My point is that the State Should Get Out of Marriage all together; if not we need to Kick it Out of the Wedding Chappel.
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Thu 03/28/13 02:36 AM
When waking up with anyone else is unthinkable after years together; even when seeing his face is something your bored of waking to.
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Not THIS again......... ![]() There really should be legal action taken against these people that do this crap. Just goes to show the mindset of these people. |
Another "Smart Idea" of a NewsPaper published an Interactive Map of Schools which have Security and No Security.
![]() ![]() After a number of readers complained that the Map puts children at risk of Madmen with Guns who would be looking for a Body Count, the Paper took the Map down. ![]() The Paper is Owned by Gannett — the publishers of USA Today and also Owns the New York Journal which published an Interactive Map of Gun Owners last December. |
This Vid Says it All. |
I had just placed an Order for a FN PS90, the Very Same Gun (Civilian Version) as the U.S. Secret Service Protective Details have Standard Issued (I Imange the Anti-Gun Nuts are Going Crazy about Now but they are Fun, Fun, Fun to Shoot) and Fires a 5.7 Round that can go through Body Armor but not Drywall. It looks like a gun out of Star Wars or Star Trek, Maybe Babalon 5; so I would like some ideas on what to Shoot once I get it. Check out FPSRussia's channel on youtube and his facebook page. He often uses tannerite for explosions, but he shoots all kinds of things. Been there, done that; as fun a Channel as it is watching, he stands a bit too close when he uses Tannerite in the quatities he uses. His Cameraman got hurt in one video he shot and I've seen things blow right past him in a few shoots; he needs to learn to stand a bit farther back, and/or use less Tannerite when he shoots |
I had just placed an Order for a FN PS90, the Very Same Gun (Civilian Version) as the U.S. Secret Service Protective Details have Standard Issued (I Imange the Anti-Gun Nuts are Going Crazy about Now but they are Fun, Fun, Fun to Shoot) and Fires a 5.7 Round that can go through Body Armor but not Drywall. It looks like a gun out of Star Wars or Star Trek, Maybe Babalon 5; so I would like some ideas on what to Shoot once I get it. Check out FPSRussia's channel on youtube and his facebook page. He often uses tannerite for explosions, but he shoots all kinds of things. In the news A Minnesotan man was fined $2,583 and sentenced to three years' probation[5] on charges of detonating an explosive device and unlawful possession of components for explosives after he detonated 100 lb (45 kg) of Tannerite inside the bed of a dump truck by shooting it with a rifle chambered in .50 BMG from 300 yards (270 m) away on January 14, 2008 in Red Wing, Minnesota. The man was on probation when he mixed and shot the Tannerite and was not allowed to possess firearms or explosives. [6][7] The blast could be felt at Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant (roughly 5 miles away).[8] A 20-year-old man in Busti, New York stated that he shot 18 pounds of Tannerite, an explosive used on many shooting ranges that sent a "loud boom" through the area and extended as far south as Pennsylvania. This explosive noise caused numerous phone calls to the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office, the New York State Police, and other law enforcement in the area. [9](WIKI) What is probably Tannerite's biggest claim to fame is it's common usage in FPSRussia videos, who is amongst the top 10 most subscribed channels on YouTube. ![]() I doubt that anyone would mind if I used Tannerite on My Own Property on My Own Shooting Range; they now have some that you can use a .22 to set off. As Noted in the Story; the Idiot has a history of Ilresponsible Behavior, no need to Punish Responsible People for it. |
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Wed 03/27/13 10:28 PM
A Constitutional Argument for Marriage Equalty (Or Getting Government Out of Marriage) Marriage Would Never be a Right as Long as Government is Involved. Adults Should be Free to Choose What Relationships They Engage In With Other Adults. |
Yea, I think it's pretty safe to assume the false information given was about her son. What else would the mother and aunt talk to the police about, the price of oranges in Florida? You can assume anything you want I guess. I try not to assume anything until more facts are known. I know that kids today don't seem to give a crap about pulling a trigger in anyone's face. They do it in video games constantly. But you don't know how prejudice the police are in this situation either. Sometimes police just jump to conclusions out of prejudice but not always. Yes it is totally essential that you never talk to the police. If you are an innocent bystander or witness, there is nothing in it for you to talk to the police, and you never know if they have you on their suspect list. If you are a participant in any crime or in any part of any crime, it is essential that you never talk to the police. Forget the lawyer, he will probably sell you out. True, sometimes the Police suffers from Tunnel Vission when dealing with a crime, they are only human; that's why ruling out the Mother would be SOP with the Investigating Authority, then the Court which hears the case followed by Judicial Review. Our System isn't perfect, sometimes the Bad Guy goes free while the Innocent is imprisioned; but I'd rather face a Criminal Charge here than in Mexico where once accused, you have to Prove Your Innocents; and the Judge is an Active Partner for the Prosecution. |
The History Behind Prop 8.
