Vance best speaker! It was nice to see the civility between the two candidates.. even though it was still slightly 3 on 1 .. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
You see that as insurrection but not the events of January 6th... DJT brainwashed ![]() The key word is rebellion. She aided those guilty of burning federal facilities and raised their own flag and incorporated a section of land to claim as their own state.. insurrection no. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
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Tue 10/01/24 10:51 AM
Kamala vs. section 3 ; 14th amendment…
No one shall hold office that has given comfort or aid to anybody involved in a insurrection or rebellion.. against the U.S… wouldn’t the riots In Minnesota be considered a rebellion, and didn’t Kamala say they should keep it up and she donated money to post their bail to get them back out on the streets.. to me that is giving aid and comfort… just saying.. |
The only thing I’ve heard That could cause some disruption to our already damaged economy is with the possible dock workers strike. Who will unload the container ships.? the workers are asking for a 70% raise within 6 years. My frustration is that Biden being the best friend the union has( that’s his words), and him standing with strikers in picket lines , who is he gonna side with? No one ! He refuses to get involved as a mediator to possibly settle the dispute before it happens and keep the cap from blowing off with the economy right here at the start of the busiest shipping time of the year. . but he can try to mediate the war between Israel and Iran and it’s proxy’s by telling Israel to go easy on the people that want them dead.. and now he says no more $$$ for FEMA , really? They haven’t even got the report on the monetary damage , and I expect it will be unprecedented numbers of dollars..
"My intent was to find out if anyone had heard anything about the US Government in the process of being unincorporated, possibly on Oct 1st." Then why didn't you just ask that? There wasn't a single question mark in your entire post. You weren't "asking", you were telling. And if so many of us got your intentions "wrong", maybe it's not OUR educational upbringing which was the problem with the original post. Good point. In normal human interactions, when someone tells another about what they've heard, the other would respond with what they know about the topic. So who's the potato, who's the potatoes? There's a question for you. Apparently no one that responded to your post had heard of anything of that before you mentioned it. It seems far fetched that the IRS would ever quit collecting taxes. Lol. Our country is screwed up , yes. But it’s not that far gone yet. |
Sources? Probally the flat earther,s or the Hollywood moon landing conspirators or the latest group that say Biden and Hillary are actuall dead, hung by Trump , and these imposters are wearing Biden and Hillary masks. Makes you wonder what kind of mind shifting drugs are these people taking.
Edited by
Sun 09/29/24 05:24 AM
The ICE data provided to Congress is being misinterpreted: many of the 13,000 migrants may have entered the U.S. decades ago, and also that some may be in jail or prison Who gives a rats ***. Kamala and Joe are complacent in the invasion on our border. More people including terrorists and other violent criminals have come in under their welcome all agenda. They both should be run out of this country on a rail like we used to do . I not convinced of the numbers this study implies. These groups rarely defer from the numbers that our government want them to show… like the number of jobs created and the economy that they say is good. We all know how these bums lie to make theirselves look like they are doing their job, when they aren’t. |
2024: Biden Out, Harris In
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Sat 09/28/24 03:11 PM
Kamala’s hypocrisy is a slap in the face to everybody that understands she has done nothing to help secure the border for the four years that she was tasked with securing the border , after spending millions of dollars for her numerous trips to South America to find the root cause of immigration, and she still has no clue .. but now she is saying she will do more to stop people from coming here illegal , she will stop catch and release and no entrance ever after being caught illegally here twice.. she should take responsibility for making it the most porous border in the world, but that is what the democrats wanted and she gladly opened the gates.. she ought to be apologizing to us all. and I guess the wall isn’t racial now that Kamala wants to build it.. her plan is to win the election at any cost, no matter how low she has to sickening and disgusting she thinks Trump is . She should look in the mirror and see just how disgusting her dishonesty and hypocrisy is and how it’s coming across to the voters.and here’s a example: she just said today that she will stop people from coming here between check points. But her and Biden are still flying them in by the plane load ever night under the cover of darkness and bedtimes when not many people notice.. like I said , hypocrisy at its finest
Yes, it's shocking. I wonder if this will get Trump to let Republicans pass meaningful immigration reform in Congress. Like the policies of remain in Mexico , stopping catch and release and building a wall , These policies that were keeping our borders safe and keeping out gangs, murderers and rapists and terrorists were ripped apart by Biden and Kamala on their first day in office and has created the problems we see with these illegal immigrants commiting violent crimes and the liberal democrats pretending that it isn’t happening.. And now Kamala wants to act as if she was for border security in the past and wants to fix it now. Nobody is buying that lie. And the bill that they say Trump told the congress to kill would have done nothing to stop the flow of these dangerous illegal immigrants from coming into our country. People understand she has nothing substantial to improve our lives here in America .. where as we know Trump can fix the problems that were created by these imploable democrats. |
Here are the "vibes" Democrats are voting for: 13,099 illegals crossed into the USA with CRIMINAL MURDER CONVICTIONS, all roaming free in the streets today. That's 262 murderers in every state! 15,811 crossed in with RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT CONVICTIONS! All roaming free in the streets of our country today, AS WE SPEAK, perhaps in YOUR town/city. That's 316 rapists in every state. Let this sink in for a moment. These are the latest figures just released and should be shocking to everyone. These numbers follow the last report concerning the LOST CHILDREN that DHS has lost track of. That number? 300,000 children our government has lost track of and have no idea what happened to them!!! Yeah, we get it, Trump is abrasive at times and says things he shouldn't. But, come on, ya'll are ok with what Kamala has done here? These are the "Vibes" you want going forward? It's only going to get worse, not better! Even Trump has his hands full trying to solve this huge problem we have on our hands. You really think Kamala will fix it or even ATTEMPT to? Source: U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 9/27/24 Get ready for the push back from the liberal bloggers and the main stream media . First of all they won’t report this new report on their news channels , and that could be dangerous to the people that listen to these fake news outlets for not reporting more crime uprising. But they will be saying they are more non violent than the American people. That is a load of crap.. It is incomprehensible that Kamala could or should ever be elected as our president… |
:) This would have more impact if Harris' competition were popular outside his party. Back to the thread topic: Mental health experts sound the alarm on Trump’s potential ‘cognitive decline’ as he’s ‘lost touch with reality’ Trump is always in touch with the American people the dems are the lost ones. With no real ideas how to repair the damage they have done.. these last four years have been a disaster for the working person while the dems want to give handouts to illegal immigrants, and you think the Americans are fine with that. Think again.. Kamala is a basket case with nothing valid or important to say to the American people. She sounds like a high schooler trying to give a oral report by repeating words she hears that she thinks makes her sound smart. People are starting to understand that she has no idea what she is talking about.. speeches that are empty of a educated plan.. The only thing more ridiculous than her word salad speeches is the people that would actually vote for her and her amateurish agendas and policies. Far from "word salad," Harris, by all accounts gave a good speech on her economic goals. Nobody even mentioned "rambling" or "incoherent" when describing what she spoke on in Pennsylvania. Raising the tax breaks for startups and suggesting breaks for tooling costs obviously sounds like a winner to people in manufacturing. Maybe it's time to reexamine what you may have heard about her. Re-examine, why? Did she change her her mind again about what she supports?. I guess she’s being holistic…these mental health experts must be the newest DEI hire, they see mental cognitive decline in Trump but couldn’t see it with Biden for 3 years.. their opinion seems of little value to didn’t hear the words ‘ rambling or incoherent’ because you were watching the bias liberal media covering for her Barbi moment. Every Government dept. under the Biden Harris administration has deteriorated under their watch .. the USSS is nothing short of amateurish, the FBI and DOJ has never been this mis-trusted. The border.. the economy and high prices , the loss of nearly a million jobs held by Americans have gone away but 800 thousand jobs given to illegals. And any tax break that Kamala says she will give to middle class is not a tax break . It’s simply the tax breaks that Trump gave but she’s not going to stop that since it’s already in effect. She better hope the dems keep controll of the senate if she wins or those give away tax breaks will be another empty promise for votes just like the college loans forgiveness plan that went know where. Not even Fox News called Harris' speech or recent interviews rambling or incoherent. Speaking at the Pittsburgh Economic Club in the must-win battleground state of Pennsylvania, the Democratic Party's presidential nominee outlined the three pillars of her economic agenda: lower costs, investing in American innovation and entrepreneurship, and leading global competitors in the industries of the future. Not sure what words Fox News used to describe that rambling response to a very easy question. But I guaranty they didn’t use the words clear , meaningfull or concise. Why do you give her so much credit when it is clear she would be another clueless uninspiring seat filler as our president. |
:) This would have more impact if Harris' competition were popular outside his party. Back to the thread topic: Mental health experts sound the alarm on Trump’s potential ‘cognitive decline’ as he’s ‘lost touch with reality’ Trump is always in touch with the American people the dems are the lost ones. With no real ideas how to repair the damage they have done.. these last four years have been a disaster for the working person while the dems want to give handouts to illegal immigrants, and you think the Americans are fine with that. Think again.. Kamala is a basket case with nothing valid or important to say to the American people. She sounds like a high schooler trying to give a oral report by repeating words she hears that she thinks makes her sound smart. People are starting to understand that she has no idea what she is talking about.. speeches that are empty of a educated plan.. The only thing more ridiculous than her word salad speeches is the people that would actually vote for her and her amateurish agendas and policies. Far from "word salad," Harris, by all accounts gave a good speech on her economic goals. Nobody even mentioned "rambling" or "incoherent" when describing what she spoke on in Pennsylvania. Raising the tax breaks for startups and suggesting breaks for tooling costs obviously sounds like a winner to people in manufacturing. Maybe it's time to reexamine what you may have heard about her. Re-examine, why? Did she change her her mind again about what she supports?. I guess she’s being holistic…these mental health experts must be the newest DEI hire, they see mental cognitive decline in Trump but couldn’t see it with Biden for 3 years.. their opinion seems of little value to didn’t hear the words ‘ rambling or incoherent’ because you were watching the bias liberal media covering for her Barbi moment. Every Government dept. under the Biden Harris administration has deteriorated under their watch .. the USSS is nothing short of amateurish, the FBI and DOJ has never been this mis-trusted. The border.. the economy and high prices , the loss of nearly a million jobs held by Americans have gone away but 800 thousand jobs given to illegals. And any tax break that Kamala says she will give to middle class is not a tax break . It’s simply the tax breaks that Trump gave but she’s not going to stop that since it’s already in effect. She better hope the dems keep controll of the senate if she wins or those give away tax breaks will be another empty promise for votes just like the college loans forgiveness plan that went know where. |
:) This would have more impact if Harris' competition were popular outside his party. Back to the thread topic: Mental health experts sound the alarm on Trump’s potential ‘cognitive decline’ as he’s ‘lost touch with reality’ Trump is always in touch with the American people the dems are the lost ones. With no real ideas how to repair the damage they have done.. these last four years have been a disaster for the working person while the dems want to give handouts to illegal immigrants, and you think the Americans are fine with that. Think again.. Kamala is a basket case with nothing valid or important to say to the American people. She sounds like a high schooler trying to give a oral report by repeating words she hears that she thinks makes her sound smart. People are starting to understand that she has no idea what she is talking about.. speeches that are empty of a educated plan.. The only thing more ridiculous than her word salad speeches is the people that would actually vote for her and her amateurish agendas and policies. |
Personally, I do not believe any army USA or otherwise should be endorsing any political candidates. That is heading into dangerous territory and setting a dangerous precedent. That is the norm of dictatorships and communist countries. A country's military serves its country regardless of who is in power. Their job is not to make political statements. Not forgetting, Obama asked for the resignation of and sacked many military personnel and staffed the military who are aligned with the Democrat party. If Trump is ill informed, the military leaders/advisors around him were ill informed. Nothing about Kamala, outside of prepared speeches and rehearsed answers, inspires confidence and competence. Hillary would made a better candidate. Harris suffers from anxiety and nervousness. For her position,since becoming VP, she should have been coached according or continue to be. Obama started out reading from teleprompters and written scripts until he was able to articulate answers from the top of his head instead of rambling for answers. As for Trump and his association with dictators, I said it and I will say it again, American warmongers both Republican and Democrats, are not interested in peace but war. It's double speak shouting across the ocean calling for peace but at the same time insulting and criticising your enemies instead of making the inroads to peace. That is what Trump did. Those that criticise his efforts are hypocrites. There were no new wars under his administration. If you see yourself as a peace maker and want a better world for everyone, hopefully, then the onus is on you as a superpower to be such, not to inflamed already fragile situations. Unfortunately the strength of the American dollar are back by military power but that can only be for so long. It's not the Army endorsing Harris. Those are retired military and mostly former national security leaders, and they belong to the National Security Leadership organization. Current military officers are actually prohibited from directly engaging in politics to that extent. Trump's ignorance isn't that he was informed by uninformed military, but rather that he was impatient and famously never read reports much longer than a single page, and often needed a verbal presentation with lots of graphical aids to understand more complex topics, and that often didn't work. In 2019, Time reported on the conflicting accounts between Trump and the national intelligence organizations: In the wake of President Donald Trump’s renewed attacks on the U.S. intelligence community this week, senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security with what they say is a stubborn disregard for their assessments. Lastly, while trump didn't officially start any new wars, he wasn't peaceful. He broke up the Iran nuclear deal and ordered a military strike on the Iranian general Qasem Soleiamani, and when "negotiating" the withdrawal from Afghanistan, he released 5,000 Taliban combatants. Iran is much further along toward building nuclear weapons now than ever before, and the Afghan Provisional Authority was never even in on the negotiations. That kind of short-sightedness deserves all the alarm we see now. Yea the Taliban is stronger because of Biden and Harris weakness of foreign affairs strategy.. Biden could have stopped the withdrawal and started over but he had no plans or ideas how to get out successfully. He’s been making bad policy for 40 plus years. Thank yo Trump for ordering the killing of these terrorist leaders. While Biden avoids killing our enemy’s because he’s afraid of what Iran or Russia may do . That is the weakness that Biden exemplifies to the world. Kamala Harris will be a repeat of the last four years and maybe worse. Just listen to her Vice President candidate, Tim Waltz says we can not afford another four years like the past four. And her campaign team refuse to answer the question’ are we better off now than we were fours years ago… a vote for Kamala is a vote for keeping the borders open and the grocery prices high, and a possible WW3… |
1/ Names mention on the list are RINO's and warmongers. 2/ When Zachkerberg can state how he was pressure by the government to censored the NYP story of Hunter laptop which turn out to be true and not Russian disinformation and two signatories supported the said Russian disinformation, a list like that will not be taken seriously by the main Republican party or serious Republician voters. It's not just the RINOs. This out today: More than 700 high-ranking national security officials endorse Harris More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.” 65% of the rank and file Teamsters Union mambers are for Trump. Even though they won’t endorse either candidate, they can’t endorse Harris with her past failures so evident to most working folks. And they are afraid to endorse Trump because of the pandemic of TDS the administration would somehow retaliate against the Union.. 700 high ranking officials Comey or Clapper or some of the other lying corrupted officials that lied about the “Trump collusion fiasco” ? I’m still not impressed…have you got a answer about why the Biden administration told his Border agents to keep quiet about the 100s of suspects on the terror watch list that have gotten across our border and hiding out somewhere to do who knows what.. Biden and Harris and the rest of the democrats are by far the least transparent government ever.. Looks like you made up those statistics on Teamster support for The Donald. From their own webpage, official straw poll results shows Trump only got 36.3% support to Biden's 44.3% (poll taken before Biden dropped out). And you can read the list of NSL signatories on their website: James Clapper is in the list, being a flagged officer and former DNI director. James Comey is not in the list. But seriously, anyone who knows anything about national security can see that Trump is a disaster. My statement was about Harris losing the teamsters endorsement not Biden . He’s not running for President after they pushed him out like a white Navy recruit. 60% of teamsters approve Trump over Harris . Only 30% for Kamala. That says a lot about what color their blue wall is turning..any former intel agent that openly says that Harris presidency would be better for this country than a Trump presidency is either getting paid to say that non-sense, or they are just stupid… LOL why would anyone overlook the unlawful acts committed by the FBI or Biden’s DOJ in their attacks against Trump. |
1/ Names mention on the list are RINO's and warmongers. 2/ When Zachkerberg can state how he was pressure by the government to censored the NYP story of Hunter laptop which turn out to be true and not Russian disinformation and two signatories supported the said Russian disinformation, a list like that will not be taken seriously by the main Republican party or serious Republician voters. It's not just the RINOs. This out today: More than 700 high-ranking national security officials endorse Harris More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.” 65% of the rank and file Teamsters Union mambers are for Trump. Even though they won’t endorse either candidate, they can’t endorse Harris with her past failures so evident to most working folks. And they are afraid to endorse Trump because of the pandemic of TDS the administration would somehow retaliate against the Union.. 700 high ranking officials Comey or Clapper or some of the other lying corrupted officials that lied about the “Trump collusion fiasco” ? I’m still not impressed…have you got a answer about why the Biden administration told his Border agents to keep quiet about the 100s of suspects on the terror watch list that have gotten across our border and hiding out somewhere to do who knows what.. Biden and Harris and the rest of the democrats are by far the least transparent government ever.. |
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Sun 09/22/24 05:26 AM
All I heard from her is how she grew up in a middle class neighborhood with nice yards. No policy details just incoherent platitudes. You can get the same thing from a episode of mister rodgers neighborhood. We don’t need a Carol Brady for president we need a strong leader that isn’t afraid to step up and start putting America first no matter who it may piss off. 100s of known got aways on the terrorist list have entered our country and the Biden Harris administration has no idea where they are. The newness of Kamala is wearing off and people are starting to see that there is nothing there when she speaks.. even Ophara seemed confused listening to Kamala.. Do they really think some actor or actress will sway enough people to vote for a repeat of the last four years..
