Community > Posts By > dangurtner

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:46 AM
the answer is 42

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:43 AM

The problem with your logic here Abra - is that your perception is that God created "Eve" as an afterthought. As though He hadn't thought of it. It is the foundation of the conclusions you draw there after - such as woman being "Man's property". Yet - the God who created Adam and Eve does not exist within a time constraint. So the idea that Eve was created as an afterthought is absurd. What I often wonder about is that you always seem to see these biblical accounts as absurd - rather than your interpretation or perception of them as being absurd. It only further convinces me that the account is trustworthy, for your logic continues to show me that your interpretations aren't the correct one's - so all I'm left with is a firmer belief that these "myths" as you say - are true.

You know, i've even heard the view that since God created Eve from Adam's rib, and therefore had "better raw materials" than he did with Adam, that Eve (and all female descendants thereafter) was the superior being, and that's why God also created women to bear life within them.
just a thought....slightly off topic blushing

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:19 PM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

religion in itself is dead. if you're just going through the motions, hoping that it will save you from eternal damnation (or whatever) won't. and that's boring too.
If you've ever tried praying to God and felt like you were wasting your time, maybe you might want to try to talk to him like a friend, talk about the things that are important to you, let Him know if you're frustrated with Him... He cares. And he cares about what's important to you.
At some point you may hear Him answering and you're suddenly having a conversation with someone you didn't even believe existed. Now that's when "religion" comes alive and ceases to be boring.
You should try it.

Are you saying that about all religions or only one which is yours of course ?.

hmmm... since i've never belonged to another religion, i can't speak from personal experience on this one... but quite a few people have told me that they've gotten away from religion because it was too boring. some of them have tried "the prayer thing", and come to discover that indeed religion is boring without interaction with God.

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:15 PM

Religion is fun not boring! One can create the best fantasy stories of all time!

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien is the study of Norse religions well mythologies now and Narnia by CS Lewis are the studies of Christianity into a fantasy world are but a couple of examples.

If one studies religion, linguistics, mythologies, and philology one can create the greatest stories for entertainment purposes of all time.

that's true

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:12 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Thu 07/24/08 06:13 PM

...I know what Christianity is.

It is a religion that teaches followers that God created man and that mankind are all sinners, and since the "wages of sin is death" (God's law) all of mankind is (or was) on "death row" ~until someone volunteered to pay the price for their sins. That someone was claimed to be the son of God, a man called Jesus the Christ, who was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, taught that people should love one another. He was then crucified and his sacrifice gave pardon to all the sinners on death row. BUT in order to get your pardon, you have to profess that you accept the sacrifice, and that you believe in Jesus as your personal savior and be born again.

Is that about right? So you see, I do understand what Christianity is. Did I leave anything out? Anyone?


Yup, you missed the part about it being personal. Knowing God on a personal and intimate level. Without that, all the other STUFF is meaningless.
God would rather have you enjoying a bbq chicken sandwich with sauce all over your hands and face and Him being on your mind while you're enjoying it, than any other religious activity...
It seems that all you're interested in (or lack of interest thereof) is words in a book. It's about the author, not the book, not "the rules".
More than following all the rules and regulations, He wants you to know Him. That's what Jesus REALLY came to do: Make it possible for you to know God on a personal and intimate level....

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 05:57 PM

Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Religion is the cause of ALL wars. Can you think of a war that was not waged over some religious dogma?

If you think that religion is the CAUSE of all wars or even the majority of war you do not understand how the world works.

Greed is the cause of wars. Religion and fear and terrorism is the fuel that keeps the fires of war going. Greed is the cause.

The people behind the wars sell weapons to both sides, and steal the real wealth which is property and gold etc.


finally..we do agree on SOMETHING :smile:

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:38 AM

believing that something isn't is a belief in itself. at best, it's just believing in a different myth. we're in the same boat.

Welcome to the world of guessing and taking chances.....laugh .

at least my beliefs are usually backed up by what I experience

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:35 AM
I'm not trying to convince you either; you're old enough to make up your own mind...

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:29 AM

God,s and saviors throughout history show one thing common to all - their actions are just like mans! I cannot and will not believe in an all powerfull and all knowing being that acts like mankind. Come up with a being that acts not like man does and you may have a chance with me, otherwise - no.

Ha! you should know better; with all your knowledge and wisdom and ramblings about religion....
Humans were made in the image of God. So if anyone is acting like the other, it would be mankind acting like God...Not the other way around. And one of His traits is free will. The difference being that God chooses to do good and we choose to do evil (most of the time).

It's easier to believe neither, or nothing, than to believe in myth's.

believing that something isn't is a belief in itself. at best, it's just believing in a different myth. we're in the same boat.

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:35 PM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

religion in itself is dead. if you're just going through the motions, hoping that it will save you from eternal damnation (or whatever) won't. and that's boring too.
If you've ever tried praying to God and felt like you were wasting your time, maybe you might want to try to talk to him like a friend, talk about the things that are important to you, let Him know if you're frustrated with Him... He cares. And he cares about what's important to you.
At some point you may hear Him answering and you're suddenly having a conversation with someone you didn't even believe existed. Now that's when "religion" comes alive and ceases to be boring.
You should try it.

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:28 PM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

"...christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to."

Yes, that is just like they say about the new one world government they call the "New World Order." It is a system of slavery of mankind that goes into slavery WILLINGLY.

You think yourself "his child" and yet he is depicted as a god who makes rules like, "The wages of sin is death."

Sin is disobedience of god's laws. You disobey, you pay with your life. That is how the galaxy aliens treat their slaves and keep them in order. THAT IS NOT HOW a father treats his children.


I'm not trying to convince you...and I see that I'm wasting my time and energy trying to explain what christianity is......apparently you already know from any other source than actually having any real life experience.
And now we're also talking about aliens? So it's easier to believe in ALIENS, than a God who wants to have an intimate relationship with his creation....
yeah, i'm wasting my time...

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:20 PM
this topic makes no sense

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:15 PM

My profile, how many responses it gets, what I do with my free time, what I do for a living... none of that has anything to do with this discussion. If you want to learn about me, send me an email, I'll answer almost any question you have. I just don't see how it applies to this conversation.

I think your profile is awesome and it's very honest and direct....and no, it nothing to do with this discussion spock

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:00 PM

It's a seriously sick demented picture of a God. Truly it is.

In your opinion, what would a"correct" picture of God be? I truly want to know what all of y'all think.
I know this sounds cheesy, but keep in mind that christianity for me is not just my religion, it's a life style.
Since apparently none of you have actually been there, it's hard to describe what it's like to be in the presence of God, or having a conversation with Him, or experience supernatural things, since there's really no earthly reference to compare it to.
Carrying a cross around every day is, by the way, merely a metaphor for trying to be Christ-like as well as I can -I don't literally carry a cross around every day (duh!).

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 03:25 AM
Belushi, you're outnumbered...don't worry about it

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 03:22 AM

Jesus is not about Religion.

But Relationship.

With God.


Ahh, finally someone in here who understands!! Thanks for posting that, MorningSong

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 03:12 AM

Jesus would say to me, "You are a very wise man Abra"


dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:55 AM

You will not only serve him in life, but you will serve him in heaven for eternity.

You have sold your soul.

All because you disobeyed your master and left him, but found your way back to him to once again become his servant.

Oh, here we go again.....
you're not his slave when you became born again, you become his child; he adopts you into the family. Sure, christians serve him, but not because they have to, but because they want to.
Anyone who tells you something else hasn't understood God's concept of grace yet...

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:25 AM

I didnt say you did. but many so-called christians use the word hate when referring to an atheist's view of christianity.

So you're an atheist...
does that mean that you're just being respectful of Islam by writing (pbuh) after Mohammed's name?
What exactly do YOU believe? It seems very evident to me what you believe NOT to be true. What exactly DO you believe?

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:11 AM

2 John 1:7

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Thanks for that, Black Jesus! You know, In the movie it talks about 10 men being that group of people that "runs the show" - where now have i read about a beast having 10 heads? Only time will tell if my source is correct.