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guys vs girls - part 62
Edited by
Sat 02/23/13 08:08 AM
549 x infinity = heh heh heh
Grass Hopper from Kung Fu Spock from Star Trek Mick from Crocodile Dundee serenity logic and survivor good choices |
Well acording to the test I have taken on OKCupid her are the characters that descirbe me. 1. Vash the Stampede from Trigun, yea I can see how I am like him in many ways. 2. Maverick from Top Gun, have not watched the movie so I don’t know. 3. Professor X from X-men, I guess but not sure about this one. 4. Jimmy Stewart, heard the name but don’t know the person. 5. Orihime Inoue, yea I know it is a girl characters but I share some of the same caring that she does. good choices bud you could have googled the two you didnt know as they very good choices |
Excessive flattery...
some excesive make up on some girls makes me ask,,is she dateing a guy or an art critic
flattery is like soap its 99% lye ![]() |
Excessive flattery...
i think one best gadgets was the hand mirror that wolf wistles when you use it a great gift ..but vanity has always been around since the hall of mirrors.. but then we head down the road of makeup,is it excesive flattery or an excuse to spend more time in the mirror lol
( only maulder and scully have the answere ) ![]() |
choose three tv programes and charecters that best describe you.
if you can |
Naughty or nice?
I dont think so but thanks. [/quote i agree im sure youve used the dark side of the force on many occasions. ![]() |
Do age does matters?
age is an illusion were older behave younger and vise versa but in a relationship it shouldnt matter unless that person is superficial and petty .less selfishpeople will accept a person with children .its like your best sunday rost what goods the roast without something on the side and a lil gravy. I think that is harsh. People shouldn't be considered selfish just because they won't accept a person with children. Why should they take responsiblity for someone's kid? I wouldn't accept someone with kids either. I am 52 years old; have a full time job; a house to take care of; my military obligations; so I am way to exhausted to take care of a child. So before you pass judgements on others; you need to understand why. Age also is not a illusion; it's damn real. Grey hair, wrinkles, weakening eye sight, aches and pains; with eventually facing death. These things are very real and not an illusion. I challenge anyone that is 20 or 30 years younger than me to understand what its like to age. They don't have a clue of what you are going through especially when someone is in menopause or going through mid life crisis. So; of course that matters in a relatioship; because relationship comes from the word relate. A large age gap is too hard to relate. Also being older; dating a younger person does not make you feel younger; its just a remind of how old you really are. so we penalise age ,single parents colour, creed lifstyles were will we just keep going the disabled the afflicted then after all the filters used we ask.were are all the real people...psst there the real people you penalise what your searching for is a comic book hero now. thats what i was saying so we use too many rules we box ourselves in to tightly...i wasnt being offencive with my post but ..using freedom of speach and opinion |
chubby or skinny?
hmmm? .lights on or off lol.
more cushion for the pushin. chubby girls keep me warm on cold nights. all together now iii like big butts and i cannot lie ![]() |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 22
single but only for the lack of finding a girl who cooks great pasta .my kryptonite
if i click with a person and the chemistry is the same on both sides .a bit of spanking and hair pulling least of worries because gonna be so many broken pictures and ornaments she will need buy some kevlar lingerie. than lace lol
did you ever think?
can it still be called a yard with the metric system lol
How weird are you?
Let me start off with one of my quirks: I enjoy certain kind of pains, injection(vaccination,blood donation),soreness after exercise,pain frm bruising Do you think you're weird?what makes you weird?share with me ;) doing my own dental without pain relief .useing thread and needle for cuts myself . ressetting dislocations myself . and other general mountain man duties modern medicine is fin but then theres man up or "man up " ,i guess thats why so many emaculinated guys out there .they gotten softer pain is an emotion it can be controlled like any other .but life in rough areas were pain becomes and everyday occurence you learn to surrvive and overcome , youde be amazed at what our bodies can over come if its needed and you focus enough. |
women and tattoos?
her stretch marks tell me she is great with kids her scars she has lived metal comeing throug so much skin she a nutter and a tattoe she can open a bottle beer with the crack of her *** .
tattoes ruin a good beer flavour |
Edited by
Fri 02/22/13 09:10 AM
guys express there feelings difrently than women ,us guys are not as affected or afflicted .instead we get years of fatherly :thou shalt not cry : .but we do have those feelings on the end of there tether hooks that we are finely balanced on the crest of an emotional cliff overlooking a deep gorge ,that our loved one can change the balance so easily and our true fragility will reveal its immortal its not that we cant show our emotions its we to busy with the balancing act to do so ,we should be packaged fragile explosives handle with care ..and we spend a great deal of emotion of family as a unit and not as separate units due to our experiance of balancing suicide guys are more graphic by the choice of because there actions are there language of hurt and tears are so alien ..a large majiority of cryers as so are ussually of a feminite nature this is not a homophobic responce but rather a subject of the male phyce in offence intended ..
ps: we have diffrent hormones that allow for or lack of certain chemicals to take hold and our behaviour differs there too.. |
How weird are you?
Let me start off with one of my quirks: I enjoy certain kind of pains, injection(vaccination,blood donation),soreness after exercise,pain frm bruising Do you think you're weird?what makes you weird?share with me ;) doing my own dental without pain relief .useing thread and needle for cuts myself . ressetting dislocations myself . and other general mountain man duties modern medicine is fin but then theres man up or "man up " ,i guess thats why so many emaculinated guys out there .they gotten softer |
Naughty or nice?
Nice - but can be naughty for the right price ![]() oh i dont pay sorry lol |
How weird are you?
Let me start off with one of my quirks: I enjoy certain kind of pains, injection(vaccination,blood donation),soreness after exercise,pain frm bruising Do you think you're weird?what makes you weird?share with me ;) doing my own dental without pain relief .useing thread and needle for cuts myself . ressetting dislocations myself . and other general mountain man duties |
Do age does matters?
age is an illusion were older behave younger and vise versa but in a relationship it shouldnt matter unless that person is superficial and petty .less selfishpeople will accept a person with children .its like your best sunday rost what goods the roast without something on the side and a lil gravy.