Community > Posts By > dangurtner

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 03:00 PM

This suggests that Christians and Christianity THINK THEY OWN GOD.


You may suggest whatever you want...
As a christian, I guess I'm here to tell you that that's not the case from my standpoint. If there are other christians out there who think they do..sorry

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:52 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Fri 07/25/08 02:53 PM
double post

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:51 PM

I was talking about religion in general. Or cults. They discourage seekers from looking elsewhere for truth.
I have found this to be true in several different religions.

Sadly they do. How can someone decide that one religion or another is the right one without having also "checked out" other ones?

Is Christianity a mere relationship and not a religion at all?

You got it

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:50 PM

I was talking about religion in general. Or cults. They discourage seekers from looking elsewhere for truth.
I have found this to be true in several different religions.

Sadly they do. How can someone decide that one religion or another is the right one without having also "checked out" other ones?

Is Christianity a mere relationship and not a religion at all?

You got it

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:25 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Fri 07/25/08 02:25 PM

that is not the point dear.
i can see the video with a very critic and open eye.
but that does not mean that my faith would be moved not even 1/32 of an inch.

The video is definitely an eye-opener to many things. Likewise, it hasn't changed anything in my faith, except for confirming it.

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:19 PM

And when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac - do you think God didn't know what he was going to do?

I think it's perfectly clear that the mythology you're referring to can't have anything to do with God.

We could discuss the same things about why the Greek Gods did all the things they did. They all had agendas and plans too.

Why you are so anxious to believe in a mythology that claims that you have fallen from grace from your creator is beyond me.

Especially in light of the fact, that mankind couldn't have been responsible for the imperfections in the world even if he wanted to be responsible for them.

It's simply not possible Eljay because the dinosaurus were eating each other and dying long before man ever even evolved.

So it's impossible for the Bible to be true.

It's simply impossible.

Yet you'd still like to believe that you've fallen from grace from your creator.

I just don't understand why you are so in love with that notion.

Why are you so anxious to be at odds with your creator?

Why is that so important to you?

THAAAAAAT's why the bible is impossible to be true?????
C'mon you can do better than that!

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:12 PM
you know what i always find very interesting?
the fact that people so readily believe that this guy, Mohammed, had an angel appear to him and giving him the Qu'ran. And it specifically was the angel Gabriel.
That's easy to believe.....? But to believe in this other guy, Jesus, who existed before that, and the angel Gabriel too came and told people that this guy was coming, is harder to believe?

As a Christian, I feel it is my obligation to apologize to JB for pulling the topic off of her original topic. It is not very polite to dominate a converstion, especially when that conversation has nothing to do with you. I'm unfamiliar with a couple of the names she referenced and was actually hoping to get some info on them. But apparently there are those that only want to discuss their own issues. There's a lot of threads in the lobbies, and you can make a new one at any time.

So could we please discuss something other than Christians in a religous thread. If you truly are a light of God, there will be those drawn to your light like a moth to a flame. But don't spit fire and hope that the moth goes up in flame.

You're right on that one...

but you do understand that christians aren't
when christianity is portrayed as a lie or parts of christianity are presented in a false way, and a christian hears or sees that, there must be an opportunity given to justify, or explain in more detail why something may be perceived different from how it originally was intended...
...if you slap my left cheek, maybe i'll do the christian thing and let you slap my right one too....but then i'm out of cheeks (butt cheeks don't count)..and i will hurt you. sorry. i'm not a doormat christian...

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:46 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Fri 07/25/08 01:48 PM

Hello people!!!

This is your host.

I must ask your collaboration in moving this 'topic' to a suitable thread.

It is off topic in this tread on 2 counts:

1) It is 'discussing' ONE MICRO ELEMENT of ONE RELIGION in particular, which in no way shape or form relates to other religions, or the 'history of religions', which this thread is about.

2) It is clearly breaking the the golden rule of leaving at the door of this forum, the

I trust I can count on you 'gentlemen', to graciously cooperate, and retire this otherwise fascinating exchange, I'm sure, to its appropriate home.

Your (making every effort to be) gracious and respectful host, aka 'the croco feeder'.

Thanks, croco feeder, for keeping us on track!

Here ya have it from
1: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
2: of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
3 a: scrupulously and conscientiously faithful

so I guess 'non-religious' is the opposite..yeah?

