bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:04 PM
whoa laugh

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:01 PM
i also agree that the gf should stay as far away from his ex's life as possible. i also think what the ex and (possibly) bf have decided to do regarding the care of the child is not very responsible either...because he doesnt take this to court he has no rights if the mother decides to take the child out of the picture (i have seen this happen many times for little reasons such as just the mother having jealousy issues over the fact that he has moved on) completely and deny him visits with his child. this is unfair not only to the father but especially to the fragile stability of the child. to be able to go through the WHOLE process of dealing with this type of situation is hard for any new partner of the ex without custody.if she truly thinks she has nerves of steel for the long run and hands down this is the guy for her for the rest of her life then ok fine with the sticky situation with the childs best interests at heart and if thats not allowed then the boyfriends best interests. but in all reality the current situation is probably not going to stay the same and it will put everyone through a major emotional rollercoaster. i think your gf should take some time to think on what it is she wants out of life and out of a partner. my advice is for her to hit the bricks before she gets too emotionally attached. oh and this guy must be downplaying whatever he did when he was younger that landed him on the wrong side fo the law...most courts will side with the mom but offer the dad some kind of visits with the child or some program or another to complete to have more equal custody. right now it seems like they think they live in never never land and around the corner from make believe.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 07:44 PM
thanks for sharing

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 07:31 PM
oops i left out guacamole and drag shows:banana:

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 07:28 PM
heres another to add to the listdrinker welcomedrinker

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 06:14 PM
smokin guilty pleasures....

when im home (by which i mean texas)my favorite guilty pleasure is skinny dipping in the middle of the night at the beach or sneaking into one the major hotels pools in the dead of the night...but im only guilty if i get caughtdevil

i like to play hookie from time to time to just spend the day lazing out in the sun with a good book ice chest of beer and my dogs playing in the yard.
i also will do this once each fall when the weather starts to change and will open up the bedroom windows and and slip between the nice cold sheets nude and take a nap. i love the warmth of the sun and the feel the breeze throughout the room on those days and to me there is no other kind of sleep that compares (and i have tons of trouble sleeping and hold any good snooze in high regard). and also once each spring to spend the day gardening.

i never quit smoking. i just quit letting it rule my life. i still from time to time wake up in the middle of the night and go sit on the back deck and enjoy a cigarette before going back into bed.

when i lived in the texas hill country i would float the rivers on sundays because im a river karaoke fiend. i highly reccomend it:thumbsup:

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:58 PM

The ending to Peter Jackson's version of Return Of The King still gets me, also when I hear Art Garfunkel's Bright Eyes come on in the animated movie Watership Down.
i loved that movie when i was younger. watership down is one of my bookcases' staples.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:51 PM
Edited by bohemianbugeater on Mon 08/30/10 05:51 PM
and some have dentures!:wink: kotc veijito!flowerforyou

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:34 PM

Why don't chicks like total pricks?...........smokin
rofl drinker frustrated

this might be the first tinge of regret that im in a happy relationship(jk). im a texan who wishes she lived in australia lol.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:28 PM

Sense of Humor
Great conversations
Good Hygiene
Intimacy on demand
Emotional strength

more.. message/email to find out.. :)
rofl rofl rofl rofl i love it! INTIMACY ON DEMAND ROFLMAO. nice one sista. well put. i with you on the hygiene too. cheers to you!drinks

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:27 PM
:wink: flowerforyou

WOW! Welcome back BBE! surprised

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:23 PM

Have you ever checked out coast to coast. com.
:smile: I haven't had a chance to check that out yet Linniehappy
they have some cool stuff on there about UFO and alienssmokin

drinker I'll check it out.:thumbsup: Thanks for telling me about it,Linnie:thumbsup:

Forgot about this link. Need to bookmark it.
LOVE coast to coast!

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:20 PM

I'm not a lady, nor do I know the answers to any of your questions.

But - I would like to add that I think it is hilarious that your profession is listed as "wildlife conservation," and then there are three photos of you with dead animals and a gun!

Oh the irony! rofl

Look at the bright side... at least you don't bring your work home with you, right?

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:19 PM
what type of women do you usually date? how casual do the majority of your relationships start off? are the women of the mind that you are dating exclusively? and are the women youre dating have common (but not completely the same) interests as you? do they care more about you or rather about how you make them feel or what you can do for them?
just curious.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:12 PM
drinker here here

i think the key problem here is that they ALWAYS END UP CHEATING...
if thats true, then I have to wonder about your choices..

you know, insanity is the fine act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.....

bohemianbugeater's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:05 PM
smokin lioness smokin

bohemianbugeater's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:29 AM

9erguy- Finish the book man, Fate plays a role, but we make our own luck.

true enough. not to mention the sense of accomplishment at finshishing something other than your beer would probably help get you out of your funk and it would make interesting bar conversation to some lady or another. plus it seems as if you have more than enough time on your hands to do it. the world is in a sad rut as far as inspiring writers go, and having a voice is important.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Thu 08/26/10 10:21 AM
one of the interesting things about reading books is that it helps improve your spelling. i r inteligrent two.:wink: welcome to mingledrinker

bohemianbugeater's photo
Tue 07/13/10 09:35 PM

Move on - life is too short - and the stalker laws are strict! laugh

laugh laugh drinker

OH! I :heart: you, girl! I am a 37 year Viking fan. I just looked at your pix. flowerforyou
skol vikings! im new to mn but ihave season tx to the games which are pretty sweet and sometimes can trade up to get close to the field. never miss a one! i hope we dont lose 'em!

bohemianbugeater's photo
Tue 07/13/10 09:32 PM
i would wile away the hours wanking in the flowers with my heart full of song! id be gilding all the lillies as i yanked on my willie if i only had a schlong ***

best i can do on short notice and all the pinocchio talk...i always thought it rather odd after it was pointed out to me that the scarecrow in the wizard of oz wanted a brain when its fairly obvious that when the flying monkeys are ripping him apart that he was missing some other (and in some ppls opinion, far more crucial...) body parts :wink:
*to the tune of "if i only had a brain"*

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