Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/01/09 06:39 PM

A sign that said "will work for food"
He held with dingy hands
His coat was torn and tattered
and his long hair hung in strands...

The hope had left his face long ago-
He merely sought to exist
As peole judged him unfairly
yelling profanities; shaking their fists.

He had heard every possible remark
That anyone could make
And somedays his heart broke so bad
It was more than he could take.

See he didnt used to be this way
He had a home and a wife,
His children made good grades in school
He lived a "normal" life.

But he had gone off to fight a war-
To keep our country free
For The very people who shunned and scorned
And yelled out profanity.

But the bombs they dropped were dirty
and the medical care was late
and his mind was a scattered puzzle
of pieces he just couldnt place.

He lost his job and then his wife
His home he could not afford
And soon all he owned was lost as well
And now he holds this board.

Depending on kindness of strangers
Wishing it didnt have to be this way
He has no voice to say all the things
He wishes we'd let him say

Dont judge a book by its cover
For the story inside just may be
But were it not for mercy
That could at anytime be you or me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/01/09 06:24 PM
When I was just a little girl
I used to say a prayer
That God would make me a bird
To fly high through the air

So I could leave the tortured world
That reached to steal my soul...
I'd fly somewhere so far away
Where the freedom made me whole.

Soaring in and out of clouds
Id look down on disgarded sorrows
Id aim my sights toward the sun
to brighten all my tomorrows.

My wingspan would capture currents
My tail would steer my path
When cool rains would shower down
Id relax in natures bath,

But alas I grew no wings
I was grounded on earth you see
But I found ways to get away
And let my mind be free.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/01/09 06:14 PM
That is awesome! Very easy to relate to...



greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:37 PM
Nursing your baby is not only beneficial to the child by strengthening the babys immune system- it bonds mother and child. It is also Highly beneficial to the mother by helping her organs go back where they belong after being kicked and punched for 9 months and it helps her return to her prepregnancy shape alittle quicker.
It has also been shown that breast feeding women are less likely to develope breast cancer.
After all they were created for feeding babies. Baby bottles havent
always been here. Its perfectly natural for a woman to want to nurse her baby. Babies dont always know they are in public nor do they care they are just hungry. Proper placement of a blanket is appreciated but I am not opposed to nursing moms. I was one myself.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:57 PM
State of humanity

While waiting at the Walmart,
Just near the exit doors;
I happened to see a young man
I'd never seen before-
Tho he was just a "greeter"
He did his very best
To speak to everyone who entered
While waiving to the rest.

His heart was kind as he worked
I stood there quite awhile-
Watched as he attentively greeted
& Wearing his great big smile,
But two young boys who sauntered thru
Mocked him as they passed
For his speech was slightly impaired
they snickered and they laughed.

They didnt care about a thing
Going on about their day;
But the look of hurt he got
Said all he couldnt say.
I felt his pain and was so mad
That to them it was a joke,
But he continued with his job
Smiling as he spoke.

I asked the Lord to forgive the boys
For they were unaware,
And maybe they grew up in homes
Where they weren't taught to care
Before I left out thru those doors
I made sure to stop and say
You have blessed me with your smile
You did a great job today.

He looked at me so sweetly
And said thank you very much ma'am
I may not be like other folks
But I do the best I can
I reached out and shook his hand
as humbly he looked down at his feet
His smile returned and I wished him well
Once again he felt complete.

You see it only takes a second,
To make someone feel small
Judging others at first glance
Takes no skill at all
But Just as quick a kind word
Can make somebody's day
So How will you use your second
And what words will YOU say?

This is actually a true story...

copy right 5-22-07

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:52 PM
Stream of Life

Oh to live my life
as a leaf on a stream;
Not allowing myself
to come apart at every trial.
Gently meandering along
the current, babbling and serene...
Only to round a corner
picking up speed,
to be dashed against a rock
then thrown against drifting
My tattered edges caressing
the white caps, my color
still everso brilliant.
The stream is a stream
It can only go its own path
and I am but a leaf
going where it takes me.
All my nics and scars
make me no less what I am;
Only I have that power
by how I choose to challange
the challanges,
Do I struggle against the current
or be faithful to continue on
-where ever it takes me?


greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 04:24 PM
Well I do have gray hairs but Mrs Clairol gives me a hand with that LOL...Having raised two boys and a girl who tried (and succeeded ) to keep up...

Thanks for the compliments Brandon is 18 now but that has to be one of the things that will always stay with me about his daredevil days.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 04:15 PM
Brand new bike, big tall hill,
-Humpty Dumpty comes to mind;
Little boy with hands raised high
His latest adventure to find...

Racing hard on wobbly wheels
I can only hold my breath-
The mailbox at the bottom
Loudly beckons "certain death".

Hear his chilling battle-cry-
He's conquered all his fear
My motherly instinct tells me
To get ready for the tears...

He is peddling just as fast
As his 5 year old legs will take him;
Im cautioning him to slow down
But theres no way to make him

As he whizzes by me grinning
towards his impending trick'
He collides into the mailbox
And knocks him over, but quick-

His bike goes flying one way
as he lies crumpled in a pile
at the bottom of that mailbox
He's up with a victorious smile...