The Supreme Court of Mass Ordered the Legilature to pass Same Sex Marriage(How the Court is Able to Mandate a Co-Equal of Government do to Anything is Beyond Me) which is where all of this Started. The People in a Number of States (California was One of Them) didn't want their Courts to do the same, so they passed Props to Amend the State Constitutions or (Like California) Pass a Law to Deny Same-Sex Marriages. The Mayor of San Fransisco didn't like the Results, so he started against State Law Issuing Marriage License to Same Sex Couples until the Govenor put a Stop to It & Voided those Licenses by Enforcing a Popular Law Which Just Passed by 74% of the Vote. Then Rather Make the Case for Same Sex Marriage, Those Who Favored it Sued in Court to say that the Law Violated the Constitution and the Supreme Court Imposed that Same Sex Marriages were Legal Which Caused a Major Backlash Against the Court and Same Sex Marriages with talks of Impeaching the Entire Court for Violating the Law as Prop 8 was put on the Ballot to Amend the Constitution. Prop 8 Passed, and with a Movement to Remove the Entire Court by Direct Election (Which would put in Doubt the High Court in Every Case) Gaining Steam; the Court Upheld Prop 8 as the Law. Again, Without Making Their Case to the Voters, the People in Favor of Same Sex Marriages Sued in (The Most Liberal & Overturned Court of the Land by 74% of the Time) Federal Court Which like the State Court, Imposed its Will on an Unwilling Population. I Hope That the High Court Upholds Prop 8; Then Those Who Favor Same-Sex Marriage Would Have to do What They Should Have Done From the Start; Make the Case for Same Sex Marriages Before the Voters Rather Than Have Some Court Impose It. My Personal View on the Matter; The State Shouldn't Have Any Say in what Relationships Concenting Adults Agree to, Take the Power Away from the States to Issue Marriage License, Remove the Tax Breaks & Legal Protections Offered to Those in Approved Relationships; Kick the State Out of the Marriage Chappel. |
I would say. Read up on how hot the barrel can get before you run the danger of having to replace it. Ammo is going to be pricey. Start out shooting cans. Then, get used to the drift of full auto. Three round bursts are easier to control. How many selections of fire dose it come with? PS Screw the UK and their babysitting attitude. Why don't they grow some gnads and beat down the bad guys? Whiny bunch. ![]() Cans are too Boring with a Gun that looks like my Profile Pic at the moment ![]() I need something like Invasion of the Killer Tomatos (There's an Idea) kind of Target (Rotten of course as Killer Tomatos are Always Rotten ![]() ![]() I Need Some Really Threatening Targets (Paper, wood, Rotten Fruit & Vegs, whatever) to shoot with Single or Full Auto down on the Home Shooting Range; I'm Sure that People Here Could Think-Up Something Creative. |
Yea, I think it's pretty safe to assume the false information given was about her son. What else would the mother and aunt talk to the police about, the price of oranges in Florida? You can assume anything you want I guess. I try not to assume anything until more facts are known. I know that kids today don't seem to give a crap about pulling a trigger in anyone's face. They do it in video games constantly. But you don't know how prejudice the police are in this situation either. It's not in the Intrests of the Police or the DA to charge the wrong person with the crime; not saying that they don't at times, best advice when talking to the Police is to ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PIE HOLE SHUT until you consult your Lawyer, but it's the BAD GUY the Police Want. |
I don't believe that he shot a baby in the face. Not at all. And that is not what I said. I am speaking of this particular case. I don't believe that guy shot that baby in the face. I think the mother is lying. While I'll conceed that it could be faked, murdering One's Own Child on a Residental Street would be insane with all the Potential Witnesses; Plus there were Witnesses who largely backed up the woman's account, though I don't know whatall they saw. I'm wishing for the day that when a Bad Guy pulls out a Gun, 20 Good Guys answers by pulling out their own Guns; just think of what a Reality would do to Crime if the Bad Guys have to worry about being Out Gunned at every turn. |
I had just placed an Order for a FN PS90, the Very Same Gun (Civilian Version) as the U.S. Secret Service Protective Details have Standard Issued (I Imange the Anti-Gun Nuts are Going Crazy about Now but they are Fun, Fun, Fun to Shoot) and Fires a 5.7 Round that can go through Body Armor but not Drywall. It looks like a gun out of Star Wars or Star Trek, Maybe Babalon 5; so I would like some ideas on what to Shoot once I get it. Why? I'm always safe with a Gun; I've taken NRA Safety Training & Tactical Training from a Few Different Schools and Local Law Enforcement Loves me (in a Platanic Manner of course) and I even have all the Permits needed (as Protest for the Current Anti-Gun Leglislation going on) to own Fully Automatic Weapons. To Date, the Only Victims of my Guns are made of Paper, Wood, Soda Bottles, a few Cender Blocks and some Drywall as part of a Demo; Plus a few Unwanted Critters that had wondered onto my Property as I have a Small Horse Ranch/Farm, and some Deer when in Season. I'm the Person you want in the Mall Nearby while you're shopping (or some other "Gun Free Zone") if a Madman with a Gun is Looking for a Body Count. I live in the UK, where thankfully, we have very strict gunlaws. I have a friend who did once compete in pistol shooting competitions, he has since retired from the sport and sold all his pistols, but he use to them keep secuely locked in a regulation safe in his house, as required by UK law. What you say regarding walking round a shopping mall carrying your pistol I find very alarming, is this legally allowed in the USA? Is anyone allowed to carry a pistol with them in their coat pocket when they go shopping? I am not absolutely sure, but I do not believe this would be allowed in the UK even by the holder of a firearms licence. ![]() Comparing the UK Crime Rate with the US Crime Rate is Misleading as the US had always had a Higher Crime Rate than the UK; if you compare the History of Crime in the UK to Today you'd get a different picture. In 1910, England had a Murder Rate (All Forms of Murder) of 0.8 Per 100K, back when you could walk into a Hardware Store and Buy any Gun you wished; then England started to pass Gun Laws a little at a time and the Murder Rate started to Climb to its Present Day Rate of 1.6 Per 100K after a Peak of 2.4. In 1910 the US had a Murder Rate of 8.4 Per 100K and had swung widely between that and around 4 Per 100K in the 50's and back up to around 8 - 9 per 100K in the 70's, dipped in the 80's & Early 90 before heading back up in 95 and started dropping back down to the Now 4 Per 100K after 2,000; With MILLIONS of GUNS SOLD to the GENERAL POPULATION. Can you explain those numbers to me? Yes. Let us look at the muder rates, and look at more recent statistics, considering only homicides committed as this is the most violent crime. in the UK the Office of National Statistics, see webpage below Advises the total number of homicides in 2011/12 was 540 for England and wales, {I accept this is not the complete UK, but it is a very large part} In the USA using the US Department of Justice Bureau of statistics, see webpage below Page 2 shows a graph of Total homicides for 2010 alone (none yet available for 2011/12) at around 15000. Wikipedia gives UK population in 2011 at 63 million and USA population in 2012 at 314 million. The USA has 5 times the population of the UK, but has 28 times the number of homicides. The USA is a far more violent society today than the UK, we would need to look at how many of these homicides were gun crimes, but my guess is that for the USA at least it will be a very high proportion. I believe this does have something to do with the fact that millions of people in the USA own guns compared to far fewer in the UK, this is my opinion. Now,since you think it is the Guns,look up the Firearms per Capita of Switzerland,and the amount of Guncrimes there! ![]() Besides,outlawing Guns in the UK hasn't really done much to the overall amount of violent Crime! The Criminals just use other Implements! Considering there are considerably fewer homicides here in the UK, than there are in the USA, I have a lot of support for our gun laws, and certainly would not want to see the UK adopt the gun laws used in the USA. Yes the Number of Gun Related Crimes are way down, but Violent Crime in the UK is going Up as is your Homicide Rate with your Gun Ban. In the U.S, which always had a higher Crime & Homicide Rate than the UK, our Crime & Homicide Rates are Falling despite the fact that Millions of Guns are being Sold. The Problem isn't Guns, but Crime; to Blame a Gun for a Crime is like Blaming a Fork for being Fat. |
I'm up for some lezbean action. I hear they are tight. I was in a Lesbian Relationship for a couple of years when I lived in Mexico; I wasn't doing well on the Family Farm or learning to be a Farmer's Wife as my Aunt tried to teach me, Plus my Spanish was Deplorable as I didn't speak a word of it before going down to Mexico; so I moved to a city along the border and became a Stripper to save enough money to return to the U.S. To save money on Rent, I moved in with one of the Girls whose Motto Was "Men for Money; Women for Pleasure" as my horizons expanded conserning Sex. I still prefure a Man over a Woman, but there are times when I see a Woman I think of Maybe... though I would never Cheat on my Husband. |
Edited by
Tue 03/26/13 01:00 PM
(As I couldn't figure out how to post a picture in a posting, I made it my Profile Pic)
I would like some ideas on what to shoot with this gun; that looks like something out of a Sci-Fi Movie. I was thinking of blowing up a picture of a Borg out of Star Trek, maybe Darth Vader from Star Wars; maybe even the Aliens out of the movies Alien & Preditor. Something Fitting for the look of this gun that I bought for my First Fully Automatic Rifle now that I have all the Permits to Own and Carry it; though this gun will stay locked away at home when it's not on the shooting range. |
I had just placed an Order for a FN PS90, the Very Same Gun (Civilian Version) as the U.S. Secret Service Protective Details have Standard Issued (I Imange the Anti-Gun Nuts are Going Crazy about Now but they are Fun, Fun, Fun to Shoot) and Fires a 5.7 Round that can go through Body Armor but not Drywall. It looks like a gun out of Star Wars or Star Trek, Maybe Babalon 5; so I would like some ideas on what to Shoot once I get it. Why? I'm always safe with a Gun; I've taken NRA Safety Training & Tactical Training from a Few Different Schools and Local Law Enforcement Loves me (in a Platanic Manner of course) and I even have all the Permits needed (as Protest for the Current Anti-Gun Leglislation going on) to own Fully Automatic Weapons. To Date, the Only Victims of my Guns are made of Paper, Wood, Soda Bottles, a few Cender Blocks and some Drywall as part of a Demo; Plus a few Unwanted Critters that had wondered onto my Property as I have a Small Horse Ranch/Farm, and some Deer when in Season. I'm the Person you want in the Mall Nearby while you're shopping (or some other "Gun Free Zone") if a Madman with a Gun is Looking for a Body Count. I live in the UK, where thankfully, we have very strict gunlaws. I have a friend who did once compete in pistol shooting competitions, he has since retired from the sport and sold all his pistols, but he use to them keep secuely locked in a regulation safe in his house, as required by UK law. What you say regarding walking round a shopping mall carrying your pistol I find very alarming, is this legally allowed in the USA? Is anyone allowed to carry a pistol with them in their coat pocket when they go shopping? I am not absolutely sure, but I do not believe this would be allowed in the UK even by the holder of a firearms licence. ![]() Comparing the UK Crime Rate with the US Crime Rate is Misleading as the US had always had a Higher Crime Rate than the UK; if you compare the History of Crime in the UK to Today you'd get a different picture. In 1910, England had a Murder Rate (All Forms of Murder) of 0.8 Per 100K, back when you could walk into a Hardware Store and Buy any Gun you wished; then England started to pass Gun Laws a little at a time and the Murder Rate started to Climb to its Present Day Rate of 1.6 Per 100K after a Peak of 2.4. In 1910 the US had a Murder Rate of 8.4 Per 100K and had swung widely between that and around 4 Per 100K in the 50's and back up to around 8 - 9 per 100K in the 70's, dipped in the 80's & Early 90 before heading back up in 95 and started dropping back down to the Now 4 Per 100K after 2,000; With MILLIONS of GUNS SOLD to the GENERAL POPULATION. Can you explain those numbers to me? Yes. Let us look at the muder rates, and look at more recent statistics, considering only homicides committed as this is the most violent crime. in the UK the Office of National Statistics, see webpage below Advises the total number of homicides in 2011/12 was 540 for England and wales, {I accept this is not the complete UK, but it is a very large part} In the USA using the US Department of Justice Bureau of statistics, see webpage below Page 2 shows a graph of Total homicides for 2010 alone (none yet available for 2011/12) at around 15000. Wikipedia gives UK population in 2011 at 63 million and USA population in 2012 at 314 