2024: Biden Out, Harris In
| Who knows if this Biden administration and Libral Leftist media will even continue to report what's True. Why would they start now.? |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Put Blame where Blame belongs. Trump is right to blame Biden and Harris. They basically opened the border before they stepped in the White House when they said decriminalize border crossings and Biden said come on in. That bill you say Trump stopped had nothing to do with stopping the influx of illegals..
The bill that Trump had killed would have put thousands more people onto the problem, so that asylum seekers crossing the border would have been processed within weeks and then days, instead of the months to years it takes now with the immense backlog. With that speedy processing, it would legally deter the influx, once immigrants get that they don't get to game the system. Your idea of speedy processing was a way to remove the optics of the Biden and Harris open border policy, just in time for the election. Why are they still flying them in under the cover of night. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Liberal media fails to cover truths. Politician lies about politician lies. The snake eats itself? Neither Harris, nor Biden want open borders. There is an immigration process to go through, and international laws regarding seeking asylum, that Trump is all too happy to ignore if it gets him another vote. Of course he doesn't want it fixed, because he likes to blame it on his opponents and the immigrants' cheap labor helps his billionaire friends. Put Blame where Blame belongs. Trump is right to blame Biden and Harris. They basically opened the border before they stepped in the White House when they said decriminalize border crossings and Biden said come on in. That bill you say Trump stopped had nothing to do with stopping the influx of illegals.. |
"Throughout history the lives of tyrants almost always seem to end the same way. Through assassination by someone close to them."
The FBI and deep state are not close to Trump.. no love loss there..Today another attempt on Trumps life while playing golf. Shooter was about 300 yards away , barrel of A-K pointing thru chain link fence and 1 agent saw the gun barrel and shot 4 times. Suspect ran but they caught him. Why don’t they do a larger area sweep and clear. 300 yards is a easy shot. Gun laws need to be fixed when lunatics can buy and keep anything stronger than an air rifle. Your right , this guy is a lunatic. Many run ins with the law here in my hometown involving guns. To early to tell if that was his gun bought by him or obtained illegally… |
"Throughout history the lives of tyrants almost always seem to end the same way. Through assassination by someone close to them." The FBI and deep state are not close to Trump.. no love loss there..Today another attempt on Trumps life while playing golf. Shooter was about 300 yards away , barrel of A-K pointing thru chain link fence and 1 agent saw the gun barrel and shot 4 times. Suspect ran but they caught him. Why don’t they do a larger area sweep and clear. 300 yards is a easy shot. |
It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal. Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration. Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place. There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not. Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage. Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important. Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid. So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"? But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for. Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you. Not sure what you been reading on here but we have been saying illegal immigration. That’s why we complain.. and the idea of corporation gouging is a hoax. A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compaired to the Trump years.. It’s because of Biden and Harris and their ill advised policies they have enacted just to spite the Trump policies that were working for the people.. Regarding your price gouging statement that "A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compared to the Trump years." It would only take a few companies since it is only a few that control everything. Four giant companies – that's right, FOUR – Tyson, Cargill, and Brazil-based National Beef and JBS, now control 85% of the U.S. beef market. WH Group (Chinese), JBS, Hormel, and Tyson control about 67% of the pork market. Tyson and Pilgrims Pride control about 45% of the chicken market. In 2023, PepsiCo’s chief financial officer said that even though inflation was dropping, its prices would not be. Pepsi hiked its prices by double digits and announced plans to keep them high in 2024. If Pepsi were challenged by tougher competition, consumers would just buy something cheaper. But PepsiCo’s only major soda competitor is Coca-Cola, which – surprise, surprise – announced similar price hikes at about the same time as Pepsi and has also kept its prices high. The CEO of Coca-Cola claimed that the company had “earned the right” to push price hikes because its sodas are popular. Popular? The only thing that’s popular these days seems to be corporate price gouging. We’re seeing this pattern across much of the economy – especially with groceries. At the end of 2023, Americans were paying at least 30% more for beef, pork and poultry products than they were in 2020. Why? Near-monopoly power. Just four companies now control processing of 80% of beef, nearly 70% of pork, and almost 60% of poultry. So of course it’s easy for them to coordinate price increases. The problem goes well beyond the grocery store. In 75% of US industries, fewer companies now control more of their markets than they did 20 years ago. Governmental regulations have a lot to do with the way corps. have to regulate or adjust their prices to compete. Anytime the government has the power to ban a plastic straw, you know they can manipulate the rules for these corporations. But there is everything , not just meat. We pay about $1200.00 more per month than we did with Trump. Even if it is the price gouging ( which it isn’t the real reason) why hasn’t Biden or Harris done anything about it. If the government would let the private sector do what they do best , to compete with other corporations on a fair playing field , the prices would start to fall. The free enterprise systems have always been better for the American shopper , instead of the government getting in the way and making everything cost more than it should.. |
It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal. Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration. Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place. There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not. Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage. Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important. Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid. So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"? But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for. Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you. Not sure what you been reading on here but we have been saying illegal immigration. That’s why we complain.. and the idea of corporation gouging is a hoax. A few company’s may do that but that’s NOT why everything we buy is 20 to 60% higher now compaired to the Trump years.. It’s because of Biden and Harris and their ill advised policies they have enacted just to spite the Trump policies that were working for the people.. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Edited by
Fri 09/13/24 05:36 PM
| Kamala is also Marxist. Check out Kamala’s latest interview bomb on action news in Philly. Local affiliate questions her on her plan to lower prices. Her answer was , because she grew up poor and her neighbors had pretty lawns.. next question. How are you different than Joe Biden. Her answer was , because we need to take the moment in time and take that into the next 10 or 20 years…her team is panicking behind the scenes. When is the cut off date for the dems to push Kamala out and select another candidate ? What’s the saying , the 3rd one is always a charm… |
Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it. CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible. Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies. LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it… CEO's have admitted to the gouging. Republicans have admitted that Trump killed a bi-partisan border bill that the Border Guard Union approved and endorsed. The amount of disinformation, much coming from Russia, that is being spread by Trump, Vance and MAGA supporers defies the truths that are verified. More Russian disinformation? Really? .. That game is getting old and nobody believes it now anyway after the last two Russian disinformation campaigns have been debunked. Although it was instigated by the FBI and Hillary.. now the democrats are proud to blatantly lie to the American voter about Trumps policies while ignoring questions and answers with talking points. She has no integrity or morals ..the gouging of prices is another excuse for the past 3.5 years the democrats have screwed over every American citizen . Enough is enough, I feel the people are through with the imbeciles in office and will make a change for the better, again.. I couldn’t open the link but if it was the Merick Gariand rant about attacks on the DOJ, I’ll pass . I see enough fake news without wasting time listening to a far left hack.. questioning the possible unethical actions of a government agency is the basic right of the people that pay their paycheck. These folks work for us and should be more transparent.. |
Edited by
Fri 09/13/24 04:51 AM
It’s good to start my morning out with a laugh after reading the comments from the uninformed that live 1000s of miles away. These folks have every right to comment on our politics, even if those comments show their ignorance about the current state of America.. they hear liberal talking points as facts. This guy would be welcome at cnn or msnbc reporting the fake’s not the immigrants that we blame , it’s the two morons in office that let them come in with their open border policy. The stronger work force they talk about may be good for a small country that has very little impact on the world scene. But here in the US the immigrants do not always help our work force , instead it displaces US employees for cheaper wages which means less dollars for the tax base…I can’t see any situation that Kamala would be good to lead this country. She’s a joke that has no real policies to go forward with. If that were the case she should be impeached for failure to do her job for the past 3.5 years..
Unsettling Thought...
Edited by
Thu 09/12/24 05:55 PM
No eveidence? How about the advisors that said they advised him but he did not listen to their advice .. and no , the president isn’t held by rule to contact gold star family’s . But it’s the human thing to do and Biden being the uncaring POS he is he couldn’t find it in his heart to do that. Trump did… Kamala was the last one in the room with Joe to decide the fate of the withdrawal. So it’s on her as much as Biden.. the VP is part of the team that is in the White House, just because she’s not at the top of the ticket doesn’t give her a “ out” without the criticism she deserves . She’s done absolutely nothing to help the American citizen, but she’s done plenty to put illegals ahead of citizens. And that will be more of her agenda if she’s elected president..
There is a difference between not listening and rejecting. Anybody could see that US troops in Afghanistan were resented by much of the population, and keeping 2,500 or 250,000 soldiers stationed there wasn't going to change that. And insisting that Harris had any call on the position ignores that she's only the VICE president. Maybe she has her own opinion on the matter or maybe she agrees whole-heartedly, but it's Biden who makes the call. That said, nobody asked for a suicide bomber, not even Kamala Harris. That's a silly argument. There you go again , making up excuses for Kamala’s poor performance as VP. For someone to be bragging about all their successes the past 3+ years , I guess I’d have to ask what has she done since she had no hand in those policies being she’s only a VP. ? Makes you wonder what’s going to be the answer to most of the debate questions when confronted on the economy or high inflation… “ Well I was only the VP so you should ask the President about why everything is so high priced”… not much of a campaign slogan.. Well, I, for one, am not assuming the VP has any more power than any other cabinet member. I think that overall, Afghanistan was a success under Biden, in that we've been out of there and haven't lost anymore people. It's on them, now. I agree that the 13 US servicemembers dying is awful, but so are the thousands of others who died over the decades since Bush mistakenly got us into it. Trying to maintain anything there was just a sunken cost fallacy. Although, I don't know exactly why Biden insisted on getting out. But let's humor you. What do you think Mike Pence ever helped Trump decide? And who don't Congressional laws have a line for the VP to sign? Agree or disagree , I think we all can agree that since U.S Troops left whether right or wrong , the lives of women living over there have gone backwards to the point of property instead of a living being.. so it wasn’t all a success. .. I know you weren’t referencing that when you said overall success… |
Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it. CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible. Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies. LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it… CEO's have admitted to the gouging. Republicans have admitted that Trump killed a bi-partisan border bill that the Border Guard Union approved and endorsed. The amount of disinformation, much coming from Russia, that is being spread by Trump, Vance and MAGA supporers defies the truths that are verified. More Russian disinformation? Really? .. That game is getting old and nobody believes it now anyway after the last two Russian disinformation campaigns have been debunked. Although it was instigated by the FBI and Hillary.. now the democrats are proud to blatantly lie to the American voter about Trumps policies while ignoring questions and answers with talking points. She has no integrity or morals ..the gouging of prices is another excuse for the past 3.5 years the democrats have screwed over every American citizen . Enough is enough, I feel the people are through with the imbeciles in office and will make a change for the better, again.. |
Corporations not the government are responsible for high prices. Much of what people buy regularly is controlled by a handful of companies. These have been caught price gouging the American people with Krogers admitting it. CEO's looking to keep their cushy jobs and especially their bonus's are responsible. Regarding the 'failed immigration policies' of the Biden administration. There was a border bill but it was shot down by Republicans obeying Trump. Why take care of a problem when you can scream about it. Passing the bill would have made the Biden administration look good and that would have removed the only talking point the Republicans and Trump have. Fear and hate of those that different are the mainstay of Trump's rallys and speeches/intervies. LOL yea right, after 3.5 years and 12 million or more illegal immigrants let into our country and bleeding our cities of resources that low income Americans can’t get because the democrats want to give those resources to the immigrants. And 6 months before the election the dems want to all the sudden secure the border. To little to late for their optics of concern over the border bill passed since Biden has been in office has made him look good. His bidenomics bill that has burdened Americans is what’s killing our economy but they say they are proud of it… |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
It seemed more like 3 on 1 . The moderators never fact checked Harris on the many lies she told. They did however falsely fact check Trump about the 9 month abortion issue . It’s a fact that there were and maybe are still acts of infanticide. But aside from all the fact checking and the lies and the calmness and frustrations or the crowd sizes or the endorsements or personal attacks. Despite all aspects of this campaign , we have 4 years of evidence of how each will preside . With Trump prices were cheaper, and life was better for most Americans . These last 4 years have been a struggle for those same Americans. That is what people will be thinking when they vote. The other major change between Trumps time in office and Harris time in office is the illegal immigrants flooding into communities and committing crimes . These criminal acts are no longer ignored and are being noticed by the average voter. Between the immigrants crime and the economy is what will be on the voters mind in November..and that leans to Trump to prevail..
