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Bart's photo
Tue 12/19/23 07:03 PM

Oh right. The "ghost bus." It's not a thing, but I guess we'll never know, because Speaker Johnson said he's going to have all the faces blurred in the Jan 6 video he releases. Maybe he's in on it, too. LOL. I guess you think 140 police officers weren't hurt that day, and the lady shot charging the Capitol Police officers inside, was just another example of a non-insurrection.

There were fights , people got hurt, but despite all the lies told by the liberal news networks that day, the only person that died that day was a unarmed female protester shot at point blank range by a Capitol police officer. More people got killed and hurt in those ‘mostly peaceful’ riots committed by the liberal radical democrat group called Antifa.. And now with the mass invasion of our borders and the chaos on our college campuses and the immoral sex acts being performed in our congressional buildings, it seems we have bigger problems than some made up conspiracy of a insurrection . Why don’t we investigate the people that allow all this corruption and immorality to persist in our government

Bart's photo
Tue 12/19/23 05:56 PM
I believe the Political Wing of the U.S. owes Trump a apology for the election interference and false allegations leveled at him throughout his time in office… and now the dems act surprised because most people don’t believe he is guilty of any criminal wrongdoing. Lies and deception about Donald Trump 24 hours a day
is the only way they feel they can beat him.. On the other hand about 65% of people believe joe is guilty of bribery or at least is guilty of unethical dealings…

Bart's photo
Tue 12/19/23 04:18 PM
Not so sure how many will follow. In my state North Carolina there was a amendment or whatever to keep Trump off our ballot but was rejected… Why? Because there was no insurrection. But what there was on Jan. 6 was a bus full of agitators that was seen exiting said bus and start breaking windows and instigating rebellion. There is video evidence of this bus and the unlawful acts committed by the people on it. It’s funny the FBI had no interest in trying to determine the people inside that bus.. But thanks to someone interested in the truth about Jan. 6 they got the info to track down the people who leased this bus. I think we will hear more about this before long..something’s not kosher with the constant obsession by the democrats to portray that mostly peaceful protest as a insurrection but they fight like hell to keep the actual video proof from ever being seen by the public.. Besides Trump is a easy name to remember for a write in vote.. so no worry’s…

Bart's photo
Tue 12/19/23 07:50 AM

I hope that is exactly what happens . Jack Smith is a partisan hack. Almost as corrupt as the president or the justice dept. he works for… this trial should never happen unless you want to open the flood gates for charging people for disagreeing with the powers in charge..TDS a common brain disfunction brought on by the fear of uncovering the corruption and thievery that is prevalent among dishonest politicians… and their supporters…

I haven't seen anything partisan in what Jack Smith is doing. He's prosecuting the cases against Trump where he has evidence and can prove it. If it were partisan, he could probably roll up a few hundred more charges against Trump, like obstruction in the Russia probe and money laundering when Trump made real estate deals to foreigners for cash. I have no problem if all politicians who committed crimes get prosecuted. No more two-tier system of justice where people have to behave in court, but big politicians (like Trump) get to threaten the judge.

If I ever commit a big crime, I'm going to announce my campaign for president so I can't be investigated like a normal civilian.

Lol, investigation or no investigation,, I don’t see you getting any votes . Maybe if you hide in your basement and let the media campaign for you you would have a chance of winning. That’s how Biden does it…

Bart's photo
Tue 12/19/23 06:44 AM
Only the good die young… Billy Joel..

Bart's photo
Mon 12/18/23 11:44 AM
Talk about the end of America, can anyone pin point to exactly what happened to our education system to allow this generation of collegian’s to be so far removed from reality? They have no clue as to what is happening around the world or even in their own back yard. Just look at the hordes of these lost souls marching in the streets supporting genocide to Jews or with their coordinated smash and grab looting… not to mention their views on no limitation abortions.. Harvard is noted as the worst college for freedom of speech , unless you want to have a antisemitic march.. I’m really surprised some of these institutions of higher education haven’t been torched because of their participation in brain washing a whole generation into a lazy, unmotivated , clueless bunch that unfortunately will be running our country , our law enforcement and worse yet they will be the ones teaching our young children. So the cycle carry’s on .. So yes, it is possible we are looking at the end of America as we know it to be….

Bart's photo
Sun 12/17/23 06:51 AM

SCOTUS has a majpority of Trump yes-men anyway. it shows how appalling a politically-based justice system is.

Lol, So, if the court was flipped with democrat leaning judges making up the majority, that would be fair and credible in your mind ? What IS your point?

Bart's photo
Fri 12/15/23 04:44 AM

US President Joe Biden said that Benjamin Netanyahu has "a difficult decision to make under his hard-line government. This is the most hard-line government in the history of Israel," adding that the Israeli government "does not want a two-state solution." Pointing out that support for the Israeli military campaign is waning amid the heavy bombing of Gaza.

Joe Biden said… F… Joe Biden. Why would anybody take any advice from that idiot. Look at the turmoil he has brought on in this country. He’s a loser in every aspect of his public life so naturally he’s a loser in his private life. He is what we use to call ‘ white trash ‘.. The values he displays in public show that..Israel should finish the job of destroying all of Hamas and what they stand for… it’s sad that civilians are paying the price for those animals that started the war, but it looks as if most of them chose to support evil over good…

Bart's photo
Wed 12/13/23 05:48 AM

During a tour on the border with Lebanon, the Israeli Minister warned Hezbollah and Lebanon, saying:
“Beirut residents may end up in the same situation as Gaza residents.” He added, "Our large air force is directed towards the north, and we used only 10% in Gaza."
An Israeli raid targeted a pickup truck in an orchard southern Lebanon, about 45 kilometers north of the border. It was the first strike deep into Lebanese territory since the start of the fighting in Gaza.
It is noteworthy that the exchange of bombing and gunfire between the Israeli army and Hezbollah was limited to the border area between Lebanon and Israel, since the beginning of the war in Gaza. However, this is the first time that Israel has carried out a strike against a target so far from the border.
Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros visited southern Lebanon to express the presence of the church alongside its children. The Patriarch met with clerics from various sects to confirm their demands calling for the preservation and security of Lebanon.
Their Eminences the Maronite Bishops held their monthly meeting, headed by Patriarch Mar Bishara, and with the participation of the General Superiors of the Maronite Orders. They discussed church and national affairs. At the conclusion of the meeting, they issued a statement that stated the following:
1- The parents express their deep sadness over the war taking place in Gaza, with its terrible tragedies and horrific scourges.
2- The fathers consider that the Lebanese state must be fully characterized by its constitutional institutions, and must have an effective tool to defend the country and its people. He must also be given all necessary means, including weapons, equipment, and others, so that he can carry out his duty in preserving the state and society by spreading security, peace, and reassurance to all the Lebanese people.
3 - As we approach the glorious holidays, the parents hope that the situation in the south will stabilize and peace will return to its villages on the border strip, so that every home can experience the joy of the holiday and enjoy the joy of its lights, and so that our children spread around the world can come to Lebanon and meet their families. Lebanon is counting on their arrival as the basis and support for creating an atmosphere of economic and social stability.

After reading about all the meetings and discussions between patriarchs and emissary’s , I read nothing about their discussions on how to live side by side in peace with Israel. It seems they count themselves as the victims of current retaliation or future intrusion into Lebanon by Israel to destroy the people that vow to destroy them. You seem to get angered when a church or school or hospital gets damaged from incoming artillery as we all should but where was that anger when Hamas went in Israel without warning and started raping and mutilating and butchering innocent men, women , and children. How could anybody justify these acts commuted by these sub humans animals. Israel is giving a fore warning to the civilians to leave for their own safety and for your information Lebanon has been shelling Israel during this whole war but now they worry that Israel might go in as deep as they need to go to root out their enemy and kill them. Please, this is the war the militant Muslims wanted with Israel and now that they got it they want the rest of the world to bail them out with negotiations and humanitarian efforts for the good of peace in that region. I hope Israel follows thru in their mission to destroy those that refuse to let Israel live in peace.

Bart's photo
Tue 12/12/23 05:19 AM
Edited by Bart on Tue 12/12/23 05:21 AM

Jack Smith asks Supreme Court to keep Trump trial on track (Politico-12/11/23)
Donald Trump is trying to delay his election subversion trial regarding, claiming he has absolute immunity from prosecution for crimes committed in office. So to keep things moving, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith asked the Supreme Court to rule on the matter in an expedited manner, and hours later, the Supreme Court agreed and has formally asked Trump's attorney's to respond to Jack Smith's request for expedited ruling.

