Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156
why should i believe?
Please tell me why I should believe in religion, better yet god? not trying to offend anyone just a question? My answer would be: "There's no reason to believe in anything; belief is a choice, not a necessity." I know that goes against a lot of established, um, BELIEF (lol!) but if you think about it for awhile you will see that there's truth in that statement. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Online Dating Pet Peeve # 1.
It's not a "pet peeve" but I do find it extremely humorous when people on FREE dating sites obviously have these lofty expectations, and get all offended when someone who is inarticulate or has an unartistic profile approaches them.
Only complete boors like me--who are only looking for entertainment and couldn't care less about "finding that special someone"--actually READ what's in a profile anyway. Men especially usually only just look at the pictures. They don't even read the headline 90% of the time. My profile states in clear and unambiguous terms that I am looking for friendship and that's it. Do you think that means only people who want to be friends approach me? Hell, no. To a lot of people--mostly men but women, too--"yes" means "yes" and "no" means "maybe". And in my particular situation, why should I bother putting a lot of stuff about myself and my accomplishments and interests in a social site profile, anyway? It's a lot of work for nothing when the admins decide to ban me because people complain about me so damned much. I mean, really. And if you feel as if you are too good to talk about yourself without being provoked, get off your high horse.
It's obvious you've never had the experience of a bunch of people on a social site accusing you of having a fake profile because you have truthfully and accurately listed all of your interests, qualities, and accomplishments. On one forum a guy (who is now dead, strangely enough) started a topic that was entitled, "Scarlett, the truth revealed" in which everyone "exposed" me as a fraud. The evidence? The fact that there are so few typos in my forum posts, and of course that I didn't commit suicide, but said that I thought it was funny, when they all started denouncing me. (One guy threatened to come find me and kill me. It turned out he had a crush on me. I got to be friends with him, and later got him in a lot of trouble with his local authorities because he confided in me about a robbery he was planning to commit with a friend.) That topic ran into dozens of pages, too. Good times! :) yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Poetry Game
(trying not to fall asleep at work--a haiku)
It's too warm in here. Vision blurs; I jolt awake with drool on my shirt. next topic - thunder and lightning |
check me out and get at me!
Frankly it makes me jealous that men can go around with their shirts off and nobody seems to care--or at least they don't have to worry about getting a ticket! :P
*holds up hair, points to place on scalp, winks*
People change lanes WITHOUT using a turn signal.... Drunk people bump into you and look at you like you did something wrong. the sloppy drunk person SWEARS they are sober I see a good woman with a user/abuser scumbag my actions are disregarded because i am " not like everyone else" so that they can justify their behaviors. you are at a bar/club and everyone starts to do one of those " dances" like the superman. ( the electric slide and dances like those get a bi) the bar plays one of those songs that everyone sings along to.... people try to explain why I should start drinking i am told that "someday i will make Some woman very happy." i am going to stop for now O.o I had to look at your profile to make sure you aren't my long lost twin. I mean... this sounds like ME. I've had people say that "someday you're going to make a great guy really happy" thing to me and it makes me ABSOLUTELY HOMICIDAL. (An even worse version of that is: "Someday you're going to make some lucky guy a really great wife!") Slowly I turned... step by step..... yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Once again, I can only shake my head sadly at the impoverishment of ideas here.
If a certain very privileged member of my tribe tells me he's not going to do something, and then I find out he's done it anyway, I look at it as a prime opportunity to exercise my "revenge" capabilities. Like (just for one example) the time a guy I lived with swore up and down to me that he had put a relationship with a girl I despised on ice. I later found a note from her in his backpack that indicated that he had seen her very recently--when I had supposed he was playing a show. (Yes, I will snoop in people's stuff, especially if I'm paying all the house payment and bills, and that person is driving one of my cars all over hell. You bet your a$$ I will.) So that was a b!tch and it made me angry. On further searching I found his keys. After excluding all the keys that I knew, I was left with one that I was pretty sure was the key to this young lady's house. I took this key and had a copy made. I'm not going to go into detail about what happened after that, because of that "statute of limitations" dealie. It hasn't quite been seven years yet. Anyway, again I ask you: Is the glass half empty or half full? yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Would you date someone that is separated from their spouse? YUCCKKKKK!!! No. (That is: Not anymore.) I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett What????? No five page thesis from you Scarlett? I am not happy bout this. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haven't I done enough already to improve your writing skills? |
check me out and get at me!
