2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Here we go again.. the democrats are restarting the Russian disinformation machine.. Biden is set to unveil a anti-Russian disinformation investigation with his Trump hating department of Justice. They think Putin wants Trump to win. I say why would Putin want Trump to win when he has a cake walk invading Ukraine with the dems in office. It doesn’t make sense that Russia would benefit from a Trump win… but you can bet that any anti -Kamala news article will be labeled as Russian-disinformation by the left wing media. And the lying democratic politicians…Please don’t buy into the second coming of the lap top russia gate , the first one was proven to be all lies made up by the Biden team and his deep state of confidant’s…same can be said for this next batch of BS..
If Putin thought he had a cake walk with Dems in office, he knows he's sorely mistaken. The $billions in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, despite Republicans demanding to stop all funding to Ukraine prove it. The recent DOJ indictment against the Russians isn't disinformation. They have the receipts. It was a Russian operation to sponsor some idiotic American influencers into spreading their usual BS, but the indictment shows the network knowingly colluded with the Russian agents and tried to hide the financing. “ The sky is falling , The sky is falling” … the chicken little campaign isn’t working any more..election interference is nothing new from other country’s pushing their interests.. the U.S. is no stranger to doing it’s own election interference to other country’s for their own interests.. voter I.D. and paper ballots help keep elections fair even against the election interference that is most likely going on.. but it’s not a Trump issue.. |
The 75% is based on police reports as reported by the NY Post The Daily wire and Fox News. It can be googled
I had already done the search before you mentioned your source. However, I'd still like to see official published figure(s) for a confirmation, not just claimed word of mouth. Sure you would. No amount of proof will ever be enough for liberals to admit what they know is the truth. |
People do forget lessons from history, and sometimes admire the ones on TV shouting the loud, funny words, no matter whom they hurt. That's how the US got Trump, and that guy was so good at it, he made people believe all Trump's lies and excuse his crimes. With all the horrible things happening around the world, it's no wonder that people try to get out and find better places, ending up in places like Germany and the US. Then these fascists point at the newcomers and scream that they're going to hurt you and your family. It is sad. What’s sad is you refuse to believe what’s really happening…new report says that 75% of crime in Manhattan is committed by Illegal immigrants. I’m sure that stat will hold true in most of the liberal democrat run cities.. Almost sure, you would rather die, than having your life being saved by a doctor from Syria, Afghanistan, Africa ... whatsoever? Honestly, there is crime being committed by people from both divides. White gunmen in different school killings, white peadophile priests destroying the life of a kid ... where is your outcry about these criminals? I give a toss, if the predator is black or white. I am against any type of vjolence, no matter if motivated by any type of sectarianism of religious hatred. No matter if fueled by racism or Xenophobia. Live and let live. All my best wishes to Kamela Harris, btw ![]() She will need all of them if she thinks she going to make folks think she’s changed her values.. I only comment on the false assumption that illegal immigrants are the angels you want us to believe they are… 75% is a fact.. no matter if the far left news you cater to wants to report it or suppress it.. There is good and evil on both sides, as a matter of fact. But you are right in one point, I consider myself as far left, and the only thing, I surpress is racism, fascism and xenophobia. That's why I surpress Trump and his loyal supporters. The 75% is based on police reports as reported by the NY Post The Daily wire and Fox News. It can be googled .. also in Queens 60% of violent crimes is committed by illegals.. also in Aurora Colorado the Venezuela gangs that our Border Czar Kamala Harris let in and released into the streets are taking apartment buildings in the city and and this has been going on for awhile while city officials try to deny any problem.. democrats have started their doubled down on their lies about Trumps political positions and the lies about how great our economy is and how the crime rates have gone down during their term in office. Don’t Believe It for One Second… |
