Community > Posts By > TheMissile
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~burp~ "I"!
~hic~ ![]() |
Here's to all the girls who think that all the nice guys are gone... There are still nice guys in this world. Guys who will call just to say i love you. Guys who will hold your hand while walking. Guys who will say that you look amazing because they mean it, not just to get in your pants. Guys who will buy you a star and name it for you, just so you have a star to wish upon. Guys who will stay awake next to you and watch you sleep just because of you peaceful you look. Guys who love the way you look when you just woke up. Guys who will look into your eyes instead of your shirt. Guys who will Kiss you on the forehead when you're crying. Guys who will open the door for you. Guys who will dance with you and kiss you in the rain. And finally, guys who say, 'I love you" and mean it truly for now and forever. We are still out here. Most likely we are your best friend who you've never thought of that way, but thats all we've thought about when you tell us about the latest asshole that dumped you. We aren't hidden away or all taken. We are still here, and we are looking for you. The true and honest girls who wont take advantage of us and take us for granted. So if you're looking for that one nice guy left in the world, perhaps you should look behind you because most likely, they've supported you all along.
These are my words. Take them as you will. Many people make the mistake of assuming that simply because someone is a "nice guy" that they are also a doormat for people to walk all over. Do not mistake kindness for weakness. This is a common mistake that is made more often than is necessary. Learn from the past and the last "bad boy" that cheated on you, beat you, or just didn't care. Find yourself a nice guy, and realize that just because we're nice on the outside doesn't mean that we can't still be a man. |
ENGINEERS charge by the hour. Awww respect! ![]() RACERS like to come in first. TRUCK DRIVERS have bigger dipsticks. That's better ![]() |
Your Bucket List
*Spend a day hotlapping the Nurburgring
*Live in California *Volunteer at the Victory Junction Gang camp *Race the Baja 1000 Ensenada-La Paz course *See Building A Better Spaceship in concert ...sure I could think of more later |
Staying home after the race in Monroe got rained out. Got nothing going on, just sitting here enjoying a rum & coke and watching "Van Helsing" on TNT
Hey, if anyone's got MSN/WLM or Yahoo! Messenger, I could use the company. Shoot me an email |
If you????
I'd be me, only I'd also appear to others as the real me instead of what everyone says about me.
Edited by
Sat 07/19/08 02:24 PM
I still don't have a date. And it seems like no sooner do I start chatting someone up, they lose interest & I never hear from them again
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do most of you
Well with a career high of "1" I guess the decision's been made for me
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9-My mother taught me to
SEARCH "Where was the last place you saw it?" ![]() |
8 and 9 are hilarious
![]() That list doesn't have my personal all-time favorite on it though, when you tell Mom you lost something and they respond with "Well, where did you see it last?" Gee, if I knew that, I'd probably know EXACTLY WHERE TO LOOK TO FIND IT, now wouldn't I? ![]() ![]() |
Do you have the right
Edited by
Fri 07/18/08 09:38 AM
The garage is MINE!
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4, 4.5
![]() See, now if I were to do that, I'd get a broken nose ![]() |
*Just found out my supervisor's taken the day off, & he's the only one who knows how to convert these drawings I'm supposed to be working on.
*The sky outside looks like it's gonna unload any minute *Weather-guessers are calling for an 80% chance of severe thunderstorms in Monroe tomorrow, which'd put the kabosh to the 3rd race in a row in the outdoor nitro R/C series I compete in. *Not racing this weekend would also suck because I just rebuilt the engine on my truck & was really looking forward to racing it, AND I was going to use this race to plug the new R/C magazine I write for ( ![]() So yeah ![]() |
True love of course
Would you consider having
that like saying i want to move to a hot cold place... open marriage? Marriage is a bond, you cant have a open bond. You basically in my eyes are not married +1 |
No offense to anyone, but...
...did they stop production on true, intelligent, interesting, and honest girls after about 1987?
It just seems like all of my best lady-friends have about 5 or 6 years on me. ![]() |
Does Cymbalta really work?
I've been using 20mg daily of Lexapro (by prescription!) for about the past year with good results.
Peccy got his groove back!
Edited by
Thu 07/17/08 08:54 PM
Same as any other religious belief: Just don't mention it every third word in a sentence.
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