Community > Posts By > Cybear

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 03:30 PM
My sympathy and my prayers go out to you.I am very sorry to hear this.I
feel your sadness and your concern believe me.My Grandfather was
everything to me growing up.I am very glad that I persuaded you to
remain here @JSH because as you can plainly see you are among-st
friends,and many of us are here for you if you ever need to talk about
this.We do not have the ability to change the medical diagnosis,but we
certainly can provide comfort to you.This sweetheart is true
friendship.Stay strong,Your Bearific friend,Cybear.flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 12:18 PM
If you are interested then I would like for you to check out the above
link.It has a two and song.It will show you some very tender
moments shared between our troops and Iraq civilians.This is very
realistic footage taken here.It is not our everyday B.S. and Hype that
is thrown into our faces each eve.on the local programming stations.I
truly believe you will enjoy this very much;and it will allow you new
insight and a fresh perspective on things over there right now.Thank
You!very much Txs for providing this link.Your Bearific
Friend,Cybear.(((bear~hug))):smile: flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 11:02 AM
~~~~~~~~~~Bear nudges the door open with his snout for a little
eavesdropping:tongue: Awwwww!All this love my Gawd!Bear rubs his eyes
with his paws.Another loving,tender moment brought to you by JSH.
:wink: My home away from home.Words of wisdom spoken there by
oldsage;for here is two of the finest ladies at this site.I can see he
is a quick learner and possesses good insight.So where were we?Oh!Yes
all this LOVE & HAPPINESS abound.(bear grins):wink: K,if were gonna get
all mushy I want in on this,because I'm a lovable,hugable,squeezable
kind of Bear.Hey guys!Song bought me a king size brush for my pelt
upkeep;feel this.This is as soft as downy fabric
softener.Yeeeeeegh!Cy!Group~Hug ppls.Ain't bear just a softy
inside~n~out? blushingI luv you too.There K;I said it.Now if any
icky~demons are reading this then do not take this as weakness,for I
will surely lop your coconut off your shoulders if you disrespect my
ladies laugh K;back on patrol at the landscape.Txs=flowerforyou
LaMom=flowerforyou Bye

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 04:05 AM
Toyota Girl;you have awakened my very soul
Something very deep has trembled within me
Such consuming fire that has allowed me to see
I find our two souls are a bridge to divines
The rainbow is budding in your heart and mine.

So let each new breath bear a steadfast heart
Let each new thought no longer tear you apart
The eternals above have bestowed a sweet grace
A gift I am certain each time our hearts face
More than imagination you have taught me trust.

A faith long forgotten by a world's driven lust
So many new feelings;now happening way deep inside
Remove any vanity;relinquish my pride;I'll survive
If I may be so bold,would you please lend me an ear
From hence forth,Toyota Girl let us slay all fear!

If doubt's dark thread should ever make you weak
A deep breath will grant you the balance you seek
So then with my fire to help keep your light bright
As you have fanned my own desires;taking up the fight
Then with my purest love;I hope you'll always know.

You hold my heart in your hands my dear sweet maiden
So it matters not;for wherever I travel you are there
There is no division because our hearts are entwined
For all eternity then through God's loving care.Amen!

Joyfully written by Cybear;for my 2 very dear friends.
Gryphyn and Toyota Girl/Forever and a Day. :heart: +:heart:

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 02:08 AM
ROTFLMAOlaugh laugh laugh laugh
Hey!Karma;Angel enjoyed that one so much that she submitted twice.Once
for each..@@.j/k.Just messing with you sweetheart.Welcome to JSH.Enjoy!I
can hear her already saying Oh!so the Bear has got jokes.Then she thinks
Hmmmmm!who's this Karmafury guy.I'll be watching them two
Angel= flowerforyou from Karma.flowerforyou from Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 01:00 AM
I am an Airborne trooper,a paratrooper!I jump by parachute from any
plane in flight.I volunteered to do it,knowing well the hazards off my
choice.I serve in a mighty Airborne force,famed in deeds in war and
renowned for readiness in peace.I pledge to uphold its honor and
prestige in all I am and all I do.I am an elite trooper,a sky trooper,a
shock trooper,a spearhead trooper.I blaze the way to far flung goals
behind,before,above the foe's front line.I know that I have to fight
without support for days on end.Therefore,I keep mind and body always
fit to do my part in any airborne task.I am self reliant and unafraid.I
shoot true,and march fast and far.I fight hard and execute in every art
and artifice of war.I never fail a fellow trooper.I cherish as a sacred
trust the lives of the men with whom I serve.Leaders have my fullest
loyalty,and those I lead never find me lacking.I have pride in the
Airborne!I never let it down.In peace,I do not shirk the dullest duty
nor protest the the toughest training.My weapons and equipment are
always combat ready.I am neat of dress,military in courtesy,proper in
conduct and behavior.In battle,I fear no foe's ability,nor under
estimate his prowess,power and agility.I fight him with all my might and
skill ever alert to evade capture or escape a trap.I never surrender
though I may be the last.My goal in peace and war is to succeed
in any mission of the day or die if it needs be in the try.I belong to a
proud and glorious team,the Airborne,the Army,my Country.I am its chosen
pride to fight where others may not go to serve them well until the
final victory.I am a trooper from the sky!I am the nations best!In peace
and war I never fail.Anywhere,anytime,in anything.I am the Airborne!
Submitted by Cybear 2/12/07{Airborne Soldier}
101st Airborne Div.Ft.Cambell,Ky."Death from Above"
"So Until There Is Peace"Amen!We will stand vigilant forever;awaiting
our call to serve once again if need be.For there is no greater honor
than to protect and serve our Beloved Country and all of our loved ones
who await us.So rest assured that our glorious flag shall never
fall.Myself and my Brothers and Sisters are sworn by this creed.Amen!
p.s.I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend
Karmafury@Just Say Hi!for his beautiful poem and dedication to myself
and all my Brothers and Sisters who have so faithfully and honorably
served with me.We are humbled by your kind and thoughtful words that you
have spoken this day and know they shall never be forgotten.For they
will be cherished and held within our hearts forever.So we ask that God
Bless You!and your loved ones and to stand watch over your Beloved
Country.So your freedom shall never falter,nor will your flag fall.Amen!

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 03:08 PM
Cybear pokes into the room and giggles at Michael and Catch.What are
they doing?Silly humans;I'll never figure them out. :tongue:
Hmmmm!K;I better take off now the woods are safer for me.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(phew)I'm home.huh

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 03:00 PM
Wow!Whisper;this is very deep and heart~felt.I luv

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 02:53 PM
Excellent;that was beautiful whisper.I'd love to hear more from you in
the future.Well done.Godspeed!Cybear((bear~hug))flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 02:41 PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cybear~Shall I go little further?
SCG~O.K.Cy,just a little though.
SCG~O.K.Cy,you're starting to embarrass me.
Cybear~Oh!you know you love it.
SCG~Hmmm!Cy,you're a ravishing Bear.
Cybear~Awww!give me a bearific hug.
SCG~Put me down now!you beastly Bear.
:tongue: flowerforyou smooched blushing embarassed

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 09:36 AM
Hey little sister I heard you went to Mr.
So and So,knock knock knockin on his door
again last night,said you needed it bad
You know that ain't right
Cause so many times you've come to me cry-crying
trying to said it hurts so bad
But please don't let you go back for more
My little sister is a Zombie in a body
with no soul in a role she has learned to play
In a world today where nothing else matters
But it matters,we gotta start feeding our souls
Not our addiction or afflictions of pain
To avoid the same questions we must
ask ourselves to get any answers
We gotta start feeding our souls
Have been lost to the millions with lots
who feed on addiction selling pills and what's hot
I wish I could save her from all
their delusions all the confusion
Of a nation that starves for salvation
But clothing is the closest to approximation
to God and He only knows that drugs
are all we know of love
Every day we starve while we eat white bread
and beer instead of a handshake or hug
We spill the pills and sweep them under the rug
My little sister is a Zombie in a body
with no soul in a role she has learned to play
In a world today where nothing else matters
But it matters,we gotta start feeding our souls
Hey little sister I heard you went to Mr.So and So's
Knock,knock,knockin' on his door again last night
Said you needed more:cry: brokenheart

Written and Produced by Jewel{Brilliant Artist}
Sadly submitted by Cybear to his Sister~in~Law
In Loving Memory of Margaret Smith(Penny) flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 07:24 AM

My cruel mind senses you looking at me
But knowing you'll never genuinely see,
Why I fantasize of you,and oh!so much
Even when you're far;nor within touch.

Those feelings that we could share
Seem flung so behind without a care,
Well I must understand,and let you go
But this painful process is ever so slow.

I don't see beyond;such hopeless romance
But imprisoned and held within your trance,
I can not see clearly though all this pain
Ripping and tearing;left driven to insane.

You're blinded and don't feel me loving you
Clueless and wounded;your fear driven too,
As if you will ever feel me crying inside
Disheartening;for with you I can not confide.

So I've come to realize that you are blind
Conveying my feelings;things meant to be kind,
No realization;you know nothing of my fears
You're sightless;and so unaware of all my tears.

Sadly I know;so it has become futile to deny
Lovely things I feel;as I stare at your eyes,
So how must I help myself to make it though?
Enveloping loneliness;please tell me what to do.

Longing painfully now every time I see your face
My heart longs contentment;there's never any space,
Maybe someday you realize;and see me differently
So until then I'll die slowly;awaiting you silently.

Sadly written by Cybear 2/11/07
May God guide her to find me:heart: ~:heart:

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/11/07 05:43 AM
FRAUD!~Big Time!noway

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 10:29 PM
"Just Like You"by Three Days Grace.Now the best track ever on this is
called {Raw & Real}unplugged.Wow!is all I'm going to say.They are very
popular right now.This band is SMOKIN!!.There tracks are currently being
heard on TV shows like CSI NCIS The Ghost Whisperer Criminal
Minds.Garage Band type sound but excellent

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 09:42 PM
Oh!Yeah!I read it alright.Now he's talking about how men become serial
killers.Wow!He's really starting to creep me out;and even Bear's don't
frighten that easily(lol)I don't know hon.Thank You!very much for your
compliments sweetheart,for it is them very words that inspire me to
continue back upon my poetic journey and let my easel & brush lie.As far
as my protective nature is concerned you are absolutely welcome.I am a
by~product of my Grandfather through his teachings and wisdom and that
is what defines me;so this will never change;for the the very moment
that I was to ever change this then I have dishonored him.And that Marie
will never happen.So be it.Godspeed!Cybear. :smile: flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 09:16 PM
Good Eve.Marie.When Bill came to us 3 months back I immediately put him
on my friend's list and gave him a chance to turn things around and stop
with the generalizations against all the women on this site.Then the
accusations became increasingly worse.I e~mailed him several times in
regards to counseling for his son's sake and of course for his own
mental sanity.There is no getting through to him with a logical
approach.I feel really bad for the guy,however he requires some
intensive psychological counseling.I pray he does this for his son's
sake and himself.He literally sounds like a walking time bomb.And I pity
the recipient when he snaps.All truth be known Marie if I had the guy's
personal info.I would call and suggest immediate intervention for the
sake of his son,for he is growing up now in a very unstable and hostile
environment.Very sad story and outcome here I'm afraid.:cry:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 08:12 PM
I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you
I could be fake
I could be stupid
You know I could be just like you

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

I could be cold
I could be ruthless
You know I could be just like you
I could be weak
I could be senseless
You know I could be just like you

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

On my own,cause I can’t take liven with you
I’m alone,so I won’t turn out like you
Want me to
You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You’re wrong if you think that I’ll be just like you

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you
Written and Produced by 3 Day's Grace
Submitted by Cybear 2/10/07
B.Greathouse's dedication song to his X
~she's a !#@$%&@#$%$%#@#%%@#@%^#@%@#$%!
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
explode explode explode explode explode
devil devil devil devil devil devil

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 04:44 PM
E~mail me hon,if you want me to hook you up.O.K.Bear waves good~bye.I'm
out of here~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:tongue: Godspeed!Cybear

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 03:09 PM
Angus=LMAO.Fair to say that breakfast will now be tossed down the
swirly.Some things in life really should be kept to

Marilyn:Well then;at the risk of sounding repetitive you are so adorable
and I think you are hilarious.(((bear~hug)))Put me down!you beastly
bear.:tongue: smooched blushing flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 02:32 PM
Aaaaaaaaaw!You two lovebirds.Teardrop forms in the corner of Cybear's
eyes.And I have to use my paw to wipe my eyes.Shucks!I wonder what
Kleenex feels like?Hmmm!Beautiful work here my dear friend.These truly
are all of the feelings you have each day as you awaken when you are
with your soul mate.This is one of man's greatest gifts and it does not
bear a price tag like materialistic possessions.Thank God for this.There
is plenty of that in the world already to go around.You two have now
become officially the second set of soul mates @JSH to find one
another.I can only hope and pray that the rest of us find our other
half.Meanwhile you two beautiful souls shall provide hope and
perseverance for the rest of us.(((bear~hug))) :tongue: flowerforyou
:heart: embarassed

p.s.Please!Do not ask me to deliver the box of chocolates though,well
because you know being a Bear and all is simply to tempting.Cybear rolls
box around like rub-ix cube.Cybear swipes the plastic with his
claw.Cybear lifts the top with his snout.Well you can guess what happens
next.(lmao):tongue: embarassed huh

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