SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 04:16 PM

Some photos are fake.

True...but you really can't be skeptical about it. I mean it is the Internet...everything can be fake here. Even if the person has 100 pictures they all can be stolen from an other person... background stories can be easily made, hell if you think about it, until you meet the person face to face you cant even know for sure the sex of that individual...voice can be modified through programs in real time, you can even hack programs to displace fake video...See? PARANOIA hahahaha, always assume that what the other person is saying / showing is true other wise you will drive yourself crazy plus...all relationships, no matter how superficial they may be, require certain level of trust.

...Wow, so I was wondering...
What program do you suggest I use if I want to 'modify' my voice?
Always wondered what it'd be like to sound like a man.

Or the killer from Scream. "What's your favorite scary movie?"

I don't really have a favorite scary movie. Hmmm..maybe Hellraiser.
Either way, how do I sound like a legitimate male without having any surgery or taking male hormones?
Whats up with that voice changer program?

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 04:12 PM

I wish that women would try to avoid communicating during the following:

Football game- Any topics that are not of the emergency status (meaning someone is dying or passed, etc) need wait till halftime. I know halftime is brief, but you'd be surprised how quickly a dude will communicate all the topics his lady wants to go over within that seven minute time span. After the game is over, communication can continue. Respect the football game and your man will love you more for it.

During sex- Okay, unless you wanna know how how your man wants to treat you like the pornstar he loves watching, then all other conversation topics can wait. Don't ask about the bills, or what's for dinner, or how should you guys work on fixing up the house. A man needs to concentrate so he can satisfy his women. No extra undue stress need apply.

When he is working on fixing something that is broken in the home- You want him to be the repair man right? Well, then please be kind and stay back. Allow the man to do his thing. If he is attempting to fix a leaky faucet, then don't come around five minutes (after he has begun to work on the faucet) and talk about other stuff. The man needs to analyze the issue. He needs to focus on the one problem. He doesn't need you coming around with more issues. Give him about fifteen minutes on the faucet and then just simply come by and see if he needs any assistance. Once he has assessed the damage and knows how he is gonna fix it, then let him tell ya about it and then ask him about other things.

These are but a few examples. Guys don't mind communicating. We just hate it when you ladies wanna communicate at the most inappropriate time.
:wink: :tongue: laugh

Don't talk to a woman that is putting on her mascara.
Don't talk to a woman when she is doing the dishes.
Don't talk to a woman when she is taking a shower.
Don't talk to a woman when she is on the phone.
Blah blah... excuses....women multitask... if we didn't all you dudes would not have gotten the care and protection it took for you to even still be here.
p.s. favorite porn star?? It's an image.... not the real thing...I will never understand how that is even an option. Your woman should be your favorite thing.

Nice wish to have, but it aint gonna happen.
The male species will never give up on their porn star fantasies.
It's useless to try to change that.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 02:07 PM
Tough crowd, eh.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 01:59 PM
Straight to the point laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 12:29 PM

Some photos are fake.

True...but you really can't be skeptical about it. I mean it is the Internet...everything can be fake here. Even if the person has 100 pictures they all can be stolen from an other person... background stories can be easily made, hell if you think about it, until you meet the person face to face you cant even know for sure the sex of that individual...voice can be modified through programs in real time, you can even hack programs to displace fake video...See? PARANOIA hahahaha, always assume that what the other person is saying / showing is true other wise you will drive yourself crazy plus...all relationships, no matter how superficial they may be, require certain level of trust.

...Wow, so I was wondering...
What program do you suggest I use if I want to 'modify' my voice?
Always wondered what it'd be like to sound like a man.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 12:19 PM
What's wrong with ranting? I come on here specifically just to see who's ranting laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 12:14 PM

IS it that they want their women to have implants ?! OR Botox? What is the real Scoop, Men?spock

The real scoop is that fake **** are horrible

I would rather have a spotty floppy pair of bee stings than a huge pair of plastic ones.

I agree, fake **** are not very attractive. Maybe at one time when they first came about it was a little exciting to know it was possible but they never perfected it lol Now days, natural boobs and a natural figure on a women is whats most attractive. Meaning that a little weight is totally fine ladies.flowerforyou

...How much is a 'little' weight...5lbs, 10lbs...20lbs + ?????
Inquiring minds want to know...

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Mon 02/04/13 12:12 PM

natural is best

Which would you choose???

They are both natural so which would you pick... Inquiring minds wanna know???

If I was into women, I'd pick the 2nd one.
The hair did it for me love

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:57 PM

If I love her, I don't want sex right away. If it's lust, I can hardly wait to get her in the sack.

...Making a mental note of this...


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:54 PM

Does this tu-tu make me look younger?

Nice Gut...and that's the 'truth'

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:52 PM

Lower Limit = (Your Age ÷ 2) + 7
Upper Limit = (Your Age x 2) - Lower Limit

Awesome. I didn't know there was a formula for this. Thanks!


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 02:49 PM

I would like to think that age doesnt really matter,
but it does in most cases.
I prefer men older than me by maybe 3-5 years.
plus 10-12 is probably my highest limits.
dated boys my age,
and most of them either still looking around for whats better
or just not mature enough mentally.

Mental immaturity has something to do with it but not always.
I know of 'grown' men that are still shopping around for what's better.
It never ends with them 'males'. Lol.


Man hater!

Dang. U figured me out.


SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 11:48 AM

what makes you do that?

I do just the opposite. Be a real @sshole on the first date.
If my date can handle it, then we'll talk about a 2nd date.
I'm saving all the good stuff for later, if there is a later shades

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 11:43 AM

I know what you mean Tee
I have been single for 7 weeks now and I do feel smarter!
I'm diggin on being single and not dating.
I must love my own company happy

Not only do women get smarter when they stay away from men, they suddenly no longer have faults. They become perfect.

Its a mystery.

We get smarter because there is no man around to do our thinking for us as they suck the life's blood out of our brains.


Nothing more perfect...than being perfect in our own little world happy

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 02/01/13 11:37 AM
Haha. He's a cutie!

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 01/31/13 08:19 PM

I get butterflies :)

The last time I had butterflies, it turned out to be just gas sad

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 01/31/13 08:15 PM

Y is it that women cheat more than men??gosh

Really, ya think?
Men, doesn't matter who cheats more.
I would just drop them all in the same 'scumbag' load.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 01/31/13 05:52 PM
I'm not gonna kiss someone I dislike or am not attracted to. Simple as that.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 01/31/13 05:47 PM

Cause the truth is rather unpleasant.

I couldn't agree more.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Wed 01/30/13 06:24 PM
Why are you putting up with that crap???

Sorry, had to ask.

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