SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:34 PM
Edited by SimplicityAtItsBest on Fri 11/09/12 01:34 PM
Great profile.
So much energy ; so little time.
Being energetic is exhausting, isn't it.
Hope you meet like-minded, adventure-seekers such as yourself.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:30 PM

Maybe it's time to move to Colorado :tongue:

That's what worries me. Now everyone is going to move here. LOL

Oh no!
Get ready for the stampede of pot heads coming your way...Haha.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:24 PM
Maybe it's time to move to Colorado :tongue:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 12:41 PM

Possible but often a relationship is a joke. Not that it is funny when you're in one but you should learn to laugh at life.

I agree. Most of the time, it is a joke. happy

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 12:27 PM
Haha. Another funny one.
But shouldn't this be in the jokes section though?

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 12:24 PM
A little shyness is cute.
I just don't like being the one filling in all the gaps all the time.
Get my drift? Lol.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 12:07 PM
There are approximately 7 billion people on this planet...
Plus or minus a billion.

Alone? Never.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 11:57 AM
Sometimes people look for happiness by getting into relationships.
...The 'I'll find someone to make me happy' mentality.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 11:48 AM
Their Thanksgiving/family reunion episodes are the best. Haha.
Love watching the food fights! laugh

What a waste of food though.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 11:33 AM

hey princess, your profile says your a man, and that your looking for a woman,, anything you want to tell us?

Haha. I just noticed it too! :smile:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/09/12 11:25 AM
Just Awesome! laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 05:54 PM

punch him in the throat. case he didn't get the message first time round laugh

Better yet -
Chop off his ballz and send him on the next train to...Nowhere.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 05:53 PM

This guy emailed me a couple times and I replyed once but haven't had time to reply since. He emailed me to day calling me a c0ck tease and loser idiot b/c I haven't replied. Then in the same message tells me what a nice guy he is. REALLY?????noway Wow, I work 40-60 hrs per week, have a life outside the computer and have to sleep sometime....right? Not to mention he is in FLA and I'm in MO.

I've encountered a few psychos like him on this site.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:18 PM

too fast when you go on your first date and they want you to go on vacation with them.

Ahh, the 'lets take a vacation together' trick.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to kill ya scared

The ax in the trunk is only for firewood.

That's what he wants her to think.
We all know what the ax is really for.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:16 PM

You like the hairy feet.

Yes, hairy webbed feet! :tongue:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:02 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

I prefer the hobbit :tongue:

Of course, that's the only way you can find men shorter than youbigsmile

Hobbits are SEXXY! drool

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:01 PM
:laughing: laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:55 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

I prefer the hobbit :tongue:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:55 PM
Not over the top at all.
Nice pics/great descriptions.
Good luck in your search!

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:44 PM
Don't know....
but I see her in my oatmeal every morning laugh