Community > Posts By > 44hello

44hello's photo
Wed 01/31/07 08:00 AM
Honestly,It depends on the person and their type of disability... If I
enjoyed being with someone and was attracted to them, and them me, sure,
why not. We all have faults.... It's just a matter of which ones we can
over-look. A fault or disability that bothers one, may be of no
consequence to another. There is no easy answer to this question! It is
either accepted or not by the individuals involved, but is an awkward
question to ask someone and puts them in an uncomfortable position,
which, to me, seems a little unfair. it's either "there" or "it's not"!

44hello's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:53 PM
in last line, shouldread "as tears begin to well"...

Words on bottom shouldn't hve been posted! While I was writing below
words, I changed, and began the above poem!

44hello's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:48 PM
Nice poem m..... I like it.

44hello's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:31 PM

The turning back of clocks,
salvation of our regrets
and wish of things done differently
have all become fruitless dreams.

A once pure expression of our love,
left lingering in the hallway of time,
all too often, becomes lost,
as one by one, open doors close.

Appreciation of what we have, escapes,
as no longer will we wear anothers shoe,
try to walk in their footsteps,
or see anything but from where we stand.

A complete lack of words for anothers thoughts,
once bringing on a feeling readily recieved,
has been replaced with a numbness of feeling,
brought upon us by a tirade of thoughtless words.

Not until it's too late, does our focus re-adjust,
as slowly we are awakened from our emotionless dream
seeing again through the eyes we chose to keep shut,
until focus fades once again, and tears begin to well.

directions once taken,
have led to where i now stand.

Wiith number of paths fewer,
decisions seem more difficult,
as well their significance

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:53 PM
You lost me there Bill! What were we talking about, or , I mean,
"what number beer are you on"?!!!!!!!

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:29 PM
Love Skynard, but unfortunately their plane crashed when I had tickets
to see them in the late 70's...

PLUS, and for this I deserve a beating<, I could have seen them thiis
summer, up close and personal, get this, about 10 minutes from my
house in the small town park nearby, during somethinng like "town
day'.... Someone must know them personally around here to get them to

No need for any name calling, I've called myselfevery name in the book


44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:08 PM
Never made doors, but had my fair share of "making for the door"!!!

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:03 PM
....and further more redmange, what did that poor sheep ever do to you?

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:01 PM
Personally, I abhore these smart-ass types!LOL

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:38 PM
m, size doesn't matter!, Oh wait, that was another topic!

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:31 PM
Thanks guys, and Michael, only if it's on the kiddie ride!

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 03:22 PM
With sounds of metal clanking
felt with steady, rythmic strokes
our senses fully waken
moving up with every jolt.

All but this moment is forgotten
as we've a few second wait
'til gravity takes us over
making us love what we should hate

Our stomachs thrusted upward
seeking shelter in our throats,
while screams are all around us
from souls wishing off this boat

Our hands grasp very tightly
as if we hold on for dear life
while only making matters worse
we hear, "We're all gonna die".

While up and down we go
being whipped from left to right
our insides feel like jelly
but our outside's holding tight

We finally reach the moment
when this nightmare abrubtly ends
only to head right back in line
for lifes roller-coaster ride again.

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 03:21 PM
Sure you have ccp, it's called life!

Sorry I posted in wrong place, I'll re-post in poetry

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 03:18 PM
With sounds of metal clanking
felt with steady, rythmic strokes
our senses fully waken
moving up with every jolt.

All but this moment is forgotten
as we've a few second wait
'til gravity takes us over
making us love what we should hate

Our stomachs thrusted upward
seeking shelter in our throats,
while screams are all around us
from souls wishing off this boat

Our hands grasp very tightly
as if we hold on for dear life
while only making matters worse
we hear, "We're all gonna die".

While up and down we go
being whipped from left to right
our insides feel like jelly
but our outside's holding tight

We finally reach the moment
when this nightmare abrubtly ends
only to head right back in line
for lifes roller-coaster ride again.

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 01:13 PM
strange as it may sound,
remains my biggest burden,
as much my greatest gift.

Living in a world,
plentiful with fools,
all too often,
becomes a meaningless word.

time after time,
I find myself burning inside,
unable to break through
with non-invasive approach,
limited brain cavities,
of heads much too thick.

By some,
solely to first thought
will they commit,
as if action of reflex.

may never seee the light of truth.

uanable to admit faults,
argue their positions,
even if, knowing inside
they could be proven wrong.

refuse to see the light of truth.

Lastly, there are those,
not unlike myself,
who can accept being at fault,
regardless of consequence,
having been proven
either right or wrong.

Seek the light of truth.

Though, all too often,
an almost unbearable pressure
will accompany our search,
pushing us to insanities edge.

This pressure,
the minds inner turmoils,
is created,
when upon deaf ears falls,
our own,
voices of reason.

44hello's photo
Sat 12/16/06 08:47 AM
How many times do our lives have to start over again before we can
really live?

I'm still counting!

Good one ccp!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:25 PM
Fanta, good intentions, but they raise taxes to fatten their own
wallets more than than just to cover the true problems. They can
stop the corruption, embezzling, and pork barrel funding and have
more than if they doubled our taxes! Our paychecks are taxed 30%
already +/-, then we're taxed 8% on the rest! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I
agree, democrats answer only compounds the problem and doesn't fix
it. Pretty soon we'll be paying to go to work!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:10 PM
Just have to remember to think that if we take that last step, it is
neither forward nor back, and not the cure for emotional torture, just a
worthless escape. I don't mind when i think like that, but it hurts
to see others think like that. 10 steps back and 1 step forward is a
start at least, but haven't the ability to step at all is a hell of
a lot worse. Keep going, release pains through writing, and remember,
things aren't always as bad as we sometimes feel. If you can't think
of yourself, think of those you'll hurt that love you before taking
that last step! One never knows of the happiness that just one more
day has the power to bring! (or 2, 3, 4, etc....)

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:52 PM
Do i sense a bit of a complex anda, with that 1/2 inch thing?!!!
Only kidding!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:45 PM
But I could use some ice-cream! Think I'll take a drive to the
supermarket and treat myself to some!!!

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