Topic: what are you gona do ?
cashu's photo
Tue 03/16/10 06:58 PM
theres a earth day movie out talking very quietly about in forty years the usa well have so many people that we well not be able to feed our selfs . let alone drink water . the enviroment in the usa can only grow so much and water is fast becomeing a shortage to.
I'm tried of people who think with there sex organs .this movie that i saw did not even take into consideration the illegals . so whose ready to stop eatting so we can have a rainbow . people coming from countrys that have went to war to strangers out .

Etrain's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:02 PM
surprised surprised surprised

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/16/10 08:16 PM
trust me, 12 million illegals in Los Angeles consume exactly how much water??? I have wanted them out for longer than I have been on this site. I can't be in Mexico illegally because they used to throw us gringos out but now they shoot at us instead. Can I buy property in Japan? How about China? England? So why can foreigners own American land? Globalists want us to toss hugs and all our money at their problems. How much does the UN actually contribute?

When Haiti ate crap who sent a Aircraft carrier to provide water and a hospital? Now it wasn't the UN I heard anyone say is it? Didn't think so. The only way we can solve the worlds problems is when the accept our way of doing things under our authority. look at Mexico. How are we supposed to fix their nation when they can't do it for themselves? F the third wold. F globalism, and most of all F the UN! On top of that F the whole liberal/ socialist movement and Global Warming!

Most of all F the Catholic Church and most other religions that preach how sacred human life is. I have seen the value of human life first hand and we don't even really value it ourselves unless it serves some political so social political power trip. We already have far too many people on this planet and now are we not topping out at almost 7.75 BILLION humans now world wide??

Look at the hole Haiti dug for themselves not controlling their numbers. They need another disaster to depopulate them some more. That is what they need besides getting over their whole national victim complex. they made their own bed with their religion an voting. I am supposed to pity them? Chile got hit a lot harder and they are handling business for themselves.

I love it when weak minded and weak people have the ability to make big decisions because they ALWAYS screw things up more.

Look at Obama. Mr. Doily and Lace probably can't even change a tire on his own car let alone change a frikken light bulb but he can give HUNDREDS of millions to banks to save them from the mess they made us all deal with. I all fairness though the train wreck started with Clinton's deregulation of banks and lending.

Humans are just too god damn stupid to see the clouds of disaster on the horizon. And people call survivalists crazy.

no photo
Tue 03/16/10 08:21 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 03/16/10 08:34 PM
The movie serves the greater agenda of the population control crowd and the 'eco'-whatever crowd ... this is just the new coloration taken on by the Socialist / Communist 'controllers' who would tell us what, when, how, why, and for how long we can do anything. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the supposed 'collapse' of Communism, the Communists / Socialists, etc merely adopted the coloration of the 'GREEN' movement to advance their agenda. No surprises that this movie deals with that topic in this manner - in politics (and that's what this movie is), nothing happens by accident.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 03/16/10 09:09 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Tue 03/16/10 09:11 PM

theres a earth day movie out talking very quietly about in forty years the usa well have so many people that we well not be able to feed our selfs . let alone drink water . the enviroment in the usa can only grow so much and water is fast becomeing a shortage to.
I'm tried of people who think with there sex organs .this movie that i saw did not even take into consideration the illegals . so whose ready to stop eatting so we can have a rainbow . people coming from countrys that have went to war to strangers out .

Yeah, I get called an idiot for pointing out that we cannot sustain at the rate we are going...Americans especially are polluting, wasteful...we are practically floating in our own feces..we have to turn this around. Funny tho~, the people who most oppose changing our ways call themselves "conservatives"...they are just (mostly) unwittingly supporting the corporations that have fouled our planet.

What's the name of that movie? I hope some would see Earthlings! Some cannot handle the truth tho~...

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 03/16/10 10:51 PM
Oh I remember hearing this non sense in HS as there was no other events to scare the public into fear.It's a fact that you could put every person in the whole world in the state of Texas.Got a better one for you.You could put every person in the whole world in New york city using all the buildings there.So I do not believe this whole over population theory just like I didn't believe it back in the 80's.You think there isn't enough room,enough land,and water.Take a slow drive through Utah,Kansas,New mexico,Nebraska,Texas,Nevada,Wyoming,Montana,and Arizona.You know what you see out there?Hundreds of miles of nothing!Unused farm land as far as the eye can see.Virgin land where people have never set foot.You ever been to Canada?Bigger then the entire United states yet only has a mere 34 million people in the entire country.Enough land and water for a billion people easy.

Now that Global warming is dead and buried time to find a new crisis to cash in on.Don't believe a word.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 03/16/10 11:35 PM
"Talking about energy solutions without talking about population control is like mopping the floor with the pipe still leaking."
- Tad Patzek

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 03/16/10 11:44 PM

This pair of pictures always cracks me up. It's typical " scare tactics " from the eviro freaks.

They seemingly manage to completely and utterly forget ( or more likely just completely IGNORE ) their high school science classes where they learned that glaciers move forward and RECEDE over a period of years.

From 1941 to 2004 that glacier moved back.

What they don't tell you is that over the next 60'll move forward again.

cashu's photo
Wed 03/17/10 12:26 PM
I'm not sure how you are reading my post but from what I am reading you missed the point . can you imagine a apple for $10 each and it was grown in argentina . or drinking water from china $30 a gal. when the world knows we can no longer feed the apes our selfs what do you think is going to happen ?

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/17/10 02:57 PM

I'm not sure how you are reading my post but from what I am reading you missed the point . can you imagine a apple for $10 each and it was grown in argentina . or drinking water from china $30 a gal. when the world knows we can no longer feed the apes our selfs what do you think is going to happen ?

PRECISELY! Why do you think so many Mexicans come here? There is no law and order in Mexico!

cashu's photo
Thu 03/18/10 01:09 PM
Edited by cashu on Thu 03/18/10 01:11 PM

I'm not sure how you are reading my post but from what I am reading you missed the point . can you imagine a apple for $10 each and it was grown in argentina . or drinking water from china $30 a gal. when the world knows we can no longer feed the apes our selfs what do you think is going to happen ?

PRECISELY! Why do you think so many Mexicans come here? There is no law and order in Mexico!

I'm not sure why the mexicans come here they say they have so much pride being a mexican yet here they come by the millions . I think the reason is when they look north they just see a bunch of degenerates *** biting each other all the time and be to stupid to help them selfs. viva mexico grengo
Theres no law and order here either .

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/18/10 01:17 PM

I'm not sure how you are reading my post but from what I am reading you missed the point . can you imagine a apple for $10 each and it was grown in argentina . or drinking water from china $30 a gal. when the world knows we can no longer feed the apes our selfs what do you think is going to happen ?

PRECISELY! Why do you think so many Mexicans come here? There is no law and order in Mexico!

I'm not sure why the mexicans come here they say they have so much pride being a mexican yet here they come by the millions . I think the reason is when they look north they just see a bunch of degenerates *** biting each other all the time and be to stupid to help them selfs. viva mexico grengo
Theres no law and order here either .

There is indeed a lot more law and order here. Mexico turned into a toilet. you cannot found a nation on tourism and cheap labor.

cashu's photo
Thu 03/18/10 09:35 PM
Edited by cashu on Thu 03/18/10 09:39 PM
It hasn't been that long sence I was there . I took a couple russians down there for a meal . It was the first time that I had ever had trouble there but wasn't much to it . Some whiney bit run up on me and started complaining about how we haven't leraned to speak spainish to talk to them ? well when I responded to him he decided he was very happy that I didn't speak spainish . we ate and enjoyed the evening and went back to the north . never seen him sence then but I'm sure he's makeing calls to congress about his feeling being hurt .And worst slapping around white kids that he has the bluff on .
As far as law an order goes down there they are a lot better than here when enforceing the law except when it comes to white americans thens there s no law only bribes . yo casa mi casa