Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
If you are role modeling & want to give a gift...a card is still nice. If you want a packaged item, something impersonal for the house or that they could share...not sure how old your son is. A bottle of wine or a houseplant is nice. Is your son old enough for a board game? That could be a gift she/him could use together. Just a couple ideas. Thank you for all the ideas. I actually found a computer game based on a TV show she likes, so I went with that. A little personal, but nothing overly affectionate. |
Edited by
Sun 12/28/08 01:08 PM
A possibility, other than infidelity, though, in a way maybe worse.. Has he ever had a drug or alchohol problem in his past?
From what you're saying, this could be symptoms of a relapse into something of that nature too. Hopefully he's just preoccupied with something at work and tyring (unsuccessfully) not to worry you, but... |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
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Sun 12/28/08 12:57 PM
Well, the "why" of it is because she's my sons mother, and we are at least still civil towards each other, and I don't want my boy to see me snub her, but shes the type that usualy gets what she likes when she wants it, and doesnt talk much about present-y type things she wants or is interested in.
I know I know. terrible that I dont already know her tastes, but even when we were together, buying her presents was a task in and of itself.... Maybe its just that "Guys are bad at presents" thing.. |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
Hey JAG, what would you suggest as a (late) X-mas present for a woman you dont particularly like, but feel obligated to get something for?
And while a bomb would be fun, probably not practical.... ![]() |
I'd say avoid any one-niters with chicks with a prominant adams apple, but if thats your thing, go for it I suppose....
Might also wanna avoid that midnight swim in the Gulf or ocean too.. |
Hey from Pensacola
"Hey" from Cantonment....
Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
hey there jusy how ya been?? What's happening, OC?? nothing to much just wanted to drop in see ya you were doing.see whats up Not much of anything. Still trying to recover from a visit with my family on Saturday night. Therpist seeking therapy?? ![]() |
Well, I didnt find it on "my" floor, or even inside, but I used to do deliveries to restaurants on Pensacola Beach, and I'd find all KINDS of interesting things below the boardwalk that the HOOTERS was located on: Used condoms, used underwear (both mens and womens) of course beer cans and bottles, the occasional drug paraphenalia and once, a person! Drunk kid sleeping it off in the sand in a puddle of vomit...
![]() So much for keeping our beaches beautiful, huh? |
women and condoms
Edited by
Fri 12/26/08 11:38 AM
Okay, grow up children.
If you dont think its funny, or are offended by it, is it really necessary to remain and make comment after comment and call names over it, or wouldnt it be easier to just move on, call a spade a spade as it were, and forget about it? I Can understand saying "I dont think that was funny. I dont like it" and then heading out to greener, funnier, pastures, but honestly, this is just silly. Do you harrass someone in public if you happen to hear something offensive in passing? Not saying leave the jokes forum, but if you dont like something, you're always free to move on to the next one, rather than stay and try to make someone else see why you think everyone should consider this universally offensive. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 10
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Mon 12/22/08 12:12 PM
Single, not loving it
The pillow never gropes back, and its not as much fun groping myself... |
Diary od a Snowshoveler
And people ask me why I moved from eastern Ohio to Florida?!? THAT is exactly why!
*lmao* Its true! The funniest crap is all real, just not happening to YOU at that exact moment... ![]() ![]() |
"What do you call a dog with no hind legs and metal testicles?"
"Sparky!" |
A Few Funnies!
Forget splinters.. I think someone yanked off a section of the rail and I landed on a spindle!
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...... |
What if a
Make sure he and his friends aren't here to continue that "Probing" they tried last time...
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thin-King..?? What is this Thin-King of which you speak? I do not know this concept.....
Thinking leads to pain, pain leads to fear, fear leads to the darkside..... |
Edited by
Sun 11/23/08 02:55 PM
So, time for a serious note:
I have to agree with the ladies here. I spent the last 9+ years, slowly bending over further and further trying to make my now Ex-girlfriend happy. What I got out of it is a beautiful son who is the center of my world, and a really odd and uncomfortable relationship with his mother, the recent ex, who expects me to do more and more to try and make her life comfortable, while mine gets more and more uncomfortable. So I'm trying to fix that whole issue now. The best advice I can think to give is share with her, compromise with her, but don't revolve around her. Make sure you also have your own life to live. If you can find someone that is willing and happy to share and compromise WITH you, rather than come to expect you to concede to thier wishes, you're on the way to a good thing. |
African Swallow, or European??
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Just ask JustAGuy - part 3
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According to "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy", the answer is
42. |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 3
Edited by
Sun 11/23/08 01:12 PM
Thanks for the great tips about acrylic. I have wanted to mess with the stuff myself. Just a guy what do you think would be good Christmas CD for a 19 yr old who is really into Rock n Roll gutair (sorry sp?) music. JaG, Mind if I field this one, or at least add my 2 cents? Check out Trans Siberian Orchestra. Essentially, a rock band outfit, backed by a symphony orchestra. If you've seen the Christmas Lights display synced to the Rock style orchestra music, thats the group playing the music. |