People do forget lessons from history, and sometimes admire the ones on TV shouting the loud, funny words, no matter whom they hurt. That's how the US got Trump, and that guy was so good at it, he made people believe all Trump's lies and excuse his crimes. With all the horrible things happening around the world, it's no wonder that people try to get out and find better places, ending up in places like Germany and the US. Then these fascists point at the newcomers and scream that they're going to hurt you and your family. It is sad. What’s sad is you refuse to believe what’s really happening…new report says that 75% of crime in Manhattan is committed by Illegal immigrants. I’m sure that stat will hold true in most of the liberal democrat run cities.. Almost sure, you would rather die, than having your life being saved by a doctor from Syria, Afghanistan, Africa ... whatsoever? Honestly, there is crime being committed by people from both divides. White gunmen in different school killings, white peadophile priests destroying the life of a kid ... where is your outcry about these criminals? I give a toss, if the predator is black or white. I am against any type of vjolence, no matter if motivated by any type of sectarianism of religious hatred. No matter if fueled by racism or Xenophobia. Live and let live. All my best wishes to Kamela Harris, btw ![]() She will need all of them if she thinks she going to make folks think she’s changed her values.. I only comment on the false assumption that illegal immigrants are the angels you want us to believe they are… 75% is a fact.. no matter if the far left news you cater to wants to report it or suppress it.. |
People do forget lessons from history, and sometimes admire the ones on TV shouting the loud, funny words, no matter whom they hurt. That's how the US got Trump, and that guy was so good at it, he made people believe all Trump's lies and excuse his crimes. With all the horrible things happening around the world, it's no wonder that people try to get out and find better places, ending up in places like Germany and the US. Then these fascists point at the newcomers and scream that they're going to hurt you and your family. It is sad. What’s sad is you refuse to believe what’s really happening…new report says that 75% of crime in Manhattan is committed by Illegal immigrants. I’m sure that stat will hold true in most of the liberal democrat run cities.. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Here we go again.. the democrats are restarting the Russian disinformation machine.. Biden is set to unveil a anti-Russian disinformation investigation with his Trump hating department of Justice. They think Putin wants Trump to win. I say why would Putin want Trump to win when he has a cake walk invading Ukraine with the dems in office. It doesn’t make sense that Russia would benefit from a Trump win… but you can bet that any anti -Kamala news article will be labeled as Russian-disinformation by the left wing media. And the lying democratic politicians…Please don’t buy into the second coming of the lap top russia gate , the first one was proven to be all lies made up by the Biden team and his deep state of confidant’s…same can be said for this next batch of BS..
LOL… I’ve been keeping up , with her words and her actions. And you know what , her actions speak far louder than her words.. she wouldn’t even meet with the prime minister when he came here. “Yea she’s a real class act”.. Biden should sanction Iran like Trump had on them. Iran did nothing to upset the Middle East when Trump was in office.. Biden’s policies of appeasement has never worked it has only backfired on him every time, and you know it.
Netanyahu didn't ask to meet with Harris and besides, he's campaigning for Trump. It's the Republicans using Bibi--and Bibi using the Republicans for political leverage. And trump unilaterally overturned the Iranian nuclear disarmament agreement, leading to nuclear proliferation, and had Soleimani killed, which led to Iran to fire missiles at a US airbase in Iraq. That's not upsetting? To keep forking over millions of $$$ to Iran a terrorist state that teach their children “ death to America” is very upsetting. To bad you can’t see that. |
This one issue will be why Trump will win in November… This country has always defended its allies like Israel. That is until now with these two clowns we have in office. They blame everyone except the people responsible for the problems affecting our country.. After 6 hostages were found murdered by terrorists , our demented president blamed Israel. Biden and Harris have shown their true nature of selling out America and our friends for a few votes. If Biden had a set of balls he would sanction Iran to the brink of starvation and pressure them to have their proxy terrorist groups release all hostages and have a cease fire. But he would rather appease the anti-semetics in this country in order to get their votes. No integrity., no back bone, and no idea or caring about what he and and the Bimbo Kamala will do to ruin this country, and destroy our credibility to other country’s that were once aliened with the United States. America ![]() Harris already pledged support for Israel and Iran is already sanctioned. Try to keep up. LOL… I’ve been keeping up , with her words and her actions. And you know what , her actions speak far louder than her words.. she wouldn’t even meet with the prime minister when he came here. “Yea she’s a real class act”.. Biden should sanction Iran like Trump had on them. Iran did nothing to upset the Middle East when Trump was in office.. Biden’s policies of appeasement has never worked it has only backfired on him every time, and you know it. |
Yesterdays elections in East Germany brought a shocking, yet not surprising result. 1/3 of all votes went to the fascist AfD ![]() Do people not learn from history? Why do they vote for a party leader, who uses SA phrases over and over again? Why do people vote for a party, who are classified as "right wing extreme" by the Federal High Court? I am lost for words ... No pasarán! If it’s like it is over here it’s because of the far left liberals that have turned this government into a shining example of corruption and immorality. With their anti-police attitude and their preference of illegal immigrants over American citizens that need assistance from our welfare programs. We see the increase of violent acts from illegal immigrants more and more while these dems say we over exaggerate . American and other Israelis are murdered by Hamas and Biden blames Israel . Liberals have put a real hurting on this country and Kamala is never going to make it better because she will revert back to her far left tactics if she is elected. |
This one issue will be why Trump will win in November… This country has always defended its allies like Israel. That is until now with these two clowns we have in office. They blame everyone except the people responsible for the problems affecting our country.. After 6 hostages were found murdered by terrorists , our demented president blamed Israel. Biden and Harris have shown their true nature of selling out America and our friends for a few votes. If Biden had a set of balls he would sanction Iran to the brink of starvation and pressure them to have their proxy terrorist groups release all hostages and have a cease fire. But he would rather appease the anti-semetics in this country in order to get their votes. No integrity., no back bone, and no idea or caring about what he and and the Bimbo Kamala will do to ruin this country, and destroy our credibility to other country’s that were once aliened with the United States. America
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Lol… Trumps political opponents don’t need any help being embarrassed, every thing they do is an embarrassment on the United States…Every Reef laying has been covered by the media no matter who the president is, so your point of publicizing it is B.S. The media will always be covering Trump no matter who he’s talking to or honoring .. he doesn’t have to “ take” them with him.. when was the last time the president was covered by the media??? .. a Lame Duck hasn’t much of a following..
I guess Biden has no interest in assaulting cemetery staff like Trump's goons. More fake news , according to NPR a Arlington staff member verbally assulted than pushed the photographers that were asked and given permission to film and take pictures. It wasn’t a political situation at all it was a special request from a gold star family that Mr.Trump lay a wreath at their sons vault…Nice Try on twisting that one into something to take our mind off the three weeks of Joe laying around on the beach while this country is cruising down the wrong tracks and no one controlling it.. |
Edited by
Thu 08/29/24 05:12 AM
Kamala has a long ways to go for success as POTUS.
Yes, but she and Gov. Walz are out campaigning every day. Currently on a bus tour through Georgia while Trump spent the weekend giving a thumbs-up for a photo op in a veterans cemetery. Such a buffoon. Neat. Why doesn't he honor all the dozens of servicemembers who died during his term in office? He's buffoonish because he brought a media crew to publicize it AT THE CEMETERY. He's buffoonish because he smiled and flashed a thumbs-up sign for the camera while standing OVER THE HEADSTONE. And again, it's buffoonish because he's politicizing the deaths of those servicemen with whom he has no personal connection and obviously wants to embarrass his political opponents, but lacks decorum and class. Lol… Trumps political opponents don’t need any help being embarrassed, every thing they do is an embarrassment on the United States…Every Reef laying has been covered by the media no matter who the president is, so your point of publicizing it is B.S. The media will always be covering Trump no matter who he’s talking to or honoring .. he doesn’t have to “ take” them with him.. when was the last time the president was covered by the media??? .. a Lame Duck hasn’t much of a following.. |
Unsettling Thought...
No eveidence? How about the advisors that said they advised him but he did not listen to their advice .. and no , the president isn’t held by rule to contact gold star family’s . But it’s the human thing to do and Biden being the uncaring POS he is he couldn’t find it in his heart to do that. Trump did… Kamala was the last one in the room with Joe to decide the fate of the withdrawal. So it’s on her as much as Biden.. the VP is part of the team that is in the White House, just because she’s not at the top of the ticket doesn’t give her a “ out” without the criticism she deserves . She’s done absolutely nothing to help the American citizen, but she’s done plenty to put illegals ahead of citizens. And that will be more of her agenda if she’s elected president..
There is a difference between not listening and rejecting. Anybody could see that US troops in Afghanistan were resented by much of the population, and keeping 2,500 or 250,000 soldiers stationed there wasn't going to change that. And insisting that Harris had any call on the position ignores that she's only the VICE president. Maybe she has her own opinion on the matter or maybe she agrees whole-heartedly, but it's Biden who makes the call. That said, nobody asked for a suicide bomber, not even Kamala Harris. That's a silly argument. There you go again , making up excuses for Kamala’s poor performance as VP. For someone to be bragging about all their successes the past 3+ years , I guess I’d have to ask what has she done since she had no hand in those policies being she’s only a VP. ? Makes you wonder what’s going to be the answer to most of the debate questions when confronted on the economy or high inflation… “ Well I was only the VP so you should ask the President about why everything is so high priced”… not much of a campaign slogan.. |
Edited by
Wed 08/28/24 05:33 PM
Kamala has a long ways to go for success as POTUS.
Yes, but she and Gov. Walz are out campaigning every day. Currently on a bus tour through Georgia while Trump spent the weekend giving a thumbs-up for a photo op in a veterans cemetery. Such a buffoon. What about honoring veterans on the 3rd. anniversary of their death during one of the worst debacles in US history is buffoonish? Is it because Joe would rather act like he’s not the president anymore and since he has never mentioned their names why would be bothered honoring the men that got killed because of his “ leadership”… Trump has done more interviews than Kamala will ever think about doing. She’s all fluff and no stuff. she’s a sham, a fake, her surrogates say she has changed her policies but she hasn’t said it.. I think she wants this election to be voted on like Obama care was voted on.. a pig in a poke.. remember Pelosi saying we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.. she has said that about the democrats selected nominee, we have to elect her to know what her policies will be.. that’s how much they really care about our democracy. so fake and hypocritical. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Zuckerberg Admits Biden - Harris Adminstration Pressure Facebook To Censor Americans Government Pressure Was Wrong Just more evidence of the wide spread web of corruption that seem to plague the Democratic Party and their willingness to let it ruin our country.. |
Unsettling Thought...
It’s been 3 years today since we lost 13 brave American soldiers in Afghanistan. But Joe and Kamala have yet to contact the family’s to explain how his and her decision to NOT listen to his military advisors is what led to their death, by a suicide bomber. These two morons Joe and Kamala are bad for America at a time when we need a president that’s not weak and worthless and Kamala is even worse.. where has joe been since he got pushed out of his next election? Maybe he thinks he’s not president anymore.. and on a permanent vacation…
Huh. So where's the mandate that the POTUS contact military families? Where's the precedent that POTUS personally call or write to next-of-kin for every soldier lost in combat? Got any examples of Trump doing that for any of the 65 troops lost in combat while he was president? And it's weird that you bring Kamala Harris into it, considering that she's the VP. It's like griping that the House Speaker didn't stop them. There's no evidence that Biden didn't listen to his generals. But even if he agreed with them and kept "a small force" in Afghanistan, then we would've undoubtedly seen several more losses, like we saw during Trump's term. No eveidence? How about the advisors that said they advised him but he did not listen to their advice .. and no , the president isn’t held by rule to contact gold star family’s . But it’s the human thing to do and Biden being the uncaring POS he is he couldn’t find it in his heart to do that. Trump did… Kamala was the last one in the room with Joe to decide the fate of the withdrawal. So it’s on her as much as Biden.. the VP is part of the team that is in the White House, just because she’s not at the top of the ticket doesn’t give her a “ out” without the criticism she deserves . She’s done absolutely nothing to help the American citizen, but she’s done plenty to put illegals ahead of citizens. And that will be more of her agenda if she’s elected president.. |
Unsettling Thought...