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:28 PM

Sort of. Christianity is not "freeing people on death row" - but the establishment of a lost relationship with God. Jesus did not die to "give you a ticket to get out of jail", but to invite you into the realm of an eternity spent with God. It is a relationship - not a religion.

Thank you

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:16 PM

And there is no such thing as "free will". Freedom of choice maybe. But you cannot stand on the top of a building and jump off, and expect that your "free will" is going to defy the law of gravity. Your "freedom" here will last until you hit the pavement. However, you can freely "chose" to jump off - but then you suffer the consequences. Be it that you hit the pavement, or miraculously learn how to fly. As to your will about the outcome. It "ain't" free.

That's a very good way of putting it drinker

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:00 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Fri 07/25/08 01:05 PM


You are lumping all people who believe in the same book as being the same.

This simply is not true.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

I'm with him on that. I think it's healthy to study things outside of "the norm" that you're apparently supposed to only be looking at. And I think it's great that you're very diligent about seeking your answer to the puzzle.
Aren't we all??
Where it gets dangerous is when we start saying that "only the answers that I've found are the correct ones". And when we start disproving the views of other with "facts" that we've collected through our own search.
I know that I at times fall into doing that too and I'm sorry if I've made anyone feel that their beliefs are "wrong". It's not my intention to do that, but rather to share what I've found on my journey and help explain things that seem unclear or misinterpreted (regarding my own beliefs - people telling me that I believe a certain way because of a certain religion i belong to).
What I often see is someone bashing christianity and putting it in a bad light, without them actually having a clue what it really is, apart from just being words in a book.
I feel a need to explain that there are actually people like myself who don't just say that they're christians, but actually live it too. It makes me angry when people or businesses call themselves christian to make them seem more trustworthy, but in the end they're the complete opposite. They're screwing it up for the ones genuinely live it. So much of church history shows exactly that; this is very sad...
My religion is no more important than yours. What is important is that you genuinely follow after it because you want to, not because you think you're supposed to.
And regardless of religion, shouldn't your 'yes' actually mean YES and your 'no' actually mean NO; Shouldn't values like integrity and loyalty be important in any religion or culture?

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:24 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Fri 07/25/08 12:31 PM

We lost the way to respond significantly upon this subject of begginings when the library of Alexandria was burned and destroyed in ancient times. There could actually be a great debate if such text and writing's still exsisted. what we can no now, is little in comparison and i for one am not interested in a debate that can not include all that was known to the ancients. your just spinning your wheels, but have fun if you continue with it.

You're absolutely right on that. I wish the that library still many questions could be answered

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:17 PM

To answer Smiless: Oh most definately, at least here in the U.S., but it is also both ways. (Organized) Religion is also dominated by politics. That's why I never actually "joined" a church, I didn't think it was a requirement to have a belief.

And from the topic above. How come no one brought up that Eve was Adams second wife? (The first was also made of the ground, but refused to be subserviant to Adam and was cast out. Thus God made woman from man, making her part of him.)

and you got that from.....???

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 02:00 AM

I am confused, how do you start a relationship?

Okay, leme help you out a little. Take them out for Happy hour and a small dinner (If they're Really drunk, not too much food though, projectile vomiting really kills the mood) then take her into the bedroom and have your way with her.

Then in the morning when you wake up, she'll be yours (if you want)....Good luck dude....

wow, that's probably the worst advice i've ever heard. no wonder all the ones you meet are "psycho".

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:34 AM

I am confused, how do you start a relationship?

Okay, leme help you out a little. Take them out for Happy hour and a small dinner (If they're Really drunk, not too much food though, projectile vomiting really kills the mood) then take her into the bedroom and have your way with her.

Then in the morning when you wake up, she'll be yours (if you want)....Good luck dude....

wow, that's probably the worst advice i've ever heard. no wonder all the ones you meet are "psycho".

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:11 AM
so tell me about Pocahontas; how is life there?

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 01:08 AM
it's 42. there's no reason for it not to be. it just is.

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:59 AM

You must go with what you know and make the best of it. If you have NEVER had a mystical experience, seen a ghost, been out of your body, witnessed what appeared to be a miracle, then it is no wonder you are agnostic.

have you?

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:56 AM
thanks, you too!

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:54 AM
sooo... tell me a little about yourself... religion is boring to you. what do you find interesting?