Problem is, Trump isn't a strong leader. Sure he doesn't care who he upsets, unless it's Vladimir Putin or some other totalitarian, and Trump never puts America first, either. His immigration policy was all about his racism. Never lifted a finger to stop immigration from the Norther border or immigrants from Europe, and all he ever did for the economy was to give tax cuts to corporations and wealthy individuals--jacking up the national debt. Almost every accusation you make about Trump is a lie.. what you call being a racist if you don’t want illegal immigrants flooding into our country is what most people call securing our border..Trump is for that..Trump always put America first where as Biden and Kamala puts American citizens last and our Allie’s like Israel are thrown under the bus when they are trying to desimate a terrorist group that wants to kill all Jews and Americans, but Biden and Harris seem to be more giving to the terrorists..Trump isn’t a strong leader?? Really.. And you think Biden and Harris is? If that’s the case than you obviously have lost all sense of reality.. |
Kamala H had a invitation only event. Disappointed many Working class people! She does not know how to address a Huge crowd without Help rehearsing her. LOL Harris has been to Pennsylvania more than a dozen times since becoming the Democratic nominee, and Newsmax went out and found some people pretending to be upset that they couldn't get into an invitation-only fundraiser event. Nice. Well, if those people are dying to get into a Harris-Walz event, they probably only need to wait another few days for the next one. BTW: Harris is leading in the polls for PA--a must-win state for Trump.[/url All I heard from her is how she grew up in a middle class neighborhood with nice yards. No policy details just incoherent platitudes. You can get the same thing from a episode of mister rodgers neighborhood. We don’t need a Carol Brady for president we need a strong leader that isn’t afraid to step up and start putting America first no matter who it may piss off. 100s of known got aways on the terrorist list have entered our country and the Biden Harris administration has no idea where they are. The newness of Kamala is wearing off and people are starting to see that there is nothing there when she speaks.. even Ophara seemed confused listening to Kamala.. Do they really think some actor or actress will sway enough people to vote for a repeat of the last four years.. |
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Thu 09/19/24 05:40 AM
More than 100 former GOP officials from past administrations publicly endorse Harris over Trump More than 100 former Republican officials, mostly those who worked in national security or previously in various GOP presidential administrations, have penned a letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and warning about the dangers of a potential second Trump administration. "We appreciate that many Republicans prefer Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, for a variety of reasons. We recognize and do not disparage their potential concerns," the letter released Wednesday reads. "But any potential concerns pale in comparison to Donald Trump's demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic's time-tested principles of constitutional governance." What a joke. Any Republican that would trade off the only chance at rescuing our economy and our border for a future of higher taxes, gun confiscation, and increased crime with their failure to secure the border. That person is no longer a Republican and hasn’t been for awhile I’m sure. It’s not the R or the D by their name it’s what your desire for the future is. There is to much at stake to put politeness over policy. I can not see Kamala preventing WW3. And her empty platitudes are not a policy, and will not fix the damage her and Biden have done already.. |
After run ins with law enforcement many time , this lunatic was barred from obtaining a weapon of any sort .. the one found at the scene ... had the serial number filed off ... as usual ... Mind you he did not pull the trigger !!!! So the big question is ..who wants Trump dead !! Dont all scream at the same time ! There is a connection between the two shooters .... no prize for a correct guess???? They both seem like outcasts, friendless, and on out there..Routh owned a fly by night roofing co. here but mostly unsatisfactory work. Rap sheet a mile long…. What I find worrisome is the lack of answers and clarification as to why we have the local law enforcement from the first assassination attempt contradict what we here from the USSS. Seems the local guys are more straight forth with their answers .. and the USSS presser left alot to be questioned…You got to wonder though, how far will the Trump haters go? after the Russia collusion hoax failed them, and the 2 impeachments didn’t stop him, or the numerous indictments leveled against him that seem to be failing as well, than what’s next in their bag of tricks to stop Trump ? |