million. The USA has 5 times the population of the UK, but has 28 times the number of homicides. The USA is a far more violent society today than the UK, we would need to look at how many of these homicides were gun crimes, but my guess is that for the USA at least it will be a very high proportion. I believe this does have something to do with the fact that millions of people in the USA own guns compared to far fewer in the UK, this is my opinion. However, the US Murder Rate is at near historical lows, with the '94 Ban on curtain kinds of guns Expired and Millions of Guns Sold; where as England is still twice as high as before you passed any Gun Laws whatsoever and made owning a gun nearly impossible. With Gun Bans, England's Murder Rate is Climbing whereas Guns being Bought and Sold the US Muder Rate is Falling; can you explain that? |
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Tue 03/26/13 09:43 AM
I had just placed an Order for a FN PS90, the Very Same Gun (Civilian Version) as the U.S. Secret Service Protective Details have Standard Issued (I Imange the Anti-Gun Nuts are Going Crazy about Now but they are Fun, Fun, Fun to Shoot) and Fires a 5.7 Round that can go through Body Armor but not Drywall. It looks like a gun out of Star Wars or Star Trek, Maybe Babalon 5; so I would like some ideas on what to Shoot once I get it. Why? I'm always safe with a Gun; I've taken NRA Safety Training & Tactical Training from a Few Different Schools and Local Law Enforcement Loves me (in a Platanic Manner of course) and I even have all the Permits needed (as Protest for the Current Anti-Gun Leglislation going on) to own Fully Automatic Weapons. To Date, the Only Victims of my Guns are made of Paper, Wood, Soda Bottles, a few Cender Blocks and some Drywall as part of a Demo; Plus a few Unwanted Critters that had wondered onto my Property as I have a Small Horse Ranch/Farm, and some Deer when in Season. I'm the Person you want in the Mall Nearby while you're shopping (or some other "Gun Free Zone") if a Madman with a Gun is Looking for a Body Count. I live in the UK, where thankfully, we have very strict gunlaws. I have a friend who did once compete in pistol shooting competitions, he has since retired from the sport and sold all his pistols, but he use to them keep secuely locked in a regulation safe in his house, as required by UK law. What you say regarding walking round a shopping mall carrying your pistol I find very alarming, is this legally allowed in the USA? Is anyone allowed to carry a pistol with them in their coat pocket when they go shopping? I am not absolutely sure, but I do not believe this would be allowed in the UK even by the holder of a firearms licence. ![]() Comparing the UK Crime Rate with the US Crime Rate is Misleading as the US had always had a Higher Crime Rate than the UK; if you compare the History of Crime in the UK to Today you'd get a different picture. In 1910, England had a Murder Rate (All Forms of Murder) of 0.8 Per 100K, back when you could walk into a Hardware Store and Buy any Gun you wished; then England started to pass Gun Laws a little at a time and the Murder Rate started to Climb to its Present Day Rate of 1.6 Per 100K after a Peak of 2.4. In 1910 the US had a Murder Rate of 8.4 Per 100K and had swung widely between that and around 4 Per 100K in the 50's and back up to around 8 - 9 per 100K in the 70's, dipped in the 80's & Early 90 before heading back up in 95 and started dropping back down to the Now 4 Per 100K after 2,000; With MILLIONS of GUNS SOLD to the GENERAL POPULATION. Can you explain those numbers to me? |
What kind of round will go through body armor but not drywall? This is a new one for me and I thought is was pretty familiar with ammo. A 5.7 Round; it's basically a .22 Pistol Round put onto a Large Cartage and the head is shaped to slip through Body Armor, but fragment and lose energy when it hits something of Mass. It was partly inspired by the North Hollywood Shootout; Military/Law Enforcement Grade is of course Restricted, but the Civilian Version works good enough. |
What kind of round will go through body armor but not drywall? This is a new one for me and I thought is was pretty familiar with ammo. A 5.7 Round; it's basically a .22 Pistol Round put onto a Large Cartage and the head is shaped to slip through Body Armor, but fragment and lose energy when it hits something of Mass. It was partly inspired by the North Hollywood Shootout; Military/Law Enforcement Grade is of course Restricted, but the Civilian Version works good enough. |