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Topic: What to do...
nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:44 AM
So my friend tells me... Call me and wake me up in the morning and so I did and got him on the phone and then he said 3 more minutes... so I call back, he then says 10 more minutes.... Ok so I did and when I called.... he didn't answer.... and I must have called like 15 times and couldn't wake him... the reason he needs to get up is because he has to go to work... Do I continue to try and call to wake him up or do I just give up.... What do you think? yawn frustrated rant

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:47 AM
That's his responsibility

A man who can't get up for work ...


DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:48 AM
Make him accountable for himself. We all have to wake up and get ready for work. I don't have someone calling me to get me out of bed and I work two jobs 5 days a week.

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:50 AM
Yeah...time to stop babysitting him and let him take care of himself.

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:52 AM

Yeah...time to stop babysitting him and let him take care of himself.

Well I don't babysit him... This was the first time he's asked me to do this... He was up late doing important stuff shades

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:57 AM
if he does not have the courtesy to let you know the correct time to call that is inconsiderate enough

but to have you do it multiple times and then either not get up or not let you know he was up and you need not call back

sounds like a training exercise

he wants to train you to do what he wants

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:59 AM
Stop calling! He either decided not to go in, turnned the ringer off or bolted out the door late for work.

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:01 AM

if he does not have the courtesy to let you know the correct time to call that is inconsiderate enough

but to have you do it multiple times and then either not get up or not let you know he was up and you need not call back

sounds like a training exercise

he wants to train you to do what he wants

I think you all misunderstand me.... He merely asked me to wake him up and he has trouble waking up cause of the medicine he takes... No need to make him out like a bad guy

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:03 AM

if he does not have the courtesy to let you know the correct time to call that is inconsiderate enough

but to have you do it multiple times and then either not get up or not let you know he was up and you need not call back

sounds like a training exercise

he wants to train you to do what he wants

I think you all misunderstand me.... He merely asked me to wake him up and he has trouble waking up cause of the medicine he takes... No need to make him out like a bad guy

Whatever the reason, he's a grown man, you've done him the "favor" and gone way above and beyond. It's now his responsibility, it was the first time he answered the phone.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:07 AM

if he does not have the courtesy to let you know the correct time to call that is inconsiderate enough

but to have you do it multiple times and then either not get up or not let you know he was up and you need not call back

sounds like a training exercise

he wants to train you to do what he wants

I think you all misunderstand me.... He merely asked me to wake him up and he has trouble waking up cause of the medicine he takes... No need to make him out like a bad guy

i never said he was

"""a bad guy"""

those are your words

what does that tell you

prisoner's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:12 AM
:smile: tell him to buy an alarm clock be seeing you

buttons's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:16 AM
in the past ive not awaken to the alarm clock bf has sometimes said want me to call you to make sure u got up? i said yes please. i have set the alarm too but not used to getting up so early. and when my work starts early i get worried that i wont get up and tend to wake up all night..laugh that was nice of you. but if he didnt get up its outta your hands and what a nice friend for following through on what you said. that is how he will remember it. and thats all that matters. if he is late its not your fault..

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:17 AM

So my friend tells me... Call me and wake me up in the morning and so I did and got him on the phone and then he said 3 more minutes... so I call back, he then says 10 more minutes.... Ok so I did and when I called.... he didn't answer.... and I must have called like 15 times and couldn't wake him... the reason he needs to get up is because he has to go to work... Do I continue to try and call to wake him up or do I just give up.... What do you think? yawn frustrated rant

15 times? Give up...he doesn't seem to be waking. Then tell him to buy a rooster, those things will wake you up out of a dead sleep...bastards that they are...

buttons's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:17 AM
one thing that helped me sometimes was having 2 alarm clocks..

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:17 AM
devil Go over there & wake him updevil

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:18 AM

:smile: tell him to buy an alarm clock be seeing you

a LOUD one, with a snooze bar, and set it far away from his bed. medicine, no medicine, hours of sleep, or just a nap, waking early, or late - I agree with everyone else. He is a GROWN MAN. He needs to take the RESPONSIBILITY of waking up upon HIMSELF.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:21 AM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 05/04/09 07:22 AM
buy him a screaming meanie (a timer alarm)

and have him set it on the other side of the room

he will get up

no doubt in my mind lol

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:21 AM

in the past ive not awaken to the alarm clock bf has sometimes said want me to call you to make sure u got up? i said yes please. i have set the alarm too but not used to getting up so early. and when my work starts early i get worried that i wont get up and tend to wake up all night..laugh that was nice of you. but if he didnt get up its outta your hands and what a nice friend for following through on what you said. that is how he will remember it. and thats all that matters. if he is late its not your fault..

Thank You and I definitely agree... if he's late... not my fault I tried flowerforyou

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:22 AM

one thing that helped me sometimes was having 2 alarm clocks..

Yeah he has 2 dig alarm clocks and one of those big loud annoying ones... Guess he just needed the sleep laugh

nelnel6280's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:23 AM

devil Go over there & wake him updevil

I would if I wasn't at work but that probably wouldn't work either since I'd have to bang on the door... I'm not climbing up the wall to get to the 3rd floor laugh

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