Community > Posts By > Bart

Bart's photo
Sun 03/02/25 06:05 AM

You have just proven the intent of the military industrial complex. A month's war serves no one but 2 years of war feeds everyone. As long as the war continues "the West gets valuable military intelligence on weapons development and Russia (and China) 's military capabilities. We see how good Iran's drones and North Korea's artillery are, too. We assess their communications and tactics...", and the only outcome will either Ukraine will be decimated or a stalemate which we are at now for over a year while millions of men continue to died on the battlefield and by the way China already knows the US will come to Taiwan's aid if there is military conflict. They aren't deter by the West helping Ukraine. Asking Putin to give up territory is like beating a dead horse.

Not going to happen. Putin will bankrupt his country first with this war before retreating from occupied territory.Meanwhile Ukraine will continue to drain the coffers of the West. If Putin is open to peace talks including Zelensky the conflict will end, if Zelensky is adamant to continue fighting on the advice of the warmongers Russia will continue fighting. Anyone thinking Ukraine stands a chance defeating Russia is living a piped dream.

You understand that they're fighting in Ukraine, right? This isn't up to Zelensky to stop fighting. They have to get Russia to stop fighting. And it's not that Putin says he wants peace, but what are they going to do about guarantees about peace? Ukraine could agree to a cease fire tonight, but that wouldn't stop Putin from invading in another few months or years. Russia and the US agreed to guarantee Ukraine's security back in 1994 when Ukraine gave up their nukes. Then in 2014, Putin annexed Crimea. How's that for peace?

Because Obama was a pus is why crimea got taken over. Trump is trying to end this war , Biden never tried to end it because he or his team didnt have the mental capabilities to negotiate like a sensible leader. And now we hear how the democrats advised zelenskyy right before his meeting with Trump to not take the deal they had already agreed to… democrats are the worst .

Bart's photo
Fri 02/28/25 04:52 AM
Edited by Bart on Fri 02/28/25 04:55 AM
The end of the woke liberal america that Joe Biden, Obama and other disgusting democrats that would rather lie to the people instead of being honest, is coming to a end despite the last ditch asinine antics we have become accustomed to.That word honest has no meaning to these American imposters… Trump and his team is ridding that cancer culture out of OUR country and he has the backing of the majority of Americans. 52% approval rating, and 7 of 10 want him to cut the size and corruption that the democrats have ushered in under their watch. Go Trump and do more cutting of funds to schools and cities that do nothing to protect the people .

Bart's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:11 PM
Edited by Bart on Tue 02/25/25 02:13 PM

Poor delusional whippersnappers , dreaming about annexing a sovereign nation , when they cannot even define what a woman is ?
Meanwhile , the influx continues ....

:smile: :smile: :smile:

On a serious note, reason why 47th is gunning for Canada is because of their uranium deposits and rare minerals. Apple is investing 500B in America. Cook can't be too happy paying all them taxes.

They should be careful what they ask for.. something tells me Canada has more liberal progressives than conservatives. We don’t need more woke idealists when we have a non woke policy

Bart's photo
Tue 02/25/25 04:08 AM

I am not one to enjoy talk of politics. I'm watching less news.

Than do yourself a favor and quit joining the forum that you don’t like. There are other forums on this site that you may like better.

Bart's photo
Thu 02/20/25 05:03 AM
Edited by Bart on Thu 02/20/25 05:12 AM

Word on street is:.. $5 trillion spent under Biden unaccountable. No receipt , no tracking code, pssst, just gone..but Musk intends to find out where it went.. Musk also is suggesting to Trump to rebate dividends to American citizens with the $ billions DOGE reels back..

WOS ... I would bet that is not going to happen, President Trump/Musk and the billionaire friends will be the only ones benefiting if it does.

No, this isn’t Biden and his crooked son... The richest man in the world doesn’t need someone’s S.S. check.. blame the guy exposing the corruption and negligence instead of the guy that let it happen. Sounds like TDS

Right. We should listen to the guy making $8 million per day from government contracts over people concerned about Medicare and Social Security. Without those cuts, how will they be able to pay for billionaires' $trillions in tax cuts?

So I guess you like S.S. payments equal to billions of dollars going to dead people.. If we don’t erase the abuse and fraud now there will be no S.S in the future. The only cuts to S.S. and Medicare are being made by the democrats because of the fraud they support.
How can anybody be so hateful towards the person that tries to make life better for everyone and save them money.. it’s opposite basic human nature..

Bart's photo
Thu 02/20/25 04:55 AM

I don't know about any singing, but Trump and Musk are doing plenty on their own to turn the public against them. The Trump/Musk Administration are breaking laws left & right, firing the federal workers who prevent epidemics and nuclear & aviation accidents and it's happening so fast, Trump cannot keep up.

You must be watching that failing msnbc fake news channel. .. Get real and actually admit the truth to yourself. The American people love what Trump and Musk are doing. The only ones that aren’t in favor of these cut backs are the corrupt politicians that are getting rich from these improper payments .. We don’t hear any republicans complaining, so what does that tell us.. no one fired from aviation has had anything to do with the plane crashes. More B.S.lies from the left…

Bart's photo
Wed 02/19/25 03:05 PM

Word on street is:.. $5 trillion spent under Biden unaccountable. No receipt , no tracking code, pssst, just gone..but Musk intends to find out where it went.. Musk also is suggesting to Trump to rebate dividends to American citizens with the $ billions DOGE reels back..

WOS ... I would bet that is not going to happen, President Trump/Musk and the billionaire friends will be the only ones benefiting if it does.

No, this isn’t Biden and his crooked son... The richest man in the world doesn’t need someone’s S.S. check.. blame the guy exposing the corruption and negligence instead of the guy that let it happen. Sounds like TDS

Bart's photo
Tue 02/18/25 05:41 PM
Word on street is:.. $5 trillion spent under Biden unaccountable. No receipt , no tracking code, pssst, just gone..but Musk intends to find out where it went.. Musk also is suggesting to Trump to rebate dividends to American citizens with the $ billions DOGE reels back..

Bart's photo
Sat 02/15/25 04:26 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 02/15/25 04:29 PM
The democrats distortion of the truth is destroying their brand. From the chanting to the singing and their ranting about president Musk. ( the musty moo moo moo) lol. ITS NOT CATCHING ON.. there crowds are getting smaller, and their voices are getting quieter, except for the people that actually hear what they are saying.. and those people don’t like it. Now they are calling for Trump or Elon to be beaten up… the democrats stupidity is obvious to all.

Bart's photo
Fri 02/14/25 06:12 PM
Edited by Bart on Fri 02/14/25 06:18 PM
Promises made promises kept. Trump has done more in 3 weeks for the betterment of the US than Biden did in four years. He’s getting hostages and falsely imprisoned Americans home, he has secured the border. Cutting waste and fraud of our tax money. Reducing government. Getting smart people in his cabinet to accomplish meaningful improvements for the US. And he’s exposing the democrats as non-serious politicians that are fighting to keep the waste going. What are they afraid of. Is it because many of those with the loudest voices have their hand in the cookie jar with kickbacks and will be exposed. Trump is getting more support everyday with the job he is doing , even with some democrats and most of the tech guys are behind his plan . It’s MAGA before our eyes.

Bart's photo
Wed 02/12/25 07:00 AM

LMAO.. your losing your sense of reality..It was Pelosi call to bring the gaurd to the Capitol any time she sees a valid reason . She was told by the president to bring in as many as she deemed nessassary , but being as out of touch as her and all democrats are she brought none in., there is no wonder things got a little out of hand. .. The United States military keeps our adversaries from taking over the world not the liberal far left agency called USAID.. . Maybe with the USAID money being given to these countrys kept them entertained with the trans shows or drag queen plays that Biden was spending millions of our tax dollars on. What a joke and a waste of our money and that crap stops now.

Wrong. The Speaker of the House, is not in the chain of command, has no authority to federalize National Guard soldiers. I know this because I was in the US military for over 24 years. Deploying the Guardsmen is up to the president or the state governor. Blaming Capitol security on Pelosi is a long-debunked lie.

