SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Tue 01/29/13 01:38 PM

I'm leaving this thread before I turn lesbian or something sick

Lezzy-ism aint easy. Believe me, I tried..didn't work. Oops. Back to being 'me'..whatever that is. tears

woohoo!! good day for men everywhere... especially Chicago...

Did ya know....
...That Chi-town has more gay men than women?????


well, i guess they are excluded from my last comment...i'm not sure, but i don't think gay men are competition for women...

Not really. I get along with gay men surprisingly well, and there's no competition :tongue:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 08:07 PM

Sure. If the price is right, why not.


Simplicity, in your case, a move to another state would mean escaping a state that has the worst credit rating in the USA. That should be worth something. bigsmile

Nah, I'll wait for the 'moolah.'

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 08:05 PM
My mythical person visits me in my dreams every night.
He has wings and can fly ~

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 07:38 PM

Women that use million dollar words
Women that dont shave thier legs and underarms
Women that talk or text during a date
Women that have to be right all the time
Women that over apply make up

I totally agree:

MEN that use million dollar words
MEN that dont shave thier legs and underarms
MEN that talk or text during a date
MEN that have to be right all the time
MEN that over apply make up

Men that dont shave their legs??? And men that over apply makeup?? Wow!!

Yep. You'd be surprise how many there are out there happy

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 07:31 PM
Sure. If the price is right, why not.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 07:29 PM

Because 98.9 % of woman are crazy and ungratful

You are Wrong!!!!

..More like 99.5%

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 06:46 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 06:06 PM

what is love for you?

greasy food and beer while watching a crappy sci-fi movie

Sounds good to me.

Ya'll read my mind!

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 06:02 PM

Do really BOYS like SEX ON FIRST DATE?

Yep. Sometimes they don't even want the date...just the sex. It's a caraaazy world out there. Be careful, Dear.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 05:54 PM


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 05:48 PM
It's Lame.

But I like lame, so it's all good... :smile:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:59 PM

This summer I will be embarking into the natural forest of north east Oklahoma in search of Big Foot. I will camp out in the woods with sophisticated camera and audio equipment to record the events. This will be the most intensive search that has been done to date. Pray for me. I hope that I come back.. alive.

Cool. If you do see him, please tell him I said 'Hi!'


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:56 PM

Women that use million dollar words
Women that dont shave thier legs and underarms
Women that talk or text during a date
Women that have to be right all the time
Women that over apply make up

I totally agree:

MEN that use million dollar words
MEN that dont shave thier legs and underarms
MEN that talk or text during a date
MEN that have to be right all the time
MEN that over apply make up

Yep, definitely missed you around here.

So nice to be missed blushing

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:30 PM

Women that use million dollar words
Women that dont shave thier legs and underarms
Women that talk or text during a date
Women that have to be right all the time
Women that over apply make up

I totally agree:

MEN that use million dollar words
MEN that dont shave thier legs and underarms
MEN that talk or text during a date
MEN that have to be right all the time
MEN that over apply make up

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:28 PM

Approach prospect and say:
'Hi, I know this is lame...but 'Hi' anyway.'
(twitch nervously)

(Now walk away)


Now that's funny. Walk up with a limp then pull of a joey how U doin? Hahaha.

How wrong. I meant useful info.

Hey, if it works for ya, go for it!

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:19 PM

guys that don't read your profile to find out what your looking for then get upset when you don't want to befriend them due to the fact that they are over 8000 miles away!

guys that think they are God's gift to women and absolutely gorgeous (in their mind) and have no idea why you don't want to marry them instantly, despite the fact they are from another culture, another country and don't even have a clue who you are or what you are about.

After being on here for less than 1 day, I blocked half of the people that were contacting me, as I couldn't believe the crap I was getting from them, let alone the rude comments.

I have been contacted by some very nice people, which makes up for it, but guys, please read the profiles, it will let you know what someone is interested in.

You can set age and distance limit in your mail settings.

I think it's bc they get (overly) excited when they see a new fish in the pond. Lol.

There should be a setting where you can put 'seeking for intimate encounter with inanimate object'.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 04:08 PM
K, let's talk about pizza...
...cuz I'm hungry :smile:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 03:44 PM
If you wanna grab anything, grab your own balls and see how that works. Lol. Trying to impress others, really. I think I best sleep at night if I please myself laugh

*ahem*...on a serious note, I agree w/what Teditis said about success is being comfortable with yer own skin~


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 03:38 PM
Nice 'essay.' For real.
My advice....take a deep breath...and blow out all that anger. Lol.

And about what that lady said to you: take it with a grain of salt, and move onto something better. Not everyone out there is like that.

Good luck.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 01/28/13 03:21 PM

what I still in the christian neighborhood here? Whatever happened to that sweet heavenly vow 'for better for worse' You guys are making it sound like its great fun to be married today, & start looking forward to divorce from tomorrow. Is there anything that is even remotely close to christianity? Just saying...

i blame the women...

...PMS, right? :tongue: