Community > Posts By > dangurtner

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:04 AM
Edited by dangurtner on Wed 07/23/08 02:07 AM

what is truth?

This particular film is about where religion (Christianity) originated from, then it goes into the plan of the elite world bankers plan for the New World order.


Just because someone makes a movie doesn't mean that they are right...
There's "proof" on both sides. It's too bad that there are people who use religion for their own agenda; but it's just as bad that there are people who use science for their own agenda...
Lucky for you that you're a free soul and don't have to worry about these things...I on the other hand get to carry a cross around everyday and live a fulfilled life.....

I find it hard to believe that you can live a fulfilled life while carrying around a cross. Sounds like a heavy burden. I am sorry.

But you sound like a small child who does not want to believe that there is no Santa Claus.

I don't ask people to believe anything, I just ask them to think for themselves. They usually are afraid to do that.

I put the link there for people who are interested in truth, not to engage people in religious arguments. Do as thou wilt. You can't handle truth, and what's more, you don't want it.


I've seen the the question still remains: what is truth?
I see part I as separate from parts II and III, because one is about discrediting christianity without much substantial evidence, and the other is about a handful of men trying to take over the world.
Obviously, you neither of you, Belushi and JB, have actually "tried" Christianity and still don't have a clue what it's about. I admit though that it has been used to manipulate people for centuries...very very regrettably. Nothing is further from REAL christianity.
Belushi, WHO wrote that you hate christianity? I sure didn't, and that's not what I believe either. But it is a documented fact that Muhammed, the "founder" of Islam, hated jews and christians. No wonder the Qu'ran tells muslims to kill them and discredits the jewish and christian faiths, saying that they got it wrong. Oh, and the Qu'ran was written 600 years AFTER Jesus walked the earth...hmmmmmm

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 12:19 AM

what is truth?

This particular film is about where religion (Christianity) originated from, then it goes into the plan of the elite world bankers plan for the New World order.


Just because someone makes a movie doesn't mean that they are right...
There's "proof" on both sides. It's too bad that there are people who use religion for their own agenda; but it's just as bad that there are people who use science for their own agenda...
Lucky for you that you're a free soul and don't have to worry about these things...I on the other hand get to carry a cross around everyday and live a fulfilled life.....

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:31 PM

I tuned into a local t.v. station Sunday and it was airing a local church service. They were singing a song. (The worst singing I had ever heard) and the song was, "Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

I found the song to be offensive to my sensitivities.

The words of the song caused me to envision a scene where people were covered with the blood of Jesus .... They were smiling and reveling in this bloody scene, rubbing blood all over themselves as behind them, their savior hung on a cross bleeding for them.

by the way, the concept of the blood covering one's sins actually comes from slaying a "blameless" animal. It's not about pouring blood on yourself but rather the animal taking the place of the offender so that he/she doesn't have to pay the price for their sin; in the case of christianity and judaism, the price of sin is death. Christ also being called the lamb of God, took the sins of all humanity on Himself and was killed so that we would be spared.
If you understand the passover Jewish people celebrate, look at it as the forerunner for what Christ did for us now...

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:23 PM
what is truth?

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:11 PM
wow, that's pretty hot!

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:46 AM
Edited by dangurtner on Tue 07/22/08 02:49 AM

I agree to some extent that we are entering a new age. It is an age of spiritual awakening, but the church will fall away.

The end of the age of the fish is the end of the age of Pisces. The age of Pisces is the age of the Christ. The sign of the fish is the sign of Christ or Christianity.

The new age is the age of Aquarius, the man with the water pitcher. Water represents spiritual communications such as telepathy. It represents a new consciousness of spirit.

The age of the Christ is passing away and the age of a new spiritual consciousness is coming in my opinion. People of all faiths will come together with a new understanding of themselves and the prime source.

I believe Christ already is (and was and will be) the prime source of..well...everything. He will never pass away. Sure, the signs might pass away, but the Christ never will. He even says that himself.
Maybe the man with the water pitcher is the new sign he has taken on and especially right now at the beginning of the new age, He is pouring His spirit out over His bride like we've never seen before. "People of all faiths will come together with a new understanding of themselves and..Him as..THEIR prime source".

are there the other signs of the spirit? not in the way it was then nor shall it ever be so again. you follow after majik, wonders and signs, and you will continue to be pursueded that they are for now but your playing games

To answer your question, YES, there are other signs of the spirit and they are happening before our very eyes. YES, just like the way it was then, and still will be. And no, I don't follow after majik, wonders and signs; rather they follow after me because I follow after Him, Christ, my primary (and only) source. The signs follow those who follow Him, a natural byproduct of those "grafted in the vine".
The question is not, if the signs are for now or not, but rather why do they exist. It is to bring glory to Him. It is to bring those who don't believe to Him.
As for playing games; we are to be like children, calling Him "Daddy". Children play games. Daddy plays them too. Games are the most fun when Daddy plays too...

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:19 AM

<looks out the window "hun, the stalker is back" I'll Be right Back.

<goes outside and convinces dan....and his binoculars out of the tree. Ok, dude listen...I know she is beautiful but when I am in the middle of a hot make-out session with staring through the windor and waving is a little creepy..and i promise you, you won't get her that way. But tell ya what, come to the bar with me on friday and i'll help you get your own....this one's mine drinker

i never left hahahahaaa devil
just switched to stealth'll need more than that to convince me bigsmile

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:11 AM



dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:09 AM

I believe it is on Fridays at the pier.... Don't quote me on that.

I just did! oooh, i'm hilarious.


...and i've just quoted the both of you...

...and myself slaphead

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:54 AM
something nice

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:53 AM
uses waterbabies spf50 for sunblock

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:51 AM
men are from mars, women are from venus... need i say more??

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:45 AM
Edited by dangurtner on Tue 07/22/08 02:03 AM

NERD ALERT :laughing:

So... :tongue:

question is are we cute?? laugh flowerforyou

what he said..:wink:


I mean,
if(msmyka != 'yes'){
alert("Sorry, please try again later...");
return false;

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:27 AM
cab driver?

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:25 AM
if(msmyka == rofl)
$message = :laughing:;
} else {
$message = grumble;

print "$message";

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:15 AM
Starbucks Barista

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:13 AM
heal my wound

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:08 AM
Edited by dangurtner on Tue 07/22/08 01:10 AM
$sql = mysql_query("select cutegeekygurls from mingle2database");
$numofcutegeekygurls = mysql_num_rows($sql)

if(Mat619 == 'cute')
$phonenumba = "ofcutegeekygurl";
} else {
$phonenumba = "1800-SUICIDE";
echo "$phonenumba";

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:51 AM

...Hamas can only be labeled a terrorist group.

Hey Fanta, I'm Swiss...we're neutral and the Geneva convention is in ...well, Geneva...
I say Hamas are terrorists. There ya have it. end of story.

dangurtner's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:05 PM

Revival? revival of what?

I'm not a big fan of quoting scriptures out of context, but here I am making an exception (read it within context at your own discretion :-)

Revival as in "spiritual awakening". It's happening right now, all over the world:
Joel 2:28+29
And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

within this context also refer to the healing outpouring in Lakeland FL, the Holy Spirit Breakout in Fortmill SC, and the Healing Revival in Redding CA, to name a few...

Luke 7:22
So he (Jesus) replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.

I'm telling you: "Aslan" is on the move...