Lol again, your last post proves my point about Pelosi could have called in as many as 10,000 troops like Trump relayed to officials including a request from the mayor Bowser. Because Nancy declined more troops is not Trumps fault and disproves your statement. For the Washington post to say that there is some truth to Trumps claims means they are twisting the facts to demean Trump. The mismanagement of our country the last several years is inexcusable and the tax payers should be demanding a refund from our government for the wasted billions of dollars that they were responsible for. ..

Bart's photo
Wed 02/12/25 05:34 AM

Supposedly Hollywood Stars give to many programs in US! One Star was on tv recently. he was very upset about People in US speaking Negative on LA.

I don’t give a rats a** about Cali. But I will say that if the governor is as fake and vain and inept as Governor Newsom , and causing more harm than good because of his actions than the federal government should step in and override his decisions.

Bart's photo
Tue 02/11/25 08:02 AM
Edited by Bart on Tue 02/11/25 08:04 AM

"The Democrats' problem is communication. You have whole news networks dedicated to spewing the Republican talking points and mindlessly praising Dear Leader Trump, and while some Democrats say they need a Democratic Fox News equivalent, they really just need to figure out how to get their message to the people, and maybe find better messengers."

I refuse to believe you are this naive and clueless. Bart, I don't know how you manage to keep engaging with this "guy".
lol, I guess I’m just hard headed. Kind of like me yelling at my TV when I watch these lunatics defending their immoral policies or spewing the same lies that have been debunked.. It’s funny, kind of like when SNL was funny..stupid funny..

Bart's photo
Tue 02/11/25 04:58 AM
Edited by Bart on Tue 02/11/25 05:07 AM

Woke is what the dems tried to ruin this country with , sick, immoral, disgusting ideology that the dems let take over their parties agenda. Brought on from non serious stupid ignorant people like members of the squad or Maxine waters and chuck Shumer and many more on that side of the isle. Until you clean up your party and remove that type of ideology your side will be decades away from ever being elected to any serious position.

"Woke" isn't about destroying the country. It's simply being aware of injustice, and it's been around for decades, so unless you think the POTUS isn't a serious position, then you're ignoring Presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden.

The Democrats' problem is communication. You have whole news networks dedicated to spewing the Republican talking points and mindlessly praising Dear Leader Trump, and while some Democrats say they need a Democratic Fox News equivalent, they really just need to figure out how to get their message to the people, and maybe find better messengers. The octogenarians doing it now are just failing. The right has billionaires throwing all sorts of money and resources to get their tax cuts and make people believe that immigrants are taking Americans' jobs and murdering their daughters, while statistically, the opposite is true. But, yeah, let's spend $189 billion to tank the economy and deport 11 million hard-working immigrants who are, otherwise, contributing to the greatest economy on Earth.
thats the problem with democrats s, they believe in equity not equality. They think No one should have to earn anything , instead they should have everything that they ask for givin to them.. That way everybody is equal in wealth and property even though they are not equal in their contribution to this country. That is the democratic message . .. We all know what your message is for this country, we heard it and we rejected it. Is that so hard for democrats to understand. 59 million dollars was spent from FEMA in NYC for illegal immigrants housing on Biden’s last week in office. This happened after Biden and KJP assured WNC flood victims that no money came from FEMA to illegal migrants

Bart's photo
Mon 02/10/25 04:33 PM
The New Democratic talking point’ constitutional crisis’ .. Now it’s a constitutional crisis for our government to be transparent with the tax payers dollar. To be good stewards and accountable for how our money is being spent. We have every right to know because the people spending the money work for us, which they forget way to often. Trump has every right to hire whoever he thinks will do the job of shedding light on the waste in America, we all knew the waste was there now we know where much of it is going.

Bart's photo
Sat 02/08/25 04:52 AM
Thanks to Trump these past two weeks have produced some good entertainment. Watching these low life democrats on the tv acting like they are something other than the insignificant low life clowns they are. Maxine Waters , Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, all the sudden they act like they care about their constituents, what a joke . you know who they, the usuall crowd… It really is a golden age.

