Trying To make this moment last By Going nowhere really fast Because Time won't stand still Hands Fight my joys will As The day slowly fades into Everything I didn't want to do I want to feel the sun powerful and majestic caress my soul as I dream of being well rested But alas Tick Tock Saturday mornings Never stop |
Who We Are
Who We Are
Imperfect perfection deep within the abyss of midnight quietly mourns the loss of today with dreams of anticipation for tomorrow yet yesterday is all that we think of A strange fascination of wonderous memories old and new odd and oxymoronic in a sense like the curiosity of a single light in the middle of the night bright enough yet not as bright as what's to come and somehow always brighter than what once was Life is the long journey of slow spontaneous steps that culminates in all that was is and will be new moments so perfect that they become who we are imperfect |
Anything and Something Will Never Be Everything
In that one quiet moment where anything can be the something that is more important than everything I attempt though it feels like a miscarriage of beautiful to give you time that stands still love without fear solace without doubt and passion without regrets Forgive me as I may not possess the skillful art of poetry where romance is written in the ink of life's pen words that flow from my soul unto the canvas of forever But if you will allow me to touch the part of you that hungers for all that is possible I will never stop writing our story |
Time, Love, Whispers, and Darkness
Forgotten in the dark every moment of light that whispers hello Guess pain really is cruel because I don't want to be here alone and unarmed Time is a weapon to use as we see fit whether we watch the clock or forget the minutes it is all we have Forgotten in the dark as every note plays a different song with the same ending But there standing still whispering memories until the existence of yesterday has drawn its last breath tick tock tick tock the darkness holds me alone and unarmed |
Poem Challenge
Love this!!!
Oh day wondrous in all that you are I ask that you be kind to my tears They aren't because of you but rather your ancestors who accompanied my years Oh day wondrous in all that you are did you not know that time created my fears Experiences that came and left me with the nothingness of what I held dear Oh day oh day bright with the beauty of the rising sun I cannot hide I cannot disappear I am overwhelmed so be gentle with me be gentle as I try again to be me in spite of where I've been because today I am here |
Two Fingers of Easiness
Edited by
Tue 07/16/24 08:39 AM
Two Fingers of Easiness
The twists and turns of the evening's hues painted the sky an abstract rhythm of entangled beauty as Coltrane and a two finger pour of easiness invited time to pursue a more leisurely approach to tomorrow Slowly the diamond lit sky began to emerge seemingly with the sole purpose of muting summer's relentless anger another pour of easiness introduced Monk to the festivities as the synchronized movement between day and night recited life's poetry Now feels like an enchanting rendition of a song called serenity as the pursuit of absolutely nothing consumed my every thought breathing sipping listening repeat |
Today Midnight's death stretched far and wide interrupting the horizon with a brilliance unlike anything anyone could ever imagine In this moment of awakening phantom like arms of sunshine stretch outward as if they were seeking to gently kiss each dream a good morning and then watch as they slowly evaporate into possibilities This awe and wonderous moment of life whispers what love doesn't have to say that the world as complicated as the rituals of the indifferent is as beautiful as the bated breath hopes it can be Tomorrow will never be promised so today will always have to be good enough Your last lines you could have done it more better , that's what I felt . Great is the Art of beginning , but greater is the Art of Ending . Anyway , just Okay for me ! And I agree: Today Midnight’s death stretched far and wide interrupting the horizon with a brilliance unlike anything anyone could ever imagine In this moment of awakening phantom like arms of sunshine stretch outward as if they were seeking to gently kiss each dream a good morning and then watch as they slowly evaporate into possibilities This awe and wonderous moment of life whispers what love doesn’t have to say that the world as complicated as the rituals of the indifferent is as beautiful as the bated breath hopes it can be One by one the unspoken chase of tomorrow fills our moments with time unpromised never realizing that today if treated with fervent passion will always be good enough |
Midnight's death stretched far and wide interrupting the horizon with a brilliance unlike anything anyone could ever imagine In this moment of awakening phantom like arms of sunshine stretch outward as if they were seeking to gently kiss each dream a good morning and then watch as they slowly evaporate into possibilities This awe and wonderous moment of life whispers what love doesn't have to say that the world as complicated as the rituals of the indifferent is as beautiful as the bated breath hopes it can be Tomorrow will never be promised so today will always have to be good enough |
Shattered glass
I like this!!
Sunshine's elixir caresses our souls with a passionate warmth that grows and grows until the heat becomes too much to control Our inhibitions evaporate under the heat of this drunken torture offering our desires a freedom as delicate as the beads of sweat that struggle to contain our burning intimacy Drenched in the silence of its fire as the now's mood feeds the flames with moments meant to last as long as the day's breath Inebriated yet we drink more and more of the scorching easiness of the sun's light hoping that each minute is the forever beautiful that quenches our thirst |
Time races at the speed of now when nothing makes more sense than the now where you are the moment the future and the reason for the past trials and tribulations start to make sense as the sun slowly falls into a darkness that only the light of love can keep the completeness of the day from ever coming to fruition Time races at the speed of the absence of everything that is believed to matter a stillness of the world's ado two souls drenched in every second of life as if we are all that exist |
Highly Sensitive
Bumping the door knob didn’t hurt, contact made me mad, not a pain. Storms dreary my windows in spurts, confinement makes me sad, not rain. Whirring wind fires my red alert, floods amp me up, not the drain. No olive branch for throaty blurts, bile burns my gut, not my brain. Your poetry is art. You remind me of ladywind and Poppashroom. Thank you for inspiring me to write!!! |
Highly Sensitive
Bumping the door knob didn’t hurt, contact made me mad, not a pain. Storms dreary my windows in spurts, confinement makes me sad, not rain. Whirring wind fires my red alert, floods amp me up, not the drain. No olive branch for throaty blurts, bile burns my gut, not my brain. Your poetry is art. You remind me of ladywind and Poppashroom. Thank you for inspiring me to write!!! |
Riding the wave flowing to and fro between the safety of land to stand and an ocean of fears Unsteady as I stretch for something to hold onto as the madness of thousands upon thousands drops of pain think for my sanity Somewhere within the abyss of where I sink or swim is now a time reserved for something greater than falling drops of insignificant real or imagined memories Tired of crying because no one understands my why yet the river never ends it must be something within me |
Just So You Know
Just So You Know
Every single moment within the before and after sunrise is the only time I ever think about you |
Take Your Time
Take Your Time
Can't run from the wind cold as it blows days will take you to the tomorrow that only fate knows From the beginning to the end the time between the two is the mirror's reflection of your closet friend You don't have to be lonely alone sunshine and rain travel with you while searching for home And as the wind pushes you along with haste time will linger like hope when you choose your own pace So make today a good day think about the past and where you are and let tomorrow be tomorrow close enough to be far |
I Am the Other
I Am the Other
I'm trying to breathe in this darkness where everything hurts and I can't care enough anymore because with you I'll always be alone I'm trying to breathe under the heaviness of the mask I wear so that our love feels as real as the happiness of your other life Time cries to the sound of silence as it dances with me as if I'm all that it has and it is all that I have as I wait . . . alone I'm trying to breathe while holding the weight of our secret close to every beat of my life while you're home with your love and I'm home alone with thoughts of my love |
The open window invited the sound of rain to dance with the candlelight's shimmer soothingly filling the night's quiet with a different kind of noise Beautiful notes relentlessly torturing my pain with a meditative art that sways to a rhythm that reaches deep into my soul as it were searching for the beginning of letting go Soon the rain eases as the open window invites a gentle breeze to quiet the candle's light and darkness becomes the most amazing color of dreams I am at peace with having known yesterday because the music has left an indelible now that offers my tomorrow a different kind of noise |
Missed Chance
Purpose creates strength and strength, gives us purpose. We can never grasp ahold of hope but we can offer it to someone who needs it. Keep writing and keep giving!!