Community > Posts By > Bart

Bart's photo
Fri 12/08/23 03:22 PM
You do know that smart and stupid , is not the definition of good and evil, so what is your point about Trump calling Putin smart ? He also called Scarface a smart criminal . But for Biden to call Trump a dictator shows his willingness to deceive and lie about anybody standing in his way.just to empower hisself. Biden is inching more to a dictatorship than his baseless theory of Trump being a dictator. Look at all the executive orders from Biden that are hurting or will hurt the average Americans pocket book. And what about NATO ? I never here about other countries sending millions of dollars of weapons to aid Ukraine, a few at best maybe, … and yes Joe Biden is doing a number on the American people, like Trying to pull the wool over our eyes, but he’s not that clever…surely you understand that even a economic disaster like we got with Joe will eventually turn itself around just because people get tired of doing without and are willing to gamble with their savings.. but it’s still a fact that people aren’t feeling what Biden is shoveling…

Bart's photo
Thu 12/07/23 11:55 AM
Nothing wrong with green energy if we can count on it to sustain everybody in this country but it will be many years until we are at that level so we should not disrupt the only reliable source we have depended on for all of our lives..How many millions of dollars did Biden spend on putting charging stations across the US and not a one has been installed yet..Renewable energy is a good idea but we don’t know enough about it to manage it in a more economical way than the ever abundant fossil fuels…

Bart's photo
Thu 12/07/23 06:57 AM
Criticize Putin or didn’t criticize Putin, the fact remains the same. With Trump in office Putin didn’t invade with Biden in office Putin invaded.. simple to understand no matter how you spin it… asylum isn’t givin for just any reason , but Biden seems to think the millions that have entered and remained in our country illegally are suppose to stay here. Most of these people are legally disqualified from entering our country period. Just because we are the land of opportunity doesn’t mean we should be held responsible to enrich everyone’s lives…

Bart's photo
Wed 12/06/23 03:34 PM

if u like high inflation, open borders and wars, he is doing a great job. and lies, seems like he lies alot. i suppose if you are rich and or a mainstream media guy he's doing great. he and Mrs. harris are personable. the debates presidential are predicated on how much money you can raise...probably should change that.
i found out a while ago the owner of this here place is a democrat globalist so if you go too hard the other way dems can beat up on you with me up...back to biden he is a globalist who believes the biggest problems are climate change and white people that did not vote for while russia and china and terrorists are shooting at people and bombing things and positioning themselves for world domination we are trying to go with green energy and putting staunch republicans in jail...sounds like sound strategy to me...
His extreme Woke policies are doing exactly what he and the progressive owned media are threatening Trump will do when re-elected.. A Dictatorship regime… Odd how the people accusing others of destroying our way of life are the ones guilty of their own accusations…

Bart's photo
Wed 12/06/23 08:04 AM
I think the biggest reason for me to disapprove of Joe Biden as President is because of his lack of the courage to stand up for his beliefs. God knows exactly what his personal beliefs are but any person in his position ought to have the backbone to stand firm and express your opinion without being afraid you might offend someone because of their opposite opinion.. this guy seems to straddle the fence on ever issue, wether to support Iran with pallets of cash or denounce them and strike back when their operative’s are shooting missiles at our navy or attack people our military personnel in Iraq or other US bases in the Middle East… he wants to attack the MAGA crowd as being far right extremists accusing them of being anti Islamic , but saying nothing about the leftists rampant expansion of anti semitic behavior in our university’s and parading in the streets chanting death to Israel.. while Biden claims his administration has secured the border we see the exact opposite as 1000s come in illegally every day and are let loose in the US. He looks his citizens in the eyes and says his economic policies are working. 1 out of 4 people are living pay check to pay check because he dismantled the policies that were keeping our energy security in our hands when he came in office on day one. He canceled the building of pipelines and those jobs. He unnecessarily lowed our number of troops in our military to a unsafe number with his covid mandates, and now he’s begging them to come back..I cannot think of a single policy from this administration that has actually helped our country..quite the opposite…

Bart's photo
Wed 12/06/23 06:03 AM
There is no eveidence Trump took money from foreign sources other than what he amassed as a businessman . You can deny the Biden bribery evidence as evidence because it hasn’t been proven yet, give it time. But I’ve seen no eveidence of Trump taking Bribes from anybody..There are so many people turning their back on the Democratic Party and looking to vote independent or Republican because of the damage Biden and his ignorant policies are doing to America.

Bart's photo
Wed 12/06/23 05:41 AM

i told you the history of them, the left the arab countries, promised they could return, week later the Arab counties denied them back in their own country.

i know you hate isreal i already know that, it is a given even though they only protected themselves, so your blinded by your hate to see the truth.

I do not hate Israel.
The problem continues because America and Israel rejected the United Nations resolution regarding “two states, Israel and Palestine,” side by side within safe and recognized borders, and the borders of the State of Palestine will be “based on the pre-1967 borders.” In addition to "a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance with United Nations Resolution No. 194."

What makes you think a two state rule would solve the problem between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Since there are no Israeli military or government personnel in Gaza before the war started, they were basically living in a two state system . It was Hamas terrorists, supported by Palestinians that broke thru the secure border barrier ,went in to Israel , and slaughtered innocent women and children and took hostages . The women and young girls are probably being raped everyday by these terrorists . There is no argument over the atrocities committed on oct. 7…and the statement from Hamas leaders to continue these attacks against Israel… So I ask you what is the incentive for the U.S or Israel to agree to a two state solution. It would be a destabilizing and devastating policy for the Middle East… I honestly think there will never be a true peace between Muslims and Jews.

Bart's photo
Tue 12/05/23 03:30 AM
The Only reason Biden hasn’t been charged is because of Joe Biden and the democrats have weaponized the DOJ to conceal and deny the many allegations and the evidence that obviously links Joe Biden with bribes and influence peddling . When we vote the Democrats out of office and replace them with responsible serious people that want to make America great again , and not the woke POS nation the progressive democrats want america to become.that’s when the indictments and arrests will catch up with him.

Bart's photo
Mon 12/04/23 03:49 PM
Extortion, bribes, many instances of I’ll gotten gains from foreign sources… Neither Trump or Biden have been convicted.. yet. But new evidence of Biden raking in millions of dollars for no performed services is very suspicious and a investigation should be supported by both sides..corruption shouldn’t be a one party issue.

Bart's photo
Sun 12/03/23 11:55 AM
Edited by Bart on Sun 12/03/23 12:02 PM
Everything you said has been debunked . The only person with the power to declassify a document is the president… For a document to be removed from the White House it must be declassified. So how could Biden legally have classified documents in his possession . At least Trump said he declassified the documents he had. So in his mind those documents were allowed in his position and he was dealing with NARA during that whole dispute. I like how you are privy to none of the real facts pertaining to either one of these issues but you claim that Biden is not guilty because he ‘ probably’ didn’t know that he was committing a crime , then you say that since Trump ‘ knowingly’ committed a crime makes your argument do you know what Trump was thinking.. clearly a bias tilt in your explanation…. Yea his support of Ukraine is a facade . He dribbles a billion here and a few million there and that war drags on and on.. he should have givin Ukraine the weapons to defeat Russia right off the bat… but he uses this war to advance his campaign message as the savior of freedom.. the deep state are the former top dogs in the FBI, the DNC, the IRS, the Media.. anybody that wants the corruption that consumes our government and keeps ordinary citizens from prospering without a fight to keep thing as is..the green new deal? or another name is the inflation deflation act . That is what will bring the US to its knees or at least for our next generation. Trillions of dollars spent to clean our atmosphere while China dumps 10 times more than anybody else in our atmosphere.. where’s the gain in go green policies there… nobody wants a electric car, they are backing up on dealer lots taking up why does joe keep pushing them? Ask anybody on the street and they will say the crime is rampant in the big democrat run cities because of pro crime DAs with open jail policies just like joes open border policies, sorry you can’t see that for yourself..or any of the damage done by joe and his cohorts .. they are begging for our military personnel that Biden forced out because of his thoughtless covid policy to please come back because of the low numbers of American soldier these I said many times Joe Biden is a deterrent to the American way of life as we knew it.

Bart's photo
Sun 12/03/23 05:28 AM
Edited by Bart on Sun 12/03/23 05:31 AM
Under Joe Biden we see the destruction of the American economy before our eyes. Our economy, our safety, our freedoms and the education of our kids and the future of our way of life in the greatest country on the face of the earth is in jeopardy because of this president and his inability to produce policies that help Americans. He and his cohorts are protected by the ‘ deep state’ and are therefore able to attack our free speech to keep his corruption under wraps. His green new deal is a bad policy that only enriches the corrupt elites in this world while harming the people and our economic freedoms. They tell us to eat less meat, drive a electric vehicle, don’t water our grass, don’t heat or cool our homes at our own comfortable settings or cook with gas. But we should ignore the high crime rates in the democrat run cities, his opening of our borders or his depletion of our strategic petroleum reserve to a 30 year low just so gas prices would drop and he could get some votes for his party. This guy should be facing supenias and trials like Trump if we had a honest and fair judicial systems . Joe had top secret documents at his homes and other places not secured. In order to remove these documents from the White House these documents have to be unclassified, but since the President is the only person that has the power to declassify documents. Joe being a senator and Vice President should never had those documents in his possession. This president has done more to destroy the American way than any president before him and he is being applauded as the savior of our country by the morons in the media and the moronic Americans that hate Jews, think men can have babies and to f’n lazy to hold a job. There is a s no way for the america we know or used to know to succeed another four years under the democrats rule. They will completely destroy what makes us the greatest country in the world…

Bart's photo
Sat 12/02/23 04:19 PM
Kinks, The

Bart's photo
Sat 12/02/23 03:14 PM
Thanks Catherine, I’m happy to finally get the recognition hammer for stirring it up. But nobody stirs it up like …
OT: Slim:hammer:

Bart's photo
Thu 11/30/23 06:00 PM
Edited by Bart on Thu 11/30/23 06:01 PM
NTS:: throw out the thanksgiving leftovers
:grinning:hi pumpi

Bart's photo
Thu 11/30/23 05:55 PM
Motor boat…

Tent camping or get a motel room

Bart's photo
Thu 11/30/23 02:42 PM

OT: drive thru. or go inside ?
( cause you know what happens in the drive thru)…

Bart's photo
Thu 11/30/23 03:19 AM

The USA and Israel must agree to the UN resolution on the "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine" for "two States, Israel and Palestine side by side within secure and recognized borders" together with "a just resolution of the refugee question in conformity with UN resolution 194". The borders of the state of Palestine would be "based on the pre-1967 borders".

Do you honestly think Palestinians could be trusted to let Israel live in peace within a two state policy… never! You have to actually want peace for that. And peace is not in the Palestinian vocabulary…

Bart's photo
Wed 11/29/23 03:52 PM
Edited by Bart on Wed 11/29/23 03:53 PM
Social gathering…

Your choice for your S/O..
good looks but not very nice or ugly but kind and caring…

Bart's photo
Wed 11/29/23 03:37 PM

finally .... a smash that match !!!

lets see if she keeps that threat!!!!

Leah and Bart

:smiley:. I won’t argue that…

OT: slim and merry

Bart's photo
Tue 11/28/23 06:33 PM
Food kitchen,… those patrons would be more appreciative I’m sure.

OT: alarm clock or eternal clock ?

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