Community > Posts By > Cybear

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 07:40 AM
ROTFLMAOlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 07:27 AM
ROTFLMAOlaugh I love your sense of humor Marilyn.You are completely
adorable.You're Friend,Godspeed!Cybear((bear~hug)):smile: flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 07:15 AM
We all have the right of"Freedom of Expression"True That!O.K.You've
expressed yourself;so now I shall express myself equally.You're final
submission belongs tucked in to the Religion Forum for I see it as
such;I don't perceive it as Art.It certainly is"Myth" most
definitely.First of all no supernatural powers have been granted to
mortal human beings.Secondly in regards to the line"To believe one,the
self must disregard many"is totally contrary to my beliefs.I always have
and always will believe in one.His name is Jesus Christ my Saviour.For
all eternity.So it is said;so it is written.Amen!

p.s.Subject is closed,so don't await or expect any further

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 05:47 AM
You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold.
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in.

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you.
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late,this could all disappear
Before the doors close.
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say.
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.

Hear me when I say,when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change,nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah,yeah,yeah, yeah!

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you.
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through,we'll make it through.

Written and Produced by Avril Lavigne
Humbly submitted Cybear 2/4/07{You're Secret Admirer}
:smile: flowerforyou :heart: blushing

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 01:17 AM
Awwwww!That's very sweet.I'll bet this lucky guy has already read
this.But he must be a wise man for he will require insight to understand
you are conveying these feelings to-wards him.I truly hope that he
does.That is Cybear's Valentine's wish for you.Godspeed!Cybear.:smile:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 10:29 PM
Welcome!Newbies.Just jump into forums when you feel comfortable O.K.Just
mix and mingle and get to know us.We don't bite,we'll maybe nibble a
little bit.But hey!would you expect anything less seriously?Look at me
I'm a Bear(lol)There are alot of awesome people within so relax and
enjoy.We'll meet you in the forums O.K.Godspeed!Cybearglasses

Bearific idea,Morena(bear~hug):tongue:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 10:12 PM
Awwwww!Ditto!Sushi,I luv you too.(bear~hug)Godspeed!Cybear:smile:
:heart: blushing

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 10:06 PM
ROTFLMAO!All I can really say to this Sushi,is that life in general is
extremely perplexing,and I'll be darn if I can ever figure it out.So I'm
just going to roll with it to the best of ability and make the most of
it by the way I was taught.Stay positive forever regardless of any
negative forces at work around me.Your Friend,Godspeed!Cybear.:smile:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 09:49 PM
Wow!Fantastic;Gryphyn.One again exhilarating and inspirational.Your
finely honed Poetic ability caught my eye immediately upon arrival at
JSH and continues to astound me.I love this very much;and I pray to God
that he guides me to my other half such as you have found with TG.You
both are greatly blessed and I am ecstatic for both of you.May he stand
watch over both of you until you're final days come to pass upon the
Earth.Your Friend,Godspeed!Cybear.:smile:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 09:06 PM
Oh Yeah!You frisky hamster,well when I was in 9th grade at Morton Junior
High.I had an equally sized gangling who had the build of the Incredible
Hulk.His face looked like it was carved out of granite.He had breath
that reeked and could be smelt half way across the room.And he had a
nasty habit of carving rock & roll bands names in the top of his
desk.The last thing I heard of him came through my local newspaper,which
stated he was given a 20 yr.stretch for Armed Robbery to be served in
Walpole,Mass.I'm guessing he doesn't have to many problems
p.s.Yes!He can have my lunch any time he wishes.Amen!(lol)

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:40 PM
Please check your e~mail i/p.Your bearific friend.(bear~hug)Put me down
you beastly fish~breath bear(lmao)Godspeed!Cybear.:smile: flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 01:16 PM
From underneath the trees,we watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are,we're here tonight
Singing Amen,~I,~I'm alive
Singing Amen,~I,~I'm alive

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died
And I'm singing
Amen I,~Amen I,~I'm alive
Amen I,~Amen I, I'm alive

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Singing Amen,~I,~I'm alive
Singing Amen,~I,~I'm alive
~I'm alive!~

And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died
When nobody died...


We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died
We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died
We'd see the day when nobody died

Written and Produced by Nickelback
Humbly Submitted by Cybear 2/3/07
{Cybear's Lifelong Hope and Dream}

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 07:44 AM
:heart: ~SOULMATION~:heart:

Cybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 06:05 AM

It is by chance we met,by choice we became friends.
Certainly friendship is a strange thing indeed
We find ourselves telling each other details of our lives,
Things we don't even share with our families who raised us.
But what is a friend? A confidant? A lover?
A fellow email junkie? A shoulder to cry on?
An ear to listen? A heart to feel?
A friend is all these things and more.
No matter where we met,I call you my friend.
A word so small yet so large in feeling,
Words filled with emotion and feeling.

It is true great things come in small packages.
Once the package of friendship has been opened,
It can never be closed,nor should it be
It is a constant book always written
Waiting for us to be read and enjoyed.
We may have our disagreements,we may argue,
We may even at times concern one another,
Friendship is a unique bond that lasts through it all.

A big part of me is put into my friends,
Some it is my humor,some it is my listening ear,
Some it is real life experiences,some it is my romanticism
But with all this,it is alway my friendship.

Friendships forged are a construction stronger;
Than steel built as a foundation,
Necessary for life and necessary for love.
Friends are forever for all of us here
You brought another friend and then there were more.
Then we began to grow and start our group @ JSH
Our circle of friends and like that circle
For there is no beginning nor a end.Amen!

Submitted by your Friend,Cybear 2/3/07 :heart:

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 05:38 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!I had to go out for awhile hon.That's why I said
have a nice day ladies and I left the flowers.Bear's sorry.(bad
bear)You're now on a fish diet for two days for that one Cy.lmao

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 05:08 PM
That indeed is a beautiful poem your son wrote.And I am very sorry for
your loss skkorpio.I have 3 precious Daughters and between you and me I
don't know if I could handle that loss.I commend you for strength and I
ask you to stay strong and never let your faith in God falter for He is
the only one who can provide strength and perseverance.He is
merciful,and it is said that he will never place upon us more than we
can endure.We must believe this for he is the only path to salvation and
the entrance into his kingdom.Mortal human beings do not have the
comprehension to fully understand his reasons and purpose.She is now in
Heaven with him looking down and smiling at her Father.And one day when
you come to pass and he has claimed you;then you two will be joined
eternally forever.And know that she'll never experience any
pain,suffering,strife or earthly trials.Stay strong skkorpio and believe
in him for he will never forsake you in the end.And that is everlasting
not earthly time as we know it.Godspeed!Cybear

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 04:38 PM
love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 03:44 PM
Beautiful Txs!This I shall carefully seek in my next relationship.For
I'm in search of my soul mate not some marginal relationship.Life is
flying fast now so I can't afford to ever make that mistake again.Nor
would you want anything short of this.If all of the puzzle pieces are
not there or lacking;then this person is not our soul mate and we need
not expend any energy in this charade.We will not settle for less
regardless of the pain,for the other option is worse and futile.noway
We will find this person;I know we will.Godspeed!Cybear.:smile:

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 03:19 PM
Nice Michael,this brings back some fond memories for me too.Nothing like
that feeling of ultimate freedom.Cutting through the air and darkness.A
total feeling like none other.Sadly I've retired riding though.Extremely
dangerous.I had a jet black 750 Nighthawk.I was nearly killed 5
yrs.back.This idiot blew through a stop sign.I initiated evasive
maneuvers and he must of missed be by 1-2 inch's.That did it for me;I
figured it ain't worth dying over as much as I loved it.I do miss riding
though Michael.Oh!Well,another page turns in life's

GEL~ROTFLMAO.You are sooo funny.;)

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 02:56 PM
1)This is has gotten really "OLD";Bill.G
2)Go to a web site and acquire a spell
checker;we can not understand you!
3)If religion is questioned then send this
to a Religion Forum.O.K.
3)Stop with the generalizations at my friends
here @JSH.I've asked you nice many times
4)If you continue to trash my lady friends here
I'm am going to start belittling you;do you
understand what I'm telling you?
5)You require counseling immediately for your
son's sake and your mental well being
6)These issues are best addressed with a counselor
not a dating site.Understand?
8)Stop immediately or do not return here @ JSH

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