Community > Posts By > WarElephant

WarElephant's photo
Sun 05/04/08 01:21 AM
Haha, like I've said in other threads similar to this one, reading this stories makes me so glad I'm a single, young, hedonistic male. The concept of relationships and marriage have become almost comical in our society at this point in time, and it's no wonder more and more people are becoming hurt by behavior such as this.

I'll just keep spreading my seed.

WarElephant's photo
Sun 05/04/08 01:17 AM
Voting Democrat or Republican at this point is almost tantamount to treason, I don't see why you all still argue about it like it matters.

WarElephant's photo
Sun 05/04/08 01:15 AM
This is good stuff.

Also, are you aware that the pilgrims were lazy, socialist bastards, who died en mass because of their sloth? That's why Thanksgiving is such BS. There's nothing to thank the pilgrims for--the winter of 1622 was a disaster.

WarElephant's photo
Sun 05/04/08 01:11 AM
You put up some of the most pathetic arguements I have ever seen. You know nothing of the "legal system" (which by the way is so I see where you get your foundation..and is COMMON KNOWLEDGE to anyone with a half of a thinking brain.

The legal system is not inept so much as the people in it are. Again, you are quick to say I don't know anything, but again, you neither know me or my educational background, so it would be best not to make yourself look like an ass more than you already have. Then again, I don't count on people who base their politics on emotional hate-filled outbursts to really follow my line of thought.

So go put your hand into a fire..or better yet, go sit on train tracks where a train is coming at 100 mph. Sit there..look to see if there is precedence that shows you should get off the track. Hell, I'll stack all the law books you want right there on the tracks for you, so you'll have everything to look through! So you just search to your widdle hearts content..that is until the train splatters what little brains you have. noway laugh I would LOVE to see that! At least then you will have made the world a better place in which to live! noway :tongue: laugh laugh flowerforyou

Are you threatening me here? While I personally don't care, I don't think JSH would condone that on their property.

So where's the precedence for that??? There is none! And since you need precedence to rule your life..go sit on the train will be doing the world a favor! You may even set a new precedence!! "Don;t sit on train tracks when train is coming"..that way all your kind will might help your own kind!!! drinker drinker laugh laugh

Last time I checked, asking for some evidence to back up outlandish claims and political posturing was not the equivalent of sitting on railroad tracks, but I guess I'm not ignorant enough to understand analogy. While I have asked you over and over again to justify yourself in this thread, you have continually done nothing but called me names and are now an advocate of me dying. All in the same thread.

Very nice. Now I'm still waiting for solid defense of your argument other than petty insults and all-American whining.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 12:27 PM

screw her best friend that'll teach her

Oh my God, I love the way this one thinks. <3

YES. Bang her hot friend stupid. That's what I would do.
just throwing idea out i wouldn't do that sorta thing

How anti-climactic. :cry:

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 12:25 PM

To make yourself attractive to today's MODERN woman, you must use every tool at your disposal. ;)

Does this include telling them to piss off? It seems that works the best with some of them.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 12:22 PM

screw her best friend that'll teach her

Oh my God, I love the way this one thinks. <3

YES. Bang her hot friend stupid. That's what I would do.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 01:30 AM
Forget your ex and start engaging hedonistic single males.

You won't be sorry.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 01:27 AM
As much as I dislike militant evangelicals, I'm not reading anything from MSNBC.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 05/03/08 01:25 AM

I have had enugh nonsence from you pro war *** to gag me the evidence is overwelming that it is a disaster unfolding and america is far far far worse off because of it. things are so bad they have to mail out free money to help revive the economy being strangled by trade imbalences government debt devalued dollar and high gas prices.......MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

I'm probably more "anti-war" than you are, but I guess that wouldn't be true since I don't agree with you. What a Bolshevik you are, gtfo of America.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 10:44 PM
ROFLMAO..Oh now I see! You are talking "presidents"??? I forgot, you like a "political debate"..right??

Are you illiterate? I said precedent.

Although I will not attempt to research from a "legal" standpoint, there will be a common sense role to play here.

