Topic: Another Obama ' Promise '
JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 04/13/10 11:31 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Tue 04/13/10 11:32 PM

Looks like that one's down the tubes too.

This is NOT a blog. This is an article in The Washington Post.

Could it be that the media has finally had some of the Kool Aide IV's yanked out and are going to start calling Obama out??

Obama's Disregard For The Press Reaches New Heights At Nuclear Summit

In the middle of it all was Obama -- occupant of an office once informally known as "leader of the free world" -- putting on a clinic for some of the world's greatest dictators in how to circumvent a free press.

The only part of the summit, other than a post-meeting news conference, that was visible to the public was Obama's eight-minute opening statement, which ended with the words: "I'm going to ask that we take a few moments to allow the press to exit before our first session."

Reporters for foreign outlets, admitted for the first time to the White House press pool, got the impression that the vaunted American freedoms are not all they're cracked up to be.

Yasmeen Alamiri from the Saudi Press Agency got this lesson in press freedom when trying to cover Obama's opening remarks as part of that limited pool: "The foreign reporters/cameramen were escorted out in under two minutes, just as the leaders were about to begin, and Obama was going to make remarks. . . . Sorry, it is what it is."

no photo
Tue 04/13/10 11:53 PM
Apparently, Obama is well aware of the effect of missinterpretation of the leader's words that are often published even before the leader's had a chance of completting the sentence!!!

It would be a different story, if the press simply transmitted the speech word for word, But they dare publishing their often-erroneous interpretations! Hence, his decision was justified!!!

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 07:33 AM

Apparently, Obama is well aware of the effect of missinterpretation of the leader's words that are often published even before the leader's had a chance of completting the sentence!!!

It would be a different story, if the press simply transmitted the speech word for word, But they dare publishing their often-erroneous interpretations! Hence, his decision was justified!!!

The (ahem) 'media' ... the STATE-controlled 'media' ... are finally discovering that their tenure as the 'useful idiot' is as over as is the tenure of those who voted 'Dear Comrade Leader', Obama the Most High and Merciful (PBUH) into orifice. They are, quite simply, no longer necessary. They've done their job. They are as superfluous to his needs now as were the VietCong to the NVA after the South was defeated. They SHOULD have pointed out those flaws of his they KNEW ABOUT but SUPPRESSED due to their shared ideologies BEFORE he was elected. It's WAY too late for that now - he has the power now. They - and those who voted him into 'office' - are (a) irrelevant, and (b) redundant. They. Are. Disposable.

cashu's photo
Wed 04/14/10 10:50 AM

Apparently, Obama is well aware of the effect of missinterpretation of the leader's words that are often published even before the leader's had a chance of completting the sentence!!!

It would be a different story, if the press simply transmitted the speech word for word, But they dare publishing their often-erroneous interpretations! Hence, his decision was justified!!!

apparently you don't understand , that these misinterpations are what makes the politicals sound smart . Even though they didn't say or mean them . most speachs by people are misleading and meant to be so as not to trap the rats in there own words . but on the other hand there is a older ezplaination for this . and it gos . I don't believe you under stand but what you heard me say and what i said may not be the same thing as what i intended to say .

byteme's photo
Wed 04/14/10 09:52 PM
Oboma has broken every promise he made in his campain. The man is a liar just like everyone in Washington. We r screwed

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:16 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 04/14/10 11:24 PM

Oboma has broken every promise he made in his campain. The man is a liar just like everyone in Washington. We r screwed

quite the exaggeration,,,, He has flip flopped and failed on several promises,, but the ones he has kept far outnumber the ones he has not.

investing in 'green' jobs
requiring insurance to cover pre existing conditions
sending more troops to afghanistan
rebuilding schools in New Orleans,,,,

the list goes on.. I can concede that he has failed in several areas, Im not quite sure why others cant concede that he has had success as well..

