Community > Posts By > xxL4LUNCHBOX

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 10:12 PM
just go with the flow i guess . if you love your partner enough and its not to wierd for them .it just becomes naughty adult fun. or keeping the spice in your sex life i guess .

so many out there claim to be lesbiens traped in a mans body. just be good to be a fly on the wall when the girls declares vice versa and has a rather large toy.noway noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:30 PM
its an internal email not your personal email thats used

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:27 PM
if nails were hard the wouldn t bend every time a girl uses a hammerlaugh

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:13 PM
dont come running too me if you fall and break your legs..


never throw aspurtions at the mother crocodile when your about too cross the lake

i can just picture my self standing at the front of the house throwing stones at my bare backside sticking out the second floor window

laugh bigsmile laugh laugh laugh :banana:

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:02 PM
text#8 its been a year since i buried my ex .i must remember to return that shovel

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 04:56 PM
those scammers were highlighted on a bbc documentry .years ago ,best advice to use special software filters and keep them uptoo date .flag them were possible .

for added security trace there ip adress to confirm there were abouts ,also helps to use a sniffer programm to view its activity.

clean your cache and cookies frequently,and add any untrusted emails to your hacked folder so your email filters can sift them out straight away .

all in all learn to be a bit more comp savy.

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 04:31 PM
#1 too move forward you need too look ahead ,not back...if you find yourself walking on egg shells chances are its already broken.

#2 to conform to another`s will and have no will of your own you will never blossom

#3 to know this answer you would be winning the lottery every time too.

there`s a fork in every road or path we take

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 03:06 PM

laugh I see krupa got things stirred up again....
he's got a big...uh....spoon whoa

How do you know?:angry:
I've seen him stir the pot :angel:

surprised Did you take pictures? *hoping*bigsmile

This is my spoon there are many spoons just like it but this one is mine laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 02:33 PM
single no free no single no free .hang on cup half empty or full hmm.

!!!!i am single and free!!!!


xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 02:26 PM
lot of skeletons out there .no matter were you look
as for men wont understand a womans view . thats just sexist
but being through both sides of the coin ,ive witnessed and took action.
and am glad to call myself a survivor of such actions .to let it phase me or scar me ,would mean the barstewards won .
its better to get the last laugh it truly lasts longest..happy

takes a lot of self control when you know a shovel is cheaper than a hitman :smile:

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 01:45 PM

Ha! You are all amatures....

You don't give excessive flattery ....

Or you don't accept excessive flattery....

Obviously the problem is you.....

If the problem is you won't accept some good brown are stuck up...flirt with your self...see how far it gets you.

You refuse to flirt excessively? Great!...I will flirt like a mad man.....and I will score that tail. kids go on with being shy and repressed
I will make those chicks feel sexy.

tails and chicks ?? sorry im not intoo farm animals here ..sheesh

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:12 AM

I would just rather form a relationship not based on my looks. It can be risky. I remember starting a new school at age eleven. Suddenly a guy I didn't know, started telling me how his friend fancied me, and that if I said "No" to his friends request, he would rape me. Now I remember why I hardly liked that school. That was just way uncalled for. That was not a very sane move. It sounded so psychotic, that I was crying for hours about it, when I got home. I thought he would end up raping me. What a dumb, vile thing to say to someone you feel attracted to. Mind control, perhaps? I swear some people are such sicko's it's beyond belief.

im sure karma got back too him in prison now.

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:07 AM
try excersise b4 bed time to drain that excess energy its also good for other sleep disorders.goodnite

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 09:06 AM
sounds like you may have been remote viewing.but unfocused.

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:52 AM

Hey I'm looking for someone, and I am new to online dating, so where am i going wrong or right???

just be yourself ,profile seems fine ,good luck and welcolm too the site , have fun :banana:

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:46 AM

Well acording to the test I have taken on OKCupid her are the characters that descirbe me.

1. Vash the Stampede from Trigun, yea I can see how I am like him in many ways.
2. Maverick from Top Gun, have not watched the movie so I don’t know.
3. Professor X from X-men, I guess but not sure about this one.
4. Jimmy Stewart, heard the name but don’t know the person.
5. Orihime Inoue, yea I know it is a girl characters but I share some of the same caring that she does.

good choices bud you could have googled the two you didnt know as they very good choices
Yea, I know. Just haven’t felt like doing it.

not too worry its a fun game anyway

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:38 AM


xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:23 AM

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:22 AM

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Sat 02/23/13 08:14 AM
Think of a red indian tribe ,in alphabetical order.