If you mean at all, there have been a few on here, though I know most are just playing, same as I am, but there is one..
OFF-line, in person? Face to face? Uhm.....Uhhhh........Hrrmmmmmmm... Nope. Got nuthin'. Been so long, I can't remember. |
What's Your Song?
"No Excuses" - Alice In Chains
(R.I.P. Layne Staley) |
Parents of a child with ADHD
Thanks Redd. I didn't feel right about putting my son on meds when we first made the decision, but now, seeing him doing well in school, getting along with his classmates and teachers, and seeing how much happier he is, I feel worse that this result may have been delayed because of my personal prejudice against medication as a treatment.
Now, how about I bring over some rice and Anduile (sp??) and we put together some dinner.. (Meant literally, not a euphemism.. I LOVE me some good redbeans, rice and sausage!!!) |
Parents of a child with ADHD
My son is 8 years old, just diagnosed with ADHD, after 2 years of constant stuggle with his behavior and academic difficulties. I tried to fight for no medication, having seen a friends son deal with the side effects of Ritalin. (sp?)
His doctor put him on a lower dosage Focalin for it though, and I have to admit it really seems to help him. He doesn't act fogged or zombie-ish, he still has all the same personality and spunk, but he's able to focus, his in-school behavior is 100% improved, his grades are rising, and he seems geniunely happier. I'm not, and never will be, an advocate of the "throw pills at it" method of treatment for anything, but in this case, if tis working, and he's happy and confident, then I can't argue with the effectiveness. My best suggestion in an ADHD situation would have to be to investigate ALL avenues of treatment, and follow the one best suited TO THE CHILD. Put your personal preference and prejudices aside and try to find out what helps the child the most, NOT what makes YOU feel better. |
Be Nice. I've kinda wondered the same thing myself.
I'd think part of being FWB is sorta "Dont Ask, Dont Tell."... So long as both parties are being safe with each other, and anyone else they choose to be with, it shouldn't matter. I suppose it depends on the "terms" they agree to at the beggining. If they're monogamous with each other, is it still really just "Friends With Benefits"?? |
How do you detect?
After you find them outside your house despite the retraining order!
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When does lust become love?
When you discover that you want to spend time ABOVE the covers, clothes on and all
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At different points in my life so far, I've sacrificed:
My Self-Esteem My Dignity years of time education health some portions of my sanity (Some regained, some not so much) friendship money happiness Now, some of those sacrifices were worth the gain to some degree or another, others, just a waste of time, but they've made me who I am to this point, and I'm not totally ashamed of that person. so.. ... |
The biggest turn off
Worse, when its a woman that I KNOW has a good mind, but thinks that its to her benefit for some reason to act like a dingbat. There are already enough truly stupid people in the world, do we really need to pretend there are more?? |
Love Notes
If I had a hammer....... Id hammer you in the morning.....ha ha ha!!!! omg shhhhhhhhhhh Muriel!!! DOWN GIRL DOWN!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lex and Terri listener? ![]() If not, they made a song with pretty much that same line. |
Q-Tips - Lick them or Not?
I use q-tips after every shower to dry inside my ears, and clean out where a wash cloth cant reach. I can't understand what the point of licking them first would be. Cotton works better dry.
Q-Tips - Lick them or Not?
Should've waited until he had one sticking out of his ear.. then smacked it good.. That would'a given him an open mind on the subject.
Jack Schyte again.. Nuff said.
What do you do when:
*kissing him gently* You don't worry about what you can't control and smile. Thank you Sugar.. I'm trying too.. tell them that's uncomfortable.... or it hurts. ask them if they want you to show him/her what you like. trust me - everyone is worried that they are not good in bed. they'd be happy to know what you want. :D I almost wish it were in bed.. Then I'd just flip her over and switch things up... This is more, and less, complicated than that.. Thanks Y'all.. |
What do you do when:
Someone is doing something "for you", that you don't particularly want, and never asked for, and you know the person is only doing it because they feel other people expect them to, not because they really want to?
And I know the "tell them you're fine without it" and such, Or "grin and bear it", but honestly, is there anything that isnt already a cliché'd answer? *Sorry if this seems a little harsh. Chalk it up stress plzKthnx?* |
Are you kidding me Star Wars is on ![]() Now youre talkin!! "Luke, I am your Father." |
Back to a Ex.....
Might stay friends with them, depending on the ending, but I've never repeat offended as far as re-starting a romantic relationship.
Looks great....have fun and enjoy the site...welcome ![]() Thank you much M'Dear. I've been hanging about for a couple months, but I just decided to see if there is anything I can do to make my pro look a little nicer. **Also leaves Winks and Hugs for missy Chrissy for when she wanders through** ;) |
How does my profile rate, and what should I change to make it better?
The Wedding Ring
#3, definatly, because lets face it, once OTHER women find out, you wont HAVE a wife or girlfriend ever again!