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:39 PM

Oboma has broken every promise he made in his campain. The man is a liar just like everyone in Washington. We r screwed

quite the exaggeration,,,, He has flip flopped and failed on several promises,, but the ones he has kept far outnumber the ones he has not.

investing in 'green' jobs
requiring insurance to cover pre existing conditions
sending more troops to afghanistan
rebuilding schools in New Orleans,,,,

the list goes on.. I can concede that he has failed in several areas, Im not quite sure why others cant concede that he has had success as well..

Oh goodness ... I can't believe you actually said something so easily challenged with FACT. Of course, you won't accept truth in any form, so I already know your response. It doesn't change the fact that you're still wrong. Too much Kool-Aid® will do that to you, y'know ...


Broken promise No. 1: 'Sunlight Before Signing'

When Obama campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in Manchester, N.H., on June 22, 2007, he announced his "Sunlight Before Signing" promise.

"When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it," he said.

Broken promise No. 2: Capital gains tax elimination'

According to his comprehensive tax plan released during his campaign, Obama promised to "eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses."

People who invest in small businesses have only been allowed to exclude 50 percent of that gain from capital gains taxes. While Obama's $787 billion economic-stimulus package reduces that tax liability – raising the exclusion to 75 percent – it does not eliminate it.

Broken promise No. 3: New American jobs tax credit

During his transition, Obama's promised to provide a $3,000 refundable tax credit to existing businesses for every additional full-time U.S. employee hired in 2009 and 2010.

Obama's promise was never included in the stimulus package.

Broken promise No. 4: Hiatus on 401(k) penalties

Many unemployed and financially strapped Americans have considered early withdrawals on 401(k) and retirement accounts to survive the current recession. However, the IRS imposes strict penalties of up to 10 percent plus federal, state and local income taxes on such advances.

However, Obama's promise was never included in his recent stimulus package.

Broken promise No. 5: 'No jobs for lobbyists'

Obama promised America he would loosen the grip of lobbyists on Washington.

It wasn't long before he allowed at least two dozen exceptions and broke his promise.

Broken promise No. 6: Earmark reform

As WND reports, at the first presidential debate in Oxford, Miss., Obama declared, "[W]e need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely."

"There was just a roar of laughter – because there were earmarks," Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., told CNN.

Broken promise No. 7: Bring troops home in 16 months

On his campaign website, Obama promised he would "remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months."

Even as combat troops are brought home, Pentagon officials have said fresh units will continue deploying to Iraq.

Broken promise No. 8: Sign 'Freedom of Choice Act'

On July 17, 2007, Obama told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, "The first thing I'd do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do."

Obama chose radical pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to serve as the Health secretary, moved to void job protections for health workers who oppose abortion and repealed a ban on U.S. taxpayer funding of foreign abortions.

Broken promise No. 9: $4,000 college credit

Obama pledged to make college "affordable for all Americans" when he announced his American Opportunity Tax Credit.

While the American Opportunity Tax Credit was included in the recent stimulus bill, it offers a credit of only $2,500 for up to two years and requires no commitment to community service.

Broken promise No. 10: Transparency

On the White House website, the Obama administration claims it will be "the most open and transparent in history.

However, Congress and the administration hurried the $787 billion, 1,027-page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to a vote after allowing lawmakers just a few hours to read the bill. It was also available online in a form that could not be keyword searched.


He still has to PROVE he's a CITIZEN:

The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:47 PM
. I don't believe you understand but what you heard me say and what i said may not be the same thing as what i intended to say .

LOL, this may pass well in a conversation with the bunch of idiots... But NOT AT THE MEETING WITH THE LEADERS OF OTHER COUNTRIES (alll of whom speak "the same ambiguous language"!!!)

no photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:57 PM
............. BROKEN PROMISSES...........

As if your not aware of the fact that every bill Must be approved by the congressional vote, etc. that may alter the suggested numbers!
What you r doing is called speculaccuzation!!! laugh

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/15/10 01:35 AM

Oboma has broken every promise he made in his campain. The man is a liar just like everyone in Washington. We r screwed

quite the exaggeration,,,, He has flip flopped and failed on several promises,, but the ones he has kept far outnumber the ones he has not.

investing in 'green' jobs
requiring insurance to cover pre existing conditions
sending more troops to afghanistan
rebuilding schools in New Orleans,,,,

the list goes on.. I can concede that he has failed in several areas, Im not quite sure why others cant concede that he has had success as well..