"Did you see that"! he shrieks aloud
His jumps cannot be contained
He has a celebration right there
Til suddenly there is pain.

His knees are skinned and dirty-
His loose tooth has been knocked out
the bike over in the flower bed'
is bent without a doubt.

But he has to be the happiest boy
I think Ive ever seen
Cuz he may be only 5 yrs old
But he's big and tough and mean!!!

Inspired by my son Brandon
8-31-09 TAL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 08/31/09 03:55 PM
WOW! What heartfelt, emotional (wonderful) writing-

Makes me feel like I was there to observe that act of selflessness.


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 08/30/09 06:42 AM

You'd never know it just to look-
For today her heart is no open book,
Joking laughing all the while
On her face painted that same planted smile...

Oh sure a helping hand she'll lend
A kind word or a greeting she'll send;
ALways there with a kind word or gesture
Not one to judge, or ever to lecture

But inside an emptiness is lurking about
A woman who guesses she'll always have doubts
But for a stranger she'd walk a mile
Wearing that same ole plastered on smile.

In her heart she feels if she tries
hard enough long enough her spirit will rise
SO she keeps pushing and onward she goes
Wearing that smile so that nobody knows....


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 10:13 PM
Awesome visual- very good description...


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 10:09 PM
Just hold on Mrs Teddy Bear- that among the sorrow you have felt over your loss, that you also hold a love in your heart many arent as fortunate to ever know. That kind of love exceeds beyond space and time. You will always be blessed to have known that love.

I am sorry your time together was cut short. I too have dealt with that heartache. My love passed in '91. Please accept my compforting thoughts and prayers being sent your way.


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 05:59 PM
Bring your laughter, bring the joy.
Let's make new memories together.
Bring the past, all the pains
all the sorrows, Ill help you put
them all behind you.
Well pack them away where they
dont have to be so important anymore.
We'll replace those thoughts with better ones
Full of smiles and warmth.

Just come as you are, that's all I ask of you.
No promises, no regrets,nothing other than
To be ourselves and respect each other.
Sometimes we'll hit a bump in the path.
We'll handle it together, when it comes-
I feel your gentle spirit reaching out
To meet mine halfway, Ready to give
Not just for selfish reasons- not just
for a time, But for all eternity.

Come just as you are- I accept you
For everything you have to offer
for all that is in me that you compliment
For all that is not in me yet, that you
Inspire me to become, I dedicate my
heart to you because I trust you will treat it
tenderly and value its worth.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 05:11 PM
Distant memories
fill my mind
Of long ago
Now left behind

Tired of living
In the past
Waiting on dreams
That didnt last

In my heart
A big black hole
that echoes to
the root of my soul

An empty void
Where you belong
A space you filled
but now you're gone

Into the abyss
I let you go
And hope that
the pain wont show

Lonely days
and endless nights
without you
Nothing is right

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 05:04 PM
AW shucks- blushing

you guys are "FABULOUS" !!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 08/29/09 04:19 AM
See the small girl
Why is she crying?
No one can see her-
Quietly dying...

Buried in shame,
She tries not to own.
Why does her heart
Always feel so alone?

She wears a fake smile,
so nobody knows,
That hiding inside,
Lives a pain that just grows.

Her childhood is lost now-
there's no going back,
Feels like her whole world
is under attack.

Can't other people
Look at her and tell-
That she's living
In a silent hell.

She has been ravaged,
Alone and abused.
Trusting in grown ups-
That trust's been misused.

Won't someone help her?
She bleeds where she's lying.
Doesn't anyone see that
She's quietly dying...?

TAL 3/7/06

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 08/28/09 05:46 PM
Thank you very much! Its nice to be back and writing...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 08/27/09 05:48 PM
Washed up on the shore of emotion
Next to the polluted ocean
I found myself waterlogged and worn

A simple act of kindness brimming
Now Im no longer swimming
Nor due I find myself today so torn

You came and saw my bleeding
A heart left with endless needing
You reached out and gently took my hand

You kissed away my sorrow
Gave me hope now for tomorrow
Now Im not just languishing in the sand

Reflections beaming off the tides
Symbolic of love I cant hide
I look at you and see a dream come true

The beat of my hearts racing
as your arms tighly embracing
And Im renewed-its all because of you

The rythmic tides echo my pleasure
I once was sunken treasure
Ive been saved from frigid ocean depths

To you I give all the love I bring
A soul that dances, a heart that sings
A life I know that you'll help me perfect.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 08/26/09 07:08 PM
Thanks guys! ( n gals)

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 08/26/09 08:57 AM
From far across the crowded room
You still take my breath away-
Its been over 13 years
And I still feel "that way"
When we touch I cant breathe
I cant even speak
While my love is oh so strong
my knees always get weak.
Unable to resist your smile
Unable to tell you no-
We fall into that contentment
That together only we know.
Tangled sheets and glistened skin
Your manly hands caress my hair
Body parts mingled in the glow
Only YOU can take me "there"
You scoop me up and hold me close
Thats all you need to say-
Where ever you are is my home
I cherish every day.
Mere words just arent enough
to describe all that you are
But you still make heart skip a beat
Even from afar-

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