Community > Posts By > mig25

mig25's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:39 AM
Edited by mig25 on Fri 09/13/13 02:40 AM
Their Turn

Do you
not being able
to describe
just how special
it felt to hold
each of them
for the very first time

I do,
they were
simply breathtaking

Do you
the noise
the laughter
and how they interrupted
our quiet Saturday mornings
with beautiful life

I do,
they were
honestly amazing

Do you
some time
past midnight
being awakened
by one of their bad dreams
and then have them
jump in bed with us
so we could protect them
from the monsters in the closet and under the bed

I remember those special times
and how wonderful they were
but you know
those moments mislead me
because the more I�m around their teenage years
the more I realize that those moments were an evil plot
to throw my senses off track
to confuse me as I struggle everyday not to . . . one of them
damn it and other words can�t explain
how much I�m looking forward
to when it�s their turn

mig25's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:37 AM
I love this

mig25's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:37 AM
Enough said!!!! Love this one G

mig25's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:36 AM

i wantto know the thaw

im an angel,encased in ice

melt me,melt me,slowly

i wantto know the thaw

melt me,melt me,slowly

Oooo this is sexy yet something else, hmm, how to describe it? I know, genuine!! Love this one

mig25's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:46 AM
Far Away

There was a rush of nervous excitement
as the plane began its descent
a bit of turbulence
minor though
interrupted my thoughts
as the clouds dissipated
and life came into focus

I stared out the window
watching the hustle and bustle of the airport crew
readying the next flight out
loading luggage
until the sudden jolt of the plane touching down
I couldn�t contain the smile in my heart

The overhead voice
reminded everyone to remain seated
as well as a few other instructions like
layover information
and other stuff
to be honest though
I missed most of what was being said

The plane finally stopped taxing across the runway
and nearly everyone sprang up ready to exit
as one by one
down the narrow aisle
the plane slowly emptied

As I approached the door a member of the flight crew thanked me
I nodded
and continued up the corridor
after being far and away from home
life was starting feel a bit strange
almost new
and then the noise came in a wave
slap on the shoulder
as my name stretched across a banner
along with the words �Welcome Home�

mig25's photo
Mon 09/09/13 09:06 PM

Hello Mig. I don't know exactly where to begin. Your imagery is striking and bold, and the wording is so tight and powerful. The idea of "thoughts composing dreams that define an abstract soul" is so damn good, and the way you combine darkness and the imagined color and sliver of light makes me think of how Rembrant mastered using light and dark contrast. I like this. Now I have to search this forum for more of your work.


Thanks G . . . I have to tell you that honestly I have no idea where my words come from. I just sit down and write whenever a poem hits me.

mig25's photo
Mon 09/09/13 03:28 AM

As the night falls
my thoughts compose the dreams
that define me now
an abstract soul
burdened by the complicated pain
of a lover�s words . . .
unsure love
�I don�t know anymore�
that give me what I see
when I am blinded by closed eyes

The clock gathers momentum
yet it does not move
as I find myself in the sheltered comforts of the color of nothing
and deeper
until I am befriended
by this empty shade of darkness
I open my eyes
and see
the perfect solace for what I feel

There is no sliver of light
in this loneliness
no hues
to paint my wounded heart
a symbolic color of beautiful
just the struggle of me drowning
in a sea of motionless rhythm
as wave
after wave
fall from my eyes

I know tomorrow will come
at some point in time
maybe like a hidden treasure
to give my heart absolution
maybe the sun shall breathe light upon earth�s crest
and maybe
I will be me

mig25's photo
Fri 09/06/13 02:03 AM
Just Being Silly

Baby Come back
�cause I really miss you

Don�t Give Up On Us
you know
I Can�t Get Enough of Your Love
and I can�t help but think about
The Way We Were
you have to know that
I Honestly Love You

I don�t want to
Kiss and Say Goodbye
Give Me the Night
If You Leave Me Now
If I Can�t Have You
if I�m
Alone Again
it would be a
so baby
Don�t Leave Me This Way

mig25's photo
Thu 09/05/13 08:51 PM
Marriage 101

I once
knew a lady
who settled for the man
who wouldn�t
drive her crazy
said it was better
to marry sane
than to love

Maybe but . . .