Oh goodness ... I can't believe you actually said something so easily challenged with FACT. Of course, you won't accept truth in any form, so I already know your response. It doesn't change the fact that you're still wrong. Too much Kool-Aid® will do that to you, y'know ...


Broken promise No. 1: 'Sunlight Before Signing'

When Obama campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in Manchester, N.H., on June 22, 2007, he announced his "Sunlight Before Signing" promise.

"When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it," he said.

Broken promise No. 2: Capital gains tax elimination'

According to his comprehensive tax plan released during his campaign, Obama promised to "eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses."

People who invest in small businesses have only been allowed to exclude 50 percent of that gain from capital gains taxes. While Obama's $787 billion economic-stimulus package reduces that tax liability – raising the exclusion to 75 percent – it does not eliminate it.

Broken promise No. 3: New American jobs tax credit

During his transition, Obama's promised to provide a $3,000 refundable tax credit to existing businesses for every additional full-time U.S. employee hired in 2009 and 2010.

Obama's promise was never included in the stimulus package.

Broken promise No. 4: Hiatus on 401(k) penalties

Many unemployed and financially strapped Americans have considered early withdrawals on 401(k) and retirement accounts to survive the current recession. However, the IRS imposes strict penalties of up to 10 percent plus federal, state and local income taxes on such advances.

However, Obama's promise was never included in his recent stimulus package.

Broken promise No. 5: 'No jobs for lobbyists'

Obama promised America he would loosen the grip of lobbyists on Washington.

It wasn't long before he allowed at least two dozen exceptions and broke his promise.

Broken promise No. 6: Earmark reform

As WND reports, at the first presidential debate in Oxford, Miss., Obama declared, "[W]e need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely."

"There was just a roar of laughter – because there were earmarks," Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., told CNN.

Broken promise No. 7: Bring troops home in 16 months

On his campaign website, Obama promised he would "remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months."

Even as combat troops are brought home, Pentagon officials have said fresh units will continue deploying to Iraq.

Broken promise No. 8: Sign 'Freedom of Choice Act'

On July 17, 2007, Obama told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, "The first thing I'd do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do."

Obama chose radical pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to serve as the Health secretary, moved to void job protections for health workers who oppose abortion and repealed a ban on U.S. taxpayer funding of foreign abortions.

Broken promise No. 9: $4,000 college credit

Obama pledged to make college "affordable for all Americans" when he announced his American Opportunity Tax Credit.

While the American Opportunity Tax Credit was included in the recent stimulus bill, it offers a credit of only $2,500 for up to two years and requires no commitment to community service.

Broken promise No. 10: Transparency

On the White House website, the Obama administration claims it will be "the most open and transparent in history.

However, Congress and the administration hurried the $787 billion, 1,027-page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to a vote after allowing lawmakers just a few hours to read the bill. It was also available online in a form that could not be keyword searched.


He still has to PROVE he's a CITIZEN:

The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

apparently he has proven it to the necessary authorities,, the constitution doesnt require him to personally prove to every citizen,,,

as to the rest,, I submit once more my statement ,that I can concede OBama has failed on some of his 'promises', so your post was kind of a waste of space in that regard. My point was its ridiculous to state he broke EVERY promise, as I listed several on my post which have come to pass.

no photo
Thu 04/15/10 08:57 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 04/15/10 09:01 PM
_______________Crowd Psychology:_________________
During the leader's speech, one senator tells the other one a story about his son who's been wrongfully accused of wrape:
"...and the lawyer suggests my son should plee Guilty!"
The other senator exclaims: "No, he's wrong!"

The media people overheard that exclaimation and published the story:
Our elected leader IS WRONG, according to some senators!!!

