Topic: do you..................................??
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Sat 04/25/09 01:07 PM
waving waving have a pet , or pets?? or, do you dislike a pet, or pets??waving waving

Gossipmpm's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:19 PM
Have a little mini schnauzer. Cliffy. I love him to deAth
My 16 year old bought a stray kitten in. Said it followed her home( yea)
Her name is annalisa she's cute
No more!!

elwoodsully's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:25 PM
I love dogs, but sadly, cannot have one where I live. I have dust-bunnies though. laugh

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Sat 04/25/09 01:30 PM
Where I live we are not supposed to have pets. But everyone does. BUT I do not have any pets. Have no desire to have pets either . To me there are a nusiance. Always trying to find someone to take care of them when you have to go somewhere, like vacations or even for a weekend getaway.

I enjoy the fact that I can just go at any time I want. besides there are the vet bills, food and from what I have seen of some people they are attached at the hip with their pets. I had 5 horses at one time and that as any horse owner will tell you is costly and hard work.

writer_gurl's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:35 PM
I have a puppy named Apollo...He is in my pics

FETTS61's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:38 PM
ive got a cat named pfred. had a dog , she went to doggie heavenlaugh

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Sat 04/25/09 01:45 PM
I've got a smooth-coat Fox Terrier...Tilly...a Rat Terrier mix...Jack...& a black cat...Metu...all rescue pets...smitten

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Sat 04/25/09 01:59 PM
I have a Lhasa named Lili.

tanyaann's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:04 PM
I have a black cat named Sasha and two turtles named Tow Truck and Sweet Pea.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:26 PM

waving waving have a pet , or pets?? or, do you dislike a pet, or pets??waving waving
:smile: nope and my neighbors cat just went missingscared

eljayeee's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:26 PM
2 Shih-tzus, 1-all black - Elphaba named for the wicked witch of the west, and a blonde named Izzy...they are great fun!!

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Sat 04/25/09 04:16 PM
laugh laugh elwoodsully, has the same pets as I do.laugh laugh