At first I was put off by your main picture but then I forced myself to keep looking and reading. And, well... you actually seem like a pretty cool guy. You don't need quite so many "torso" pics in my opinion. Even if you were wearing two shirts, a jacket, and baggy pants, it would be hella obvious to anyone that you have quite an extraordinary physique, no need to shout it from the rooftops.
So that's what I think. Nice to meet you! yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Would you date someone that is separated from their spouse? YUCCKKKKK!!! No. (That is: Not anymore.) I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Hi hi!
Hello. :)
Hm... well your story sounds pretty convincing. It doesn't SEEM as though you or your friend are making it all up, but I mean: Who knows for sure? People send me emails all the time about stuff that happened to their friends and relatives. Sometimes they seem disappointed that I don't get all excited and start telling them that they need to get a voodoo priest to come over and exorcise the house.
In a case of what seems to be paranormal activity that involves more than a second-hand story, I always try to rule out the more obvious mundane possible causes first, i.e., squirrels, racoons, a gas leak, someone playing games, a mean neighbor, a whacko landlord, etc. Synchronous dreams between family members are not all that unusual, so let's discard that for the time being. Again, I'm not saying that it doesn't have meaning, but most of what you're talking about here involves dreams. If you remove the dreams from the equations you have: Kids seeing lights flashing off and on, and kids saying they can hear things. The children are probably not making stuff up, either, but as I'm sure you know kids are very psychic and are often profoundly affected by stuff that is merely implied and not stated directly. They also get excited very easily and will often see or hear things that seem "real" to them when they are overwrought. There could be something going on here besides someone going to bed on a full stomach, but I would hesitate to make a diagnosis based on what is basically hearsay. If you go over to your friend's house and see the lights flashing off and on by themselves, or if you go over there and then start having dreams about "ghosts" you will have something besides hearsay to go on. At this point, based on the evidence, I would say that it's just some overactive imaginations and maybe faulty wiring. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
rate me please?
*pinches no32red's cheek and ruffles his hair*
Nashville, Tn...
I was born in Knoxville and went through Nashville on a road trip a couple of years ago. Tennessee is a great place. Nashville in and of itself, I can take or leave. It's like a redneck version of Los Angeles, complete with urban sprawl and gang warfare. yours in Chaos, Scarlett
To Serious
Lol, no way they're gonna take it out into the real world. (And if they did: I would totally buy tickets for that sh!t!)
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How do I rate?
There ya go! The other pic was good--but too mug-shottish. xoxo
Palin vs. Biden
It's amusing to note how much more seriously people are taking the VP candidates these days. Does anyone remember the name of Mr. Gore's VP choice? No...? Did anyone start any sort of flap about whether Mr. Cheney was "ready to lead" the United States...? yours in Chaos, Scarlett Joe Libermann and yes any other questions? No--you get a gold star, lol! |
How do I rate?
If you have at least one other photo of yourself in which you are smiling, that might be good. I mean, your headline says "looking" and then one sees this face with a really intense look, almost a scowl on it. It's sort of giving the word "looking" a different meaning than the one you probably want for it to have.
Your profile information seems a lot friendlier than the picture. From reading, it seems like you are easy to get along with. From the picture it seems like--not. A more imaginative, perhaps humorous, headline might also help a bit. Just my opinion! Feel free to disregard it. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Palin vs. Biden
It's amusing to note how much more seriously people are taking the VP candidates these days. Does anyone remember the name of Mr. Gore's VP choice? No...? Did anyone start any sort of flap about whether Mr. Cheney was "ready to lead" the United States...? yours in Chaos, Scarlett
Hi Everyone
Hello there! :D