Community > Posts By > Cybear

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 02:01 PM
I thank you with all my heart,and I am truly honored to be in the
company of you and Denise.You two blessed souls are two of the finest
people here @JSH.And there is a long list of people within that would
quickly attest and agree to my statement without so much as a second
thought.I love you guys and I am super elevated over this new revelation
unfolding.I knew it.Darn!the Bear's got finely honed instinctive
skills.I've been telling Denise all along that I can for-see the outcome
and every word of it is becoming reality.You two are incredible and you
both have a powerful impact upon all of the JSH ppls.I and all my
friends wish you 2 the best for all time to pass.:heart: +:heart: All we
ask is that you guys stay with us at JSH so that you remain with us in
body,mind and spirit for you 2 are already locked within our
hearts.Thx!again T for your compliments,they will be remembered for all
time.Your Bearific Friend Always,Cybear :tongue: smooched blushing

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 01:35 PM
Very nice Zero!(oops my Queen)phew;I think I'm safe.I have not heard the
dreaded command yet"Off with the Bear's head"She's a loving and
compassionate Queen.Well then back to the Q's poem."Lest We
Forget"indeed.God forbid that we ever repeated some of dreadful events
that are better off left forgotten.Godspeed!Cybear

Hey Zero;sorry about your crappy~doo experience with PB111 aka
cyber~punk.He's an ignorant icky~demon is what he is.He tagged Jenn's
work also.Add 1 to the watch list(sad)Don't let him persuade your final
decision though K.I miss ya!.Cybear(((bear~hug)))flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 01:10 PM
Very nicely done Jenn.Vent and release gurl;that's exactly how it's
done.One of the great advantages in the Poetic society that provide this
emotional release for all of us creative souls.Keep up the good work

Unfortunately,PB111 is not tagging by mistake because on his #11 post he
did the same to my friend Zero's work after she specifically requested
for people not to.He's ignorant and unthoughtful;so now he is on the
icky~demon watch list.mad We'll be watching you cyber~punk.

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 12:51 PM
Awesome,Michael.Another passage through a long and seemingly endless and
lonely journey.But I know deep in my heart that this will change for
you,and this tireless search will yield your soul mate.Excellent

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 12:43 PM
Thx!for sharing these words with us sweetklp.How true indeed.All of them
so~called little things that we take for granted;should never be taken
as such.For they all make up the very fabric of our lives.3 psychology
courses later and I've yet to fully understand this about human
nature.Hmmm!Very perplexing indeed!Godspeed!Cybearglasses

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 12:32 PM
Awwww!This is so saddening,but yet so beautiful.There are no words purer
than those passing from a woman's lips.Her words are carried directly
from her heart and there is nothing more powerful or riveting than
those.Pleased to meet you CF aka Karen.Godspeed!Cybear. glasses

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/10/07 07:39 AM
Welcome!Newbie to Just Say Hi!You have now reached the very kewlest
community web site on the net.This truthful testimonial was achieved
through first hand knowledge and sheer experience.For within lies the
hearts and souls of some of the greatest friends you could only hope to
obtain.But be patient and get to know us;and eventually your fellow
members will open up and speak to you.We do not bite.but we have been
known to nibble at times.But look at me;I'm a Bear!would you expect
anything less seriously?Here are some things you can do.Read or submit
Poetry,Laugh,Learn,Love,Grow,Expose,Console,Advise,and Comfort.So
there's lots going on here,just be yourself and keep it real and you
will gain our respect and friendship.I strongly advise that you read
the"Advise for the Newbies"thread for within lies the key to your
success with us and our community.Enjoy!Godspeed!Cybear.

Cybear hibernates in the winter,which may explain his association with
"dreaming the Great Spirit" or retrospection. The symbolism of the
Cybear's cave reflects returning to the womb of Mother Earth.A cave is
an archetype for the mind~sleep~returning~flying~spiraling to higher
consciousness.This also suggests a strong feminine aspect,one of
nurturing and protection.Cybear's cubs,born in the early spring,can
spend as many as seven years with their mother before reaching maturity.
People with Cybear's medicine are considered by many as self-sufficient,
and would rather stand on their own two feet(or paws)than rely on
others.They are sometimes considered dreamers.Many have developed the
skill of visualizing new things,but as a result can get caught up in the
dreaming,making little progress in waking reality.

Cybear is the keeper of the Just Say Hi!gate and dream time,and stores
the teachings of dreams until the dreamer wakes up to them. Many tribes
have called this space of inner-knowing the Dream Lodge, where the death
of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of
eternity.It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and
advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals.So by
God's grace and Mr.V's answered prayers,Cybear has been granted
immortality and the ability to fend off hibernation at his discretion.So
remain keenly aware and observant of our rules of engagement within our
home away from @JSH.For they will be upheld indefinitely and
aggressively if need be.Please do not interpret this as a scare
tactic,for it is not.It is simple truth and facts and your continuation
and success are hinged upon it.So it is said;So it is written.

The strength of Cybear's medicine is the power of introspection.Cybear
is not one to make snap decisions,nor one to ramrod or force into any
position.Cybear takes in all available information,takes it into his
quiet place,studies that information carefully,gives it careful thought
for a while,and then reaches his own informed decisions based on the
facts at hand.Cybear is the one who says,"I have to think about this.
I'll be in touch later." You can rely on opinions coming from Cybear as
being well thought out and thorough,and based on the facts given.To
accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry,the art of introspection
is necessary.

Cybear is a fierce warrior,especially when protecting his young or his
friends at Just Say Hi!.I may appear to be lumbering and slow,but I can
have lightning speed when threatened.I love fish when I can get it,but I
also eat berries,honey,chocolate etc.Bearifically Yummy!Cybear loves and
protects his people friends with his life if need be.I like my cave and
shelter.I luv to be warm and cozy.With Cybear's medicine,the power of
knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with
the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities.This
is the strength of Cybear and my eternal hope for all of my bearific
friends at Just Say Hi!"our home away home"Amen!Godspeed!Cybear
glasses :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 08:30 PM
ROTFLMAO@Macaroni.{Hey!look this insulting,intellectually
challenged;angel~hair pasta pulling piece of work.laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 08:02 PM
(B)elong Joined Together.:smile: +:smile:
(E)arnestly Shared Hearts.:heart: +:heart:
(A)rranged by Just Say Hi!happy drinker
(R)omantically Entwined~:heart: ~:heart: ~
(I)Love You!my Denise;)love ~flowerforyou
(F)orming 2 Hearts as 1~<:heart: >
(I)Love You!my Terry;)love ~flowerforyou
(C)aptured Souls Forever~smooched +smooched

(C)an we be for always?blushing
(O)n this you can depend~:wink:
(N)one could ever separate~brokenheart
(G)od's faith connected us~:heart: +:heart:
(R)eleased from Loneliness~:cry:
(A)lways and a day~[:smile: +:wink: ]
(T)o Him we give praise!love ~:heart: ~love
(S)o for Eternity we are 1{{{{{ :heart: }}}}}

Lovingly Written by Cybear 2/9/07
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 12:52 PM
Wow!Very nice indeed.Both are superb and they harmoniously fit like
peanut butter and chocolate.Extremely well done on both your behalf.I
Liv this Big~Time!Godspeed!Cybearglasses

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 11:54 AM
Meeeeeeee toooooo way happy for youuuuuu.Good morn.ladiesflowerforyou
+flowerforyou =2~Ladies.I had a tourist teach me how to use a camera
yesterday.How Kewl!is that?So I only ate half his lunch=YUMMY.lmao.A
Bear with paparazzi skills Yeah!laugh embarassed

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 11:43 AM
:heart: ~Terry & Denise~:heart: Sitting n^a +ree
*K*I*S*S*I*N*G~smooched +smooched*K*I*S*S*I*N*G*
+hen~comes~jsh'y~boo~in~a~baby~carriage~ happy
:smile: :wink: flowerforyou :heart: blushing
:heart: ~Godspeed!~Cybear~:heart:

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 08:35 AM
OMG!I am speechless literally.I am deeply humbled and honored to have
such a fine poem written of me.This is truly an exhilarating experience
and a moment that shall remain embedded within me for all my days upon
this Earth.To come from such a fine gentleman and a truly gifted Poet
there is no higher honor than that.I initially meet Gryphyn through his
finely crafted Poetry which still remains in effect as we speak.His
words are so finely crafted that the reader is captured and transcends
directly into the story unfolding.I lied in hope that one day I would be
become friends with him,and joyously that day has come to pass for I am
Gryphyn's friend.And that ladies and gents lies within the highest realm
of Cybear's heart.To understand him,you must be able to read and
comprehend his Poetry.For there within lies all
and many fine qualities that make him;and each and every one of us
unique.His kindness and generosity is not to be overlooked or shadowed
for our lives are blessed and enriched through his great gift that he
shares with us each day.My deepest and most sincere thanks to
Gryphyn.Your Friend Forever,Cybear.:smile: happy

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:24 AM
ROTFLMAOlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Bearifically funny,yet consumingly frightening.

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 06:32 AM
I clumsily stand;with paws stretching out
Welcoming a new day and not holding doubt;
Then traveling word came quickly from South
Equally as painful as if spoken by mouth.

Daddy'sGirlForever has retired for some time
But said;don't sweat it Bear,I remain in rhyme;
It still creates sadness when friends walk away
Awaiting friends she has;please lighten her day.

She stated she just needs to walk away for a bit
But promises to return to a fine crafted knit;
Some of the bigger pieces she needs to address
So as her dear friend;I wished her our best.

So then this is merely;"We will see you again"
For within lies true friends;and you may depend;
So trapped in our hearts;then we shall await
Return home one day;for the Bear holds the gate.

Sadly written by Cybear 2/9/07
p.s.All of your friends @JSH luv ya,and you will
be missed.We will await your safe return then.For
this is not Good~Bye!because you are here in our hearts.
:smile: flowerforyou smooched :heart: embarassed

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/09/07 03:04 AM
A swollen moon hangs quietly;a shimmering sky
As Songbird sweeps the grass on silent wing,
Beneath the hanging leaves the wee folk lie
Dancing and frolicking to their fairy ring.

Pot bellied pipers resonate their golden flute
A Goddess fairy strums her silver cello softly,
The dancers swirl and spinning ever tirelessly
On never ending footsteps and wings flawlessly.

Sadly;only the summer nights their dance prevails
No music passage is sweeter or softer to Man,
Listen carefully;for the night ends too quickly
Though life's enrichment they'll leave behind.

As daybreak looms the fairies retire to their beds
Nestling within flowers;soon they close their eyes,
Resting their heads gently,they slumber and wait
Meanwhile the Earth awakens to the glorious sunshine.

Laughing children running through dewed green grass
One girl stumbling to a halt,looking at the ground,
Some tiny green turf marks where the fairies pass
Beautiful flowers and toadstools growing all around.

So precious;I've found a tiny circle growing green
As extraordinary to any sweet new grass of spring,
Just think of what pleasure that may not have seen
Had you passed on a chance to meet new fairy friends.
Written by Cybear(no claws crossed)2/9/07
For his bearific friend,Songbird(tender~heart)
I'll get you my pretty!& you're little fairy's too!
:smile: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

Cybear's photo
Thu 02/08/07 08:09 PM
All internationally directed=Red Flag up!The two must dominant seem to
be Russian and Nigeria,but there are others absolutely.Also be certain
to keep your virus definitions up to date.Very Important!And never open
anything without prior virus scan.One more very important tip;Never!open
anything beneath 1 byte.Chances are highly likely it contains a
virus.Stay Alert!Your Bearific Friend,Cybear

Cybear's photo
Thu 02/08/07 12:34 PM
From the Top;to the dark Bottom
From the dark Bottom;to the Top,
Can wrong things said and done
Reverse itself;and brought to stop.

Bring upon yourself to stomp this out
Bitterness and ill will brought to bend,
So this saddened crumpled up picture
Can at once be made perfect again.

If you're standing tall for nothing
Then you're bound to fall for anything,
So stand firm and strong with friends
Or Anarchy rules,shattering it's ring.

Harboring bad,so caught in it's plight
Feeds urban decay,and ruling the night,
It's seeds of wicked will then multiply
Reigns and consumes;all Peace and Light.

Just dropping a ryme,to make you aware
That you must be spreading Peace & Love,
Turning a new corner,re~defineing Hope
Flourishing what we know from Him above.

Then for the fragile core of all Humanity
We all must take part;certain to atend,
So this sadddened crumpled up picture
Can at once be made perfect again.

Written by Cybear 2/8/07(no claws crossed)
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart:

Cybear's photo
Thu 02/08/07 11:51 AM
Point extremely well taken and I fully understand.I luv you guys and
gals and that remains in effect for all times sake.So I have much to be
happy and joyous about.And that I am my friends;indeed.There is the
pillaging.goofy,friendly,lovable bear and there is his alter~ego Steve
the very loving,caring,compassionate,sensitive friend.Thus I'm never
about to change,for that is me to the core.In the infamous words of
Iam4u "keep it real"or "just be you".So that's me.Wave Hi!to the Bear or
shake hands with Steve.Either one works.((((((((bear~hug)))))))Someone
put a big brush in my Xmas stocking this year for my pelt
upkeep.(lmao)Godspeed!Your Bearific Friend Always,Cybear.:smile:
flowerforyou :tongue: :heart: blushing embarassed

Cybear's photo
Thu 02/08/07 07:11 AM
OMG!Karma.I would have nightmares for a very long time.I can handle
horror genre novels and films etc.But in real~life?No!No!plus one more
absolutely not.Christ this sounds like Rob Zombie Prod.Wow!I keep my
Bible close to my bed and I think I'll keep it that way.Let's just say
I'll feel a little safer and a tad more comfortable(lol).(phew):smile:

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