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Life was good under President Trump until China gave us Covid toward the end of his term. Than Biden came into office and had a chance to keep america from going off track, but with a no common sense agenda that failed the American citizen and blew up the economy and the border, that chance went out the door. and the now the proven reports about the mismanagement of the Afghanistan catastrophe that gave the Russians the answer they needed before they invaded Ukraine , that Biden was a weak and ineffective leader… wind and solar may be helpful for our energy sector but those renewables will only count for about 1/4 of our energy for many years to come.. but oil and gas will sustain us for many generations to come.
Yes, Trump was alright, besides all the criminality until he had to do his job. He totally beefed the pandemic response, thanks largely to disbanding the pandemic response task force emplaced by the Obama administration, having successfully handled bird flu and Ebola. Trump got rid of the over regulated pandemic task force in order to get a vaccine created quickly. Smart response from Trump. And we got that vaccine much quicker than anyone thought would be possible. And even though Biden had the vaccine handed to him, more people died from the pandemic under his watch.. the bird-flu and Ebola were nothing compared to the Covid pandemic… all the trumped up criminality charges against Trump seems to be going away.. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Edited by
Tue 09/10/24 05:50 AM
It is absolutely beyond belief that anyone would vote Kamala Harris after hearing her tell us to dismiss the past and look to the future. Another words don’t pay attention to the pitiful shape of our country that has resulted from the past four years of bad policies. But she wants us to elect her for president and on day one she will what?..start to fix the economy , the border , the crime.. does she need to be reminded she is the current VP and with 2 months left before the election she could try to do those things now. Never mind the last 3.5 years that her and Biden have squandered while berating Trump and allowing millions of illegal immigrants to invade our country..she is feeding the people a load of crap when she says she likes fracking now or she wants to build the wall, allow ICE to do their job and letting us keep our private insurance, bring down prices on food, gas, housing… who does she think she is ? Donald Trump? Wait. Trump didn't do anything to make America better. Just scared the cr*p out of his fans over immigration, despite lowering crime rates, and then gave himeself and his rich friends huge tax cuts. Exploded the national debt. And you want more school kids murdered while he tells lies about "abortions after nine months." The guy's a convicted felon, for crying out loud. Yes, Harris' stance on issues like fracking and immigration have moderated, because she's learned to build consensus to effect change, and we can get past natural gas later. Solar and wind power are already the cheapest power generation, and battery storage is becoming so affordable that we're basically wiping out nuclear power, and the money saved by not polluting the air and water with coal ash, will pay $billions in dividends. Life was good under President Trump until China gave us Covid toward the end of his term. Than Biden came into office and had a chance to keep america from going off track, but with a no common sense agenda that failed the American citizen and blew up the economy and the border, that chance went out the door. and the now the proven reports about the mismanagement of the Afghanistan catastrophe that gave the Russians the answer they needed before they invaded Ukraine , that Biden was a weak and ineffective leader… wind and solar may be helpful for our energy sector but those renewables will only count for about 1/4 of our energy for many years to come.. but oil and gas will sustain us for many generations to come. |
That is some backwards logic… or typical democrat logic.. just like in California, minimum wage gets so high the employer can’t afford to pay as many employees so guess what happens next.. unemployment for many.. this kind of logic is part of the problem that the democrats can’t seem to realize.. how many poor people have you been hired by. When a employer pays you to do work for him that is trickle down economics..
