Community > Posts By > Kevin3824

Kevin3824's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:38 AM
I have a silly question for you when you hear about a website or bank
being hacked what OS do you think they are running for a web server?

Linux currently holds 70% of the market for web servers and 11% is

Most larger companies are using Cisco PIX firewalls as well.

Kevin3824's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:35 AM
If you are talking about Linux then it is a part of the open source
software project. You can download it for free. It is quite different
then Windows is though and you may or may not be ready to make the
switch over completely. I would suggest you put it on a second pc until
you get used to it.

There are different flavors of Linux as well RedHat, SuSe, Debian to
name a few of them.

You can get more info on it at www dot linux dot org.

I personally use windows on my home computer but I only deal with Linux
on my web hosting. It is a far superior OS to Microsoft for serving up
web pages.

You may also want to look into XXAMP it will install a complete Windows,
Apache, MySQL, PHP If you are looking to setup a local webserver XXAMP
will probably be a good choice to help you to learn about most of the
different areas on most Linux installations.

It will turn your pc into a WAMP environment.

Just a few thoughts. Linux is an OS that is not mainstream and preferred
by many a geek out here. It is much more streamlined then Windows and
therefore faster. However it takes a different level of knowledge to
operate it well.

Kevin3824's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:18 AM
They may not have a keypad but theya ll have numbers keys above the
lettered keys.

That should work just fine for them as well.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:53 PM
I personally think that the thread took a lot of guts to write in here
and applaud ShadowEagle for posting it. There was a time on this
bulletin board when posting a topic like this would have been attacked
with masty comments and responses of alot of people on these boards.

I have seen people on here that had postings saying they were lesbian
and did not want responses form guys and the guys all jump on it.

At the same time if a guy was gay on here and he posted for only men to
reply he would not get a bunch of ladies responding he would get a bunch
of hate mail and threats and disrespect from the guys in here.

I think that each and everyone of us has a right to be ourselves and be
real. Even if doing so is not mainstream or accepted well by all. To try
to take that right away from a person because you do not believe how
they do is not your place. If them being themselves does not hurt anyone
else then they should be allowed to do it without predjudice.

There is too much hate in this world that stems from ignorance. That is
the main reason I liked this thread. Those on this site can choose not
to read it or believe it or heed the words but if they read it they
might actually learn something about life for others.

I woud say Shadow if the child can understand it is good for them to
know. You need to be there for them no matter what they decide to do.
Love them and show your love and support for them. If others attack then
stand by the child and always remember the source of anything that may
be said derogatory. You are an adult and you can use logic to ward off
most of the trash.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:31 PM
You might have learned about a different side of you had you stuck
around instead of running away.

I think she should have handcuffed you first then taken out the other
tools after you were secured. LOL

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:23 PM
I recently had contact with a guy that runs a website called jointheat
dot com. He wanted me to build his website for him but would not agree
to my terms so I never did it. I would suggest you may want to contact
him his site is really unprofessional but it seems like his products may
be of help to you all.

Just another alternative. I am not involved with that company at all
just wanted to let you know it is out there if the products interest you
or can help.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:10 PM
he gave good advice not all keys go back on the same way. compressed air
will clean debris from under a key but if it is sticking due to
something that was spilled on it you probably will need to remove the
key and clean it properly. Shy of key removal for cleaning you may want
ot be sure that all the sides of the key are clean with rubbing alcohol
and a paper towel and something thin like a ruler or credit card.dampen
the paper towel with the alcohol do not soak it. then put the towel over
the edge of the cc or ruler and use it to clean the sides of the keys.

Just a thought. if you need a new keyboard for it you may want to
consider going to walmart and buying one that can plug into the back or
side of the laptop.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:04 PM
Nascar AVG is free and good

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 11:00 PM
IAM4U your still pretty far for me to drive to meet for coffee dude.

I might be able ot do Middletown, NY by late morning or early afternoon

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:23 PM
Well I would have to say I have bypassed a mate because of facial hair.
I am a guy with a mustache and the girl I passed up had a thicker
mustache then I did at 17 years old.

I think if a woman has more facial hair then I do they need to move on
to find a different guy. I am not for them.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:20 PM
I would like that food preparation thing they had. Tell it what I want
and out of thin air it is prepared in 3 seconds.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:15 PM
I typically do not deal with ipods at this point but it seems to me that
if you are only getting sound on one ear not the other there is a
problem with the connection making contact with the bands on the plug.

When you changed out the headphones did you use ipod headphones as they
may actually be different to be propriatary to apple. The bands on the
plug have to line up to make contact.

The only other hardware issue that could be causeing the issue is if the
actual spring loaded wire inside the ipod connection was broken, not
making contact or shorted.

You can try the software answer it mayhelp but it sounds to me like a
headphone connection issue from here.

Personally I do not log on very regularly these days as I am trying to
get my life back togeather. Besides this is not really my techie field
of interest. I am more into programming and web design thee days since I
gave up network administration on a corperate level.

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:07 PM
Can you play guild wars on Linux? It has currently 3 different
campaigns. I have yet to hear of anyone being able to get it to work on
a linux environment as it is an MMORPG with regular updates typically
every other day or so as well as holidays for special events.

Kevin3824's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:13 PM
It would not even be read by the person I write it to. I would probably
not get a response either form it other then maybe get investigated.

I am not politically minded. In general I live a very secluded
lifestyle. Give me the web and availabuility to get and read books to
learn from and I am happy.

The only way I think we will stop or slow down the problem it to impose
mandatory sentancing for all offenders as well as those who help them by
employing them in the first place.

I would really like to see our troops come home though as soon as
possible. I do not think we belong overseas in this "war". It started as
a war on terrorism against that organization aque*** however it has been
months since I have even heard that term on news or media. It has turned
into a battle for other reasons which we should not be involved with
IMHO. We have enough oil here to sustain ourselves if we don't export

Even if the other governments were not charged for the costs of puting
the aliens in prison maybe it would be a suitable punishment to require
the employers of said individuals to pay that expense it would slow
things down a bit. Make it mandatory of 10 years in prison first offence
at the expense of the employer and you would see far fewer employers
risking employing illeagals.

Take away the land of pppertunity from them and they have no reason to
come here and risk going to prison for 10 years.

When they made drug laws mandatory the gangs started to get into
counterfeiting as that was less of a punishment then dealing drugs. They
still made alot of money doing it but the drug traffic eventually
leveled off as the people were still addicted.

People are going to be people and do what they see fit to get by no
matter if it is legal or not. Some live with violence or drugs all their
lives others like prison life and it is their standard.

I live in solitude personally and there are plenty of guns in this house
should I need them for protection. I do not see a need or have a desire
to carry them but then again I don't go out often either and am not
rich enough to have to worry about much if I did.

I also have issues with big companies farming out jobs to people
overseas as well. I think that is another problem that needs to be
addressed and not by that company wanting to or applying for hundreds or
thousands of visas for outsiders to come to this country and work here
from india as an example. If the company is that big to be able to
afford it then they should build a location in india and have those
people work from their own country. Don't bring them here just because
you can hire them to do a job for 15 dollars an hour or less that you
owuld have to pay a person in this country over 50 dollars an hour to do
the same job.

The person I am referring to above is Bill Gates owner of Microsoft. Who
is one of the worlds richest people. I use Microsoft products on a daily
basis out of need to be with the mainstream in my living. I develop web
pages IE is not the best browser but it is most used. I have no choice.
I do all my development for that browser on an Open Source Web Hosting
package. Linux, Apatche, MySQL,PHP as does I am proud to say over 75% of
the worlds web developers do Microsoft only has 11% of the web servers
on the planet. That number is dropping regularly as more people learn
what Bill is really all about.

Writing however would only make more troubles for me at this point.
There is o way they will even consider doing what I would suggest anyhow
as it is not in the best interest of big business.

Making big business pay a fair wage for technical employees or lowering
insurance costs are not on any politicians mind as they are the
political supporters not the average citizen.

Kevin3824's photo
Fri 04/13/07 06:15 PM
we could always pack them on a ship and ship them overseas to fight the
war for us and bring our citizens home to us then leave them there for
their contries to provide them transportation back and supplies.

how many heads would that turn

I do not believe in the voting system myself anymore as we have we vote
for president every few years and it is not always the peoples vote it
is always based on the electoral college not our votes.

I am upset with the idea of outsiders comming hear and taking food and
work away from us though.

It is too a point with me that I even considered moving out myself.
These days our constitution is not even being held up in our court
system when a person is arrested it is on them to prove they are
innocent not on the stat to prove guilt unless it is a capitol crime.

What ever happened to our constitutional right to bear arms. I do not
remember reading any stipulations on that. Yet walk down the street in
NYC with a gun on your hip and not in a uniform and watch how much you
get harrassed if not jailed.

Kevin3824's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:38 PM
Maybe it is me but I see alot wrong with the idea of illeagal
immigration. First off they are taking jobs away from families that
people who were born and raised here. Taking away from the american
citizens in many cases the abuility to provide for their families right
here at home.

I recently thought about moving myself out of the country to austrailia.
I found that in order to do that I would have to attain a sponsorship
from both a business there or the government itself basically asking me
to go there.

I do not think they can stop the people from crossing the border however
I do believe that if they get caught here they should be imprisioned for
a madatory sentance at the expense of their countries government. I
also think if they committed any other crimes while here that should be
added to their sentances. Not sent home so they can do it again the next

There is no other way I can think of to even slow them down at this

I made a point of not mentioning any other country on purpose here but I
would also like to point out that although our government has "Loaned"
the Mexican government billions of dollars that has never and will never
be paid back. That cannot be good for our economy.

What I say is not out of predjudice it is only my thoughts on it. I
believe it should be an all around law so if the man gets caught at work
then he goes to prison as well as anyone living in his place of
residence legal or not as they are also an accomplice to the crime. I
believe it should be a felony as it is a crime against all the american

It is sad when an american gets caught with cocaine weapons drugs, any
number of things in california they go to federal prison but if an alien
gets caught they go home and migrate back as soon as they can. Free and

I think we need to make the punishment fit the crime and stop them from
being willing to risk it wiht a server enough penalty to stop them.

Ofcourse some governments would rather kill a person then to pay for
them to live but that would not be the other governments choice.

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:49 PM
Oh and forgot to mention AOL has its own they call the AOL Explorer.


Kevin3824's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:48 PM
You also have opera and netscape of windows systems that are not totally
dead yet. You have safari for the macs and a few for linux as well. That
is just the big dogs out there you can actually write your own web
browser with JavaScript from the tutorial on webmonkey as well. THere
are literally thousands of browsers out there to choose from is all I
wanted to express. IE7 actually is not that bad a browser it is more CSS
compliant then any other MS browser. I develop for firefox at this point
because if I have to fix IE displays I can always use coditional
comments or Javascript if I can't correct the problem with XHTML or CSS
which is few and far between on those problems except one or two of the
more common ones like the double border issue in IE. That is beyond most
web users though.

People go online to see pictures and do not often get into the code
level of the pages or even wonder how things are done in most cases.

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 04/12/07 02:10 PM
Funny thing about the Oreilly book Learning PHP 5 it failed to cover any
OOP and that was thelargest difference between PHP 4 and PHP 5.

It is great to see anoother coder in here though were few and far

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 04/12/07 02:05 PM
Well I am a couple weeks into this new host and I am overall very happy
with them. I have even put up a link on my website to promote their

I did alot of research and I do not think I could have found a better
solution for my needs then they offered. My old web hostactually asked
what it would take to get me back. I simply told them what I was offered
at this new host and they did not even reply as my hosting package is
better then my web host gets from his provider.

I think as soon as the owner of my old host comes back to work from his
strike I will be able to switch him to my current host. The deal is
amazing and the price is great. for under 100 dollars a year I am
getting 8 static dedicated IP addresses 300 MySql Databases and ungodly
storage and bandwidth limits. That is just to name a few things. If you
email me on here I can give you more details but I do not want to
solicite on this site.

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