Community > Posts By > 44hello

44hello's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:50 AM
Spontaeous actions of
which we're later ashamed.
Words spoken on a whim
in the heat of a rage
Adding fuel to their fire,
rather than dousing our flames,
we often hurt one another
playing psychological games.

Why can't we see clearly
when it all hits the fan,
letting our dignity fade,
whether were woman or man.
It's this ugly scene
we may never forget
and followed too often
by the shadow of regret.

It's easy to think
we'll just change our way,
and won't be a next time
of our childish display.
But sure as we stand
knowing it's a terrible thing,
the next time becomes worse,
as we enter the ring.

What makes us snap
at a love we hold true?
There must be an answer,
something else we can do.
If I'm missing the picture
can you tell me please,
cause at best my blame points
to a mutual brain-freeze!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 11:21 PM
noooo, not that one!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 11:19 PM
Dat be da one!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 11:12 PM
Ooops, when you change photo, it changes onn every page! The one you
were smiling and half-profile shot!!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 11:09 PM
I think he meant the picture on top of page 2 oof this thread!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:54 PM
Didn't mean it the way you're thinkin', what I mean is that woomen in
general take compliment in looking younger than they actually are!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:39 PM
Uh-oh, isn't that, "you look older line " a no-no! Hope you're wearing a
cup Kevin!!!!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:36 PM
yeah, read the wax story, it'll put a smile on your face!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:33 PM
I really needed a good laugh! Felt as though I was there!!! Very

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:10 PM
Its been quiet all day here.... maybe more people than I thought just
don't like Mondays?!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:58 PM
Deliver me,
from this web of deceit,
surrounding now,
my every word.

unable to escape, I tread,
neck high, in a sea of lies,
creation of my own doing.

as tides rise,
currents pull me down.

To the buoy of truth,
I can no longer hold.

It began as one lie,
innocent and white,
unaware, others may be told
to cover the first.

This being the case,
compounded lies,
one after another, until,
became my life,
irreversibly damaged.

I'd begun living a lie.

As the weight bears down,
from a conscience full to capacity
I find I am wedged
between two pillars,
one, being that of truth,
the other, deception,
both as equal in strength.

Left now no choice,
the time had come
to ask myself a question,
one I'd been avoiding.

Which shall I embrace,
the pillar of truth(?),
causing my world,
built on lies, to crumble,
or pillar of deception,
causing my mind,
conscience full, to shatter.

I've come to realize,
the question of which pillar to choose,
for me, has already been answered.

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:20 PM
With a surge of anger annd fistful of might,
stood afraid and trembling,reluctant to fight,
a man of respect, who stands for what's right
against the evil that lurks within the shadows of night.
Can he fight them alone, will it be more than a match(?),
for the demons from beyond are not easy to catch.
Will his faith give him strength annd power to overcome, these unearthly
beings, wherever they're from(?)
They'll cheat annd they'll lie, and try to make you believe
that the only way to live, is to hurt and deceive.
Their darkness engulfs those suseptible to fear,
and clings to the innocent we hold precious and dear.
They hide in the corners and emerge from the depths,
ever tempting our senses, putting our faith to the test.
But how can he fight, without falling prey,
to the hatred and deception he despises in they(?).
He must hold strong, ever keeping his guard,
rejecting temptations, no matter how hard.
Will he win this battle(?), may God only know.
Will the evil in man still continue to grow(?)
Is this the encounter which will decide it all,
whether life as we know it will rise or will fall(?)
I hope for our sake, and I surely expect,
this fight will be won, by this man of respect...

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 12:50 PM
Your last two lines say it all... no matter what we've been dealt in the
past, it is what waits us ahead that must take precedence!!!Even though
we may dwell on sorrow in the past , there is a bighter future worth
waiting for! That wind will blow annd fill our sails! Nice

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 12:21 PM
ccp, I didn't bleed to know I was alive, but felt it relieved the
pressure of depressions building inside me. Maybe its not normal... but
what is normal?, and it seemed to work! I don't want anyone reading this
to think I'm wacked or something, but it was my way to cope sometimes
since I don't share my problems with others. Believe it or not, I'm a
decent, caring person and not a physical abuser! Go figure!!!!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:55 AM
I am ready...

When I arrive,
starved for its welcome
I know I'll be met,
loved for who I am.

A dream,
now in past tense,
will become my reality,
as does my once
long spent reality, end,
as a passing dream.

This new beginning,
clear too me,
filled with meaning,
as if has always been.

Death, destruction, pain,
all bad memories,
stripped from me
as though never had happened.

Hurt, sadness, insecurity,
all things negative,
taken from my body.

All of this,
by something beautiful...

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:38 AM
The haze becomes our failure to see those around us who really give a
shit, since we don't want to hear it, and choose the haze over the
truth. The "fix" resides within! ... We DO care!

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:25 AM
I am satisfied with little,
wanting that
only of some freedom.

Freedom to be who I am,
without the pressures
often recieved
from outside influences.

That of understanding,
just maybe an inkling,
from those near
whom persecuted by,
I sometimes feel.

One problem though
I've yet to conquer,
a constant burden
long ago cursed unto me.

That being of compromise,
and my lack of it.

I fight it fiercely,
getting things my way,
though sometimes, to it,
I must give in.

When this the case,
I can't help but feel
that it is my true self
which has become,

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:40 AM
The eagle soars high,
manipulating the wind,
mocking those confined below
imprisoned by their grounded roots.

Feeling no pity,
realizing their world in danger,
man reaches for the stars
invading the space between.

The eagle soars higher,
choking in its path
feeling the pain of mans evolution,
entire picture now in view.

Helplessly it glides,
unable to promote change,
knowingly approaching its demise,
only to land and wait....

The eagle cries.

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:34 AM
Thanks ccp

44hello's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:26 AM
Keep your walls readied, but not too high to see! You're a
survivor....nice piece!