Community > Posts By > jtmcdole

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:36 PM

can I have your fidora?

Which one? I'm fairly attached to each of them! :angel:

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:30 PM

So anybody ever look in the mirror and think that you where someone else than what you where feeling inside? Ya know

Like everything is not real?

Nah. Like you felt like your living in the wrong body

Nope, I'm a klutz and I lay claim to all the scars I've got. Since I can't change me, I've found myself fantasizing about hitting the "reset button"; sell everything and disappear with no forwarding address, maybe a different country.

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:27 PM

Its the sole reason I'm on here. Its a mood killer story, so I'll tell it some other time.


Thankyou :)

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:26 PM

So anybody ever look in the mirror and think that you where someone else than what you where feeling inside? Ya know

Are you asking if I wished I were someone else?

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:21 PM

What if you could change 1 One thing what would it be?

Dangerous question in mixed company. I would have set the alarm earlier on July 3rd, 2007.

That's mysterious. Can you tell us why?

Its the sole reason I'm on here. Its a mood killer story, so I'll tell it some other time.

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:17 PM
My father looks younger than he is. When I grow my beard, I easily look my age or just a little older.. when I shave my face many of my co-workers get confused and think I'm a new intern lol.

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:08 PM

And noted, guy with the odd name in the red hat, noted!

I'm wearing a kilt with shoulder holster and 1911. what's odd about my name? laugh

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 09:07 PM

What if you could change 1 One thing what would it be?

Dangerous question in mixed company. I would have set the alarm earlier on July 3rd, 2007.

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 08:56 PM

Hey, guys!

Just thought I'D CLUE YOU IN!

Hey, guys.

Can't miss me, I'm the one in the red hat!

jtmcdole's photo
Thu 11/27/08 08:45 PM

Sex is like icing on the cake................ and if you don't have good cake

Am I the only one that read this and though "But you can just eat the icing off"...

all humor aside, I find I need to have some sort of attraction to someone to go out on a date with them... the date is to find out of there's something meaningful behind the attraction.

jtmcdole's photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:18 PM
Alright, time for me to get down and dirty with some info. I had this arrangement a while ago (2004) after coming out of a bad relationship. What happened was simple; I had a crush on the girl earlier (I'm loyal to no exception, so I made no moves even while in a bad relationship where the other person wasn't so loyal); after that fell apart I started hanging out with the person more often. One major ice storm later and a comfy fire, she starts making some moves. One things leads to another and she lays down the fwb clause. Things progress for a few months, lots of booty, and hell, this was a serious ego boost after watching my 3 year relationship fall apart. Then it gets weird. I'm a stubborn SOB, I'll stick to any contract until its renegotiated, but she started developing emotions for me.

Long story short, she introduced me to my wife. I was the innocent bystander as my fwb tried to hook up with my (future) wife and used me as the bait, and while my (future) wife used my fwb as bait to get me in the sac. laugh

Morale of the story: someone always gets attached, and this is the make or break point.

Alas, due to tragic circumstances I'm back on here, trying to keep my head above board and return back to the noble / knightly / boy scout way of life :) Good luck to everyone else in the endeavours!

jtmcdole's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:37 PM

JTM..... yeah, rub it in....

I'm not rub'n it in! flowers

Thanks for the compliment, Fran! When I swam all the time, and some times in the summer, they are a grey blue, almost silver.

jtmcdole's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:59 AM

hey is this the guy that fell ill???

Nope.... never heard from him again. He recently jioned the other site I'm on though, and by that I mean days after he was "ill".... no idea what his deal was. Don't care anymore.

Last night was a first date.

I'm also getting fixed up with a psychology professor.... so that is exciting. He is 5'9" and I know it for a fact! laugh

Nothing like being 6'1" to not worry about women in heals :)

jtmcdole's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:45 AM

Bottom line is ... you may have been cheated on and never knew it. So ya. This question may not be answered accurately yanno?

Not sure it's not better to know and have to recover than to run around not knowing and look like a schmuck to all those people who pity you...
Guess I'm glad I'm in the first catagory, but whaever works for each person.

One thing I learned from the first time, always get tested after (and hell, during) a relationship. Its an honest thing to do for your potential next partners and your own health. So if you don't think you were cheated on, do it anyway - piece of mind.

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 05:12 PM

Has anyone else had the offending couple blame you for ruining innocent lives because you told the other person's family? I admit the way I went about it was wrong, (the offending person will wail about it)but still, they are the ones that ruined people's lives. It's like blaming someone for murder because they told the cops who did it. Geeeeeeez!noway

Yes to an extent. I didn't spread anything around, but her friends found out about it and it went down hill from there. She ended up losing friends. Family? They really liked me, but you know the saying about blood and water.

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 01:26 PM
Good luck and welcome!

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 08:31 AM
updated with more pictures from my hat collection... seriously, I love fedoras, and no, I'm not bald.

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 08:14 AM
So I know I missed the topic a little, so here's my 2c. Yes, I think its a problem when they list "sex" as an interests... who isn't interested in that? However, if you are only on here for that, then I guess its good its listed first because it helps to weed out those here for general dating / relationship building.

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:56 AM

JTM... your secret is safe. Tell me, are GA tech and VA tech rivals?

Yes. I have a fun little rivalry with my father in law and uncle. Big? Probably not terribly big, not as big as the GaTech v. Uga game this week! Last time we won against them, I was still in college :wink: time to go back for that phd I've been wanting.

jtmcdole's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:44 AM


You know you're a car nut when you think "Whats your lift and duration?" and not take it sexually! Time to find another engine to rebuild.

Awww you dear sweet gearhead....

He meant webcam.....:tongue:

Damn. How the heck could I miss that! I hope gatech doesn't want my degree back for my epic geek fail.frustrated