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makeup for men ?
My cousin would put some makeup on the bumps on his face; it would help clear them up. well make up for men is to look there best and increase there attractiveness. its a positive move for us guys in the fact that shadow has mentioned say you have a groth or facial scare due to what ever or bruising ie the battered husband or boyfriend .or say you just want to slow time down a tad to look good for longer useing moisturisers and facial scrubs ect .whats wrong with that . however scientific surveys show a woman looks for a manly man the two weeks b4 menstruation and a feminine the weeks afterwards . ( yes i really reasearched this subject for a character in a book im trying to write so it became part of my researching . and mascara was a thing gentlemen from gentlemans clubs used for the beards and side brows expecially in egypt were men wore makeup more than women . yup guys looked like tarts back then but in todays regime of the grooming man alittle of somthing can go a long way . so long as you dont over do it and end up wearing more than your girlfriend |
wan't a friend
welcome to da family feel free to chat in the forums and get to know people and them you .have fun
gods dad * super power to slap his a$$ and tell him to get down here and do his chores .
can i have a coupon
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blabbering in a relationship
Humm I'm a talker if a guy don't like it in my book he can move on....... ![]() yup cant stop a texas rose from blooming . ie blooming weather blooming sandstorms blooming rodeo clowns yeha lol ![]() |
First Day
welcome to the mingle family jump into the forums get too know people enjoy yourself .
Just joined
welcolm to the mingle family just feel free to hop into forums share your views and people will get too know you better
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blabbering in a relationship
Men talk to share information. Women talk as a form of social interaction. Sure about that? Yes. May be from your side of the world. On my side, most women(remember not women) talk as a form of nagging and to 'share information' Aha,OK! But,i never understood what ''nagging''is..... Somebody educatively enlighten me please?! No,not because am a village belle,but...... But what, neighbour? May be u females are synonymous with nagging. That's why u never understood it nagging is a lazy word .if you being asked something or too do something then its probably a real concern for your partner to get a reply or a shelf hanged a door mended. or she may just need some extra tenderness because she has had a really stressfull day ,to ingnore her and call it nagging is just being neglectfull of your partners feelings and or needs .. |
tis song is for a certain biotch on this site. I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about.. harsh .cant we all just get a thong |
Celebrity Look-A-Likes
for fun im usually twined with some mafia character,but i love horses
a disused mental asylum were i was doing some filming for a televiion documentry...ok i win were`s me prize
who will you save
If I think long on this hypothetical situation I would question how I had escaped being alongside them in this disaster and wouldn't require saving too... and if that were the case and I looked toward my mom or husband to save me... or I them, then I fear we would all perish together while employing rock, paper, scissors... or eeny meeny miny moe.. to decide for us.. ![]() ![]() yeah are we all on the same plane. and i have the only two parachutes, dont worry hunny didnt have the heart to tell mum so gave her my rucksack ,here`s your chute ![]() |
a see saw doesnt work with just one person.
yeah dr`s are like new driver just past there test it gives them licence to practice medine, and boy do a lot of them need lots of practice . and cancer is an ugly mutation of our cells .hope we find a cure for them all .and put a stop to unessesary pain and loss . like my gran would say god takes all the good ones first . my thoughts are with you and your family at this time .
who will you save
the older having lived the longest i would chose the one not yet lived life to there full potential ,after checking were the will was last seen too
awesome sex ,captivaion and control
not unlike bdsm but both sound like only ones viewpoint the other might not share same interpretation , if you wake and your wallets gone you know witch one you are ![]() |
makeup for men ?
he to scared for whaaaaaaaaaxing back sack and crack ouch ouch and weres the anastetic ( i think girls call that voddy )
stolen identity and snitch
yes there`s plenty of man eaters out there to. been there ,sound`s good but emotionaly its like trying to get out of a field youve just discovered is fully of land mines .
makeup for men ?
this is whats happening in mens cosmetics nowdays |