It's surprising that SCOTUS can move so quickly on this, but of course Trump wants to delay so that if he gets elected he can simply command his AG to kill the case and dismiss all charges, like the criminal he is.

I hope that is exactly what happens . Jack Smith is a partisan hack. Almost as corrupt as the president or the justice dept. he works for… this trial should never happen unless you want to open the flood gates for charging people for disagreeing with the powers in charge..TDS a common brain disfunction brought on by the fear of uncovering the corruption and thievery that is prevalent among dishonest politicians… and their supporters…

Bart's photo
Sun 12/10/23 02:57 PM

Some people would rather believe lies and remain delusional than to research Truth.

Right. Coming from people who think the country is destroyed and Biden is more criminal than Trump. Spoiler: The country is still here, with lower unemployment, better GDP growth and better cooperation with NATO allies. Trump is facing 91 felony charges, and that doesn't even count all the bank fraud from before he was in office. His lawyers this week are actually arguing that Trump cannot be tried for any crimes he committed while in office (implicitly accepting that he committed crimes).

Oh well, that didn’t last long, some people just make it so easy to rebuff..
Being a faithful follower of the woke infected NATO isn’t something We the US should be bragging about… I’m anxious to see how long before Hunter throws his daddy under the bus because of his either stupidity or desire to stay out of jail… 9 counts of tax evasion , enough felony to put him away for seventeen years…

Bart's photo
Sun 12/10/23 02:11 PM
Edited by Bart on Sun 12/10/23 02:14 PM

Trump on turbines?? .. please get Trump out of your every thought, I never said anything about Trumps thoughts on the wind farms damage to sea life… experts in that field have been studying the increase in the beaching of whales and porpoises , etc..since the turbines were installed… I know, it’s just another coincidence, right.. (the democrats excuse for bad results stemming from their policies)..Joe took our oil reserve to the lowest it’s been in many years. Trump had our reserve to a all time high at low prices. Biden came along and just about emptied it to lower the price at the pump at the time of the mid-term elections to reap a few more votes for democrats.. but because of his lack of common sense he started replacing our reserve with higher priced oil..he spends our money like it’s his,, talk about a dictatorship …let’s see how many of these wind farms go in at places like Martha’s Vineyard or Cape Cod or the Hamptons…not a one ..

I only mentioned Trump because you provided no source for this nonsense. When I googled it, Trump came up.

Trump falsely claims wind turbines lead to whale deaths by making them ‘batty’

Just something I read and also saw on some nature program.. I do believe it affects the sea life. Vibrations and other unnatural sounds suddenly introduced in their habitat , how could it not affect their normal routine…common sense will tell you it does…and the Trump claim you pulled up is true. Turbines do cause whales to go batty. A famous Fisholigist did that expert study….lol

Bart's photo
Sun 12/10/23 07:53 AM

I hope he does dictate on day one or how ever many days it takes to bring this country out of the despair and degradation that Joe and the liberal morons have put this country thru… your own post says Biden called Trump a dictator.. the more you distort the truth , the more you lose trac of lies told… if you are truthful you don’t have to remember what you may have posted in the past…not sure how clear it that Biden’s doing a better job. According to the people that count ( the voters) only 32% think they are better off under Biden…. No way you can distort that fact…

I'm just not aware of biden calling Trump a dictator. Maybe it was buried in one of the articles I linked, but I don't have a photographic memory.

That the country isn't better off is more due to the policies of the Republicans who control the House, and seem eager to shut down the government. It's not like they're going to just let Biden have a political win, much less undo the damage from Trump's policies.

LMAO… WOW… I can’t believe I’m saying this but I give up finally…It’s not worth the trouble , life’s to damn short to waste . kudos to you for having the determination to keep spreading that manure just for the sake of saying you oppose Trump.. and at the detriment to this country…

Bart's photo
Sun 12/10/23 07:35 AM
Yes we are, lots of folks don’t see it because democrats and their media are very good at deception and propaganda… but we see the reality of a failed presidency with the crime, the smash and grab shoplifters, high prices on everything, more kids are less educated these days. Not to mention we are closer to war now.. but Biden wants us to believe we are better off now.

