Well, I'm not sure if I've been verified as "real" as I haven't been to any meets as of yet..........
BUT, I think 2 1/2 yrs makes me a Bommer, at least for now......unless I delete. If deleted doesn't that make u an ex-Bommer?? (sounds like the name of a plane) |
I'm not "from" Washington, but I find myself "in" Washington.....
Am I, Mr. Brightside...
Well, I haven't gotten to meet him in person.....but he seems to be alright to me.
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True Love
oh to hold what can't be held,and only given with care, its born from deep within our souls and we never know its there.(I hope you understand) ![]() ![]() I'm pretty sure I do. ![]() Thx everyone for reading...... |
Swimming, I'd like to go swimming..........
Ok so here is my question?
That's cool.........I was asking cuz I want to know why others feel that way.
I also wonder if how you would handle this, has an effect on whether you are single or not/or have trouble with relationships. Ultimately, to try to control anyone, whether it be ur partner or not, is a mistake, imo. All you can truly do in life is control yourself. When you try to place restrictions and ultimatums on others all you are doing is making life harder for you are trying to prevent them from being who they really are.... Sharing how it makes you feel, and letting him decide what to do.......and then judging what he does is a better way to get to know what he is all about. If she flirts with him, and he talks to her a lot......then it is safe to say that he enjoys the it is time for you to make a decision. However, trying to control his behavior doesn't do anything except cause strife........he obviously hasn't ended the phone calls for a reason......that is what ur concern should be. Is it because he still has feelings for her, is it because she gives him some sort of ego boost, is it because they are still friends, do they have things they truly need to talk about.........does he relate to her as a friend???? Those kinds of things....then make a decision based on what is going on..........rather than trying to control what is going that never works. At least that is how I would handle it. |
Ok so here is my question?
I'm just a bit curious...........but why does the majority of people here think that just because someone is an ex..........that it means that this person shouldn't be a part of ur SO other's life?? On what basis do you think this person all of a sudden becomes a nobody to them......someone they were once with??
I personally have no issues with my BF being friends with his only becomes a problem when it intrudes on OUR relationship. Jealousy is an ugly thing to have in ur heart.........and will cause you to lose out on many a good man/woman. I would never think that I had the right to force someone I love to choose between being with me, or being there for a friend. NOTE: So long as I was confident that the relationship was over...........IF I wasn't I shouldn't be with him in the first place. |
Ok so here is my question?
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 02:55 PM
I would tell my BF what I was thinking.......feeling........otherwise why are they my BF?? Of course I would be sharing how I feel, owning my own emotions and jealousies, not blaming him or accusing him.
I have kids with my I will be in contact with him often. Also, some people stay friends with their exes. It all depends on how much time is being spent on the phone.......and if I am being left out of neglected on whether it is a problem. |
I have nothing to say
just a poem ...i guess
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I'm ADD so bear with me.....
No but I've sent the wrong email to the wrong person a few times.............and pushed send in the wrong im box.
Who wants to
rain check??
Awesome.....thank you, I completely identify.
Left Looking for a Cigarette
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The Unsaid
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 12:22 PM
What if your soulmate is married, or currently in another relationship? If they are married, then they have a commitment to honor....unless it is an unhealthy relationship, they should remain married. If in a relationship, that is up to them.......... It is our society that confused lust with love, romance with sex, beauty with man-made perfection....... What they discover later, does not cancel out that commitment. "Soul mate" is such a vague concept.........could u really see people using the excuse that their spouse is not their soul mate and that they finally found theirs (it is used btw) as a reason and grounds to break up a family?? I wrote this in my previous post: It is our society that confuses lust with love, romance with sex, beauty with man-made perfection....... Love does not equate sex, and true love lets them keep their commitment. Being a "soul-mate" does not give you claim to another....... Possibly.......if I really, truly, deeply believed that I had found mine, and they weren't it. However, I have already been married once, for seven years............and IF ever I marry again, it will be to someone akin to being my soul mate. I would not get married with doubts of if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this person...........and being married before, I know how to set boundaries so as not to allow others the chance to make me wonder about my relationship. It all is a matter of ur life, ur partners life, and how u choose to live it. I am rather honest with my current partner knows where I stand on most anything..........and if I were to find my soul would be something we would discuss......... Ultimately one must be true to themselves........but you also have to face the consequences to any decision that is made. |
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 11:54 AM
I've got a question...........what if u found ur "soul mate" and married them.........
Then five years later found ur "soul mate" again, and divorced your partner.............and married ur new "soul mate"..... Then three years later that person believes they have found.........I think u get the hint. Ultimately, a person can decide to end a relationship for any reason they choose, at least in the US. Don't make excuses for it, or try to ease ur conscience........just do it, and move on. However, soul mates kind of brings in reincarnation, and reincarnation teaches that all relationship change......and that we truly have no claim to another....... Someone who was your wife in a past life, could be your son in the next.........does that mean that you should marry your son?? |
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 11:49 AM
What if your soulmate is married, or currently in another relationship? If they are married, then they have a commitment to honor....unless it is an unhealthy relationship, they should remain married. If in a relationship, that is up to them.......... It is our society that confused lust with love, romance with sex, beauty with man-made perfection....... What they discover later, does not cancel out that commitment. "Soul mate" is such a vague concept.........could u really see people using the excuse that their spouse is not their soul mate and that they finally found theirs (it is used btw) as a reason and grounds to break up a family?? I wrote this in my previous post: It is our society that confuses lust with love, romance with sex, beauty with man-made perfection....... Love does not equate sex, and true love lets them keep their commitment. Being a "soul-mate" does not give you claim to another....... |
True Love
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 12:25 PM
So close…
Yet so far… Elusive to my touch. I want to reach out and take it To pull it to my chest… And never let go. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? So fragile… Yet so strong. It drives grown men to their knees. Most would give anything To feel it just once… To have a glimpse. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? What must I do? Where must I go? Who must I meet To make this dream a reality? Finally, it becomes clear… I can do nothing…. There is no where I can go… There is no one person I can meet. For it must start in me. True Love is something That in order to experience… Must be shared. One can not own it, It goes where it will. No one can grasp it, And lay claim. True love must be a gift… Given without care… Of whether it will come back… Of if it will return. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? Why can’t I pull it into my chest And never let go? (Because if I did, it wouldn’t be love.) |
Forget the times
I just wished it would touch the person I wrote it for (sigh) Why waste such a wish. (heartless as it sounds) Touching poem......... |