Community > Posts By > mig25

mig25's photo
Fri 11/14/14 12:50 PM
Wow you all really know how to make someone feel as if they have an inkling of talent . . . thankssssssssssssssssss!!!

mig25's photo
Thu 11/06/14 07:53 PM
Ride the Wind

If only
you could hear my silence
you would know
that I am screaming
pleading with you
to not love me as if you’re the wind
to not be the bitter cold gust
that’s fleeting
because you’re searching for tomorrow’s freedom
if you have to leave
then leave without words

I am crying
though I do not shed tears for you to see
because I am hoping . . . wishing,
you’d believe my strength to be as real the expressions I portray for your eyes to see
so that maybe
you’ll not blow away
maybe you’ll be that gentle breeze
that doesn't leave me once again gasping for air to breathe

don’t love me like this
not anymore
not like the chaotic rhythms of the cyclone’s stinging breath
spinning faster
and faster
and faster
until the confusion of the tornado’s consequences
leaves my life destroyed

I cannot hurt like that again
the pain
of knowing you cannot love me
as I am
or even who I pretend to be for your soul’s sake
is why I am screaming
because I cannot ride the wind again

mig25's photo
Thu 11/06/14 07:49 PM

Burning bright so hot with fire
Yet love and passion with all desire.
His love so strong for her night time ways
For he goes down from the long scorching day.

So she can shine at her full way
But only he can shine in the day.
A love between the sun and moon
Natures two so precious like a bride and groom.

From every place around the globe
His bright dazzling rays help much to grow.
While waiting until he finishes his day
So her beautiful vision in the dark sky can say.
She is at her best with the Stars by her side
Even her wisdom decides on the tides.

For the love that Mother Nature share in the sky
To help our planet and so it won't die
There has to be balance Night and Day
For every living thing to grow in all ways.

So he goes from the sky for night time to show her face
With elegant beauty and do much grace.
For the love of the sun and the moon always share the sky
Only untill dawn then to dusk, does the moon isay goodbye.

Truly beautiful words

mig25's photo
Wed 11/05/14 07:52 PM
There Are Reasons

There are reasons
when it is quiet
and my soul’s thoughts are alone
that I still cannot open the windows

Even when I try to escape the moments
by dreaming
the world and time
are vastly different than reality
it still feels as if the air is too heavy to breathe

I am afraid
I am afraid that if I open my eyes
I will not see you
I am afraid that the rain will continue to fall
I am afraid of the emptiness of eternity
and mostly
I am afraid that my heart will feel each painful reason
I am alone in the darkness of memories

mig25's photo
Wed 10/29/14 05:56 PM
The Quiet of the Stars

If I asked
would you
accompany me through the quiet of the stars
as they rise
by one
until the night
is showered with wishes

So if I asked
would you
find me within the lights
could I be
the one wish
you’ve waited for

I know
that my imperfections
are just that
but if given the chance
they could be
the perfection you dreamed of
so will you
accompany me through the quiet of the stars
as they rise
by one
until the night
is showered with wishes

mig25's photo
Wed 10/29/14 05:49 PM
Goodbye Love

it’s not loneliness
not this time

I’m tired
of crying

it’s not like before
not this time

And yes
I made the choice
I had to
for me

mig25's photo
Wed 10/29/14 05:36 PM
Heaven’s Gate

I want to feel the wind
just once more
but this time
I want to feel it blowing
gently through my soul
almost as if it were lifting me

Oh I know
it’s silly
to think I can fly
but dreaming of being as free as the clouds
to swoop
in and out of the rising sun
and then bask in its glory
until it sets
and then
maybe I can enter the surreal beauty of
the blazing red
and purple hues that stretch magnificently across forever

mig25's photo
Tue 10/21/14 06:40 PM

I thought I was dreaming when I heard her mumble
“It’s your turn”
“Uh, yeah, sure”
then I felt the nudge
or more like a sharp jab to my lower back
“Get up!”
“Huh? What??”
and she turned over
pulling the covers as she was satisfied
that the crying would stop soon
but in case I had intentions of moving slower than I should
she added, “And hurry, that noise is keeping me up”

So I
with the aches and pains of age
swung my legs over the side of the bed and growled
“Yeah yeah yeah yeah”
and I move
to piss her off
and well
because I can’t move but so fast nowadays anyway
I make it to my feet
thinking . . . wondering
trying to figure out
why in the hell would we have another child
when the others are about to leave the roost

And as time gently moves forward
while I’m feeding her
I smile
but not because she’s beautiful
(and yes she’s beautiful)
but because she finally stopped crying

mig25's photo
Tue 10/21/14 06:39 PM
Really really really like this!!

mig25's photo
Sat 10/04/14 05:53 PM
Crusin’ With You and Al

with Al Green
and you
heading towards
and thru
a fading sun
enjoying the last
moments the day
has to offer

“Why, somebody
why do people break up
turn around and make up”
no, I know you wouldn’t do that to me
because we
have this thing
some call love
it’s beautifully real
the way you make me feel
“So let’s stay together”

as the night offers opportunities
to wish
to dream
to live
and share
and I can tell you
that “Whether times are good
or bad”
there’s nothing like being with you

mig25's photo
Thu 10/02/14 09:29 PM

The rush of traffic
slowed as time
and quietly
painted the sunset
across the city’s skyline
I found an empty park bench
stained with the fading light
and stretched
while waiting in amazement
for the stars to discover a new night

I know to some
this magical show is somewhat insignificant
another day ending
another night beginning
and so on and so forth
but to me
on this rather lonely park bench
and in the midst of time standing still
it’s more than vibrant colors
decorating windows and buildings with the sun’s warmth
it’s home

mig25's photo
Mon 08/25/14 05:07 PM
Red Clay

The long ago
left the path I had to travel
a very deep
and dark red
almost as if it were saturated with the blood
of a thousand tears

There were puddles
and there
of what seemed like life’s elixir
flowing freely
between each of my steps . . . unable to resist curiosity
I stop in the midst of my travels
and take a handful of the earth;
it had the consistency of clay
cold and lifeless
as if it were waiting to be molded
into dreams and possibilities
lost in this brief moment
my hands
began to interpret my imagination
and reshaping
abstract sculptures
as if I were searching for my soul within each creation

Time raced
as I sculpted
and sculpted
until my hands were stained with the color of my journey
new storms came and dissipated
rinsing the earth from my hands
and I continued
and toiling
taking more
and more of the clay
as if the path was eternal;
as if it would not end
my steps became careless
as my heart
my mind
and my soul
worked to recreate my imagination into something real
my hands became stained again
and again
until I defined the red clay

mig25's photo
Mon 08/18/14 06:58 PM

There are somethings can't can't be forgiven....

I disagree..Sorry
could you forgive a mom who beat you so bad that you still have the scars, who threw glass bottles at you, and called you every name under the son then one day when you said enough was enough you were thrown out and had to live in a hostel where men tried to get into your room and you were still a kid and not once did she say sorry ?

And anger gives you what? I can completely understand why you would not forgive her and if it feels better to say that you'll never forgive her that's your choice. But tomorrow has no place for hate and if that's where you choose to then that means you want to move forward. So move forward with your life and let go of what did not define you.

mig25's photo
Mon 08/18/14 06:48 PM
Well I can tell you that I don't have to wonder whether or not I like this . . . I do like it

mig25's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:44 PM

the soul’s open wound
spills age upon the flesh
leaving wrinkles
and weary bones
to define the years
and bad alike

And as we travel
the days of life
from love
to pain
to understanding
and reconciliation
forgiveness is all we need
to others…and ourselves

mig25's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:25 PM
Embrace your inner child and you'll never go wrong!!

mig25's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:25 PM
Edited by mig25 on Sun 08/17/14 06:46 PM

silent and still
with its secrets scattered across the sky
like flickering dreams
remained stoic
as if its darkness had been cast by eternity

But there
upon the edge of the earth
a light
akin to a thousand angels awakening
and subtly

And their wings
with the quiet
of a whisper'��s breath
began to flutter
until they each took flight
yet together in unison
lifted morning higher and higher
until the secrets that stretched across the sky
faded into the shadows of a new day

Brilliant rays of light
fall upon the earth’s soul
like outstretched hands endeavoring to carry the burdens
the night held captive
paint the world the colors of life
each drop of dew clinging to a shoot of grass
each wave rising and falling to the motions of the sea
each cloud shaped by perception’s eye
offers words of encouragement to the artist born from heaven’s womb

Good morning.

mig25's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:23 PM
Ok this was long . . . and being that I'm quite tired I had to go back a few times to read this. I like it though. Kind of sums up what life really is/means

mig25's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:22 PM

A reminder to keep writing. You never know who's life you might touch. flowers

Now this is inspiration

mig25's photo
Fri 08/08/14 07:14 PM

Roses are red and violets are blue
Sugar is sweet and I want you.

I seriously have no idea how to take your response.

It is the sense of humour from across the water.

See new poem and feel free to critique.

The poem you wrote, I would like to tweak it for you. I will await your response before I tweak.

Ok I get your point but here's the thing, I write not so much for ork to be "perfect" but rather to be flawed as it is more of a picture of the soul. So I ask that you respect my flaws and tweak what my work. As for your poem I rather not critique it. Your words your thoughts your poetry is a reflection of you. I enjoyed reading your work.