Community > Posts By > 44hello

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:43 PM
Doing good stan, hope you're doin' the same!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:38 PM
Sad story.

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:32 PM
Been there too many times myself ccp!!! That's when poetry is
written!!! When head and heart run wild together! Nice!!!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:29 PM
Hey ijegirl!, a little less lonely today I hope?

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:26 PM
Yep, nobody likes a liar or bull-shitter, man or woman!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:17 PM
and the very least also CCP! I've always remained friends with my
ex-girlfriends, or at least did my part to try! If you can hate
someone you thought you loved once, it was never real love. It takes
two to tango, so if one person just doesn't dance, neither should ,or
could, be blamed for souring a relationship. You can't blame someeone
who wants it and trys , nor the other who tried and doesn't want it.
You just keep searching for that mutual want for eachothers
compannionship! One day we'll all find it..... I hope!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:02 PM
we all want to see our relationships in an optimistic light,
especially when we think it's "it". Unfortunately, it's that
optimistic light which blinds us, and refuses to let us see the
surfacing of problems... When were alone again, the optimistic outlook
disappears and we finally get a glimpse of what we had, where we
were, and what we should have done differently. Too bad, by that
time, it's usually too late! But we live and learn and usually it can
only get better from where we stand at that point. Hang in there!
Good heart-felt write m.!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 05:37 PM
I don't like hearing a woman complain about what another person (or
couple)may have or do, or being compared to anyone I'm not!

44hello's photo
Fri 12/15/06 05:24 PM
I wish your wishes are fulfilled!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 09:20 PM
You don't trust your on line banking account?....
I took it a step further.....I won't bank on-line!

Las Vegas would be perfect since airfares would be affordable
to almost everyone! But then again, Wingdale,N.Y. would suit my

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 08:52 PM
TThanks Ontario, This is what I need! It tells me you can'tt
relate and I'm focusing tooo much on whatt I can relatte tto and not
enough on what someone witthout my experiences and/oor tthooughts on
specific tthings might be tthiinkiing. I have too sttep ouside my box,
and read itt to make sure it has relevence to others also! Thankyou!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 08:37 PM
I caught your drift w/fe,ale! But I fancy women myself! Don't have
any prooblem w/someone being gay either, as lonng as their good people!

You had to say it , didn't you! In other words, if 30 people read
and no-one commented, it must've REALLY sucked!

cybear, thanks, I beat myself up regularly though.... it's become a

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 07:25 PM
If you read a poem of mine and it sucks, tell me...

I can handle your opinion without hating you too much!(only

maybe I'll see things in a different perspective and improve somehow.
Maybe I'll still suck too!
But at least I'll know I suck! I'd rather know I suck than think
that maybe I don't suck and they were so inncredibly moved by my
words that they were left speechless!

I swear, my computer will not beat up yours, if yours starts sending
negative vibes! I've got an older DELL laptop, with a fairly slow
processor, so it ain't about to make waves with yours!!!!

Some of you might get the impression that maybe I'm a little whacky or
strange by what I sometimes write, well, OK, maybe your right, but
that's not where I was heading....forget that!

I guess what I'm trying to spit out, is that if say 30 people have read
my poem, and no-one left a comment, I'm inclined to believe it was just
too good for words to express, or possibly,
it just plain old sucked !

Well, before I sign off here, I just wanted all of you to know how much
I love you and the fact that all of your poems are beautiful and I
wouldn't change a word or punctuation mark and hope you remember
this when you evaluate mine!!!


And just remember... I'll still love you just the same ,even after
you've ridiculed, emotionaly tortured , and scarred me for life!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:23 PM
I know, the high-light of my mistakes (really, computer
malfunctions!) was the word but (spelled as butt!!!)

come-on people, tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:19 PM
I knew I should have made the corrections, now I'll always bear the
stigma of being an idiot! Let's see a little compassion for the 44 year
old mentally challenged guy who has posting problems!!!!!!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:13 PM
hey ijegirl, I'm new myself, but if you treat others here the same as
you wish to be, i think your lonliness problem has taken a turn for
the better! Lots of good , caring people here who i'm sure at one
point were in your shoes!


another lonely soul

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 06:00 PM
Don'tt get me wrong, you people are cool, but man, I can do this
for hours and hours and it getts as if doing this fills that
loonlinness void, but aren't we just living here in a virttual,
computter led fantasy world? It would be great if we all coould
get together for real soomewhere, sometime....I know I'm nnew here,
butt alot of you seem to 'virtually" know eachotther pretty well and
maybe I'll get to know some of you too in time and it would just be
a "real" good tthing to do. I know all cann'tt do it because
travel, finances, oor otther reasons, but maaybe try for a date inn
the springtime, so prior tto a meet, we cann get a shoow of hands and
see if there's enough of us participatinng to make it worthwhile!
I for one , don't need another addiction problem(computer), unless it
has tthe probabilitty of going from virtual to real!
The last few days, all I've done is manage to swap cSI, Law and
Order, sci-fi channnel and fox nnews, foor virtually gettig soome
friends!!! Moostt of you regulars, too me, seem like down to
earth, good , decent people annd it would be a shame to let the
assholes annd scumbags steal the real world when decent peoople cope
witth this virtual life! I'm not puttinng anyone down or nothinng
like thatt, just sayinnng that the computer should only be our doorway
and nott our home.... any tthoughts?

and if you're wondering, nO, I'm nnoot ann elementary school
drop-out!!!! my keyboard letters stick and I ain't wastinng anny
more time correctting my writes!!!!!!!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 05:21 PM
He did have a moovie hard times, so your probablly right!!!!!!!!

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 05:17 PM
maybe it was "street-fighter", or is tthat a new oone/

44hello's photo
Thu 12/14/06 05:16 PM
True Grit was probably mine sinnce I saw it at tthe drive-in moovie as
a kid!