Bart's photo
Thu 02/06/25 04:15 AM
What a beautiful scene it was when Trump was surrounded by so many women and young girls while signing in to law that no men will compete in women's sports. Trump loves young people and will do what’s needed to protect their rights. Biden tried his best to ignore the rights of women. BTW , Trump did this without sniffing or chewing on these young girls as Biden was accustomed to doing. That kind of behavior may be a lasting affect from when he took baths with his pre-teen daughter.

Bart's photo
Wed 02/05/25 09:37 AM

Twisting the words of these woke programs won’t change the fact that these things did happen. Just because democrats find those ideologys popular . Msnbc and cnn still won’t report all the news even though their viewership continue to sink.

What things happened? Green new scam? $50 million in Condoms for Hezbollah? I guess those Iranians got their money back, so there's that.

Did you mean the "woke" bit? The thing about that is most republicans seem to have difficulty even saying what "woke" means, other than saying it's bad.

Woke is what the dems tried to ruin this country with , sick, immoral, disgusting ideology that the dems let take over their parties agenda. Brought on from non serious stupid ignorant people like members of the squad or Maxine waters and chuck Shumer and many more on that side of the isle. Until you clean up your party and remove that type of ideology your side will be decades away from ever being elected to any serious position.

Bart's photo
Wed 02/05/25 05:19 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 02/05/25 05:21 AM

Really? The Trump agenda needs to be explained… Making the FBI fair and competent after Biden officials weaponized that agency to go after Trump and his supporters. Making our streets safe from car jacking and setting people on fire is happening and real Americans love it. Making our education system accountable again. No more appeasement of our adversaries. Doing away with USAID that spends our money foolishly on immoral ideology that makes us look like a 3rd world disaster. Explanation = MAGA... Keep It Up President Trump..:thumbsup:::v:

Firing all the officers who had anything to do with investigations into Jan-6 crimes is not "making the FBI fair and competent." They're career officers, doing their jobs, investigating the crimes we all saw happen. Same goes for the DOJ firings. And the investigations into Trump were not weaponization. They were simply investigating the crimes we all saw happen. Can you explain the stacks of document boxes Trump kept at Mar A Lago? Do you know anybody who watched the Jan 6 riots and didn't wonder what took Trump so long? Trump's an idiot if he actually thought Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the security at the Capitol. Well, he's probably an idiot, anyway, but despite all the crap he says, Pelosi and the DC Mayor have nothing to do with the security of that place beyond some tangentially administrative roles.

And USAID is an organization created by an act of Congress, and the President cannot simply eliminate it. Not to mention the fact that foreign aid helps keep our adversaries from controlling the rest of the world, like Africa and Southeast Asia. It's certainly not, as Musk said, "a criminal organization."

LMAO.. your losing your sense of reality..It was Pelosi call to bring the gaurd to the Capitol any time she sees a valid reason . She was told by the president to bring in as many as she deemed nessassary , but being as out of touch as her and all democrats are she brought none in., there is no wonder things got a little out of hand. .. The United States military keeps our adversaries from taking over the world not the liberal far left agency called USAID.. . Maybe with the USAID money being given to these countrys kept them entertained with the trans shows or drag queen plays that Biden was spending millions of our tax dollars on. What a joke and a waste of our money and that crap stops now.

Bart's photo
Wed 02/05/25 03:48 AM

So much for those horrible tariffs costing us more or not making our border more safe.. Breaking news: Mexico and Canada has agreed to send 10,000 military to stop the drugs and illegals from crossing the borders. Don’t underestimate Trump and his ability to negotiate, something Biden and the dems are clueless at. Now you can eat crow…

Neat. The Biden Administration got Mexico to post 10,000 troops on the border back in 2021. And Canada agreed to spend $1,3 billion on border security back in December, for Biden. So Trump stopped his tariffs for something they were doing, already.

Well , I guess Biden forgot to tell the president of Mexico and Canada what to do with the extra troops. Changing diapers or making breakfast plates isn’t stopping the flow of illegals. Now we have troops at the border to do the job that Biden refused to do.. keep comparing the two administrations and your side will always end up looking like the miserable failures they were and still are..

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