Bart's photo
Sun 12/10/23 05:33 AM

If the money is in their hands and not being spent, than put that money in our military or our strategic oil reserve that joes policies have dismantled and depleted to a bare minimum which should worry everybody in the event of a war against the US… and who wants to go to the ocean and see big ugly windmills in the ocean or dead sea life washing ashore , because of the disturbance in the waters confusing the migratory routes for whales and other ocean mammal's…

Oh right. You listen to Trump and think that wind turbines kill whales and cause cancer? I have yet to see any evidence supporting that nonsense. Personally, I think wind turbines look cool, but others may disagree.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve hasn't been dismantled. It's like 700 million barrels, so a few million sold on the market to bring oil prices down is a win for consumers, and those spikes in prices are only temporary. Basic economics says that selling high and buying low is a good idea.

Trump on turbines?? .. please get Trump out of your every thought, I never said anything about Trumps thoughts on the wind farms damage to sea life… experts in that field have been studying the increase in the beaching of whales and porpoises , etc..since the turbines were installed… I know, it’s just another coincidence, right.. (the democrats excuse for bad results stemming from their policies)..Joe took our oil reserve to the lowest it’s been in many years. Trump had our reserve to a all time high at low prices. Biden came along and just about emptied it to lower the price at the pump at the time of the mid-term elections to reap a few more votes for democrats.. but because of his lack of common sense he started replacing our reserve with higher priced oil..he spends our money like it’s his,, talk about a dictatorship …let’s see how many of these wind farms go in at places like Martha’s Vineyard or Cape Cod or the Hamptons…not a one ..

Bart's photo
Sat 12/09/23 05:14 AM
If the money is in their hands and not being spent, than put that money in our military or our strategic oil reserve that joes policies have dismantled and depleted to a bare minimum which should worry everybody in the event of a war against the US… and who wants to go to the ocean and see big ugly windmills in the ocean or dead sea life washing ashore , because of the disturbance in the waters confusing the migratory routes for whales and other ocean mammal's…

Bart's photo
Sat 12/09/23 04:46 AM
Edited by Bart on Sat 12/09/23 04:59 AM
I hope he does dictate on day one or how ever many days it takes to bring this country out of the despair and degradation that Joe and the liberal morons have put this country thru… your own post says Biden called Trump a dictator.. the more you distort the truth , the more you lose trac of lies told… if you are truthful you don’t have to remember what you may have posted in the past…not sure how clear it that Biden’s doing a better job. According to the people that count ( the voters) only 32% think they are better off under Biden…. No way you can distort that fact…

Bart's photo
Fri 12/08/23 03:22 PM
You do know that smart and stupid , is not the definition of good and evil, so what is your point about Trump calling Putin smart ? He also called Scarface a smart criminal . But for Biden to call Trump a dictator shows his willingness to deceive and lie about anybody standing in his way.just to empower hisself. Biden is inching more to a dictatorship than his baseless theory of Trump being a dictator. Look at all the executive orders from Biden that are hurting or will hurt the average Americans pocket book. And what about NATO ? I never here about other countries sending millions of dollars of weapons to aid Ukraine, a few at best maybe, … and yes Joe Biden is doing a number on the American people, like Trying to pull the wool over our eyes, but he’s not that clever…surely you understand that even a economic disaster like we got with Joe will eventually turn itself around just because people get tired of doing without and are willing to gamble with their savings.. but it’s still a fact that people aren’t feeling what Biden is shoveling…

Bart's photo
Thu 12/07/23 11:55 AM
Nothing wrong with green energy if we can count on it to sustain everybody in this country but it will be many years until we are at that level so we should not disrupt the only reliable source we have depended on for all of our lives..How many millions of dollars did Biden spend on putting charging stations across the US and not a one has been installed yet..Renewable energy is a good idea but we don’t know enough about it to manage it in a more economical way than the ever abundant fossil fuels…

Bart's photo
Thu 12/07/23 06:57 AM
Criticize Putin or didn’t criticize Putin, the fact remains the same. With Trump in office Putin didn’t invade with Biden in office Putin invaded.. simple to understand no matter how you spin it… asylum isn’t givin for just any reason , but Biden seems to think the millions that have entered and remained in our country illegally are suppose to stay here. Most of these people are legally disqualified from entering our country period. Just because we are the land of opportunity doesn’t mean we should be held responsible to enrich everyone’s lives…

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