It’s been 3 years today since we lost 13 brave American soldiers in Afghanistan. But Joe and Kamala have yet to contact the family’s to explain how his and her decision to NOT listen to his military advisors is what led to their death, by a suicide bomber. These two morons Joe and Kamala are bad for America at a time when we need a president that’s not weak and worthless and Kamala is even worse.. where has joe been since he got pushed out of his next election? Maybe he thinks he’s not president anymore.. and on a permanent vacation…
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
It’s already at that point after 3+ years under these two morons. We let Iran fire missiles at US troops w/ no consequences to them. We let millions of illegals come into our country with no idea what some are up to or where most of them are. We let murders and thugs back on the streets to commit more crime and assaults in our liberal sanctuary cities . We treat our homeless like third world outcasts while treating the “ newcomers” like royalty. .. So much wrong with this country under the democrats rule and worse off if the dems win this next election…
None of those assertions are true. Maybe stop getting your news from The Donald. All are true.. start watching a news network that doesn’t mind telling the truth about all things going on in our government . The ones you seem to be getting your info from act like they are there to protect the democrats in the White House and refuse to report the incidents that might look bad on them.. media is not the word for them nowadays…I didn’t know Donald had a news station..but I don’t need him telling me. I see it and here about it everyday the crime and the border and the weakness shown toward a enemy state firing artillery at YS troops. .. just a couple of a**clowns taking advantage of a cushy and leasure lifestyle.. the quicker they are gone the better off we are… |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Popular because she had open borders.
The poll described in your link wasn't about popularity. It was only a poll, across 18 countries, where respondents were asked whether they had confidence in Kamala Harris to "do the right thing" regarding world affairs. Her results are similar to other world leaders like Biden, French president Macron, and German chancellor Kohl. And Mexico wasn't among the countries polled, so border policy isn't relevant. Basically, it destroys the notion that the USA will become a joke if it elects Harris as president. It’s already at that point after 3+ years under these two morons. We let Iran fire missiles at US troops w/ no consequences to them. We let millions of illegals come into our country with no idea what some are up to or where most of them are. We let murders and thugs back on the streets to commit more crime and assaults in our liberal sanctuary cities . We treat our homeless like third world outcasts while treating the “ newcomers” like royalty. .. So much wrong with this country under the democrats rule and worse off if the dems win this next election… |
you mean those policies like price control, $25,000 to first time home buyers, Trumps no tax on tips policy, her plan to tax corporations to the point they go overseas or start firing people because of the overburden of her idiot tax plan. None of those other than the tips w/ no tax idea she stole from Trump will ever go in to effect. Terrible ideas from a terrible politician… Now we know that the Secret Service chief lied about her putting xtra detail on Trumps rally in Pennsylvania, she gave the order “ do not increase agents “ or xtra equipment. And they refused to pick up the radios the local police supplied for the USSS for communication.. Why do democrats always corrupt every agency under their control?
Harris' tip tax exemption is different from Trump's in that it has limits, so that corporate officers can't skip taxes by calling their 10-digit income a tip. I doubt corporations would relocate if their tax rate returns to pre-Trump levels. You doubt !.. It happens when tax’s become to high to deal with.. corps. need less burden from government in order to hire more people to expand their business which means more tax base. Why is that so hard for a democrat to understand.. Why do you think less money for corporations equals more money for the employees. Democrats never think ahead to realize what their feel good w/ no substance policies will do in the long run… Think before you act for once,, please… |