he always knew
he was her
number two
and nothing
not even time
could change that reality
but she tried
and molding
his personality
and he tried
doing this
then doing that
hoping she would one day see
that he was the one
who made her happy
yet day after day
he was who he was
and so was she
and well
the arguments they seem to always have
you know the one
�why does he constantly�
and �can�t she just . . .�
where simple things
like changing the channel
on the TV
are much deeper
than what the eyes can see
because with matters of the heart
loving sane
is actually insanity

mig25's photo
Thu 09/05/13 08:50 PM

I will try not to be anxious anymore

It does no good to me or you

I will try not to try so hard, it is my bitter drink

That will invite me for a drink and score

To score the flesh and mourn

I will try not to try so hard, and remember

Remember what was and is so

So sorry and not so sorry, I walk

I walk and walk with legs, not tired

My feet find places my eyes can't see

I walk and walk and I will not tire

I will not tire, on this journey

What comes, is found in two

Two feet, two hearts, too many ways

Too many ways to screw things up, I have

Two of us, who is the other, I think I know

Only a pair if he consents so

So I walk a pace to my heart's racing

Racing, in time, will I find him in time?

Our train is coming, can we just jump on board?


Speechless . . . except that I love this!!

mig25's photo
Thu 09/05/13 08:48 PM

I spoke my gentle truth
I set my voice free
Rebirth greets the
Wind Moon

28 April 2009

This is smooth . . . kind of like a Shirazz, yeah

mig25's photo
Mon 09/02/13 03:09 AM
The Alarm

It was quiet
the sound torture
turned my nightmare
into something real

Damn it!
Eff You See Kay!
and the sudden sound
of the crash against the wall
Not really
still time
to get up
Eff You See Kay!

it’s still dark out
but the alarm
even resting against the wall
continues to shout
get upppppp!

mig25's photo
Mon 09/02/13 02:55 AM
The Intermittent Flow

The wind
is so cold
as it pushes the shadows
to and fro
as if life’s struggles
is the toss and turn
of the howling rhythm
of words
that hold the secrets
that could make me cry

I don’t want to feel
its cold breath against my soul
I don’t want to feel
it pierce the uneven beats of my heart
I don’t want to feel
the intermittent flow
of darkness and sunlight
as the clouds draws patterns
of memories
against the blue sky
the face of someone
who loved me
the stranger
who holds me

Maybe a coat
made of untrusting fear could protect me
maybe then I would not have feel
how much I want you

mig25's photo
Mon 09/02/13 02:55 AM

Most unsettling, this terrain, sub cranium

I am a terrarium, contained, my own ecosystem

But my ground is unsettling, sentiments accumulating

Like the sediment, finely, filling blemishes, has been

Fanned away, exposing, cracks that reach to the core of me

Most unsettling, this sediment emptying from my floor

Revealing a trap door, falling out from under me

Most unsettling, I hold my head and stomach

This motion sickness, terrifies me, dries my mouth and eyes

Most unsettling, this feeling, of lost control, finally lost

After finding, I am in a panic from feelings

Most unsettling, almost, upsetting, very changing, ground breaking

Heart breaking, could be in the making, heart draining, exciting

Most of all, unsettling

This poem says it all

mig25's photo
Mon 09/02/13 02:54 AM
your work is always so teasingly perfect

mig25's photo
Mon 09/02/13 02:53 AM
tommy I really like this

mig25's photo
Thu 08/22/13 03:15 AM

mig25's photo
Thu 08/22/13 03:14 AM
Wow golden I think you just wrote one of the best poems I've read in quite some time

mig25's photo
Fri 08/16/13 12:40 AM
Special Seasoning

I never knew
she never knew
where our next one
would come from
I just thought
that she prepared
each one
as if she wanted it to be
the best one

She knew
I never knew
that as she stood
above the stove
and pulled out
her treasure trove
of seasonings and secrets
that a dash of this
and a dash of that
was only a prayer
to feed us

And as things
slowly simmered
and the house had
this wonderful smell
called dinner
she knew
that I knew
it was never
what’s on the plate
but rather
what you appreciate

mig25's photo
Fri 08/16/13 12:39 AM
bas, penny, ainjel, and everyone . . . wow, I feel so much love for my work.

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