And the ball gets rolling: You hear, "He's wrong"! He's wrong? Yep, that's what ALL of the senators are saying... And he's broken many election promisses...
(In fact there's never been anyone (LATELY) who's kept 100% of his promisses)

Oh, please, give him a chance to screwup, first! After all, there are powerful people behind him -- those who brought him to power! (YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE A VIRTUAL NOBODY COULD ACCOMPLISH THE FEAT ON HIS OWN, WOULD YOU???)

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:01 PM
Funny how a post I made about calling Obama out on his promises gets so many posts....

But yet, when I post a thread that actually gives him some gets nothing.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:05 PM
My best guess is that Obama realized, that he won't be in control , regardless that he is the president. The Pentagon, the Congress, the Lobbies, the Corporations and the big banks, the CIA/FBI have way more words on many things than the White House and its staff. Not to mention the pressure from the opposition and foreign interests.

I think, Obama went in there and learned where "his place" is. He probably also realized, that he can't satisfy everyone no matter what. It was naive for him to think that he could do all the things he was talking about.

Hopefully the people will realize not to vote on anyone based on campaign promises, regardless who or which side makes them.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:08 PM

My best guess is that Obama realized, that he won't be in control , regardless that he is the president. The Pentagon, the Congress, the Lobbies, the Corporations and the big banks, the CIA/FBI have way more words on many things than the White House and its staff. Not to mention the pressure from the opposition and foreign interests.

I think, Obama went in there and learned where "his place" is. He probably also realized, that he can't satisfy everyone no matter what. It was naive for him to think that he could do all the things he was talking about.

Hopefully the people will realize not to vote on anyone based on campaign promises, regardless who or which side makes them.

Wanna know why he won Michigan???

Because he came to Detroit and told the people there exactly what they wanted to hear.

Then...he turned around and, in the next state, demonized the very same people he was praising and making promises to at the last stop.

He, just like every other politician, does nothing more than tell people what they want to hear.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:12 PM

My best guess is that Obama realized, that he won't be in control , regardless that he is the president. The Pentagon, the Congress, the Lobbies, the Corporations and the big banks, the CIA/FBI have way more words on many things than the White House and its staff. Not to mention the pressure from the opposition and foreign interests.

I think, Obama went in there and learned where "his place" is. He probably also realized, that he can't satisfy everyone no matter what. It was naive for him to think that he could do all the things he was talking about.

Hopefully the people will realize not to vote on anyone based on campaign promises, regardless who or which side makes them.

Wanna know why he won Michigan???

Because he came to Detroit and told the people there exactly what they wanted to hear.

Then...he turned around and, in the next state, demonized the very same people he was praising and making promises to at the last stop.

He, just like every other politician, does nothing more than tell people what they want to hear.

The blame falls on the people then who believe anything they've been told. I also know some chose Obama on the ballot because they surely didn't want McCain. If you ask me there should be a 5-6 party competing in the final rounds for presidency, not 2. I have a hard time to believe, that 300 million people can be herded into 2 parties's direction.

no photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:14 PM

But yet, when I post a thread that actually gives him some gets nothing.


JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:17 PM

But yet, when I post a thread that actually gives him some gets nothing.


So it would seem. lol

Of course, what he did that I am praising him for is something that quite a few people consider unimportant.

no photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:19 PM

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 04/15/10 09:23 PM


Look down the page a bit for the thread I started OTHER than this

It isn't that far down.

no photo
Thu 04/15/10 11:46 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 04/15/10 11:48 PM
Sorry , I don't comprehend you:
In the other thread, your praising Obama, but regret about not much support.

1. you just posted it in the evening. Do you expect everybody waiting for you to post something and then jump in right away???

2. So far, 50% of the responses support his endeavor! (easy arithmetic: total number of posters (2) minus the number of negative responses (1) divided by 100! biggrin
For starters, that ain't bad!

3. Just because the other fellow doesn't comprehend, doesn't mean he deserves the whole 50%!!! (0.93% is more than enough for his "educated" opinion!!!) :laughing: