Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156
Have you ever got thronged?
I apologize for asking a question. I hope you can forgive me. *pfft* Go and sin no more! lol |
Not me! :)
Newbie From New York
Nice to meet you! :)
Well just look at you! Your picture tempts me to tell you all my problems. (But I won't!)
Welcome! xoxo Scarlett |
WTF huh I have found it to be the other way around. Since you brought it up lol Guys wanting oral but not giving it. Well, "want" and "get" are of course two different things! This is a young lady who is college age, the same age as my boyfriend (that's Helmut, to clear up whatever confusion may exist). You (the same age as me +/- 50 years) think that young people are so liberated--but it is not so, or at least not from where I'm standing. If your experience has been different then do say on! Just to offer some perspective: A few years ago I had a bf who was (when I met him) 21. He told me that his gf would not give him oral sex. I said something like: "Oh, get out of here! I'll give you head, you don't need to lie!" and he said, looking me straight in the eye with a serious expression: "No; she won't. She says it's degrading." I'm totally not making this up, y'all!! Anyway, the wind has stoppped but the temperature has started to drop. xoxo |
Quote of the Day
If you think his quotes are great (and they are!) read some of his short stories. He's definitely a writer's writer. xoxo
Even bad and insulting messages are cool.
Wait until you get a death threat--once the terror wears off, you will feel uber cool. ;) yours in uber coolness, Scarlett |
Quote of the Day
When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer. (Isaac Singer)
Everything is opinion anyway.
And yet you deny that your statements are politically motivated. (ROFL) |
i'm just wondering how much more difficult it is to type one extra letter and spell out, in full, 'any' rather that 'ne'. i actually thought you were speaking french for a minute. BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA! *cough, cough* Sorry. Since I fall outside of your specifications, I decline commentary at this time. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Edited by
Sat 10/04/08 04:50 PM
"Evil" has a feeling of disconnection and superiority from others. "Evil" cares only for Itself and its own survival and has no compassion for others. "Evil" is consumed with its own survival and comfort forsaking all others.
By this logic, if you can simply think of a non-egocentric justification for torturing small children and make others see it your way, then it's "good". I tend to have little compassion for stupid people, weak people, whiners, etc., and usually actively despise them--and so by the above logic I'm "evil", though I consider actually HURTING stupid people, or ripping them off, to be unsportsmanlike. So, on the surface it might be an "awesome" statement (maybe because of how it's constructed..? because the spelling and grammar are correct...?), but when you really pick it apart, it's just a statement that seems to be politically motivated, that has no basis in reality. Actions speak louder than words. If we think too much about whether the rabid dog is "evil" or not, it will have bitten us before we decide what to do. xoxoxo I don't see how the torturing of children could ever be seen as "good" regardless of how "non-egocentric" and regardless of the justification because it lacks compassion for the children. If you can't see it, perhaps you should consider making this statement more specific. Just sayin. That you have little compassion for "stupid people, weak people and whiners" and actively despise them is indicative that you would easily turn to the dark side.
I don't know what you would consider to be "the dark side", but I will tell you honestly that I am a Satanist. Whether that is "dark" to you or not, is not a consideration for me. (I only look for signs of "out of control attack reflex" or a cute a$s. Everyone else can join me in Hell. ![]() I wish you could tell me why you think the statement is politically motivated, unless you think everything is political. I am far removed from politics.
You can wish and here your wish is fulfilled: I think it is a political statement because it has no substance, but sounds good on the surface. ![]() A rabid dog is not evil, it is simply sick and delusional. Perhaps you can view evil as sick and delusional, but I don't. "Evil" is a religious term as is "sin" and I am not religious. But I do know what is meant by it.
There are those on this earth who would by my standards, qualify as "evil." They are cold and calculating and without conscience. They have little care or feeling for others and they even delight in torture and terror in an effort to feel more powerful and dominate. They enslave others. None of these statements is connected by logical process. No one can know what takes place in the mind of a rabid dog--a rabid person is not a rabid dog. Only a rabid dog is a rabid dog, and from my point of view, it is neither evil NOR good--however, if it tries to attack me, I will kill it. How can you say that a rabid dog is "delusional"...? That seems like a very strange statement to me. If one is infected by a virus, one may of course become delusional, but delusion is the product, not the process, of the disease. They want absolute power and that corrupts absolutely.
And it also absolutely rocks! ![]() If you want to believe that I personify this thing you call "evil", then I don't have a problem with that (get in line, no shoving!). However, your own delusion removes you even further from the possibility of being able to aid those who truly suffer. If you want to save the world, stop looking at me, tear the veil from your eyes, and go out and start saving. Really--it's just that simple! |
Lost in Translation....
It may be rude to "stop listening", but on the other hand is it practical to listen to everything...? xoxo
Quote of the Day
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. Anton Szandor LaVey
"First I look at the purse." (Smokey Robinson)
I woke up with a mild hangover. I took my usual herbs and drank a gallon or so of water. I checked my email. I visited several web sites I belong to, including this one. I read the news.
I spent some time outdoors with my pets (dog, cat, parrot, and doves) and played my guitar. I wrote part of a song--not the words, just the musik part. Charlie C0ckatoo loves it when I play my guitar. The weather changed drastically from morning until right now, (1700 local time). I decided to batten down the hatches because the wind is kicking up, and I brought my doves in the house. (They can deal with being outdoors, even in bad weather, but their cage is in an exposed area and since I love them, I bring them inside when there's a blow threatening.) There is snow in the forecast for the mountains. I called my mom and told her that, since she lives much closer to the Eastern slope than I do. Her aunts and uncles are visiting so she was distracted. She said she would bring her plants in. I talked to Helmut on the phone for about two hours. For some reason, the topic of conversation was oral sex. It is a continual source of amazement to me how many people his age, though they will gleefully let someone beat them or poop on them, think that giving someone a blow job is somehow demeaning. I just totally don't get that. He was telling me that this girl that he has been seeing, who has been his friend since grade school, will not take a subtle or even an explicit hint to perform oral sex on him. She does expect for him to do it to her, however. (WTF?) Now I'm working. There are several history & physical reports that need to be typed right now, and even though I just started working for this company, they are hoping that I will save the day. (I guess people are as unwilling to work on Saturday as they are to perform oral sex...) And that's about it for now. I do so hope that it rains! xoxoxo |
Lost in Translation....
When someone says the word "methinks" I usually stop listening. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett
"Please let me go! My parents have money! They'll pay you whatever you want! Ok... at least loosen the straps a little...?"
Wow. How absolutely awesome for you to say this.
who likes motorcycles?
Yep... it's pretty typical for people get extremely polarized over the issue of motorcycle riding.
Motherhood causes a lot of deaths and disfigurement too, and of course it is a total waste of our precious natural resources, but I'm betting if I started saying how "stupid" and "disgusting" women are for having kids, I would soon be looking for another internet forum to hang out on. When I worked on site in a hospital (I don't anymore--I still work for hospitals and clinics, but use the internet and do my work from home) I used to get a lot of amusement out of the comments hospital staff would make about my showing up to work on a motorcycle. I would only get scolded and harangued if I was carrying my helmet (meaning that I was riding responsibly and safely). If I did not wear my helmet--as Colorado does not have a mandatory helmet law--then people would either not scold me, because there was no way they would know that I rode my bike to work that day, or they would say that I looked cool. If I walked into the hospital cafeteria carrying my motorcycle helmet, one of the ladies who worked there would give me the (entirely unsolicited) advice that I was "digging my own grave" by "riding that thing". Another staff member who was a male nurse had a flashy older model Harley. He never wore a helmet but he had acquired some notoriety among other hospital staff for having badass bike. This same cafeteria lady would simper and fawn all over this guy because of his "bad boy" image. (Naturally, he was a huge nerd. His bike was the only "bad" thing about him.) People would observe her cutting on me because I was holding my helmet, and brown-nosing him because he was known to have invested enough money to feed a family of seven for a couple of years in his bike, and think it was funny. (A lot of people seem really to LIKE the double standard. I think it's sort of like religion, i.e., a shelter for stupidity.) Anyway, one day while he was "riding with the boys" this Harley-riding male nurse ran his expensive bike onto a barrier and totaled it. He was also seriously injured in the deal, and sported a cast and crutches for many months afterwards. For some reason, though he had previously ignored me, this nice young man would mouth insults and glare at me every time I passed him in the hall. For those civilians in the group: Don't ever assume that a person becomes involved in the health care industry because that person is compassionate and "loves helping people". They say it, but they don't mean it. ![]() Always be careful on your bike. Take a safety class if you can afford it. After this excellent demonstration of how those in the "caring profession" think of us--do you want to risk ending up in their hands? Motorcycle riding is just about the most fun you can have legally. When I'm on a good road flying through a nice scenic area, I can not only smell the trees and grass, but actually FEEL their presence. And of course, there's no better way to enjoy the sensation of SPEED (not the drug, but the thing itself). xoxoxo |
Hey, it's an excuse to shoot people at random! you gotta like that! :D