No, that's not how it works. If it were that wages were too high, the jobs would've left long ago. California's always paid more than other countries, and the minimum wage in other states is still lower, but the companies aren't all leaving, or even all paying the minimum. It's the job, and the pay is where the employer and employee meet. As for poor people hiring, I've been employed by lots of places where they're worth less than $10 million, or even the $100 million point where the proposed wealth taxes would kick in. Except for the biggest companies, I usually have no insight of what the employer is worth. I had one job where my last paycheck didn't cash, so I guess that counts as a poor company. That policy has resulted in many layoffs already How can anybody think a burger flipper is worth $20 bucks a hour.. you must be paying steak prices for a simple unappealing burger..just because something sounds nice and beneficial to many people doesn’t mean it can be sustained…just another far fetched idea that will have a negative impact on those states that input that policy… no, the company that gave you a worthless check was more than likely a democrat that wrote that check.. cause democrats don’t care about the working man anymore..that’s why we need a Republican in office. Republicans are the party of the Working class man and woman.. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
It is absolutely beyond belief that anyone would vote Kamala Harris after hearing her tell us to dismiss the past and look to the future. Another words don’t pay attention to the pitiful shape of our country that has resulted from the past four years of bad policies. But she wants us to elect her for president and on day one she will what?..start to fix the economy , the border , the crime.. does she need to be reminded she is the current VP and with 2 months left before the election she could try to do those things now. Never mind the last 3.5 years that her and Biden have squandered while berating Trump and allowing millions of illegal immigrants to invade our country..she is feeding the people a load of crap when she says she likes fracking now or she wants to build the wall, allow ICE to do their job and letting us keep our private insurance, bring down prices on food, gas, housing… who does she think she is ? Donald Trump?
You doubt !.. It happens when tax’s become to high to deal with.. corps. need less burden from government in order to hire more people to expand their business which means more tax base. Why is that so hard for a democrat to understand.. Why do you think less money for corporations equals more money for the employees. Democrats never think ahead to realize what their feel good w/ no substance policies will do in the long run… Think before you act for once,, please…
No, I get that corporations have great incentive to maximize profits. But all the farming for lower corporate tax rates is already done. There are more than twenty countries with a 0% corporate tax rate, and yet we still have corporations here in the US. When Trump lowered the corporate tax rate, we didn't suddenly gain new corporations from other countries. It's not that Democrats don't understand your logic. It's just been shown to be false. "Trickle-down" economics never worked, and the Laffer Curve is a silly mental exercise. Since Reagan, the national debt has increased to unsustainable levels, and all the easy spending cuts have already been made. If anything, raising the corporate tax rate to 29% isn't enough. That is some backwards logic… or typical democrat logic.. just like in California, minimum wage gets so high the employer can’t afford to pay as many employees so guess what happens next.. unemployment for many.. this kind of logic is part of the problem that the democrats can’t seem to realize.. how many poor people have you been hired by. When a employer pays you to do work for him that is trickle down economics.. |
Real crimes are committed by the Far Left Marxist leaders that Kamala is a puppet for like J Biden .
D Trump had done more for the USA than this present administration will ever do. Well, he certainly spent more than this administration ever will. Not real sure about your claim on who spent more when we know how the dems cook the books. But I will argue that the money spent by Trump was for America and Americans . The money spent by Biden and Kamala went to illegal immigrants and terrorists like Iran… |