No, because it would be common sense to a Chinese person in the mainland to kill everyone in Tibet. There has to be an actual offense which you have yet to list, but I will continue to respond to your inane points.

Just as I was telling Fanta regarding the "illegal immigrants". They came and are here illegally correct? Therefore, by simple sense, they have committed a "crime". in a "legal" standpoint, they are in fact criminals because they have committed an "illegal act". Correct?? Of course.

Illegal in what context? There is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that there is a "proper" way to annex any territory. So again, I ask, where is the legal precedent here? More importantly, where is the POLITICAL precedent? Last time I checked, Hawaiians are not being thrown into ovens.

Now the proper thing to do, is return them across the border from which they came. Correct?? Of course.

Except they already reside within the country they came from.

Again, it is CLEAR, and even ADMITTED, the United States committed an ILLEGAL act.

Again, I'm waiting for some evidence of this. Contrary to popular belief, posting something on the internet because you are upset does not make it true.

So there does not need to be "presidents" for something that is COMMON SENSE! Thats like saying "what president do you have saying that if you stick your hand in a fire, you'll get burned". Do you REALLY need such explination??? Or would COMMON SENSE dictate.."you put your hand in the fire you;re gonna get burned!!!".

No wonder you hate the United States. You don't even have a sense of what our justice system is comprised of, since you essentially just bashed the concept of precedent, when in fact, THERE WOULD BE NO UNITED STATES WITHOUT THAT LEGAL TRADITION.

You need to pick up a book.

It's NOT a complex situation and in this case it's actually very easy, since even the United States admits to doing this ILLEGAL act. So no president needed by any means. Illegal act committed, illegal act admitted. CASE CLOSED! noway huh

Isn't "case closed" on a debate point usually indicative of a false cause? Oh wait, no, sorry, it's just what people do when they can't back up what they say.

Again, I'll wait for your reasons other than "I HATE THE USA" blah, blah, blah.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:41 AM

Oh! A question from Mr. Brilliant..Mr Knoweverything??? yawn

And "North American"??? Oh yeh, real intelligent. huh yawn

I'll be the first to acknowledge, I probably do know more than you. But that is irrelevant. What is relevant to this thread is you have failed to answer all of my questions from previous posts. Again, what precedent do you have for supporting a free Hawaii? Ethnic cleansing arguments do not count.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 01:22 AM
Listen, I hate to break it to all the tribalists here, but anyone who did any conquering and succeeded usually did it very efficiently. Ever hear of the Iroquois? Those people wiped out and "stole" land from hundreds of other tribes during the course of pre-European America. How about the Turks? They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Christians and then relocated the rest over the course of four centuries. What about the Khazars? The Huns? Both of them wiped out tons of slavic peoples and settled down in lands that weren't theirs. And you want to know what's even crazier? The people they conquered weren't native to the area either--Romania, anyone?

People conquer lands. There are winners and their are losers. Get over it. Texas, California and New Mexico ARE NO LONGER PART OF MEXICO, get it through your thick skulls, and stop whining. The same goes for that guy in the other thread who wants Hawaii to be "freed." Seriously, go outside.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 01:07 AM
Ugh, I have no problem with people coming here legally, but the hurdles should be very high. In fact, becoming a citizen in the U.S. is a lot easier than most other post-industrialized nations like in Europe. You have to LIVE in half of these countries for sometimes at least twenty years just to be ELIGIBLE for citizenship. Not just anyone should be able to come here; we don't need the trash, because God-knows, we and Americans make enough of it here at home as-is.

I think we need a closed borders policy that works in conjunction with a stricter immigration standard. That said, the U.S. should NOT be used by other peoples as a refugee camp--that should be considered a federal offense, imo.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 12:12 AM

Blah blah, ad hominem, blah blah blah. You're not even Hawaiian. You don't know jack about me or my politics; especially since I'm technically the one on this board calling people out for being ignorant, jaded Americans. You just don't like the political incorrectness associated with my previous posts, and completely ignore the political questions at stake because you don't even have an argument.

Like Fanta said, go ahead and try to "take back" Hawaii. I'm not scraping your carcass off the road when you're done, though I'll be more than happy to smoke my Romeo y Julieta in the plentiful pineapple fields afterwards.

