorld again?

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:26 AM
That sucks. Some guys just need to learn not interested means not interested.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:28 AM

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:29 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 12/19/08 10:32 AM
a stocker at walmart by day

a hellkitten stalker by night

not me i mean the guy she mentioned

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:30 AM

That sucks. Some guys just need to learn not interested means not interested.
True.....but some guys just wear you down. Like my ex, my son's father. I kept telling him I wasnt interested and he kept showing up everywhere I was.......finally I just went out with him since he tried so hard to date me!!noway This of course was before "stalking" was fashionable!!:wink: laugh

lilith401's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:30 AM
If the guy is shy, he might just think he is being brave, trying to be all casual and make chit chat.

As in, "If she knew me she'd be interested".
How sad, how desperate.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:33 AM
surprised I feel bad for males today. They get accused of stalking even when they just say hi!!!

Omg that should be a website!!

tanyaann's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:39 AM
If you report him and state that he is stalking you admin might delete him.

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