Community > Posts By > dangurtner

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:26 AM
Raclette Party

Raclette is a type of cheese from Switzerland that is prepared with vegetables on a special raclette grill. The grill heats numerous small pans in which each guest melts the raclette with vegetables and other toppings of his or her choice. Then everyone can relax with a beverage of choice while their individual raclette pans cook. It couldn't get any easier!

Usual trimmings:
Gherkins, Silver skin onions, Baby corn, freshly milled pepper, Paprika, garlic powder

Preparing and serving Raclette:
Boil the potatoes in their jackets. Line a basket or bowl with a napkin and wrap the hot potatoes in it to keep them warm. Cut the Raclette cheese into pan-sized slices and set them out on a dish. Put bowls of trimmings, a pepper mill and paprika on the table.

Drinks with Raclette:
True connoisseurs recommend mint tea because it stimulates the digestion.

Before and after:
You can serve seasonal salad as a starter and finish off with a fruit sorbet, fresh fruit or a fruit salad for dessert.

Handy Hints:
Allow about 200g (7oz) cheese and 200 to 250g (9oz) of potatoes per person.
When preparing Raclette in the pans, make sure you don't overcook it, otherwise the albumin gets grainy and the fat separates.

Raclette can be prepared with any variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, condiments, liqueurs and spices. (Mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, pepperoni sausage, bacon strips, chicken/beef, olives, pineapple, onions…)

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:25 AM

For me first God then family

same here

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:23 AM

I just got a friends request with a message thanking me for the e-mail telling him about myself. Well here is the thing. I have NEVER messaged him.huh laugh

hmmm.. that's a neat trick.. i should try that too :wink:

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:20 AM
meat - meat is so awesome!

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:15 AM
but of course

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:02 PM
vote for nader

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 04:22 PM

Very interesting.... There are rumors that someone else hung on the cross. The gospel of St Peter wrote that it was Simon.

If Jesus was seen alive after his supposed death, then the logical conclusion is that he didn't die, not that he rose from death. Nobody actually saw him rise from the dead.


There are also manuscript that actually document that Jesus did in fact die on the cross and was buried in that cave, as the four gospels all confirm.
Tell me this though: how would a religion that is based on a lie survive for 2000 years throughout history?
The core of Christianity is that Jesus died for our sins so that we could have a relationship with God and he rose again, defeating death and sin, so we can also live forever like him and no longer fall to sin (which keeps us away from God).
If people wouldn't be experiencing this in their own lives, would the faith die pretty quickly, since it wouldn't "work"?

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 04:08 PM
nasa rocket scientist

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 04:00 PM

Ok, it is Pick a Partner day....You have got to pick someone today to email, have a converstaion with, IM, make a date or whatever. DO it now...if you don't you will have bad luck for 6 weeks with no dates! This means ZILCH,,NADA,,ALL ALONE for 6 whole weeks!!! NO Kisses, No hugs, NO SEX!!! surprised surprised surprised

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for your actions or non actions in response to this post. tongue2

i'll just email you since you started this whole thing...

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 03:57 PM
i am

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 03:53 PM
hi waving

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 10:02 AM

What is everyone's drug of choice (eg. pot, alcohol....)


dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 09:41 AM
I'm with OneUniqueCALady on this one...we really have a huge variety of good things in CA.

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 09:38 AM
thanks! shades

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 02:32 AM
Edited by dangurtner on Tue 07/15/08 02:33 AM
a 3 day drive is also slightly too long for only about 3 seconds of fun :-)

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 02:25 AM
He's hot, there's no doubt about it! He's just not MY type..

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 02:21 AM
changing the serpentine belt on my '96 Mercury Mystique??

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 12:22 AM
In my opinion, people who have such abilities as telepathy, empathy, dream walk, and other psychic abilities, have entered the spirit realm. Things they couldn't know on their own, like knowing something before it happens, I think has much to do with...well...spirits.
If you believe in this kind of stuff, you may also understand that there are good and bad spirits that can enable humans to do such things. But that's a whole different story...

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/15/08 12:09 AM
What's REALLY sad and scary is that in our twisted world, the very definition of marriage has been degraded to something that no longer seems to have much to do with love and selflessness. When you go back to the true meaning of marriage and culturally understand the significance of what was said when those words were written, you would also understand that He is actually honoring you and reaching down into your innermost being, making you "whole" again. Will you dare accept His offer of showing you true love? No, not just some kind of everyday love that goes away after a short while...TRUE love, unimaginable, all-encompassing love that overflowingly satisfies everything you've been yearning for all your life. Try it...I dare you

dangurtner's photo
Mon 07/14/08 10:41 PM
Mission Valley

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