LOL..your pic should be titled "open mouth..out comes the crap" noway laugh yawn

Was this supposed to be funny? Because it wasn't. Shut up, Norte Americano.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 05/02/08 12:09 AM

excellent!! nice to see you all active! rush, looking good!! :-p

i just joined jsh and ofcourse noticed in the forums no orlando community? is this site new or something?

I think that applies to the whole state. There's no community in South Florida either on this site. No one lives close to anyone. :/

WarElephant's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:29 PM

Ron Paul hasn't a chance. There's no way he can get enough electoral votes.

That's the worst reasoning ever to not vote for someone.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:27 PM

Considering you know nothing of me or my education, your blatant attempt at ad hominem attacks are quite amusing. I am well aware of my nation's impending depression, but last time I checked, Hawaii is a part of the U.S. just like any of the other 49 states. Tell me, restless native, would you rather prefer we leave your inconsequential islands in the dust of history? You and your kind are just upset because you have nothing better to do but ***** about how the U.S. government treats you horribly, and how you're not living in grass huts anymore. Seriously, get a job and a life.

LOL, I know you perfectly! Your kind is very simple, you have a little book knowledge, but could not hold your own in this world without someone else carrying you, telling you what to do and how to do it.

Once again, all you have are WORDS and claim everyone is "attacking you" (a very common trait among many with inferiority complexes).

And again, what is REALITY is what stares you in the face, but all you have is WORDS that mean nothing. drinker

I'm not a native of Hawaii. I am an American. And have seen the likes of you and your kind destroy what was once a great country, because you self served yourself right into destruction.

Glenn Beck said it straight.. the American people did it to themselves! I'm just one of the few that had sense enough to prepare. so your actions won't really affect me.

So as you fall, I laugh, because justice to your kind is being served. drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

Blah blah, ad hominem, blah blah blah. You're not even Hawaiian. You don't know jack about me or my politics; especially since I'm technically the one on this board calling people out for being ignorant, jaded Americans. You just don't like the political incorrectness associated with my previous posts, and completely ignore the political questions at stake because you don't even have an argument.

Like Fanta said, go ahead and try to "take back" Hawaii. I'm not scraping your carcass off the road when you're done, though I'll be more than happy to smoke my Romeo y Julieta in the plentiful pineapple fields afterwards.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:57 PM

Yeh, and whats even more cute is when arrogant pr*cks think they have "rights" and they don't really even have a clue. And they sit back with what looks like a turd in thier mouth spouting off cander from an insecure and low IQ brain. Don't ya think??? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

Low IQ and insecure. Right. You found me out!

And what do you mean? I DO have rights, they're God-given, and no one can take them away from me. Before you start dispensing internet flames, maybe you should consider that there are real problems in this world to be dealt with--things like broken borders, inane monetary systems, and taxation--as opposed to your little "Free Hawaii" thing that has absolutely no legitimate grounds for political debate.

ROFL..grounds for political debate??? I'm sure you're a master debater! drinker laugh laugh

And all your words mean nothing. You interject bs. You should be an American politician, you'd fit right in! All mouth, no action!

The proof is right in front of you..America is on the verge of economic collapse! How are your words going to fix that?? it was all the people like you doing nothing but TALK. So keep talking while America falls! You have nothing but words...and worthless words at that. you're own standing in the world shows your REAL place...ignorant, arrogant and going down fast! drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

Considering you know nothing of me or my education, your blatant attempt at ad hominem attacks are quite amusing. I am well aware of my nation's impending depression, but last time I checked, Hawaii is a part of the U.S. just like any of the other 49 states. Tell me, restless native, would you rather prefer we leave your inconsequential islands in the dust of history? You and your kind are just upset because you have nothing better to do but ***** about how the U.S. government treats you horribly, and how you're not living in grass huts anymore. Seriously, get a job and a life.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:43 AM

did ya watch it

Yeah, it was decent. I think O'Reilly went too easy sometimes on her.

For those who missed it...

Part 1

Part 2

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