Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156
is it worth it...
i met a super cool girl here but she lives in cali. i live in ohio and want to know what i should do. should i visit cali and see her or am i better off just olaying my cards with someone closer. i want to meet her and all but what are the odds of anything coming of it? please critique. If you're asking me then you're already screwed. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Go Team Venture...
Intelligent person: I know you're out there!!!
How do we test spirits?
What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? The dreaded undead french kiss. If you already know, then why are you asking? O.o |
Firefox 3
FF 3 is ok but occasionally at very unpredictable times will crash. I can use Google Chrome or IE to access the site that crashed and it/they will work. If I try to go back with FF 3 it will crash again.
I suspect it has something to do with Java but I can't be sure. If you keep getting errors on a particular site with FF 3, don't keep trying, just switch to another browser and see if that one works. I have to use IE for my job. (This is because corporations are contracted to Microsoft to keep their servers running! Stick it to THE MAN!!! No, wait... forget I said that...) I don't use IE unless I absolutely have to. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
*smells self* I think... I'm still... alive.....
A lot of people think that TV = lies and youtube = truth. Try to argue with them.
I dare you! yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
when you joined this site
No expectations beyond the usual with any internet site: Entertainment.
NOTE: Here is some good internet entertainment (and I have posted material on here myself! ![]() Enjoy! yours in nebulous Chaos, Scarlett |
Hello there! (don't want to chat, but wish you well) :P
I am so drunk!!!
I'm drunk... and I'm working. And I love it!
A former shag partner said: "I go bareback when I'm cheating."
A few months later he was diagnosed with hep C. (I'm still clean.) ![]() |
That's what she said...
Well... this is an easily-manipulated bunch of human beings, isn't it..?
![]() |
To sort of recap--not as though it matters, but--if the guy just disappears without explanation, then he's not a boyfriend. He's a (to use my terminology) shag partner (and probably a criminal, which falls outside conventional dating terms).
For example: (my way) HIM: "Baby, I'm going to be with my other girlfriend/wife all weekend until Monday morning, I hope you don't mind...?" ME: "Oh not at all! Have fun! Use a condom!" *smooch* (your way) HIM: "See you on Monday! YOU: ??? *hesitant smooch* xoxoxo |
He IS one lucky man. ;)
I'm not going to comment on your profile and pics.
I do want to say: Hello! Nice to meet you. :) |
I do not call someone "my boyfriend" if I have no idea what he's doing on the weekend, or at any other time.
"My boyfriend" does not have to tell me every little thing that he does. "My boyfriend" DOES have to tell me where he is so I will know. He does not drop off the radar, in other words. (He can do whatever he wants in the cockpit.) He has a right to private time, but not to "lost" time, if you see what I'm saying. In my opinion, and from what you're telling us here, this man is using you. What you decide to do about it is up to you. I hope this was helpful. Good luck! yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Tell the truth.........
It's better than the last one, but... um... ok, I'll say it: You look like you just got hit on the head, and you're on your way to the floor.
Sorry, but you asked. It IS a very artistic picture. However, if it was my picture, I would not post it on the internet. Look at the camera and at least try to smile next time. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
In need of a stalker
If you had ever been stalked you would not consider this a joke. Have you ever had a stalker come to where you worked and leave messages with the receptionist? Have you ever had a stalker call you repeatedly after getting your home phone number, to the point that you had to get your number changed? Have you ever had a stalker threaten to kill you? ("If I can't have you, no one else will.") I think that maybe the term "stalk" as it pertains to "hunting" has grown somewhat devalued in our current culture. ' Maybe that's a good thing, now that I consider it. yours in Chaos, Scarlett With the exception of the "threaten to kill you" part, I could deal with it if the girl was hot enough. In one case, the girl was what I'm sure you would consider "hot"--until the time I saw her after she had slept in the alley behind my house. (I didn't think she was hot before then, of course, and no one, even someone as desperate as you, would have considered her "hot" after she had been dedicating her whole freaking life to "being close" to me for a couple of years, lol.) E-stalking is truly a joke, when you're faced with real-life stalking. On the internet one has access to this thing called "ignore". In real life, if you shoot that person or beat them to death (which will occur to you more than once, if you are ever in that situation) you'll be faced with jail. At the time(s) it was going on people joked about it, too. In real life. I don't know you and I don't like you, but still I hope you never have to deal with a real-life stalker. I guarantee you definitely won't like it. xoxoxo |
I started to read all the text, and I really meant to, and I really WANTED to, and then I got bored.
You have good pictures, but the overall impression is one of dispersion. If your intent is to find a relationship with this profile, then I would put my money on "lonely for a long time". If however you intend just to create an internet eddy or backwash for your own e-fame or e-self-aggrandizement, then I would say you have more than succeeded. That's a nice gun, by the way. And speaking of nice: Nice to meet ya. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
get him to join the site ya never know
How ironic. :\ ![]() What I meant was: "How ironic because maybe that's how we met in the first place." :\ :\ |
In need of a stalker
Edited by
Fri 10/03/08 08:34 PM
If you had ever been stalked you would not consider this a joke.
Have you ever had a stalker come to where you worked and leave messages with the receptionist? Have you ever had a stalker call you repeatedly after getting your home phone number, to the point that you had to get your number changed? Have you ever had a stalker threaten to kill you? ("If I can't have you, no one else will.") I think that maybe the term "stalk" as it pertains to "hunting" has grown somewhat devalued in our current culture. ' Maybe that's a good thing, now that I consider it. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |